Why is dandruff? The reasons for the appearance of dandruff on the head

Why is dandruff? The reasons for the appearance of dandruff on the head

The article will talk about the main reasons for the appearance of dandruff, its symptoms and varieties.

Dandruff is a common cosmetological problem, both women and men. It spoils the appearance as a whole and causes a lot of inconvenience. Also, dandruff can cause itching and burning of the scalp. If dandruff is not treated, it is able to develop into seborrhea. Due to dandruff, the general condition of the hair worsens, they cease to shine and begin to fall out. To overcome dandruff, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of its appearance.

What does dandruff on the head of men appear?

Dandruff is a fairly common problem in men. There may be several reasons for its appearance:

  • Incorrectly selected detergents. Dandruff may appear due to overdrying the scalp. Perhaps a man uses a shampoo with a high alkali content, so the skin on the head is overdried. A similar problem can occur with frequent washing of the head. The skin does not have time to develop a natural protective fat layer, as a result - the appearance of dandruff
  • Non -compliance with personal hygiene rules. Sometimes men neglect their heads, or do it extremely rarely. This can cause dandruff
  • Bad food. Excessive use of “slow” carbohydrates, such as sweets, chips and fast food can disrupt the overall health of the body. Also, because of them, the balance of body cells changes and dandruff and other cosmetic problems may appear
  • Hormonal disbalance. In adolescence, it is normal if the guy has acne and dandruff. This is the influence of excessively raging hormones and complete restructuring of the body. If the man is already over 30, and the symptoms are the same, then you should consult an endocrinologist or urologist. Dandruff, in this case, can only be the first problem in a series of hormonal diseases
  • Incorrect daily routine. Stress situations and lack of sleep do not affect the appearance in the best way. Also, this may be one of the reasons for the appearance of dandruff
  • Lack of vitamins. If the body does not have enough vitamins and trace elements, as well as unsaturated fats, the skin begins to peel off
Dandruff in men
Dandruff in men

What does dandruff on the head of women appear?

It must be remembered that dandruff is a fungal disease that can be transmitted from person to person. For example, when using a comb or elastic bands for hair. The main reason for dandruff is the fungus of Pityrosparum Ovale, which begins to actively multiply under favorable conditions. The reasons for the activity of this fungus are the reasons for the appearance of dandruff:

  • Non -compliance with personal hygiene rules. Incorrect washing of the head can lead to dandruff and other hair problems
  • Allergic reactions to cosmetics. For example, for shampoo or hair mask
  • Devices such as hair dryer and hair irons dry not only hair, but also the scalp. They are able to provoke dandruff. Using these devices must be minimized
  • Poor nutrition and lack of vitamins can also cause dandruff. With vitamin deficiency, dandruff appears in the spring and passes in the summer
  • Hormonal changes. For example, during pregnancy and breastfeeding in women, dandruff is observed. If the body is healthy, then after the onset of hormonal stability, dandruff will disappear
Dandruff in women
Dandruff in women

Symptoms of dandruff on the head

You can recognize dandruff by a number of signs:

  • Itching. One of the first symptoms is periodic itching of the scalp, especially after washing
  • Dryness of the scalp or, on the contrary, excessive secretion of skin fat. Violations of the glands of the scalp provoke abnormal secretion of the protective layer
  • The appearance of skin scales. In contact with the scalp, the skin begins to exfoliate. Its particles can be found on the hair, comb and clothes
  • Do not confuse dandruff and seborrhea. These concepts often combine, but dandruff can exist separately from seborrhea

Why is there a dandruff on the head in the form of a crust?

Violation of the sebaceous glands often lead to the appearance of not only dandruff, but also seborrhea. It occurs as a result of blockage of the ducts of the glands and the incorrect metabolism in the scalp. There are several types of seborrhea:

  • Seborrhey on oily hair. This type occurs with excessive production of skin fat. In this case, dandruff has a yellow color and an oily structure. Often, it forms a yellow crust at the surface of the hair
  • Seborrhea on dry hair. This type of disease occurs with severe overdrying of the scalp. In this case, the dandruff does not form crusts, but is actively pouring on the hair and clothes
  • In rare cases, mixed seborrhea is observed, when different sections of the head are affected by different symptoms

Yellow dandruff on the head, reasons

Yellow dandruff appears as a result of improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. Skin fat is highlighted much more than necessary to protect the skin. He begins to accumulate at the roots and block air access to the skin.

