Fines for traveling to the forest, access to the reservoir, for ice in 2023: new in law. Where to still leave the car, how to legally drive up to the water closer than 200 m?

Fines for traveling to the forest, access to the reservoir, for ice in 2023: new in law. Where to still leave the car, how to legally drive up to the water closer than 200 m?

This article describes different cases that can lead to fines when traveling to the forest, to reservoirs, breeding a fire in 2023. You will also find out what can be done to avoid penalties.

Recently, innovations have appeared in the Law of the Russian Federation on the entrance to the water protection zone by car closer than 200 meters. If earlier it was possible to come by car in the forest, to the ponds, on the ice, now you can get a fine for this. Read more below.

Fines for traveling to the forest and access to the reservoir in 2023: new in law

The street is warm and sunny, which means that the time has come in nature. Where do people try to go after heavy gray workdays? In the forest or to reservoirs to take a break from the city. And in order not to get into an unpleasant situation, you need to know new amendments to the Law of the Water Code of the Russian Federation. Pilies for the porch to the reservoir 2023:

  • With the ban on the movement and parking of any transport in the water protection zone, you can find in Art. 65 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation (clause 15, part 4).
  • It says that it is forbidden to move outside the road and parking of a car outside the road or specially equipped places that have a special hard coating.

IN 2023 Fines provided for in Art. 8.42 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, increased now: they make up:

  • from 2000 to 5000  rubles ordinary citizens
  • 8500-12000 rubles for officials and legal entities
  • 200,000-400,000  rubles For organizations

Before you go on vacation to the forest, you need to know what status this territory has.
The entry is prohibited and a fine for leaving is provided:

  • On the area where natural monuments are located.
  • To places where there are natural, state and national monuments.
  • In botanical and dendrological gardens.
  • In natural reserves.

According to art. 8.32 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation For entry into a limited forest area, depending on the type of violation, a fine is provided in the amount from 1000 to 4000  rubles.

Where can I still leave the car by the river, and how to lower the boat without a fine in 2023?

You can lower the boat without a fine.

With the onset of the long -awaited warmth, we all love to go to nature, to the river to go fishing or just relax. Before doing this now, you need to get acquainted with innovations in the field of nature protection:

  • With the beginning of the fire hazardous period, it is forbidden to breed bonfires not only in the forest, but also on the sites adjacent to the house (building).
  • Moreover, entry into a limited forest area is punishable by a fine in the amount 2000-5000 rubles with car confiscation.
  • Such territories include nature monuments, reserves, dendrosades, national and state parks and other zones (look more than the text more).

It is important to know: Such zones are usually indicated by special signs. Therefore, you should pay attention to such signs.


  • When leaving for the reservoir, it is necessary to remember that it is forbidden to install the car directly on the shore.
  • Depending on the size of the reservoir, you can leave the vehicle for 50-500 meters to the shore.
  • The shore of any reservoir belongs to the water protection zone, violators of the Law of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation are awaited 3000-4500 rubles.
  • Along with patrolling, violators will be monitored using video surveillance.

It should be noted: The water protection zone is also indicated by signs.

Where can I still leave the car by the river, and how to lower the boat without a fine in 2023? Here is the answer:

  • The entrance to the shore will not be considered a violation if the car is no more 5 minutes.
  • This time is enough to unload (load) a large -sized swimming agent (boat) without worrying about the punishment.

As you can see, the law of the environmental economy is harsh, but there is still a chance to lower the boat. If you just put it to the reservoir, unload things and immediately take it to leave the car in the permitted territory, then no one will write a fine to you.

How to go fishing for a pond in 2023 without violating the law: Rules

Here are a few more rules that will help by the law leave a car by the river, or come fishing to the reservoir without violating the law. So, going to relax on nature, do not forget that you can get a fine for entering the river or travel to the forest.

If you do not remove the vehicle during 5 minutes - This will be a violation of the law and entails a fine.

Remember: The penalty for entry to these territories in accordance with Article 8.39 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation varies from 2000 to 5000 rubles, with the seizure of the vehicle. A fine will also be assigned for breeding a fire, which is equal to a fine for entry to forbidden lands.

Here are the rules that will help you relax without fear:

The law is still new and not in all regions he began to act:

  • It should be worked out at the regional level.
  • Therefore, it is worth finding out if this law is valid in your region.
  • If not, you can relax calmly, without worrying about the fact that you will be fined.

For 5 minutes you can drive up to the pond for unloading things:

  • However, environmental guards cannot be on duty around the clock among reservoirs or in the forest.
  • Therefore, if they overtake you near the water, you can say that you have just drove up and now remove the car in the permitted territory.
  • Another thing is if video surveillance is installed in this zone, then the inspectors will not work.

