The script for the puppet theater is the best selection for preschoolers and schoolchildren in roles

The script for the puppet theater is the best selection for preschoolers and schoolchildren in roles

A collection of scripts for the puppet theater.

Scenario for the puppet theater - for preschoolers and schoolchildren in roles

Scenario for the puppet theater - for preschoolers and schoolchildren in roles
Scenario for the puppet theater - for preschoolers and schoolchildren in roles

Scenario for the puppet theater - for preschoolers and schoolchildren in roles:

The first picture

Borysa - bull, lamb Yashka,
Kotofeich - Cat Milashka,
Voicious cockerel
Petya - Red Squire
And Havronyushka - Pig -
Lighty friends -
They ran to the forest from the hostess,
We settled on the lawn.

Good in the forest, freely.

We are satisfied with our life:

Many berries.





Sweeted, the summer rushed.
Where is the warmth? Home, where are you?
Autumn. It began to cold.
Before winter - a stone's throw.
Says Baran Bull ...

I'm not used to frost.
It’s worth thinking about winter.
We need to build wintering!
I will choose a place in the forest,
I will bring the same logs.
I will become the pillars of chat,
You will tear the chips.

Baran (discusses with himself).
Yes! Do not be lazy here.
How can I disagree?
How not to help the bull?
(Turns to the bull.)
Of course, I will help!

(Bull and ram approach the pig.)

Full to lie under the oak in vain
And look at the ground stupidly!
It’s worth thinking about winter ...
Do you want to build a house with us?
I will become the pillars of chat,
And the lamb - tear the chips.

You, Havronya, for the stove
Can you make bricks?
So as not to go to the cold,
You will put the stove in the house!

Winter, dick, where am I?
The house is a good idea!
Enough, I agree to put the stove!
I will be won with you.
(All together go to the cat.)

Friends approached the cat -
Bull, lamb and pig.

All mice are fishing?
There is more important work!
To maintain health,
It is necessary to build wintering!

I will become the pillars of chat,
And the lamb - tear the chips.

He will put in the house a Havronia bake.
You are not strangers to us?
And you have enough work:
You will be heated the walls.

Well, the idea is not bad.
I dragged into the hut of moss.
I’ll forget about the mice for now:
I will be heated the walls!

A rooster sat under the pine tree,
Thinking about the summer out loud.
Kotofeich said ...

What are you sad about warm summer?
To calm the soul,
It is necessary to build a warm house.

The bull will become the pole of the tes.
And the lamb - tear the chips.

In the house, Havronya stove,
The cat will help to be caulk.
You will cover the roof.

Okay! So be it!
Freeze to whom hunting?

And they went with work.
(Everyone is accepted for work.)

The second picture

The hut of glorious was cut down,
The hot stove was folded,
Moss all the walls insulated,
The roof was covered with a hand.

So the glorious house is ready!
They stored food and firewood.

Outside the window - Frost Fierce,
And in the hut is warm, comfortable.

Bull with a ram on the floor
Light in the corner.
The pig in the underground climbed:
For Havroni there is expanse.
The cat purrs on the stove,
Petya sings songs.
So they live, do not push,
They are very friends between themselves.
(Wolves appear.)
But once a wolf flock
Running past the house,
I saw the light in the window
And nearby stood up.
Then the old wolf said:

Old wolf.
I won’t take a sense in any way
I did not see wintering in the summer ...
Who lives in this house?

2nd wolf.
You will rarely see the house in the forest.
You go to reconnaissance.

Old wolf.
If I start screaming
Run to help out.
(The old wolf enters the hut.)

The wolf entered the hut and directly
He landed on the ram.
Our ram clung to the corner,
Yes, how will it get a fright
With a heart -rending voice:

Be-e! -
Now I will ask you!

The cockerel saw a wolf -
Without hesitation for a long time
He screamed loudly:

Ku-ka-re-ku! Away, impudent!

The cat meowed:

Myu, me-oo!
I will add if not enough!

I am on the side with horns
Uh-u-go, gray wolf!

I heard the noise of the pig.
Havronia (peeps out of the underground).
I'm in a hurry to help you!
Who is a stranger in wintering?
Oink oink oink! Who to eat here?

Then the wolf trembled
The tail pursed and ran away.
The old wolf (returning to the pack).
Brothers-wolves, leave!
Take your feet vividly!

Wolves settled
Through shrubs and Christmas trees.
For a long time, they fled briefly ...

2nd wolf.
We got tired, tired.

3rd wolf.
Let me catch your breath a little.
(Wolves stop, sit down in a semicircle.)

Old wolf.
What I saw there, brothers!
What a fear! I'm even an interference
I just stepped on the threshold:
The shaggy scared me
The horned
Suddenly, here someone is clap!
I barely saved my forehead!
Below threatened to eat ...
I have forgotten the wolf sede ...
There are no worse monster!
I, her, did not score the light.
So that we are not thin,
We run away from here!

And they rushed - the tail of the pipe,
Snow rushing along.
Since then, animals are calm:
Wolves do not knock on the door.

Bull, ram, pig, cat and rooster pronounce:
You guys need to remember:
Friendship saves from trouble!

The script of the puppet theater in a new way

The script of the puppet theater in a new way
The script of the puppet theater in a new way

The script of the puppet theater in a new way:

In the foreground on the left of the grandfather’s hut with a woman, on the right - several snowy trees. In the background - the winter steppe.

Do not find a track in the steppe -
Everything around is white-white,
And on the very windows
Today there was snow.
Until the morning, the blizzard was spinning,
Until morning throughout the earth
The snowy witch was worn
On a magical rim.
And in the ravine the wolf is hungry
He howled sadly on the moon.
It is unlikely that even the dog is mediocre
He envied him.

A wolf comes out from behind the trees on the right.

Wow! Oh, how chilly I am!
In the stomach, how rumbling.

On the right, a fox appears from behind the trees.

Yeah, kum! And grandfather with a grandmother
Dry sweet on the stove.
They have a hawk-river,
The cockerel is a singer,
Yes sheep ...

Wolf (with a sigh)
At least
Eat a pie with cabbage.

So let's go, conjure.
To sing a song is not hard work!

Okay, I will sing a song to them
Maybe what they will give!

The fox and the wolf slowly go to the hut.

Wolf and fox (sing)
From a hill to the hill - a path to the porch.
Grandfather and woman have a sheep in the hut!
A white fluff falls from the sky.
Grandfather and woman have a cockerel!
The pillow is stuffed with fluffy.
Grandfather and Baba have a laying in the hut.
Drinking is fried in a pan.
We sang the song, let's give gifts!

Grandma peeps out of the window, grandfather comes out of the hut.

Ah, Grandfather-heading,
Glorious how they sing!
Give them a piece of pie,
Otherwise, they will not leave.

So there is no, they distributed everything
Until the last Blink.

Wolf (disappointed)
In vain did we sing?

We can take a cockerel!

Grandfather stands the cockerel fox and wolf. The wolf begins to take the cockerel from the fox.

Give it to me! My stomach is poor
He stuck to the spine.
It's time for me to have lunch.
I sang so much that it is already hoarse!

The fox hides a cockerel behind the trees.

Wait, let's still have time
You and I have to have.
If you're lucky, we can
Kurochka to bite!

The fox and the wolf go to the hut again.