Also, he clogs the channels of the glands, which provokes the release of new portions of fat. Fat seborrhea needs to be treated with cosmetic products, methods of traditional medicine. Also, you need to find out the causes of improper functioning of the glands of the skin.

Yellow dandruff
Yellow dandruff

White dandruff on the head, reasons

White, dry dandruff the most common type of seborrhea. It occurs when the shampoo and other cosmetics are incorrectly. The main reason for white dandruff is the overdrying of the scalp. In order for dandruff to disappear, you need to restore the balance of the scalp and remove harmful factors.

White dandruff
White dandruff

Dandruff and hair loss

As already noted above dandruff - it is a fungal disease of the scalp, associated with impaired metabolic processes in the skin. Hair will receive all nutrients precisely from the scalp where the hair follicles are located. If the skin is out of order, then the hair cannot be healthy. Do not treat dandruff often leads to abundant hair loss. In severe cases, it provokes baldness.

What to do if dandruff appeared on your head?

  • The first thing to do is to find out the reason for its appearance. Without elimination of the reason, it is impossible to overcome dandruff
  • If necessary, consult a doctor. After all, dandruff can only be a visible indicator of some diseases
  • Balance your diet, use more natural products. Since a large amount of sugar provokes the appearance of dandruff, reduce its use
  • Use shampoos from dandruff and special ointments. They will help restore the fat balance of the scalp
  • Use antifungal drugs. However, before their use, you need to consult a doctor, find out contraindications
  • If the problem is hormonal failures, then the endocrinologist will prescribe special hormonal drugs
  • Cosmetic procedures that destroy dandruff: special masks, introduction of subcutaneous injections, scalp massage
Treatment of dandruff
Treatment of dandruff

What is the appearance of dandruff on the head: tips and reviews

  • Dandruff says that you do not carry out the head of the head and picked up poor cosmetics
  • Often, dandruff appears unexpectedly. It is not difficult to cope with the initial stage of the appearance of dandruff. It is enough to eliminate the reason for its appearance
  • Dryness of the scalp can be caused not only by external factors. For example, with dehydration of the body, all the skin is peeling away. Drink more clean water
  • Dandruff may appear due to poor ecology. Do not walk in the rain with an uncovered head and without an umbrella
  • Constant dandruff for no apparent reason is an indicator of impaired health. If cosmetic procedures do not help, dandruff is a good reason to see a doctor

Video: dandruff - causes and treatment



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Comments K. article

  1. I had during pregnancy, the gynecologist explained that it was because of the hormonal surge, I used the shampoo with dandruff from horsepower with ketoconazole, soapy, dandruff passed.

  2. And I used shampoo and Dry Dry Balm from dandruff. They enhance each other's action and dandruff passes very quickly. And the hair looks much better than before use.

  3. Personally, the shampoo Naftaderm helped me from fat dandruff. It is shown with seborrhene dermatitis and really gives an effective result.

  4. Excellent shampoo from dandruff Sebropirox 911. The treatment is not fast but effective. It is not expensive, it smells nice. She cured not only dandruff but also treated her hair.

  5. I like the pharmacy tool Twins TEK Paste Sulsen Forte. Contains Sulsen an active dermatological component. The pasta removes dandruff, exfoliates dead cells and normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, a couple of weeks of use and dandruff as was not. The paste smells pleasant and such an orange color.

  6. Shampoo Sebropirox 911 helped me in the fight against dandruff. And in general, it affects the health of hair very positively.

  7. So I don’t know for what reason I had dandruff, but I helped me to get rid of it. I chose that the shampoo be the healing, I also liked that he had a tar in the composition, known to all his healing properties. By the way, my hair condition improved after Berestine.

  8. and I had a hairdresser consultant in dandruff. She was the first to note that dandruff and her hair appeared and advised the Naftaderm shampoo. Then I already read on the label that she was precisely from the fat content of hair and dandruff. The recommendation was excellent, right on the topic. Perhaps that is why it helped quickly. Dandruff passed.

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