Shopogolism - what is it? How to get rid of shop -generation and why is it bad?

Shopogolism - what is it? How to get rid of shop -generation and why is it bad?

Schopogolism is a very common occurrence, but it is a solo dependence, which is important to get rid of. In our article we will tell you where it all comes from and how to deal with it.

Schopogolism is an uncontrollable craving for purchases without special need. This concept appeared relatively recently, but despite this, there are more and more people who are fond of shop -generation. Schopogolism is also called oniomania when just crazy purchases are made.

Often, such a hobby is equated with drug addiction or other addictions. Although, such attraction does not affect women well, but such an attack will not pass. The most important sign of this dependence is the absence of the need for a purchase, which is committed under the influence of emotions and incomprehensible traction.

Why is shopaholism appear - disease: reasons

The causes of shop -Golism
The causes of shop -Golism

Schopogolism is a strong desire, to buy something without the need for these things. In other words, when the subject makes the purchase, he enjoys it. So, purchases are made simply for entertainment and with a special meaning.

According to experts, shop -enormous is more common in women, when they are not enough attention, they are internally devastated, lonely, they want recognition. Very often after parting with a loved one, women begin with depression, which they dispel with the help of shop -Golism. Gradually, the pain goes away, and the dependence remains.

There are other reasons that contribute to the development of shopogenism - this is a poor willpower, a sense of power and control, a desire for freedom, adrenaline, love, and so on. Even children's injuries can move a person to shopogenism.

Poor self -regulation leads to a decrease in the ability to balance the characteristics of the personality in order to achieve the intended goals. And if you combine this with the subjective need to buy, then this bad habit often appears.

The illusion of power lies in relation to consultants and sellers. After all, everyone likes it when it is courteous and flattering. Moreover, some objects can really be regarded as some attributes of power.

Shopping allows you to create the illusion that your own existence is controlled, and a person is free. After all, he thus reduces anxiety, relieves depression, and also increases self -confidence. A person has the opportunity to buy what he wants, and not just what is needed. This is what a feeling of freedom appears from this.

Where does shopaholism come from?
Where does shopaholism come from?

Adrenaline is also a kind of drug for the body, as you quickly get used to it, and from here depends on dependence. It is required to receive more and more. Usually people are engaged in extremely to recharge with adrenaline, but shop -enormous is also a good source, because you have to make decisions on the acquisition of certain goods.

Due to the lack of love, a person can also become a shopping man. Often, if a person was not loved in childhood, he lacked attention, and so on, then he can become a shop -Golik. That is, undergoing love, thus, is compensated.

If a person has a bunch of unresolved psychological problems, injuries or it is difficult for him to communicate with people, he is inclined to disappointing and depression, then the purchase of something new can be considered an attempt to console himself.

Moreover, shopaholism is a closed circle. When an unnecessary purchase is made, a person regrets his expenses and he is ashamed of his relatives. Of course, the mood falls and apathy arises, and only new purchases help to get rid of it.

Among other things, the causes of shopogenism can be conditionally divided into the following:

  • Specialty. If you do not know what the word is “no”, then you simply will not have arguments for the inner voice, which asks to buy something. Perhaps you grew up the only child in the family or you were too much loved that you were ready to perform every whim. So, you are already accustomed to immediately receiving what you want and even regardless of the consequences.
Schopogolism is a disease
Schopogolism is a disease
  • Envy. Your girlfriend has a new iPhone, but you don't have? You only think about how to fix such injustice, even if you don’t know why you need this gadget? Maybe you had to carry out clothes for sisters before, and now you are trying to show that you can afford everything? Or maybe you just try to match the stars of the company instead of looking for your style?
  • No hobbies. Do you have any hobby? And except how to watch telly in the evening or leaf through the VKontakte tape, there is nothing more to do? So you just have a boring life and, walking shopping, you try to diversify it. And despite the fact that you buy things, neither in fashion, nor in gadgets, you do not understand. Try to deal with trends and then start a new life.
  • Dependence on the environment. The more expensive things, the cooler you are and everyone pays attention to you? So you are striving for this. But does it help?
  • Low self-esteem. You think that new things will make you better. But, when you remain alone, you no longer hide from yourself behind things. You are also unhappy with appearance or character.
  • Inability to fight emotions. Often in magazines it is recommended to use purchases as a fight against a bad mood. You read them and decided that this tool is the best from any trouble. But it does not seem to you that you look like an alcoholic, who would just get an occasion?

How to recognize shop -enormous: signs

Signs of shop -Golism
Signs of shop -Golism

Not every person who loves to spend money is a shop -gum.