Fox and Wolf (sing)
From a hill to the hill - a path to the porch.
Grandfather and woman have a sheep in the hut!
The pillow is stuffed with fluffy.
Grandfather and Baba have a laying in the hut.
Drinking is fried in a pan.
We sang the song, let's give gifts!

Grandma peeps out of the window, grandfather comes out of the hut.

Grandma, look, back
They are not easy!

But they sing how nice!

Here is an unscrupulous people!
(Wolf and Fox)
There is nothing to treat you, brothers,
Stop standing under the window!

Wolf (disappointed)
Yes, but I tried so hard!

We can take a leash!

Grandfather stands a chicken fox and wolf. The wolf begins to take away the chicken from the fox.

Finally we will find it
To the dump ... from the heart ...

No, let's return to the farm.
Kumanek, do not rush!
Wait, let's still have time
You and I have to have.
If you're lucky, we can
And to bite the sheep!

The fox hides a chicken behind the trees and, together with the wolf, goes to the hut again.

Fox and Wolf (sing)
From a hill to the hill - a path to the porch.
Grandfather and woman have a sheep in the hut!
Drinking is fried in a pan.
We sang the song, let's give gifts!

Grandfather looks out of the window, a grandmother comes out of the hut.

You hear, grandfather, they sing again,
Gloriously carol!
We need to give them guests!

I'll kill them now!

Full, grandfather. You can't!

We want a sheep!

Grandfather, drag her here,
Sloet faster from the stove!

Grandfather stands the sheep of the fox and the wolf. The wolf begins to take the sheep from the fox.

Wolf (joyful)
Eat hunting, I will not save!
Well, let's share!

Maybe he hid what grandfather,
Early fun!

The fox hides the lavish behind the trees and, together with the wolf, returns to the hut.

Fox and Wolf (sing)
From a slide on a slide path to a porch
Grandfather and grandmother have a good heart!
Drinking is fried in a pan.
We sang the song, let's give gifts!

A grandmother peeps out of the window.

Father, they go again!

Grandfather with a bag comes out of the hut.

The stick is crying for them!
About the sides of these and the rod
It is not a pity to break off!
(Wolf and Fox)
Here, take everything that is
All that we are rich in!

Maybe the calf is here?

The fox grabs the bag and rushes to run.

Wait, fox! Where are you going?

The wolf catches up with the fox and begins to take the bag. Grandfather with a grandmother hides in the hut.

Stick! Everything is mine here!
I don't want to share!

We sang the song together!
Give me here, fox!

The wolf and the fox pull out the bag from each other, it is untied, and jumps out of it.

Gav! Gav! Gav! Here you are now
I will give out a hotel!

Editor! Do not touch us!

This is all the fox!

Take everything, take everything!
Cockerel, Sushnushka ...

And give the sheep,
Red -haired thieves!

The wolf with a fox hides behind the trees, the dog behind them. After some time, a dog appears with a cockerel, a chicken and a lamb and carries them into a hut.

She swept the blizzard again
Stocks and paths.
Go for a walk
Cats do not come out.
And about the wolf and the fox
In that hut they forgot
After all, they are caroling
They didn’t go anymore!

Scenario for the Puppet Theater Olesya Emelyanova

Scenario for the Puppet Theater Olesya Emelyanova
Scenario for the Puppet Theater Olesya Emelyanova

Scenario for the puppet theater Olesya Emelyanova:

From behind the trees, a lumberjack with an ax comes out and approaches a dry tree.

ECA Help Sushin -
Five arshins to the top!
I'll take her home
I will stake the stove in the winter.

The lumberjack begins to chop a dry tree.

Lumberjack (sings)
In a forest, in the bore
There is an ax work!
You do not lie down tears
Christmas trees and birch.
Everything that is happening in the world
Read good.
You knock, ax, knock,
So that the fire is burning in the stove,
To keep up
Cabbage soup and karavai.
So that on the tip of the beam
The light burned in the night.

The lumberjack drops the ax into the river.

Lumberjack (crushed)
That's why Goryushko-bied-
My ax is at the bottom of the pond!
What will I do now?
Where will I get another ax?
You can’t buy a new one forever
I'm a poor man!
My loss is great!
How can I live without an ax?

The lumberjack is filled with tears. From the pond he emerges water.

What are you crying, peasant?
Did you take all the money into the zucchini?
Have you met al -dashing people?
Al alone in the world?

No, that’s not my trouble.
I dropped the ax in the pond!
Do not get, no matter how hard you try.

Do not kill you in vain.
I'll spark the water in the water
And I will find your ax.

Water dives and emerges with a golden ax in his hands.

Your ax is golden?

No, the lord of the waters, not mine!
I had no one
I am expensive!

The waterman dives again and emerges with a silver ax in his hands.

Maybe this one?

Again, not mine!
My ax is simple -
Wooden and iron,
Not beautiful, but useful.
Never I am an ax
I had no silver!

The waterman dives again and emerges with an iron ax in his hands.


Lumberjack (joyful)
This one is definitely mine!
Ah, thanks, water!

The lumberjack takes his ax near the water. Water dives and stretches the lumberjack of gold and silver axes.

Honestly you live in the world
Take these yourself and these!

The lumberjack takes axes. Water dives into a pond.

Miracles are so miracles!
Belief is scary to eyes!
I have such a wealth!

Because of the trees, a kum with an ax comes out.

Hello, kum!

And you, kum, hello!
Kum notices the golden ax.

Kum (enviously)
Well, let me see!

Kum takes a golden ax and looks at it.

Where did you get it, answer?
It has a whole pound of gold!

This is what the case happened:
I chopped Sushin here
Dropped his ax in the pond,
Began to be killed on it
Yes, shed with tears.
Then I heard a water
Returned the ax for me
And he also gave two in addition.

Kum (enviously)
You are richer now!
Lucky was so lucky!
That's what you go to the village
I myself will cut down Sushin -
Five arshins to the top.

The case is necessary, Ruby
Yes, the ax is not drowned.

The lumberjack goes to the trees.

Lumberjack (sings)
In a forest, in the bore
There is an ax work!
You do not lie down tears
Christmas trees and birch.
Everything that is happening in the world
Read good.
You knock, ax, knock,
So that the fire is burning in the stove,
To keep up
Cabbage soup and karavai.
So that on the tip of the beam
The light burned in the night.

The lumberjack is hiding behind the trees.

Kum (evil)
Look, a holey kul with moss,
And he was sung by a rooster.
Nothing, me too
It is not sewn out of the matting!

Kum approaches the shore, knocks on a tree a couple of times and throws an ax into the water.

Kum (mock-pierce)
Oh, misfortune! Oh, trouble!
Water, swim here!

Water emerges near the shore.

Here I am! So what happened?
Al Zasnoba engaged?
Or in vain who offended?

Kum (irritably)
Besnaya is green, everything is not that!
I dropped the ax into the pool.

Water (puzzled)
Often axes are drowning here.
Okay, I'll spare here
Maybe I will find it.

Water dives and emerges with a golden ax in his hands.

Is this your ax?

Kum (joyful)
Of course!
I don't recognize my own?

Not mistaken? Exactly yours?

My! Here are the holy cross!

Kum is baptized. A silver ax takes out a water.

And silver - yours too?

My! Give it up!

Water (angrily)
Take it, if you can!

Water, along with axes disappears in water.

Kum (confused)
Nobody! Circles alone!
Hey, at least my return!
(in hearts)
Here is a leech! Zhabier belly!