You can drive up to the pond by bicycle:

  • This method is suitable if you have a large car and it is possible to put in it, or on top of the roof, bicycles.
  • 500 meters - This is a great distance, and in 5 minutes You can not have time to unload all things. If you carry heavy things half a kilometer in your hands, then it is very difficult.
  • Therefore, for example, the boat can be lifted by car, and then leave to leave the car in the permitted territory.
  • Now load the rest of the things on bicycles and bring them to the reservoir. No one will tell you anything.

Remember: The inspectors of the environmental zone should only go on special equipment. If they drove up in a regular car, then in this case, they also violate the law. Therefore, they can be photographed against the background of the car so that the river is visible, and then attach to the protocol. You can even apply to the court with these documents. Why can security guards go by cars, but there are no ordinary citizens? Perhaps for the first time, the charge will be removed from you.

Now the penalty for barbecue, the breeding of a fire by the river, in the country, park, in the courtyard of a residential building, on a private house, in a private sector and in the forest from 2 to 5 thousand rubles: who will be fine in 2023?

Enormity vacation in 2023, along with a good mood, can bring a fine in the form of a fine. Employees of the Ministry of Emergencies, inspector-nature guide and other employees of forest and water farms, have the right to impose a fine for preparing barbecue not only in the forest and near the river, but also in their own cottage.

Important: Going to rest on nature, remember that cooking food on open fire can lead to a fine from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. The Ministry of Emergencies explains the introduction of measures such as a way of preventing fires in forests and settlements.

Now the penalty for barbecue, breeding a fire by the river, in the country, park, in the courtyard of a residential building, on a private house, in a private sector and in the forest, will be fine. The output for fans of hot meat in the fresh air can be a barbecue installed on a safe platform:

  • The site must be cleaned of grass and other vegetation 2 m From the barbecue.
  • It is forbidden to choose a place for a barbecue on peat soils.
  • Removing the site from buildings should achieve 5 meters, and from trees and shrubs 10 meters.
  • If the plot is surrounded by coniferous trees, then rest in its own cottage is not compatible with the breeding of fire.
  • Fried meat will have to be abandoned in the case of the declaration of the fire regime or the presence of a strong wind, the speed of which more 10 m/s.

Who will be fined? Sanctions are imposed on everyone:

  • Who violates the law and drives up by car close to the water or stops into the forest.
  • A fire is breeding near the houses, in the courtyard, near a private house, and so on.
  • It sets a barbecue in prohibited territories, even if the fire has not yet been divorced.
  • Even for setting on the autumn leaves and garbage in the territory of their cottage, a fine can be imposed. Garbage and leaves will now have to be exported manually.
  • The bonfire is breeding to fumigate bee hives.

Resting by the river, remember that the parking and movement of the car near the shore is prohibited. The car should be left on sites with a hard coating. When going to the forest, find out if this territory is ranked to a specially protected natural zone, for the entry of which a fine from 3 to 4 thousand rubles.

Everyone has the right to rest far from the bustle and noise. Knowledge of laws will help to spend time with benefit and enjoy contemplation of natural beauty.

What is considered a water protection zone in 2023: how to legally drive closer to 200 m to water, a pond?

Before you go on vacation with family or friends in 2023, you need to think over your route in such a way as to legally drive up to the pond closer than 200 m. Restrictions on a car stop at the entrance to the water, the reservoir is registered in the Law of the Russian Federation. Having familiarized him with him, we can conclude that there are three ways to leave a car near the reservoir:

  • Directly on the road
  • In special areas having a solid coating
  • Not near the territory of water protection zones

Conclusion: If there is a road or special parking near the reservoir, then the car must be delivered in these territories.

According to 4 parts of Art. 65 in the point about the protected territories describes a different width of water protection zones, depending on the size of the water bodies themselves:

  • Streams and rivers up to 10 km - water protection zone 50 m.
  • Streams and rivers from 10 to 50 km - water protection zone 100 m.
  • Streams and rivers from 50 km - water protection zone 200 m.
  • Reservoirs and lakes - 50 m.
  • Seas - 500 m.

It is important to know: The distance of the drainage zone is calculated from the line of the coast.

If you carefully familiarize yourself with the law itself, it is clear that the entrance is far from every pond of the pond 200 m.

Advice: Before you go to the water, read the length and type of the reservoir to know your rights.

A fine for traveling to ice by car in 2023: New in law

Winter time is considered a dangerous season, as the number of victims increases, and this is due not only to road accidents. Such a danger can be associated with ice fishing or other actions when motorists travel to the ice on their vehicle. Therefore, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to amend the law related to the entrance to ice reservoirs.

