Tales-scenes for children in roles are comic, funny, folk, modern: the best selection

Tales-scenes for children in roles are comic, funny, folk, modern: the best selection

A collection of fairy tales-scenes for children that will help to make the child leisure more fun and pleasant.

Scene fairy tale for the children's holiday - "Doctor Aibolit"

Scene fairy tale for the children's holiday - Dr. Aibolit
Scene fairy tale for the children's holiday - "Doctor Aibolit"

Scene fairy tale for the children's holiday - "Doctor Aibolit":

Heroes: Dr. Aibolit, fox, dog, bunny misman and bunny bunny

Dr. Aibolit wakes up and goes to the lawn near the house:
I am a good doctor Aibolit!
I'll ask you: "What hurts?"
Come to me to be treated
And the calf and the fox,
Spider and worm,
And a huge rhino!
I'll cure everyone, I will,
I will save from diseases!

The fox comes to Dr. Aibolit and says:
Ah, the wasp pinched me!
Following the fox appears a dog and says:
And I was bitten by the bee!
A hare runs out onto the lawn and shouts:
And my bunny, and my boy
Slipped and fell,
And he was driving towards him
Overloaded tram.
He cut his legs
He is still limping!
Help how much you can
After all, my Zainka is sick!

Dr. Aibolit responds to the request of his mother-hare:
No problem! Bring your baby!
I will attach new legs
To run again along the path!

The fox and the dog, accompanied by a bunny-mother, take a hare to the lawn. Dr. Aibolit sews new legs to him. The bunny begins to jump and laugh.

Heroes: Dr. Aibolit, jackal, horse

Dr. Aibolit sits on the lawn near the house on a house and fits the pills.

From behind the curtains a jackal appears on horseback:
We carry a telegram to you
From hippopotama!

Dr. Aibolit turns the telegram and reads it loudly:
Come, come, come
To us soon!
And save and save
Our young children!
We are sick here in Africa
Already many, many days!

Dr. Aibolit pronounces anxiously:
What really happened?
Did the children get sick?

The jackal answers Dr. Aibolita:
Oh, of course, a disaster happened!
Scarlatin, they have a cholerah,
And many also have a sore throat!
They have malaria and bronchitis,
And the tummy hurts so much!
Come faster
Sweet Dr. Aibolit!

Dr. Aibolit sits in a wagon in which the horse is harnessed:
Yes, I'm running already, running
He helped the children quickly
Where do you live?
On the hill of al in a swamp?

The horse answers Dr. Aibolit:
We come from Zanzibara,
We live in sugar,
On the well -known grief,
That you will not meet anywhere!
That Mount Fernando-Po,
Hippo walks on it
Near the Limpopo river!

Dr. Aibolit went in a wagon to distant countries. Heroes: Dr. Aibolit, two hippos, two ostrich

Dr. Aibolit comes to Africa, two small hippos come to him:
We are hippo!
The tummy hurt us!
What to do with tumbles
Even mom does not know!

Dr. Aibolit runs to hippos, claps in tummies, gives them chocolate, puts thermometers.

Two ostrichs run up to him:
We are tired of measles
From smallpox, diphtheria!
We are tired of pain
And serious bronchitis!
And the neck is sick
The songs from singing!
You cure us, doctor,
So that we can fly!

Dr. Aibolit responds to poor ostrics:
I will not teach you to fly,
But I will easily cure
From smallpox, from bronchitis
There is not one tool!
Take the pills here
Here is a sweet syrup,
Tie the throat with a scarf,
Chills will pass quickly!

Dr. Aibolit also treated grasshoppers,
Which have dislocated shoulders.
I pulled out sick teeth to sharks,
Helped with the disease to cope with the tigers.
He did not eat ten nights, did not sleep,
I helped all sick!
Finally he cured everyone!
Now in Africa there is a laughter
Healthy tiger
Fluffy ostrich
Polostenic hippo -dumplings!
All the animals shout together:
Ah, thank you, dear Dr. Aibolit!

Fairy Tale Scene for children by roles - "Vovka in the distant kingdom"

Fairy Tale Scene for children by roles - Vovka in the distant kingdom
Fairy Tale Scene for children by roles - "Vovka in the distant kingdom"

Fairy Tale Scene for children by roles - “Vovka in the distant kingdom”:

Presenter 1:
Everyone knows, children love fairy tales,
And from childhood they are waiting with them.
They have magic, good and affection,
They call them to the world of joy.
They are old and modern,
The adult and the child is glad to them,
We want to introduce you from the scene
We are a tale in a new way!

Picture 1. Mom appears

Vovochka! Go here!

I'm going now!
What happened again with us?

Ah, son, stop sleeping
You need to read the book.

Still! It would be concern!
No, I can’t read me.

If you are lazy,
I will be angry with you.

Okay, okay, I read
At least without a primer I know everything.

Mom leaves.