Kum throws several stones in the pond and leaves. Water emerges near the reeds.

Water (spectators)
There will be science to him from now on!
Does not happen for a liar
In the tale of a good end!

Water disappears in the pond.

Puppet Theater "Teremok" - script

Puppet Theater Teremok - Script
Puppet Theater "Teremok" - script

Puppet Theater "Teremok" - script:

Mouse (sings)
Everyone should live somewhere
Both in winter and summer.
How to not bother the mouse,
If not at home?
Everyone should sleep somewhere
And dinner somewhere.
How can I not grieve
If not at home?

The mouse stops in front of the tower.

What a glorious tower -
Not big, not small.
He is not locked on the castle
The ruffs are not closed.
The sound on the roof is on the roof
Under the window, lilac blooms.
You tell the gray mouse
Who lives in the tower?
I am cooking a craftswoman
I can sew and embroider.
I want to settle here
To live and live!

The mouse looks around and enters the tower, and looks out of the window.

Stop wandering around the world
I will be warm in winter.
If there is no one here,
So this house is mine!

The mouse disappears in the window. A frog with a node comes out from behind the trees and goes to the tower.

What a glorious tower!
Ah, what a miracle!
He is not low, not high,
Nearby is a dam of it!
The smoke comes from the pipe.
Open the door to me!
Who lives here in the tower
Well, say!

A mouse peeps out of the window.

The mouse lives here Noroshka!
Who you will be, answer!

I am a frog.
We will drink tea with you!
I can swim with a brace
Wear water from the river.
I came with her mattress
And I ask you to let me go!

There will be a place for you
It’s more fun to live together.
Now we will knead the dough,
And then we will have a seagull!

The frog enters the house. The mouse disappears in the window. A bunny with a node comes out from behind the trees and goes to the tower.

What a glorious tower
Has you grown in the midst of the forest?
The hare-prinz could live here
With a hare princess!
I will plant a garden
Near the lawn.
Who lives here in the tower
Tell the hare!

The mouse looks out of the window.

The mouse lives here.

The frog looks out of the window.

Who worries our peace?
I am a frog.
Say who you are!

Open it is me -
You will let me live
I'm a good bunny!
I can wash the floors
And wave your ears.

Mouse (frog)
Maybe let the hare let us live?

Frog (bunny)
Stay with us!

Bunny enters the house. The mouse and frog are hiding. A fox with a node comes out from behind the trees and goes to the tower.

That's the Terem Teremok,
Okay and elegant!
I feel an apple pie ...
Where is the entry of the ceremonial here?
Hey you, dear people,
Open the doors!
Who lives here in the tower
People Ali Beasts?

The mouse looks out of the window.

The mouse lives here.

The bunny looks out of the window.

And eared bunny!

The frog looks out of the window.

And a frog-scrap.
Who are you, answer!

About the beauty of the Lisa
Hearing has long been conducted.
Everyone knows me in the forest!

There will be a place!

Come in, kuma, bolder,
That's just dinner ready.

Together it will be more fun!

The fox enters the house.

Better at home in the world!

All the inhabitants of the Teremka are hidden in it. A wolf with a node comes out from behind the trees and goes to the tower.

Here are the mansions so mansions -
There will be enough space here!
What are you silent? Is there someone at home?
Don’t be afraid, I will not eat!

From the tower, its inhabitants look timidly timidly.

The mouse lives here.

The bunny looks out of the window.

And eared bunny!

The frog looks out of the window.

And a frog-scrap.

And the fox, mistress!
I won’t take something anyway
Who are you?

Let go into the house!
I'm not a terrible wolf at all!

Okay, gray, come in,
Just don't bite!

I will immediately expel, keep in mind,
If you offend the hare!

The wolf enters the house. All the inhabitants of the Teremka look out into the windows.

All residents of the Teremka (chorus)
We are now one family
And the guests are glad to everyone!

Because of the trees, a bear with a nodule comes out and goes to the tower.

I want to live with you and I!

All (in chorus)
No, Bear, don't!

Bear (offended)
You are in vain like that. I will come in handy!

It hurts you huge.

Don’t be afraid, I will fit.
I am modest in requests.

The bear climbs into the tower. The house begins to stagger and falls. Residents of the Teremka cry on ruins.

What do you, Bear, did?

We warned.

Our Teremok ruined!

I left it without a corner!

Well, forgive me for me
I'm not on purpose.
At least your house has fallen from the stump,
You can live in it.

Where is the underput to store
For winter, reserves,
Hot summer - cold
A barrel with mint kvass?

Where is my big closet
Wet, with mosquitoes?

And a lighter to there
Spin in the evenings?

Where is the porch in the garden?

And the gatehouse is near -
Suddenly, without demand, who will come,
And not happy to him?

Yes! And there is no stove to warm
My back ...

Ah, why are you a bear,
Has the house overturned?

How will we live now?

Bear (with a sigh)
I can not imagine!

Frog (bear)
If I did something wrong
Then be able to fix it!

Although the bear is to blame,
We will help him!

Than to regret the house,
Better new!

The bear puts a new tower in the place of the old. Everyone shouts cheers.

Scenario of the Puppet Theater "Three Piglets"

The script of the puppet theater is three piglets
Scenario of the Puppet Theater "Three Piglets"

Scenario of the Puppet Theater "Three Pigs":

Scene 1.

Once upon a time there were pigs,
Three funny glorious brother.
Pink cheeks, pink ears,
Pink tummy, like any pigs.
The tail is a little crochet,
Nose, of course, is a heel!
This is the younger pig.
Restless from the diapers,
He is a little lazy,
And his name is NIF-NIF.
The tail is a little crochet,
Nose, of course, is a heel!
This is the middle pig,
His voice is a very bell
He is always ready to grunt
And he came to us here,
The song is loudly pulling
And his name is nuf-nuf.
The tail is a little crochet,
Nose, of course, is a heel!
This is the senior piglet
Following, he ran away.
Very smart, loves work.
All Naf-Naf his name is.
The tail is a little crochet,
Nose, of course, is a heel!

Let's play,
On the grass we drive the ball!

And we will grunt and squea
It is fun to jump in the puddles!

Gryuk! It's cold, I'm trembling
Listen to what I will tell you:
Winter is already knocking on the door,
Each beast prepares the mink,
And we have to build a house,
Where we will be allegedly allegedly listening.

No, I don't want to work yet.
I’d better have fun.

Still warm, the snow does not come,
Naf-Naf, work will wait.
As soon as it becomes colder
I will quickly build a house for myself.

As you say, good luck to you.
I will build a durable house myself.
I'll go, it's time to get a job,
Happy staying, brothers!

Scene 2.

NIF-NIF with nuf nufi have fun,
From morning to evening frolic.
Many days have passed since then
It became much colder.
The first snowflakes flutter,
And the tails tremble, and the backs!

The ears and hooves are freezing,
We should hurry!
A straw lies in the meadow -
What I need for home.
I will build a hut quickly
From what is under the hand,
One, two, three, four, five,
I can play again.
My house is already ready
He will save from the cold!

A straw lies in the meadow
No, she's bad for the house
I will build from the branches
In the house of such a warmth!
One, two, three, four, five,
I will drive the pegs
I interweave the rods
I throw it on top of the leaves.

My hut is already ready
He will save from the cold!

Brother, have you built a house?
So let's go for a walk!
I'm tired of work!

Have you seen naf-nf?
What he is doing now,
Where is hiding from us?