The innovation in the law in 2023 concerns punishments if people with the machine are in unidentified places. Dangerous places are marked with special warning signs. Car enthusiasts can be punished in such cases:

  • If the motorist drove on a vehicle to the place where there is no crossing to places that are not organized according to safety precautions.
  • If a person is followed by a walk to the place where information about the ban on such actions is indicated.
  • Motorists who arrived by car to the place where the ice went away and a sharp warming took place, due to which the ice began to melt by car.

For traveling to ice in 2023, fines are provided. Here is the size of such sanctions:

  • Ordinary citizens will pay a fine in the amount 500-1000 rubles.
  • People who hold certain positions and legal entities from 1500 to 5000 rubles.
  • Enterprises or organizations will pay a fine from 5,000 to 8000 rubles.

Remember: In different regions, fines will be different.

Violating the laws, the motorist should be afraid not only for the amount of the fine, or for the fact that he will be held accountable. But it is also worth protecting your health and life, as well as the life of those people who are in the same machine with you.

You came to fishing, a picnic, or for ice fishing, and you do not want to leave the car too far, then information from this article will help you. Each person strives to drive as close as possible to the place of rest. As mentioned above, it is now a crime, because it is a water protection zone. The car should be at a distance 200m from the reservoir. Remember this so as not to pay fines and not spoil your rest. Good luck!

Video: Entrance by car into the water protection zone

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Comments K. article

  1. But the people did not vote for immoral idiots.

  2. This is exactly when we chose them, they were adequate. What happened now is incomprehensible.

  3. Read the law. You can’t only put the car for five minutes, but you have no right to drive past! There is no need to confuse people.

  4. Dear friends. It becomes sad to live in this country. My friends are mostly already there!, And many have not survived. The joy of fishing was repelled, our fathers were discharged from the enterprise on the output car and fishing, now it is possible. Only a collar, fine. Probably when dividing into their (almighty) and us (slaves or who?) Life is one nightmare. Remove those who lived earlier and make a herd b ... ..v (which is done). What else will come up with, but probably think.

  5. Author, can you give a link to the legal act, where it is said about 5 minutes to describe the boat?

  6. i read this law and just went nuts. I can’t promote this I just have no words. I was speechless.

  7. Those who invented this law did not think about people with a normal psyche before that would not have thought of that or vice versa they want to angry people with us a lot of fishermen, this law actually prohibits amateur fishing if the elderly man left the car for 500 meters first for every forgotten nonsense will be Run Cross 1 km in the second, crooks will be able to do anything with the machine, this sophisticated mockery of people would like to look at the physiognomy of this moron who invented this horseradish

  8. Now there are no nobody monitors the many remaining and emerging new enterprises in the emissions of any shit in the river, which does not even smell in treatment facilities. Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans who are engaged in gardening in the floodplains of rivers, their fertilizers not only flow into the rivers, but clogged the fields lying to the forests, from which the forest begins to wave. This is the damage, it must be cruelly for this. And from the car, and even more so the bicycle, which simply stand by the reservoir or on the outskirts of the forest, what is the damage? They no longer know why they would come up with a fine, soon for the fact that we will breathe. For the birth of a child, it is also necessary, another damage to our ecology.

  9. Now there are no nobody monitors the many remaining and emerging new enterprises in the emissions of any shit in the river, which does not even smell in treatment facilities. Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans who are engaged in gardening in the floodplains of rivers, their fertilizers not only flow into the rivers, but clogged the fields lying to the forests, from which the forest begins to wave. This is the damage, it must be cruelly for this. And from the car, and even more so the bicycle, which simply stand by the reservoir or on the outskirts of the forest, what is the damage? They no longer know why they would come up with a fine, soon for the fact that we will breathe. For the birth of a child, it is also necessary, another damage to our ecology.

  10. I will add more boats and ships after which clip of fuel oil and large fuel spots swim. Why don't they write the laws for them and the above?

  11. When a plant or any enterprise stands on the banks of the river and lowers the tones of chemicals and other garbage into the water, they close their eyes to this, but to stick a poor fisherman, here the state is sternly, not to go away to the river, and spit on the constitution.

  12. Problem

  13. Interesting

  14. And what they wanted! Everything, capitalism has come. There is nothing more for people, everything is only for money. Enjoy the air for free ... for now ...

  15. Zhirinovsky said. Open from pensioners. That you are pressing them all. There are more important goals for the state or this decision is not a state level. And now I would say about ordinary people

  16. Again, sovereigns of the henchmen went against the people. Techs were wiser with their heads, now they got to the access roads to the rivers. One word of freaks, the people can move you and can move you away. Do not grandfathers, brothers, brothers shed and spill them so that they were their own so that they were their own people The bureaucrats were rotten

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