Second-hand-exclusive clothing for a penny: features, purchase rules. Is it worth buying clothes in the Saacond Hend?

Second-hand-exclusive clothing for a penny: features, purchase rules. Is it worth buying clothes in the Saacond Hend?

The second-hand is a store where clothes are sold, so to speak, from “second hands”. Its cost is low and you can always find something interesting. This is what attracts buyers. Let's find out whether it is worth buying clothes in a second hand and why.

Seconds are very popular today and this is even despite the fact that they have been sold in them that someone has already worn. Someone claims that this is the best way to save, and someone that buying clothes in such stores is a waste of time. So is it worth buying clothes in a second hand? Let's figure out this issue.

Who buys clothes in second-hand?

Second Hend
Second Hend

When the second-hand only appeared, they were aimed at selling things for poor people who, for various reasons, could not afford new clothes. These were shops with a large amount of all rubbish, where it was rarely possible to find something suitable. To date, the situation has changed. Of course, and now in seconds there are often quite strange things, but there are a lot of interesting things. For example, there are branded things. Sometimes even with tags. So these stores have become very popular among different categories of the population, especially in Western countries.

Some retail outlets accept several thousand buyers per day in their walls and we must pay tribute to them - you will not see any boxes with an incomprehensible rag. Everything looks more than decent - hangers, shelves, windows, fittings and so on. Sellers are polite and will always help with the choice.

And the attitude towards customers became different. People of different ages come here and they do not necessarily poor. In addition, even some stars look in them. Thus, stylists solve the problem of individuality. In some categories of the population, it is even fashionable to buy things in a second.

So there are a lot of people who want to buy something interesting from the second or even third hands. But are such purchases appropriate?

Advantages of buying clothes in second-hand: Features

The advantages of the second hand
The advantages of the second hand

Despite all the prejudices, the clothes from the second-hand is still not bad and this is due to the following advantages:

  • Saving

Of course, for some it is a matter of honor if they buy an expensive thing. However, most buyers still try to save. The fact that things in second-hand are quite cheap is a great dignity. If you have a small budget, you can collect a whole wardrobe.

And among a pile of clothes there are always interesting things. It can be designer trousers, original T -shirts and blouses, which were put on and gave a couple of times, and the price for them fell several times.

  • Baby clothes

Separately, it is worth saying about clothes for children. As a rule, they need something new every season, because children grow very quickly, especially small ones. What if the family is big? Every season, parents save money and take out all their stoops. And it exhausts.

If we take into account how small children grow and their body changes, then there is not even sense to buy designer new things. Many parents are trying to find something cheaper before the start of the season, because children's clothing is expensive. Of course, maybe it itself is inexpensive, but if there are many children, they have many needs, and they have to buy for the season, then the second-hand is an excellent option.

Those who buy clothes for children in second-hand are aware that you can buy everything you need. From infant to adolescence, there are any clothes. Some give it to the tags and never used. So, almost new things can be taken in the dead. By the way, often in separate boxes are accessories, toys, cars and books. Even if a small defect is found for things, which you yourself can correct, then this is not scary, because you give very little money.

  • Originality
What to buy in a second hand?
What to buy in a second hand?

Despite the fact that the assortment of clothing in the market is offered abundant and interesting, it is almost impossible to become original in it. As for things in seconds, they just allow them to make the image more original. When dressed in such stores, you can not even be afraid that someone will have the same jacket or blouse. Such uniqueness is a big plus for those who want to stand out.

  • Fashion

Often those who consider themselves just a model of style turn their nose from second-hand. Although this is not a very true position. Yes, new collections on hangers cannot be found for sure, but elegant things that are distinguished by originality are quite. In addition, not everyone knows, but it has become very fashionable to mix fashionable news from different seasons and you can create a very interesting and original image. By the way, this is the secret of street fashion. The search for wardrobe elements for specific images allows you to create your own unique style.