Scene 3.

Naf-Naf worked day after day,
He built his house from stone,
The oak set the door
So as not to penetrate the house a terrible beast.

Look, our naf-naf,
Constantly in business.
How many days does he build a house?
I can count with difficulty!

Naf-Naf, why such a house,
How the fortress looks like a dwelling!

Eh, brothers, every piglet
I must know from the diapers,
Only the fortress is a house for piglets.
Otherwise, the wolves will eat us!

I'll tell you one secret:
There are no wolves in the forest for a long time.
Trush! The wolf was scared!
I didn’t come across me!

Let him hide in the house, let's go,
Let's better sing:
- We are not afraid of a gray wolf,
Gray Wolf, Gray Wolf!
Where do you go, stupid wolf,
Old wolf, a terrible wolf?

Scene 4.
Two pigs were so noisy
That the wolf managed to wake up
He slept in the ravine, under the bush,
The hungry was very much.

Who is noisy here, interferes with sleeping?
Who can scream like that loudly?

- We are not afraid of a gray wolf,
Gray Wolf, Gray Wolf!
Where do you go, stupid wolf,
Old wolf, a terrible wolf?

Oh, pigs, well, hello!
I will eat you today for lunch!

Run! Rather at home,
There the wolf will be unstable to us!

I know, Khryushka, you're inside.
The door is quickly dropped!

No, you are a hungry gray beast
I will not open the door to you!

Ah well! Then I will blow
Break your house, bend a straw.
Fuuu! Your house is already trembling
Now it will fly in the wind!
Again! Fuuuuuuuuu! And not at home,
Where are you racing, my lunch?

(NIF-Nif resorts to nuf nufa)

Did you manage to run into a hut?
How glorious that I did not eat you,
And the two of you are more fun there,
And for me the food is more satisfying!
I'm starting to blow again
Break your house and bend your rods!
Fuuuuuuuuuuuu! And the leaves flew!
Fuuuuuuuuuuu! The branches creaked,
Fuuuuuuuuuu! And the walls trembled!

The house collapsed! We ran!

I'll catch up! Eh, piglets!
How your heels flashes.
I'll grab you now
And I will swallow both!
That's it, already almost caught up.
Ay, how annoying, I fell!

Scene 5.

Save! I get grunt! Naf-Naf, open,
We want to eat the wolf evil!

Quietly here, the door is reliable,
The beast cannot open it!
Where are you brothers?

Under the bed,
There, the wolf cannot be found!

Do not be afraid, he will not burst,
Our home is reliable.

Wolf (knocking):
Well, open it! Yes, quickly
And how is Duna stronger
A house will fall apart in a moment
And the piglets will be a lid!

Try it, just blow stronger.
My house is built of stones.

Ah well! Hold on, eat three!
Fuuuuuuuuu! Fuuuuuuuuuu! Fuuuuuuuu! Oh!

Why are you silent?

Now, I'm tired of something.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Yes, the house resisted.
If I can't blow it,
I will find another to you, pigs, the path.
I can climb through the pipe,
To eat piglets.

Oh, something rustling on the roof there,

That wolf climbs to us, I hear, I am.

The ash is pouring in the fireplace!

I will take off the lid from the boiler!
Welcome to the broth!

Wolf (falls from above):
AAAAAAAAA! Boiling water!

He is scalded!
The wool on end, flew into the pipe!

No, I won’t go to them anymore!
All burned, and the tail hurts,
Ah, I am now disabled.


We are in the House of Stone Threes
From now on we will heal together!

Script for the fairy tale "Kolobok" for the puppet theater

Scenario Tale Kolobok for the Puppet Theater
Script for the fairy tale "Kolobok" for the puppet theater

Scenario of the fairy tale "Kolobok" for the puppet theater:

Action 1.
(On the screen: the hut from the inside with the Russian stove, shops covered with homespun rugs.

Grandfather: “I wanted to.
Bake to me. There are many things? "

Woman: “I will be from something?
I know, and people know ",
After all, there is no flour in the house,

Grandfather: So go to the bins,
Look there, to dark.
Turn around the barn,
Screw on the susks.
First storyteller:
Baba did so.
The dough quickly kneaded
Sluttered a hot stove,
To bake the bun.

(Baba bakes Kolobok to the music of the Russian song)

Grandfather: Oh! Good bun!
I was browned in the stove.
Well, ready? Beautiful! Rosy!
Jump straight to my table.

Woman: Grandfather is satisfied - on the window
I will put. Fry, scumbag, cat!

Cat: Meow! Meow! Kolobok!
I was browned in the stove side?
I warmed up, lay peacefully.
Lie down now you are quietly.
Will be soon, you are.
Only you do not hang your nose.
Meow! Meow! Ha ha ha!
Goodbye! Bye!

Woman: We can, grandfather, we sit,
To eat a bun later.

(Grandfather sits on the bench next to the woman, hugs her by the shoulders).

Kolobok: Geese! Geese!

Geese: Ha-ha-ha!
Kolobok, are you running? Where?
It is scary and dangerous in the forest.
You run there in vain.
Stay, Kolobok!
Take care, friend, your side!
First storyteller:
Kolobok was not surprised.
Further quickly rolled
On the path right to the forest.
There, behind the bush, disappeared.

Action 2.
(Forest. Waltz of butterflies).

Hare (sings):
Admit it, I look like it,
Say without hiding
You can't find anywhere in the world
Like me like me.
And only upsets the tail,
You can’t look without laughter!
And not beautiful, and very simple!
Not a tail - one fun!
I am Zainka gray,
I am Zainka Szoya,
I am white in winter.
I will jump barefoot all year.

Hare: Kolobok, how beautiful you are!
Like you blush, but weaving.
I will eat you today.
My dream will come true.

Kolobok: No, do not eat me, scythe.
Better sing a song with me.
(Sings): I am scraped in the box,
I am a meten on the susk.
On sour cream I'm hemped
Yes, in the oil is spinning
I'm cold on the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother.
I will leave you, scythe.
I'll run quickly now.

Suddenly a wolf appeared from the forest.

Wolf (sings):
I'm not branded in fact
Posavaka and talker.
But I am not averse to saying to everyone
Be it day and be it night.
I'm smarter than everyone!
I'm stronger than everyone!
I am bolder than everyone!
I'm the fastest!
I can do what I want!
Look, don't touch me!
Hedgehog, I will swallow a bunny
And even a rhino.
I am a gray wolf!
I am a gray wolf!
I am a gray wolf
Click your teeth!
(Kolobok appears).
I will eat you now, Kolobok.
In Kolobki, believe me, I know a lot.

No, do not eat me, you, a gray wolf.
Listen to the song and scratch your side:
(Sings): I am scraped in the box,
I am a meten on the susk.
On sour cream I'm hemp
Yes, in the oil is spinning
I'm cold on the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother
I left the hare
From you, wolf, I'll leave even more! (The wolf leaves).
Second storyteller:
Then the bun rolled.
I am very glad: he saved himself.

The bear began to roar very terribly.

Bear (sings):
The bushes are cracking under the paw,
Under the paw of a furnat.
I go, I delighted the spruce
On the crunchy valezhnichka.
I enjoyed honey in the hive,
How he worked, how he climbed!
Pechela's zlyuki bit
Nose and ears, and eyes.
I will not find peace for myself
The nose burns terribly with fire.
Hush, quieter, quieter, quieter!
Who goes along the path?
(Kolobok appears).
I will eat you, a delicious bun!
I like the side with a frying side.

