Is it true that violets on the windowsill destroy personal life? Is it possible to keep violets at home: folk signs, superstitions. Violets in the house: is it good or bad?

Is it true that violets on the windowsill destroy personal life? Is it possible to keep violets at home: folk signs, superstitions. Violets in the house: is it good or bad?

In the article you will learn about all signs related to indoor violets. Also read information on how to keep them at home.

Many legends are known among the people about various colors, in particular, there are many invented folk signs and superstitions about home violets. Unfortunately, these judgments do not always carry joy, happiness, grace. They say that violets negatively affect the personal life of the owners of the apartment. Even despite the fact that the flower looks very cute and beautiful, the Old Believers claim that such a beautiful plant in the house should not grow. How correct is it to you to judge.

Is it true that violets of loneliness flowers, muzhegons and destroy personal life?

Judging by women who are fond of breeding these pretty indoor flowers, personal life does not depend on the presence or absence of this plant in the house. The hostesses themselves and claim that the violet is able to give only warmth and joy in the apartment, especially when it blooms.

What is interesting is that many women who have such plants have married children. Therefore, the myth that flowers affect personal relationships and are most likely fiction. Much depends on the psychological mood. If the girl is tuned to loneliness, then she herself model herself, thus, the future.

Homemade violet - signs

Is it possible to keep violets at home is good or bad: folk signs, superstitions

According to superstitions, violets provoke negative reactions, more details:

  • They have a poor effect on emotional mood, in particular flowers provoke bad mood, quarrels, conflicts in the family.
  • They carry strong female energy, as a result of which ladies living in the house feel useless, and men become depressed and spineless.
  • For some reason, such flowers are also considered grave, before they were planted in the cemetery in order to calm the souls of the deceased. Therefore, carrying these plants to the house is a bad sign.
Folk signs about violets on the windowsill
Folk signs about violets on the windowsill

Despite all of the above, there are still signs of prescription and opposite to the negative, in particular:

  • According to oriental signs, the presence of violet in the house contributes to the reign of the world, harmony in the family hearth. Plant flowers pacify others, smooth out conflict situations.
  • If an acute lack of money is observed in the family, then the flower attracts flows of monetary energy. This is the statement of the Eastern sages.
  • White flowers - drive away suffering, save the owners of the house from bad thoughts.
  • To attract money and pacify the appetite, “get out” with violets with red flowers.
  • Blue violets positively affect people with creative potential, inspire them to create new works of art.
  • Among other things, in order to drive uninvited guests from the house - ants, put the violet on the windowsill. You will not see these annoying insects anymore.

Violet bloomed: sign

If the flower in the house is fragrant and blooms almost year -round, then you are carrying out the right departure behind it. Provide timely watering, fertilize the soil correctly and the plant receives exactly as many rays of luminaries as it needs. Blooming violets are capable of their appearance to improve the mood of households and health status. Especially active people - they normalize the balance of energy.

In addition, if you have multi -colored violets in your house, they say:

  • if it blooms white flower, then a girl awaits a date with a young man
  • if pink violet blooms, then you will succeed among friends, you will be adored
  • red Blooms - to romantic love, passion
  • lilac portends - the meeting is very important for you
  • purple - warns of a series of events that will turn your life over.
Blooming violets
Blooming violets

Important: violets are not picky plants, it’s not at all difficult to achieve their flowering. The main thing is to choose the right place for their location, care to them correctly.

Violet was presented: sign

What girl does not like when they give her flowers. It is especially good if these plants are in a pot, then they will delight the hostess with their flowering, beauty for a long time.

  • If the beauty is presented with a white flower, then she will meet her beloved in the near future. The girl should talk with the flower daily. To find out the guy will become her husband or not, you should ask the plant. In the case when the violet throws new flowers, then - yes, if she begins to wither, then no.
  • If a woman is given to a woman, and a new flower of another shade will appear in the pot, then the beauty will soon become a mother.
  • If the guy gives a pink violet to his girlfriend, then this flower will feel how their relationship develops. The plant will get sick if lovers quarrel or part.
Violet as a gift
Violet as a gift

Violets: Home benefits

First of all, in the presence of violets in the room, the atmosphere changes. After all, such flowers are very beautiful, they can be admired. Even animals are positively related to these plants and choose their favorite flower. And the violets themselves are attached to one of the living in the house. They say that if a person is sick, then his plant begins to wretched.

The benefits of homemade flowers

How violets affect health: signs

The flowers do not affect health, as mentioned above, they simply feel human pain. Also, if the energy in the room is positive, then the violets feel great, they grow well, the leaves become healthy, beautiful. In this room you can make a nursery. Your child will grow healthy, strong.

Violets - effect on health
Violets - effect on health

Which violets are better to keep at home?

Flowers are called in a different way-Senpolia. You can keep in the house any plants of this name:

  • white - give strength to a woman to maintain order in the home
  • red - eliminate excessive transference, lazy people give strength to work
  • blue - Get rid of boredom, depression
  • violet - activate the process of wisdom, harmony in the family.
Best gift. violets
Best gift. Violets

Is it possible to grow violets at home?

Based on all of the above, violets are not only possible, but you need to grow at home. Of course, this process will be useful only to those gardeners who love and want to engage in plants. If you do not have time to care for them, then it is better not to grow flowers, they will simply become without attention over time.

Growing violets
Growing violets

How to place violets if there are many?

To make the plants comfortable, they grow well, they should be correctly placed. But it happens that there are so many violets that there is already not enough space on the windowsill. In this case, you should make racks or buy shelves. In addition, each flower needs appropriate lighting. To do this, experienced flower growers install daylight lamps on these racks.

Home violets - superstitions
Home violets - superstitions

So, if you decide to get such a flower, then act, do not listen to superstition. The flower does not affect personal life, and even more so it cannot be a murderer. If quarrels occur, strife in the family, then you need to look for the source of the reason in another. Perhaps it would not hurt you to reconsider your views on life, change for the better. Then all the hardships will go around your house.

Video: Violet on the windowsill: sign

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