  • Quality and functionality

These two parameters have already been proven and you should not even doubt it. Agree, when you buy a new thing, you never know how she will behave after washing. And in a second, things are already represented after several washes. That is, they have already proved their quality. If the thing is not stretched, its color is bright, then you can not even doubt the quality.

  • Azart

Buying things in a second hand for many resembles a hunt. It is so nice to find something rare and exclusive at a low price. For each shopaholic, this is a pleasant activity. When you find amazing things on hangers or boxes, you feel such a buzz as you caught trophy fish. Therefore, many customers are customary to boast of their new newly in front of girlfriends and on the Internet.

How to buy clothes in a second hand: Rules

How to buy in a second hand?
How to buy in a second hand?

When choosing things in second-hand, you need to be careful and inspect each item before buying. There are several basic rules that will allow you to choose high -quality and good clothes in such a store.

  • The thing should look like new

If you need decent jeans to go out, then you do not need to do any concessions. Despite the fact that this is a product of second hand, they should not have signs of repulsive. If the thing was used, then the traces should be minimal.

  • Clothing should be in figure

If you know how to sew, then do not choose things that need to be redone. It can be large, small, narrow and so on. It may just have a small defect. The fact is that you can simply abandon this thing and promise to constantly make it tomorrow. Not the fact that this is the most tomorrow or in general it will not be very soon.

  • You should feel good

It is important to consider not only the correspondence of the figure, but also the general convenience. If the thing does not sit on the figure, then in it a priori will not be comfortable.

The principle is as follows-in second-hand, you need to buy things that you could purchase for their full price. Clothing should not only be cheap, keep in mind.

Can things from the second hand be dangerous?

The danger of things from second Henda
The danger of things from second Henda

Despite the fact that things in seconds can really be very convenient and inexpensive, and also attractive, there are some dangers that you should definitely know about not to lose.

  • The illusory of benefit

The same savings may be imaginary. When acquiring a large number of goods in such places, people usually spend much more than with standard shopping. Yes, these things are more expensive, but rare.

  • Physical purity

Ecologists assure that buying such clothes has certain advantages. This is not just savings, but also health. Children's skin is very sensitive to different substances, unlike adults. As a rule, after several washes, all harmful substances from new clothes are washed out and nothing remains.

When buying clothes in second-hand for children, no matter how strange these may be, we choose more healthy ones, because they have been erased several times. Thus, the skin of the child will not give any rashes or allergies even during the first put on.

Although, many believe that this is not true, because such clothes can be even more chemistry. The fact is that the bulk comes from abroad before going to customers, it is actively cleaned of dirt and bacteria. If this is not done, then the exporter simply will not give a certificate for the sale of goods. This is exactly what explains why in second-hand, a specific and difficult smell is often hiding.

Clothing in second Hende
Clothing in second Hende

Often, even doctors say that for children you should not buy such clothes. In their opinion, too cheap things carry more danger, because they are processed with strong means. And they may well lead to allergies or irritation. When children's skin is in contact with such clothes, a rash, redness and so on can occur.

Often in popular second-hand, women with children and pregnant women come. They are not always healthy. Indeed, in places of a large crowd of people, someone will always be with a cold, and someone will become infected. The largest concentration of harmful substances is in soft toys, and clothes can infect, albeit not from the owner, but from the tried one for sure. So when buying goods, do not forget about hygiene and caution. In no case do not put your clothes on a naked body so that there is no rash. Moreover, do not touch your face and do not try your eyes.

Pregnant women should remember that for them the smell of clothes can be too sharp, although there is nothing wrong with that.

  • Energy purity

This aspect does not exist for many, but this does not mean that it is. Is it possible to wear someone else's thing? This is not only in squeamishness, but also to energy. Often we use what is not ours - we wear a jewelry girlfriend, get clothes in seconds and so on. Moreover, not everyone will think what consequences from this can be for energy and in vain.

Each person has a certain energy and if it does not coincide with yours, then the opposition from which you will suffer may arise. All things give their energy to the owners. This allows believing people to abandon such purchases.