No, do not eat me, a big bear.
I will sing a song to you now.
(Sings): I am scraped in the box,
I am a meten on the susk.
On sour cream I'm hemp
Yes, in the oil is spinning
I'm cold on the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother
I left the hare
I left the wolf.
I will leave you, Bear.
I will wave my hand and run.

You are good, life! Around the forest!

Fox: Who is in a hurry to meet me now?
Cut, blush runs?

This is me, Fox, it's time to find out.
Kolobok cannot but admit!
Better listen to my song.
For you, I'll sing her now.
(Sings): I am scraped in the box,
I am a meten on the susk.
On sour cream I'm hemp
Yes, in the oil is spinning
I'm cold on the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother
I left the hare
I left the wolf
He left the bear
From you, Fox, I will run away.
I can outwit you.

Fox: Something bad I hear, my friend.
Sit down you are on my beautiful sock
And, I ask you, Propia again.
Kolobok (sings):
I am in a scraped box,
I am a meten on the susk.
On sour cream I'm hemp
Yes, in the oil is spinning
I'm cold on the window.

Fox: Gam! (Licks, sings):
Oh! What miracle varnishes I have.
Do not forget the fox today!
Ay, yes tail! Ah yes ears! The beauty!
I'm not a simple fox, I am a dream!
It does not threaten me, red -haired fox, trouble!
I will never stay hungry!
I will not stay, I will not stay,
I'm hungry never! (Runs away).

Hare: How many cunning foxes in the world!
Fox: Beware of us, you are adults, and children!

Scenario of the Puppet Theater "Zayushkina hut"

Script for the puppet theater Zayushkina hut
Scenario of the Puppet Theater "Zayushkina hut"

Scenario of the Puppet Theater "Zayushkina hut":

Because of the trees, a fox appears on the left and begins to roll a snowball.

I dream of one thing -
Fit a beautiful house,
So that he is a glory like a stone,
So that it was light in him at night,
To sparkle like a gem!
After all, nowhere is it!

Because of the trees on the right, a hare comes out to meet the fox and bows.

Hello, a kind neighbor!
It is a pity that we rarely see each other.
What are you sculpting - bull,
Christmas tree il snowman?

Fox (boastfully).
I will get this lump
And I will build a house for myself -
Lun -shining under the moon,
The stars reflecting!
Not a couple with your hut.
Take the ears from here!

Hare (admiringly).
You are doing miracles here!
Goodbye, fox!

The hare bypasses the fox and hides behind the trees on the left. An ice house slowly appears in the meadow in the clearing in the middle.

The fox tried all day,
To finish the house on time.
And she has to put her
Only on the roof of the weathercocks.
The cockerel is blindly blind
She climbed there.

The fox climbs to the roof.

Fox (proudly).
I blinded what I wanted -
A whole castle of ice!

The fox hides behind the house and appears in the window. A bear, a dog and a bull come to the clearing from the right of trees on the right.

Wow, what is needed!

The whole herd will fit in it!

Yes! Such a conuer
Do not change to hole!

The bear approaches the palace and touches his paw.

A very strong wall
She will withstand the storm.

Fox (arrogant).
Haws away! To whom I said!
I did not invite you to visit.
Do not follow the porch!
Fry from my palace!

The bear and the bull are looking at each other.

The dog is leaving.

The fox is hidden in the window.

Eh, mansions so mansions
Kuma elevated herself.
It’s good to sit at home
After all, winter is in the yard.
I am now in my den
It's a shame to live next to her.
Whether the rug is on the threshold
Put from chinchilla?!

Yes, now we are not an equal to her,
Look how my nose lifted up!
Is it that I go to the barn,
Yes to hang mirrors?

You say, Borka, business
It is necessary to decorate your life.
Here is the fox, she managed.
Sorry, does not want to invite.

Bull (with a sigh).
Would see the situation
Float experience to adopt.
What is there, in the bedroom, what is in the pantry ...
Through the wall, do not understand!
Here in the spring the repair is started,
I will call woodpeckers, beavers ...
I will be able to build the palace
For their seven cows.
I will build it on the hill,
I’ll call the horns to everyone.
I will arrange this there ...

Yes, and I want a palace!
Okay, I'll go to the den,
Sleep the sailing until spring.

Yes, and I have to go on the road
Come to our pancakes!

I tried the whole fox in winter
Re -rebuilding the house.
Decorated, cleaned up
She was good in him.
But spring came from home
There was no trace left.
All Lysichkins are mansi
Melt water washed away.

A fox with a nodule comes out of the trees on the right to the clearing and goes to the Zaykina hut.

Fox (ingratiating).
Bunny, you open my door to me
I'm homeless now.
The sun is a harmful beam
Destroyed my house.
Bunny, dear, let.
If there is anything, I'm sorry!

The hare looks out of the window.

Since the trouble happened to you,
I will save you from her!
Come in, do mercy.

Fox. You are kinder than everyone in the forest!

My hut is simple
With a rickety pipe.
But she does not melt in the spring.
We will live together with you.
The fox enters the house.

The hare is hiding, and the fox peeks out of the window.

Ah, thanks, dear bunny,
We will live with you together.
Your house is really ugly,
But he is a whole house!
Bunny, I see, in the pantry
You have no stocks.
You go, narvi carrots
We are for a festive dinner.

The hare leaves the house and goes to the right of the hut. The fox disappears in the window.

In fact, it is necessary to stock up.
What am I Narwo?
I will find now only after all
Last year's tops.
But the Savior I am fox
It is necessary to treat the fox.
Okay, I'm an aspen bark
I will bring us for lunch.

The hare hides behind the trees on the right, after a while he appears again with the bunch of the bark and returns to the hut.

Open the fox! Open, please!
A fox peeks out of the window.

Fox (indignant).

Here I am how to bite you!
Hey, there, what else the impudent
Does it seek to get into the house?
Look, what fashion he took -
Break into someone else's door!
Well, in fact,
Go away until you eat!

Hare (sobbing).
Everyone says fox cunning
And do not expect good from her.
Well, how could I, the unfortunate could,
Let the fox on the threshold?

The hare is crying. A dog appears in a clearing from behind the trees.

Hello, Szoya! How is your life?
Why are you pouring tears in three streams?
Something happened, I'll see.
I, if necessary, serve.

Everyone will laugh in the forest -
I put a fox into my house.
She, not even a day has passed,
I kicked me out of the house!

I will correct your trouble
I will make a fox to leave!

The dog approaches the hut.

Gav! Gav! Come on, come out!

Who else is there? Wait for it!
I'll leave you now,
I will show my fangs.
And ruthlessly claws
I will tear you into pieces!

The hare presses the ears, and the dog runs away to the right for the trees.

The fox disappears in the house.

Hare (crying again).
Fox cunning - closed the door!
And even though you climb from the skin
Nobody in the forest, no one now
In trouble I will not help me.

The hare is slowly coming away from the house to the forest, a bear comes out to meet him from behind the trees.

Bear (fun).
Hello bunny! What are you sad
When is the bear so cheerful?
Well, what are you trembling like a mouse
What the ears to the side hung?

Hare (sighing).
Everyone will laugh in the forest -
I put a fox into my house.
She, not even a day has passed,
I kicked me out of the house!

I will deprive you, brother,
Hold the ears above!
I will show the fox now
How to take the huts!

