What is a provider in simple words and how to find it? How to find out who is the Internet provider in my city?

What is a provider in simple words and how to find it? How to find out who is the Internet provider in my city?

In this article we will talk about who the providers are and how they work.

Everyone needs several components to connect with the Internet - a computer, a browser and a provider. If you have a computer, then there is definitely a browser, it remains only to deal with the provider. Let's find out who it is and how to find it.

What is an Internet provider?

Who is the provider?
Who is the provider?

The provider is a company that has special equipment and is able to provide Internet access. Simply speaking, it is a supplier.

To start using the capabilities of the Internet, you need to access the provider servers through which he provides the right connection.

Millions of users are on the Internet today, but at the same time companies that can provide access to it very little. So customers can only get a small part from the overall ability of the channel. What specific speed will be determined by the type of connection, as well as a bought tariff. The latter are everywhere and the more expensive the tariff, the more speed you get. Accordingly, if you want complete unlimited access without restrictions at all, you will have to connect the most expensive tariff.

When drawing up the contract, the client is provided with a login and password, according to which the user is identified.

How is the Internet connection: scheme

Let's talk about how the connection of your computer and provider is carried out.
For example, you received a stable connection between the computer and the right server. In other words, now you are a client of the provider. With the help of a special program, this is usually a browser, a request is sent from a computer to the server to receive data.

How does the provider work?
How does the provider work?

The server processes the request and transfers it to the server where the page is saved. On such servers, all sites and other information that may be present on the Internet are preserved.

The Internet server accepts a request and, if it can convey what you ask, it sends it to the provider’s server. Accordingly, after that, the provider transfers the result to your computer.

The result of this chain is the download of the site in the browser on the monitor. If the chain is interrupted in some place, then a notification will open about the impossibility of downloading the desired site.

How and where to find a provider?

How to find a provider?
How to find a provider?

Each provider has certain areas of service. It is difficult to call any one company that would work everywhere. Although, there are such - these are MTS, Rostelecom and other popular operators. They are just providers.

There are others that work only in separate areas. So, if you want to connect a high -speed Internet, then ask your friends, perhaps they will tell you where it is better to contact and which Internet is more profitable.

Features of the Internet connection: tips

When connecting to the Internet, some features must be taken into account.

Features of connection

The sequence of Internet connection consists of several stages, regardless of whether there is a router or not.

First, select a suitable provider that will provide access to the Internet. It is important to note that you do not need to go far for this, because each provider has its own site. Open the resource and see the following data:

  • Requirements for your equipment, it is possible that it is provided
  • Internet capabilities - unlimited, limit, work area, other nuances
  • The cost of tariffs
  • The conditions for the provision of services - whether to pay free and so on
Conditions of provision
Conditions of provision

After that, contact the supplier’s office or leave an application in any other proposed way. Ask all the questions you are interested in after calling the operator.

After drawing up a contract with the provider and its signing, technical support is included in the work. The time is assigned, and a master comes to you, who will do everything you need.

Look at the supplier’s website Rules for setting up equipment, if you install it yourself.

There, look at how the computer and other gadgets are configured so that you can work without problems with the Internet. Basically, additional settings are not required, but there are exceptions.

Do not forget about the timely payment of Internet services and everything will work well. If problems arise, then most often they are eliminated by technical support forces.

Features of payment

Internet connection
Internet connection

The Internet is never provided for free. But the user of the computer is not always paid for access. Sometimes by Wi-Fi you can connect to the Internet for free. Basically, such an opportunity is provided in a cafe and public places. The connection can be protected by a password and it is provided only to customers.

Features of tariffing

There are tariffs where the Internet is provided with permissible tariffing. In other words, you pay during your stay on the Internet. And there are tariffs where payment is carried out for traffic or it is completely unlimited. This option is much more profitable and to find out if it is necessary before connecting. Otherwise, at the end of the month you can get a very large account that you definitely will not like.

Methods of connection

The Internet connection is carried out by different methods. The slowest is the connection through a simple modem or telephone line.

The best of all are high -speed connections:

  • Adsl - This is a quick data exchange by using a telephone line
  • Lan - is carried out along the dedicated line. To make such a connection, the provider must stretch the wire from his equipment to your
  • Wlan -is carried out by connecting through a SIM card
Ways to connect the Internet
Ways to connect the Internet

It is worth noting that these types of connection are not available everywhere. It is also important that the selection of the connection method is determined not depending on the preferences of the client, but on the area of \u200b\u200bhis residence.

Although, everything changes very quickly and gradually tariffs and the connection method develop and change. So over time, it will be possible to change the tariff to a more suitable or even change the provider of services.

When using the Internet from the provider, you must understand that you pay exclusively for the Internet. After setting up only one line, it can be used for different computers and gadgets.

It is important to say that if your Internet is connected through a regular wire, then you can configure a router and distribute Wi-Fi through it. This will allow you to be on the Internet simultaneously from different devices.

Video: How to find out your provider?

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