Altea root syrup - marshmallow: instructions for use, dosage for children and adults, composition, reviews, analogues, contraindications, duration of admission. Altheus root syrup - at what age can children be given, at what cough to take: with dry or wet?

Altea root syrup - marshmallow: instructions for use, dosage for children and adults, composition, reviews, analogues, contraindications, duration of admission. Altheus root syrup - at what age can children be given, at what cough to take: with dry or wet?

The article will tell you about the advantages of this drug and the rules for its use.

Althey root syrup - marshmallow: composition, indications for use

ALTEYKA cough syrup has a unique natural composition, because the main component of the drug is the altei root extract. Auxiliary components are ethanol, nipazole and sugar (improves the taste of the syrup and allow it to drink easily).

“Altai” is a syrup with a powerful expectorant, in addition, the root extract is rich in vitamins and amino acids that accelerate recovery and improve the course of symptoms of the disease. The Altai helps to dilute the mucus and remove it from the respiratory organs with a reflex cough. Another positive properties of the root of Altey - it has a mild anti -inflammatory effect, which relieves the swelling of the bronchi, lungs, respiratory tract.

Altai syrup amber color and very sweet in taste
Altai Amber Syrup and very sweet in taste

Altheus root syrup - at what age can children be given, at what cough to take: with dry or wet?

Cough in children can be difficult to cure. Each parent tries to acquire the most effective tool to his child, which has a mass of properties and is completely harmless. If your baby has a cough, remember such a syrup as the root of Altea or the Altai.

The uniqueness of the means is that he fights with any kind of cough: dry and wet. Of course, the root extract has contraindications, the first of which is the age of the baby up to a year. You can give syrup if your baby is already fulfilled 1 year, if not, make a decoction from the root itself.

Altai root
Altea root

Altheus root syrup: instructions for use and dosage for children up to a year and older than a year

IMPORTANT: with any of the listed disease, the root of the alteus will help to easily clench sputum.

How to take syrup:

  • Children (1 year) -0.5 tsp. (1 or 2 times a day)
  • Children (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 years) -1 tsp (2 or 3 times a day)
  • Children (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 years old) -1 D.L. (4, 5 or 6 times a day).
  • Children over 14 years old and adults -1 tbsp. (from 4 to 6 doses per day).

Important: small children should dissolve the syrup in water and let drink. The period of treatment with syrup is prescribed by a doctor, but most often it lasts from 7 to 14 days.

How and how much to drink this syrup?
How and how much to drink this syrup?

Altheus root syrup: instructions for use and dosage for adults

The root of Altey has a wonderful enveloping property, as it has plant mucus in the composition. This also gives a sedative to the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs. The use of syrup will help to remove viscous sputum with an exhausting cough. Adults drink alteen syrup (not children's "marshmallow") follow 1 tbsp. 4 times a day and 6 times, if the disease is acute.

Is it possible and how to drink alteen root syrup during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

The syrup has contraindications for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since the extract of the natural component can provoke an allergic reaction (itching, redness, poisoning) or intestinal disorder.

How to take an altei root from cough to adults and children: before meals or after meals?

Altea syrup should be taken internally, adhering to age recommendations. You need to drink syrup strictly after eating. Small children can dose a dose of syrup in a quarter glass of water at room temperature.

Altea root syrup: how many days should adults and children take?

The time and duration of taking syrup from the root of the alteus depends on how acute you have the disease. As a rule, syrup treatment lasts from 1 to 2 weeks (the maximum is 14-15 days).

Features of the use of syrup from alteen (root)
Features of the use of syrup from alteen (root)

Altheus root syrup: analogues

If you do not have a syrup of "marshmallow" or syrup from the root of the alteus has several analogues (have similar composition and action):

  • Septolte -it has a powerful anti -inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.
  • Dr. MOM -a drug with a combined composition of therapeutic rastrity.
  • Gedepix -the drug based on anise oil and ivy leaves.
  • ACC -auxiliary drug for sputum liquefaction.
  • Stodal -a syrup of pleasant caramel taste for the treatment of any type of cough.
  • Combigrip (syrup) -a comprehensive remedy for the treatment of cough and colds.
  • Drunk -expecting drug based on drug ivy.
  • Mukhaltin -expecting a remedy based on an alteen root extract.
  • Dr. Tissa syrup -expecting agent based on plant components.
Analogs of the marshmallow
Analogs "Altai"

Altheus root syrup: contraindications, side effects

This syrup has a basis for the natural extract of the plant, and therefore can have some contraindications. But it is worth noting that he does not have many contraindications. You can give syrup to children who are already a year old (if not, take it carefully).

It should be abandoned by taking the syrup from the root of the alteus only if a child or adult has a strong sensitivity to his components. If you notice a rash or redness on the skin, intestinal disorder, nausea or vomiting, you should refuse to take the syrup or reduce its dosage.

Important: there are also simple carbohydrates in this syrup, which means that it should be carefully taken for people with diabetes. In the treatment of the "alteite" of children, you should carefully monitor the reaction of the baby so as not to provoke an allergic attack and deterioration.

Altea root syrup: reviews on use by children

Polina:“I consider syrup from the root of Altey the most effective and safe means of cough: dry, wet, strong, periodic, chronic, any! With confidence in his action, I drink it myself and boldly give the child. You can buy a medicine at any pharmacy: it is always in stock and is not expensive. If you have been looking for syrup for a long time from exhausting coughing, try the "marshmallow" for the nursery or syrup of the root of Altea. "

Konstantin:“I am not an adherent of synthetic drugs that we are observed in a large assortment in modern pharmacies. I am always treated with what nature gives: infusions, decoctions, lotions and compresses. An exception with a strong cough for me may be the alteen root syrup (it is important to read the composition so that there is nothing there except extract and sugar). It is also nice that it is not expensive, and especially what always helps! ”

Anna:“The Altea's root syrup advised me by a friend who was impressed by the quick getting rid of coughing in her children. Then I tried it (I did not have to wait long). You know, a really effective drug. I understand that in different pharmacies you can buy syrup from different manufacturers, but they always have the same composition. ”

Yaroslav:“For several years in a row I have been giving children only to children“ Alteyka ”(children's analogue of syrup from the root of Altey without alcohols). You know, we never had any allergic reactions and the product always helped. Adhere to clear age recommendations for the use of syrup and do not exceed the dose - that is what is important in the treatment of cough. Also, during the period of the disease, the child should give a large amount of drinking (water, teas, infusions). This will significantly accelerate the recovery and well -being of kids! "

Video: "The secret of the root of Altea: How is it unique and useful in treatment?"

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