Tried the dog to drive her away,
Now I don't know where to look.

Well, I'll try
Foxes are not afraid! (shouts to the fox)
Fox, let's go out!

The fox looks out of the window.

Who is there again? Wait for it!
I'll leave you now,
I will show my fangs.
And ruthlessly claws
I will tear you into pieces!

The hare presses the ears, and the bear runs away for the trees. The fox is hiding.

Hare (doomed).
The fox is strong, like a hundred animals,
She cannot be defeated.
In order not to die, I am soon
We'll have to leave.

The hare again goes from the house to the forest, a bull comes out to meet him from behind the trees.

Hello my friend. Tell me
Are you not happy about spring?
Or are bad news?
What is the eyes of a wet place?

Hare (looking around).
Everyone will laugh in the forest -
I put a fox into my house.
She, not even a day has passed,
I kicked me out of the house!

What, does not let, red?
We will drive away the shameless!
I'm glad to help try
Well, let's go to butt!

Tried the dog to drive her away,
Now I don't know where to look.
I tried to drive the bear
But also scared.
I'm very afraid for you.

While I'm nearby, you don't work!
(shouts to the fox) Fox, quickly go out!

The fox looks out of the window.

And you, bull, here? Wait for it!
I'll leave you now,
I will show my fangs.
And ruthlessly claws
I will tear you into pieces!

The hare presses the ears, and the bull runs away for the trees.

Fox (hare).
If you still come
And you will bring someone
I do not vouch for myself.
I will eat you, a persistent hare!

The fox is hiding. Only the hare rushed to run to the forest, as a rooster comes out in the clearing from behind the trees and stops it.

Hey, where are you going so?
Stay, break!
Well, why are you trembling
Little bunny?
Maybe who suddenly offended?
He will cry with us!
What happened, dear friend,
What does all of this mean?

The hare is trying to run away, but the rooster holds him.

Probably everyone in the forest knows
That I let me a fox.
She, not even a day has passed,
I kicked me out of the house!
You come back to the nest.
She threatened to eat everyone!

I thought it began to pog
The tornado of the forest breaks.
And you got into the house
Some fox!
Let us be threatened to eat kuma,
Let's save your hut!
Kohl does not leave the fox itself,
I am concluding her!

Tried the dog to drive her away,
Now I don't know where to look.
I tried to drive the bear
But also scared.
And the bull wanted to butt her,
But he barely managed to run away.
You, Petya, don't try
Save the hut for the hare.

Well, Bunny, calm down!
Don't be afraid for me.

The rooster approaches the house.

I carry a braid on my shoulder
I will chop the fox.
It hurts, mercilessly
So as not to do it
She had to fall out to her mouth
And steal someone else's at home!

The fox does not peek out.
I'll leave you now,
I will show my fangs.
And ruthlessly claws
I will tear you into pieces!

The hare presses the ears and trembles.

Rooster (menacingly).
I carry a braid on my shoulder
I will chop the fox.
And the infantry is following me -
Clawed bears of a company,
One hundred hungry evil wolves,
Two hundred frantic bulls.
We will trample the fox,
Fox fur coat to tease
It hurts, mercilessly
So as not to do it
She had to fall out to her mouth
And steal someone else's at home!

The fox jumps out of the hut in horror and runs to the forest.

Oh, save! Oh, killed!
They let me around the world!

The fox is hidden behind the trees. The hare hugs the cock.

Hare (joyfully)
Thank you, cockerel
Pull the fox into powder
And saved my hut!
We will go there now.
We will always be friends
And live in one hut.

We will heal together gloriously,
We lay the old house,
A friend of his enemies
I won’t let it give off anymore.

Script for the fairy tale "Turnip" for the puppet theater

Scenario Tale Turnip for a Puppet Theater
Script for the fairy tale "Turnip" for the puppet theater

Script for the fairy tale "Turnip" for the puppet theater:

On the left of the village house, a fence.
The music "One simple fairy tale ..." sounds ... "

Not in the forest and not in the steppes,
Not in the swamp, not in the mountains!
And in the village is small
The old man with the whole family lived!

Music sounds

Grandfather with a shovel comes out of the house and begins to dig a garden

Oh guys, hello!
I went out to sow the old grandfather!
I’m digging the bed now.
Just plant, I don't know.

A granddaughter appears on the screen (doll)

Grandfather, plant flowers!

You are unlikely to eat them!

A grandmother peeps out of the house (adult)

Planting Grandfather Potato,
Yes, a little carrot!

The grandmother is hiding

I’d better plant a turnip!
We, our native, are soared,
Stew, dry, fry, cook!
Eats turnip, which century -
Every Russian man!

Grandfather goes to the screen, "puts the grain of turnips."

Children, you help me -
Repeat after me:
“Turnip, grow up!
Substitute the leaves to the sun! " (3 times)

Magic music sounds

Turnip (toy) very slowly appears from the ground. Only her tops are visible.

Grandma! Grandma! Come!
You look at the turnip!

Music sounds
A grandmother leaves the house

What happened? Where is the fire?
Did you drop the samovar?

Look at the root crop!
In seconds it grows
What kind of round sides
Look how wide!

Bright, sun, shine!
Turnips, grow to heaven!
Granddaughter, come here -
Look at the turnip!

Music sounds
Granddaughter goes to the repchies.

Oh, look, it is growing!

Okay, granddaughter, let's wait.
Let it pour it with rain,
He will warm the clear sun.
By autumn, she will ripen!

Grandfather goes into the house. The granddaughter looks around the turnip from all sides.

Something is very long to wait
Yes, weed, but water.
You know what I will tell you:
I'll go, better, lie down!

Wait - ka, I'm with you!
I'll go, granddaughter, home!
Grandma goes into the house
Granddaughter leaves the screen

Did not have time to have lunch
Grandfather decided to visit the turnip.

(Grandfather leaves the house, approaches the screen)
(Turnip appears entirely).

Grandfather (puzzled)
Oh, and grew up!
You can safely tear this!

Grandfather approaches the repchies, grabs the tops and tries to stretch.

Eh - Ma, they took it!
One two Three!
He sits deeply inside!
I am weak, I became in the way of years,
Here I pull, but there is no sense!

Grandma appears in the window.

What else happened?

Run soon!
Help the turnip to pull! (Grandmother leaves home)
Well, grab me! (Grabs his grandfather)

Music sounds

Grandma and grandfather pull the turnip, swinging back and forth together.

Grandfather and Baba
Pull together, pull together!
We need to pull the turnip!

Oh, we will tear your tummy!
Oh, not to cope together!

We must call us help!

Grandma and grandfather (chorus)

The granddaughter appears on the screen.

Well, what again?

You rather run to us
Help the grandfather with the grandfather.

You, darling, come on
Stand up the third behind your back!

Music sounds

The granddaughter grabs the grandmother, and they are trying to pull the turnip together.

Grandfather, grandmother and granddaughter (chorus)
Pull together, pull together!
We need to pull the turnip!

Only turnip, like hands,
Graduated from roots -
Better to her in damp earth,
Than on the festive table.

I will pay my granddaughter now!

We need a dog, a bug!
Grandma, granddaughter and grandfather
Bug! Bug, run to us!
Help the turnip to pull!

Music sounds

The bug appears on the screen.

Gav! Gav! Gav! I'm running!
I will help you now!