Have you even thought about who wore this thing before you? If it was a cheerful and positive person, then everything is fine, but how many sick, unlucky, sad people gives things there. Someone even after the dead gives. By the way, experts in the field of energy say that good energy is rarely transmitted to new owners, as a rule, this is bad. That is why we can feel bad in the clothes that another person used to wear. Undoubtedly, few can connect a sudden illness with a new jacket, and in general, few people think about the energy of things. But, if one was lucky, then it is not a fact that the other too.

Although it makes no sense to get hung up too much. Moreover, on the nursery, because it is usually handed over simply because the baby has grown.

How to wash things from a second hand and remove someone else's energy?

How to wash things from a second hand?
How to wash things from a second hand?

It is not recommended to put on a thing immediately after the purchase, because you do not know who has already measured it. First of all, it needs to be washed.

How to wash clothes from second-hand for adults?

If you are not scared by the possible dangers of acquiring things in seconds, then it is still worthwhile to at least take care of your own safety. You need to warn possible harm to health and wash clothes correctly, remove all chemistry.

There are several rules for washing adult clothes from a second-hand:

  • Pick the thing at least three times so that the temperature is at least 60 degrees
  • For washing, use antibacterial powder
  • Put a double rinse function or do it manually
  • If there are labels on things, that is, they are completely new, then they must also be washed, because they were among other things that underwent processing
  • Often a specific smell is removed only after several washes

How to wash children's clothes from a second-hand?

Children's second hand
Children's second hand

If you purchased clothes for a child, then for him the processing will be slightly different:

  • Two times you can wash with simple powder, and on the third, use a remedy for kids. It is more correct to process things with hypoallergenic powder, because it eliminates dirt well and does not harm children's skin.
  • For washing, you should set a higher temperature and duration of washing. At least 60 degrees are enough, but 90 can be set.
  • If the purchased things are in spots, then an hour before the main washing, soak them in hot water with powder. It will help soften pollution. You can also buy a special children's stain, because the usual is too aggressive and is not suitable for children's skin.
  • You can use rinsing liquid. It must be added to the last phase so as not to harm children's skin.
  • Still worth rinse your clothes well. If your washing machine does not have a children's mode, it is better to activate additional rinsing.
  • After drying, things must be well ironed in appropriate modes.
  • By the way, the same departure should be behind toys. All that can be painted or rinse. Toys with batteries are best washed in dishwashers.

How to remove someone else's energy from things from second-hand?

Energy of things from second Hand
Energy of things from second Hand

If you are very afraid that bad energy could remain on things, then use several tips that will help you remove it:

  • Soak things in a pelvis with salt for several hours, and then rinse well under the tap and wash. Salt has strong magical properties and perfectly removes someone else's energy.
  • Before putting on someone else's thing, do a steam of wormwood or thyme. These plants remove bad energy better than others.
  • You can sprinkle things with holy water.
  • Contact the subject mentally. This also helps. Say to yourself, for example - “Dear thing! I know about your past, I respect him, but I ask you to serve me faithfully as the previous master. ”

So is it still worth buying clothes in a second hand? Everyone has their own opinion on this. Some are not even close to such stores, and someone is proud of their acquisitions. Truth, as always, must be sought somewhere between. Things from a second can really become a great lifesaver, if you have a limited budget or you want to experiment. The main thing, do not forget about a possible danger and observe all precautions.

Video: Is it worth buying things in second-hand-my wardrobe

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  1. Irina, there is no need to make obscurantism here. Even the grandmother surviving from the mind can be more adequate about cleaning. Wormwood, salt, sentences, holy water. It’s good that you do not recommend sprinkling with a virginity urine. Well, the opus about washing three times in water at least 60 degrees with antibacterial powder shows that the hostess is not. Some things (majority) are simply not intended for washing at this temperature, they would have been offered to boil with starch in their style. Write at the beginning of the article about such things so that it is clear about the level of your intelligence and that you can not read further.

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