What to give a child to a girl for the New Year: gift ideas, photo. What gift to give a little girl, a first -grader, a teenager for the New Year? What to give the girl for the New Year inexpensively: ideas of inexpensive gifts, toys

What to give a child to a girl for the New Year: gift ideas, photo. What gift to give a little girl, a first -grader, a teenager for the New Year? What to give the girl for the New Year inexpensively: ideas of inexpensive gifts, toys

Options for gifts to the girl for the New Year.

The girls' parents consider them small princesses, and therefore strive to purchase fairy -tale gifts. Fortunately, there is no shortage of toys now, so you can choose everything that you like. At the same time, you can give non -standard, interesting gifts.

What to give a girl for 1 - 2 years for the New Year: ideas of gifts, toys, photos

At this age, girls only know the world, so all toys should be safe. They should not contain filler, bulk and harmful substances. The child, if desired, can lick them and drag them into his mouth. Consider it. The most undesirable are soft toys, as most often stand on the shelves and fall dust, this can cause an allergy or asthma of the baby. Do not chase supermodly and advertised toys. Most often, their price is unreasonably high.


  • Simple nursing
  • Children's cuisine from durable material without small details
  • Vegetables or fruits, like puzzles with Velcro in the middle
  • Balls, large designer
  • Soft cubes with drawings of animals and vegetables
  • Interactive toys that bark, cry and say
  • Bath toys
Kid's Kitchen
Kid's Kitchen
Doll for a girl
Doll for a girl

What to give the girl 3 - 4 years for the New Year: gift ideas, photo

At this age, most girls have a desire to fashion and flirt. That is why you can give them a variety of children's funds to care for themselves. Dolls and their image change are very interesting for girls. Develop femininity and love for a beautiful in a girl.


  • Long hair dolls and a large number of hairpins
  • Self -care products
  • Hairpins, combs and other beauty objects
  • Skates
  • Talking dolls that need to be fed, change diapers
  • Interesting designer with girlfriends
  • Beautiful dress or carnival costume
  • Molbert and Markers
A set of children's cosmetics
A set of children's cosmetics
House for dolls
House for dolls

What to give a girl 5 - 6 years for the New Year: gift ideas, photo

At this age, it is worth preparing a child for school. To this end, you can purchase training items and games. These are puzzles with letters and a variety of role -playing games. At this age, girls also care about their beauty, so they will be happy to get children's cosmetics.


  • Orbiz. With these gel balls, bathing will turn into an interesting game
  • Puppet clothing sets
  • New interesting books and encyclopedias
  • Training games, preparation for school
  • May Little Pony or Reinbow Desh
  • A variety of dolls that are now popular
  • Subscription for a horse walk
  • Swing
Dance rug
Dance rug
Set for beauty
Set for beauty

What to give a girl 7 - 8 years old for the New Year: gift ideas, photo

At this age, girls are students of schools, so they want to seem no worse than their peers and classmates. Talk to the child, perhaps the girl wants something, what classmates have.

Gift options:

  • Bracelet weaving machine and elastic bands
  • Buster weaving and leather cords
  • Tablet
  • Chemical experiments
  • Paints for windows
  • Aquagram for painting details
  • Khna or tattoo drawing sets
  • Entertaining games
  • Beautiful princess costume for the New Year's ball at school
Weaving machine
Weaving machine

What to give a girl 9 - 10 years for the New Year: gift ideas, photo

This is already a decent age, so the girls are changing significantly. Most of them pay little attention to their appearance, so it's time to instill a love for the girl. Teach her to take care of yourself. It is at this age that the first experiments are carried out on their appearance and face.

Gift options:

  • Carrier
  • Sand
  • Headphones in the shape of ears
  • Projector starry sky
  • Device for making sweet cotton wool or popcorn
  • Beautiful case on a mobile phone
  • 3d-bonneman
  • Funny alarm clock with interesting ringtones
Projector starry sky
Projector starry sky
Curling iron
Curling iron

What to give the girl 11 - 12 years old for the New Year: gift ideas, photo

Girls at this age are quite demanding, they have prevailing tastes. That is why do not give useless gifts. If you were invited to visit on the eve of the New Year holidays, you should not purchase clothes for a small princess. Girls at this age themselves can choose an outfit, and perhaps your present will not be to your taste. Therefore, choose a more useful gift.

Gift options:

  • Mini-camera for spy games
  • Selfie stick
  • Sephon's remote control
  • 3D light
  • Gathets
  • Case on the phone or tablet
  • Snezhkolev
  • Electronic fish in the aquarium
  • Gel ant farm
  • Ocean wave projector


Gel ant farm
Gel ant farm
3 d lamp
3 d lamp

What to give the girl 13 - 15 years old for the New Year: gift ideas, photo

Girls of this age are already quite developed and take care of themselves. Actually, therefore, you can give something to care for the skin. Many girls suffer from acne and acne, so a variety of masks and antibacterial agents will be by the way. But this gift is quite intimate and requires knowledge of what skin the girl has and what is not suitable for cosmetics. Therefore, we recommend that you give something more universal and necessary.

Gift options:

  • Training apparatus
  • Bracelet for fixing the pulse during a run
  • Set of decorative cosmetics (large palette)
  • Camera or camera
  • Subscription to the pool or fitness center
  • Certificate for professional photography with makeup and hairstyle
Running bracelet
Running bracelet
A set of decorative cosmetics
A set of decorative cosmetics

What to give the girl for the New Year inexpensively: ideas of inexpensive gifts, toys

If you are not so close to the girl, but you want to like it, then you can show your attention in the form of an inexpensive and simple gift. It can be simple and necessary little things that are useful in the house or in study. Souvenirs that improve mood are also popular. It can be some funny and unusual objects.

Gift options:

  • Flash drive
  • Antisress toy
  • Lip balm
  • A spoon for coffee
  • Funny teaspoon for tea
  • Gloves or mittens
  • Cute scarf
  • New Year's socks with deer
  • New Year's drawing mug
Lip balm
Lip balm
Komarik in a cup
Komarik in a cup

You can surprise and please the girl inexpensive and pleasant trifles. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to give a good mood.

Video: Gifts to a girl

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  1. The first-grader daughter is interested in science with us, began to go to classes of the biological section. We decided to buy her Sititek digital microscope, which will be useful to her in high school.

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