I'm grabbing the tops!
My grandmother behind my back!
Granddaughter of a grandmother by the sides,
Well, you drag your granddaughter!

Music sounds

The bug grabs the granddaughter, and they are all trying to pull the turnip together.

Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter and bug (chorus)
Pull together, pull together!
We need to pull the turnip!

Here is such a turn!
Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter and bug (chorus)
Come to the rescue of the cat!

Music sounds
A cat appears on the screen.

Meow! I'm runing!
I will help you now!

Gav! Murlyk you are cunning!

Meow! Well, you, a biting biting!

Tsyts! Well, calm down!
Everything is behind me!

Music sounds

The cat grabs the bug, and they all try to pull the turnip together.

Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug and cat (chorus)
Pull together, pull together!
We need to pull the turnip!

We have no forces left on the turnip!

The work brought one fatigue!

Let's sit a little and rest!

Then we will continue the matter five!

Whatever you do, everything in vain!
Where would I find a hero?

The music "Mouse Song" sounds
A mouse appears on the screen

Pip! I'm already running to you.
Do not grieve, I will help!

Eh - ma! They took each other!
We tried with renewed vigor!

Music sounds
The mouse grabs the cat, and they all pull the turnip together.

All (in chorus)
Pull together, pull together!
We need to pull the turnip!

The turnip pulls out.

How all of them leaned together
Turnip came out of the ground

Friendship helps people!

All around unites!

If we all make friends,
You can achieve a lot!

Well, the turnip - where?

Turnip for the winter food!
We will eat a turnip!

All (in chorus)
Remember our friendship!

Puppet Theater "Masha and the Bear" - script

Puppet Theater Masha and the Bear - Script
Puppet Theater "Masha and the Bear" - script

Puppet Theater "Masha and the Bear" - script:

Roosters sing. Mashenka's girlfriend knocks on her a house. In the hands of a girlfriend, an empty basket.

Mashenka, get up sooner,
Do not miss all the mushrooms.
The roosters sang dawn.
Stop gone in bed!

The grandmother peeps out of the window.

Do not be noisy! Wake up, because.
There lives a bear in the forest.
God forbid, he will catch you,
Il will get it.
And I will not forgive myself
If the granddaughter is put into the forest!

A Mashenka with a basket comes out of the house. Following her, the grandmother comes out and begins to take away the basket.

Grandmother, let go!

It's time for us to go.
The sun is like high
And far from the forest.
We will pick up strawberries,
They say the foxes went
Supply in a row
Near the clearings are standing ...

Grandmother, let go!

A yawning grandfather peeps out of the window.

Okay, you can go.
Grandma, that's enough to get it!
There has not been wandering there for a long time,
Already as for the third year
Fedot shot him.

It would be nice if so
But your Fedot lie Mastak!
He is early on Tuesday morning
I repeated about the goat with Bayan,
Well, in the evening on Thursday
He himself denied everything.

Grandmother, let go!

Okay, granddaughter, go.
Just get back
Yes, do not get lost in the forest.

Grandfather with a grandmother goes into the house, and Mashenka and her girlfriend slowly go to the forest.

Mashenka and girlfriend (sing)
Stand in the forest dense
Birch and oaks.
Clouds float across the sky,
Mushrooms grow below!
A bumblebee is spinning above the meadow,
Satisfied with itself.
Sing on the branches of birds,
And we sing with you!

Suddenly Mashenka runs forward and leans near the tree.

Oh, look, I found a mushroom!

Mashenka shows a girlfriend a mushroom and puts in a basket. A girlfriend catches up Mashenka.

Where did you go?
Do not go far.

There is still a mushroom in front!

Mashenka runs away for the trees. Only her voice is heard.

Mashenka's voice
Here are pigs, here are honey
Here are the foxes, here are the foxes.
Oh, how much strawberries,
Both blueberries and lingonberries!
So as not to bend the back in vain,
Ten in the mouth - one in the basket!

The girlfriend leans, breaks the mushroom and puts it in a basket. Then he looks around.

Mashenka, where are you? AU!
Do not leave me alone.
Where are you, Mashenka, come back,
Well, AU! Well, respond!

The girlfriend listens. Mashenka does not answer. A girlfriend breaks another mushroom.

Apparently, Masha was aware.
Something I'm completely tired.
It has already begun to get dark
And it's time for me to return.

The girlfriend goes to the village and hides behind the scenery.

Surrender! AU! I'm here!
We have been waiting for us in the village for a long time.
Where are you, my girlfriend?
Ouch! And then there is a hut!
If someone lives here,
He will take us home.

Mashenka approaches the hut and knocks on the door. The bear opens her and grabs Mashenka.

Kohl came, so come in
Yes, howl order.
You will drown me a stove
Pies with raspberry stove,
You will cook for me,
Kashi are mannered.
Stay for good
And I will eat you!

Mashenka (crying)
How will I stay here?
After all, my grandfather is waiting for me with a grandmother.
Grandma cries, grandfather cries,
Who will weld their dinner?

You live with me in the forest
I will take it lunch.
You need you in the household.
The morning of the night is wise!

Mashenka and the bear go into the hut. It was completely dark. A grandfather and a grandfather with a lantern come out of a village house and head to the edge.

Grandma (lamenting)
Said: "Do not go"
And you all: "Go, go!"
My heart smelled my.
Where to look for her now?

I have forgotten Ali,
That she let her down?!
Who knew that Demina
She will not return to us.

Granddaughter, ay! Answer!
Maybe the bear ate you?

Because of the trees, a bear comes out to meet the grandfather with his grandfather.

Well, stop yelling here!
You interfere with me to sleep.

The bear menacingly raises his paws and roars. Grandma and grandfather rush to run.

Grandfather and grandmother (chorus)
Oh, save! Guard!

The bear returns to his hut again, reasoning along the road.

Gloriously I scared them.
There is nothing to go to my forest.
Okay, I got on the stove.

The bear goes into the house. Soon a cry of a rooster is heard and morning comes. A Mashenka with a large box comes out of the hut. Immediately a bear runs out of the house.

Look what! Where are you going?
What do you have there?

I baked pies
The old people will be glad.
Here with blueberries and raspberries.

Mashenka points to the box.

Do you want to leave me?
Maybe your plan is good,
You can't spend me!
No smarter than me in the forest
I'll take the box myself.

Take it, but I'm in alarm
That you eat everything along the road.
Do not open the box
Do not take out the pies.
I will climb the pine tree!

Yes, not a climb, I will not deceive!

And so that I cook porridge,
Bring me firewood!

Okay, Masha!
Stove for stoves of firewood
Your bear is always ready!

The bear hides in the forest, and Masha climbs into the box.

Bear (sings)
If the bear is in the forest alone,
He is a gentleman.
Lived, there were three bears,
May Uncle Fedya kill them.
For the guys, he is not an example
Uncle Fedya is a poacher!
Clotted I am a bear,
I can sing songs.
I don't like competitors,
I’ll step in my ear!

The bear stops in front of the forest.

Word B did not violate,
If I was not very tired.
I'll sit on the stump,
I eat only one pie!

Mashenka looks out of the box.

I'm sitting very high
I look very far.
Don't sit on a stump
And do not eat my pie.
Bring grandfather with grandmother.
Do not shake along the way!

The bear sighs and goes on.

Here's what eye,
He sits there, and I carry it!

The bear goes to the edge of the village, stops and looks around.