There are many symptoms that help to recognize the dependence on purchases:

  • When you go to a meeting with girlfriends, to the cinema, to the rink or to the park, you always go to the shopping center for a couple of minutes. You have no special hobbies, and therefore you are ready to look at the windows for hours.
  • If you are asked to tell what is the best way to combat a bad mood, then you will say that you need to buy something every day. After all, you yourself use this method.
  • As a rule, you spend much more than you plan, and therefore hide the real cost of things from loved ones.
  • You go shopping yourself, alone, so that no one can see how you buy everything you see at a discount price tag.
  • You have several identical T -shirts, three sneakers of the same model and similar handbags. But you cannot explain why you need the same things.
  • You can’t accumulate on a new phone or trip that you have been dreaming about for a long time. After all, all deposited money requires you to spend it.
How to recognize shopaholism?
How to recognize shopaholism?
  • First, you ask sellers to show a lot, and then you become ashamed that their zeal is not justified, and therefore, be sure to leave with the purchase.
  • You borrow someone can do, and each time you come up with fantastic reasons. And you devastated the entire credit card and constantly climb in installments.
  • When you visited the store, then you have a failure. You don’t even understand where all the money was spent.
  • Purchases give you joy, but already at home it all passes and immediately the thoughts begin, to whom to give it all.
  • In the closet you can often find things inappropriate to you and style.
  • You do not think that you have any problems. You're just a girl and that’s it.

If at least two points from the above are inherent in you, then you are to some extent a shopaholic. You are constantly pursued by the desire to buy something and even no matter what prices, whether there is a necessity and whether there will be consequences. This dependence is comparable to gambling, alcoholism, anorexia and so on. You clearly did not expect it to be so serious.

How to get rid of shop -Golism: Ways

How to get rid of shop -generation?
How to get rid of shop -generation?

Of course, if you want embezzlement, you can go to a psychotherapist who will help to escape from addiction for a decent amount. But, if your shop -enormous is not too strong, and does not harm finances, then you can cope with it yourself. You just need to change some views.

  • Attitude towards oneself

Think about what you really want to achieve when you go to the store. Self-esteem, beauty, joy or something else? While the problem takes place, it will force you to spend money. And if you begin to eradicate only the investigation, but you will not understand the reasons, then you will get one more addiction. For example, bulimia, which is manifested by uncontrolled food consumption.

Then think about how you can still increase your self -esteem, good mood and satisfaction with yourself. Maybe you yourself know how to create beautiful clothes? Or do you dream of starting a dog with which you will feel the necessary? Maybe it is worth changing your kind of activity and money will already cease to be an important necessity?

Be sure to share with your close difficulties. They may not understand your problem, but yet you will not try - you will not find out. Clearly and briefly, tell me what shops are doing with you, and also talk about what actions you expect from loved ones. For example, pick up all the cards, bypass the shopping center, if you are together and so on.

Make a daily routine for yourself. Try to take your time as much as possible so that there is no need to sweeten your mood with purchases. Try to create your own blog, arrange an auction of things, become a stylist and so on. Perhaps this will allow you to find yourself and fans.

  • Attitude to things
Attitude to things
Attitude to things

To understand how bad everything is, take out all your clothes and take a look at how much it is. Try every thing and evaluate if you like it. Will you wear it all? Maybe it is better to give some, sell or even return to the store? Take a photo of each thing, and then put a visual collage that will help to understand what and what can be worn.

For example, in the center, place jeans, and around all the possible things that can be worn with them. Perhaps you even describe the situations where they can come in handy. Moreover, make a list of 20-25 things that will be the main ones for you this season, and do not deviate from this amount.

  • Attitude to purchases

You will not buy 5 packages of milk? So a few pairs of sneakers do not need you, especially since you do not even put them on. So that you do not have another extra couple, then make a list of the right in advance and adhere to it. Think about what purchases you definitely need. After all, some will have to be saved for a very long time.

Schopogoliki experience great weakness for sales. There is only one solution - it is important to sensibly evaluate whether you need the proposed things. The same lipsticks. Why do you need new if you still have 7 pieces at home? Do not make stocks, because we do not have the end of the world.

You should not chase the novelties. What is now fashionable, in a few months it will no longer be relevant. So, if you want to buy a very expensive camera that has just appeared, then it makes sense to wait a few months while the cost becomes lower. In addition, when you are drawn for purchases, then put down things for a couple of hours at the checkout. Perhaps you yourself will change your mind, and if not, then call someone who soberly assesses the situation and dissuade you from the acquisition. So you can rejoice at the money saved.

Learn to make purchases in samaches, flea markets and flea markets. So for little money you can collect an excellent wardrobe.

  • Attitude to money
Attitude to money
Attitude to money

Perhaps it seems to you that parents easily get money and there are always a lot of it. But try to look at their work, asking for one money for them. Or start working yourself, especially if you are already 18. So you will quickly learn how to value money, or maybe save.

Try to collect checks and summarize the results at the end of the month. Consider not only your expenses, but also parents, if they help you. So you can understand that you began to spend much more than earn money, and you will already try to restrain yourself in something.

If you just like to spend money, it is better to give it to charity. Instead of acquiring unnecessary things, it is better to buy toys in an orphanage or send them to the fund for helping children. And always remember that the approach should be reasonable for money.

Video: New disease of the 21st century - Shopogolism

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