This is how I sit on a stump
Remove with blueberry pie
And there are two with raspberries, because
She can't look at me.

Mashenka looks out of the box.

I'm sitting very high
I look very far.
Don't sit on a stump
And do not eat my pie.
Bring grandfather with grandmother.
Do not shake along the way!

The bear sighs and goes to the village.

This is where she is sitting
What is so far away?!

The bear approaches the hut and knocks on the door.

Hey grandfather with a grandmother, open,
Take the hotel.
Mashenka sends you hello!

Grandfather looks out the window.

Go away, we are not at home!

The dog runs out from behind the house and rushes into the bear with barking. The bear throws the box and runs into the forest.

Ah, what a good dog!

What did the bear bring us?

The box opens. Masha looks out of it.

Masha, granddaughter! Is that you?

The grandmother hugs Mashenka.

They thought there were no alive.
Ay-yes Masha! Well done!

Here and the fairy tale is the end!

Script "Red Red Riding Hood" - Puppet Theater

Script Red Red Riding Hood - Puppet Theater
Script "Red Red Riding Hood" - Puppet Theater

Script "Red Red Riding Hood" - Puppet Theater:

Red hat, (K.Sh.)
Grandma, (b)
Mom, (m)
Wolf, (c)
Presenter, storyteller, (Vedas. Tales.)
Lumberjacks. (DR)

B. Grandma comes out.
I am a grandmother-old
I'll tell you a secret
What is better than my granddaughter
There are no children in the world ...
Her I, like mom,
I love without memory.
I am a red hat to her
I'll give it to the holiday.
This is not for everyone
There is a hat, and here
Let her one day
Happiness will bring her.

Vedas. Tale.
The girl did not take off that hat at all,
And the neighbors called a red cap.

M. Mom comes out
I love my daughter
As only mother loves.
I want a little now
Give her instructions:
Grow, daughter, bold,
Hostess in the garden,
And strong and skillful,
With others, be in the fret.

K.Sh. A red hat comes out
I am called a red hat,
I love tulips color.
I'm grandmother every morning
And my mother is a hello.
I want to be easier than the wind
Faster than a moth,
And the sun to meet
The hand is extended.
Although I like to frolic
But I know the measure, a lot
And grandmother and mom -
Like a blue god!
Although I'm playful
I will be in fret with any -
- As mom and said -
At least I will spend a wolf ...
And what is the beast to meet me
And what is the bird in a cry?
I am not afraid at all
I will find a common language!

Vedas. Tale.
The case happened
Well, neither give nor take ...
Unless you can tell in a fairy tale.
What kind of story
You ask, my friend.
Once baked mom a pie,
And she said to the girl:

Demon your grandmother,
Yes pot with butter
Present it to her.
Ask about health,
Maybe something is needed
Grandma attention -
The best reward.

Vedas. Tale.
Here is a red hat
I went to my grandmother -
Pie and oil
She carried her grandmother.
She goes forest.
And towards the wolf -
The eyes flared up
And his teeth - click!

V. The Wolf comes out
I am a gray wolf, I live in the forest,
Three days did not eat, however.
I eat a cow like a sausage -
I am a wolf, not a dog! ..
I'm a cunning wolf, clicking my teeth,
I know a lot about piglets.
I have never offended anyone in my soul.
I met bunnies in the forest,
I had views of the fox
But the red hat is like that
I have never seen in my life.

Vedas. Tale.
The wolf said to the red cap

Why are you in the forest?

I am a hotel to my grandmother
I carry it in the basket.

Vedas. Tale.
The wolf then thought

Here I will fill the stomach
I just find out
Where the grandmother lives.
And in the forest hungry, sometimes,
I'll go home to my grandmother,
I will pretend to be a red hat,
Perhaps the lady will open!
Is this not a task?
I will fool everyone.
Here is a pay, so a pay!
Oh, and I'm a cunning friend.
I will eat both grandmother and granddaughter,
Here you have a pie!

Vedas. Tale.
And with a red cap, he said:

I want your grandmother
Wait an hour.
Tell me, red hat,
Granny addresses.

There lives there, behind the mill,
The village has the first house.
The path is easily creeping
We will not hurry.

Vedas. Tale.
But the wolf said:

No, no, we will go different paths,
I will go this, and you are the one
There will be no quarrels between us.
After all, that road is better
I know in advance.
We will see who is faster
He will come to the grandmother.
Butterflies flutter there
Moths fly,
You are beautiful flowers
You collect there ...
You are Narvi an old woman
As many as two bouquets -
One from mom, loving
The other, of course, is from myself.

Then I will enter the hut
I will hug the old woman
And I will tell her like this:
The hotel brought you
You haven't seen this
And more beautiful flowers
I collected you.

Vedas. Tale.
Here is a red hat
Goes without hurrying
Sings a song
As if laughing:

I, akin to flowers
I'm going to myself in the forest
Pie and oil
I carry my grandmother.
I'm talking about my grandmother
I remember hourly.
I carry her pie
And a pot with butter.
Mom sends big hello,
And more flowers bouquet.

Vedas. Tale.
And the wolf rushed away that there was a hard forces,
Behind him, a healthy man will not steal.
The wolf ran to the grandmother, and knocking tuk-nod!
Grandma responded to a familiar sound.

Who's there?

Vedas. Tale.
Answers. Wolf to her:

This is me, red cap,
Your granddaughter.

Vedas. Tale.
And my grandmother was sick
I was lying in bed
The voice of a red hat
Of course I did not recognize.

How was cold, granddaughter,
I'm worried.
I know that your voice
Above the nightingale ...
Dernie by the rope,
To open the door ...
The long -awaited child
Finally appeared!

Vedas. Tale.
The wolf pulled by the rope,
And flew into the light.
He felt alive,
And instantly swallowed the old woman.
Then the girl came and knocks the tuk-knuckle!

Who's there?

Vedas Tale.
A hoarse voice suddenly asks

You got a cold, grandmother,
What happened to you?!

Dernie by the rope,
To open the door!

Vedas. Tale.
He climbed under the blanket with his head,
And he calls the girl: "Fly with me."
The girl put butter, pie.
Next to the wolf lay down, do you believe, my friend?
Here is a red cap of a wolf and asked:

What do you have, grandmother,
Hands big?

To hug you stronger!

Vedas. Tale.
Not embarrassed, the wolf answered

I understand a lot about hugs.

Why are your ears too great?

To better listen to what you tell me!

Grandma, why are you huge eyes?

To see better! Oh, Dragonfly!

Grandma, why are the teeth big?

This is to eat you, hunger took the strength!

Vedas. Tale.
Then a wolf jumped out of bed, turned his head,
The beautiful girl immediately swallowed.
On the way, by the house
With axes on the shoulders,
Passed and crossed
Lumberjacks at the same hour.
Mom, grandmother and granddaughter
There were best friends.
The wolf came across like a "darling",
So you can’t invent.
Noise, hearing, flew into the house
And they killed the wolf.
He was broken by the belly
With knowledge and really.
These lumberjacks were
They say they are invincible ...
And from the belly, from the big,
Both are intact - sound
Grandmother and granddaughter came out!
That's all the fairy tale -
It's good when
True friends live!
And they said so about the wolf:

You dug a hole for another,
He himself got into a mess.
If you weren't you a bandit,
I would be alive now, an eccentric!
A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it -
Good fellows lesson!

Video: Puppet Theater "Three Piglets". Author's script

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