What to read the literal?
I'll see the pictures

Vovka puts down the primer, takes the book "Tales", reads.

In some kingdom,
In a distant state
Lived and there was once a king
An extensive sovereign ....
Dreaming, looking up from the book
I wish I would become a king now
I had nothing to do,
I did nothing
They would not scold me.
No better in the world,
Than sitting all day idle.

Vovka yawns and falls asleep with a book in his hands. There is a king who paints a fence. Vovka wakes up.

Hey! Tsar!
What are you working?
The kings do not rely,
The servants will cope with this!

You, Malet, where yourself
To advise the kings?
The king must work hard
So as not to embroider at all!

Well, what the king you are then,
If you always work!

What people will say in the kingdom,
If the king will be a loafer?

Receive guests with honor -
This is royal work!

You are at least young, but lazy
And besides, and talkative,
If you were already big -
Right down!
Who does not work, but eats -
For that, there is no place here!
Negligent and talkative -
Drive out of the kingdom!
These are my royal law!
The king takes a bucket and a brush and leaves.

Think about it! I'll go to another fairy tale.

Picture 2. An old woman appears from a fairy tale about a fisherman and a fish.

Hello, grandmother! What are you sitting
Do you look at the blue sea?

Old woman:
Hello, dear man!
Here I am sitting, which is a century!
The paths are closed to the kingdom,
Do it, granddaughter, I have a trough!
After all, my then, everything is broken.

Here's another, healthy again!
First you are trotted
Then the washing machine ...
No granny wait,
You better tell me
Where is the goldfish here,
What kind of desires fulfill?

Old woman:
The sea is there. But without difficulty
You will never catch!

Game with the hall: "Warm -up"

Turn all to each other
And press your hands to a friend.
Raise your hands up
And move at the top.
We shout fun: "" Hurray! ""
You help each other
Answer questions
Only "" yes "" and only "" no ""
Give me the answer together:
If "" no "" you say,
Then tap your feet
If you say "" yes "-
Clap your hands then.
An old grandfather goes to school.
Is it true, children? .. (No - the children knock their feet).
Does he take his grandson there?
Answer together ... (yes - clap your hands).
Is ice frozen water?
We answer together ... (yes).
After Friday - Wednesday?
We will answer together ... (no).

Always green spruce?
We answer, children ... (yes).

With humor are you all right? .. (Yes)
Now we are doing exercises? .. (No)

Viskas ” - Koshkina food.
What do you tell me? (Yes)
I will foresee your answer:
Is the mouse afraid of cats? (Yes)

Can they swim by land? (Not)
It may be delicious lunch
From raw potatoes? (Not)
Does everything need cities
Write with the title letter? (Yes)
All answers are good
You answered from the heart.

Vovka (screams):
Where are you, goldfish?
I will make a desire:
Give me jam!
Have you heard? Perform!

This is who is here
Was it dispersed by me?
I did not throw the net into the water,
Does it want rewards, a loafer?
Go away from a fairy tale!
I can help you with this!
The fish wags its tail.

Well, think. The sprat is unhappy.

Picture 3. Dance: "Dance Vasilis"

Vasilisa 1:
We, sisters, Vasilisa,
On all the hands of the craftswomen.
If he asks who is the advice -
We will give such an answer:
Only he lives - does not push
Who is friends with science.

Vasilisa 2:
It’s impossible without it,
We are with a science - friends!

Where did you come from here?

Vasilisa in chorus:
We have a rally on the exchange of wisdom.

In a forest glade here
The team gathered all,
Exchange experience!

Vasilisa 1:
I read the star in the sky:
Our Koschey is seriously sick.
I should help him
And drive the illnesses away.

Vasilisa 2:
I walked along the path I magical
I found a healing bush,
The decoction is from it:
Only a sip - and you are healthy!
Vasilisa whisper.

I haven't seen once yet
As many as three sorceresses at once!
You see, they
All scientists and wise!
Everyone has witchcraft!
They certainly can be safe
Live and do nothing!

Vasilisa 2 (Vovka):
Why did you come here?

And from you this is what I need:
A couple of magic words
To say - and the table is ready,
And on it is a pie with jam
And other refreshments:
Gingerbread, my beloved cake,
Samovar, of course ...

Vasilisa 3:
We understand your order:
Let's start teaching now
And it will come from Vova
The best cook!
So, this is: take flour ....

Stop! To study? I can not!
I would simply, without learning
Create a cake with jam!

Vasilisa 2:
Here you have a hint:
You go to another fairy tale.
You shout: “Two of a casket,
The same from the face! "

Vasilisa 3:
You will give them any order -
Everyone will fulfill this hour.
When you go along that path
Good path to you!

Vasilisa (chorus):

Picture 4. Vovka appears in a magic meadow. Screaming.

Hey, two of a casket,
Equal from the face!
Brothers appear.

1st brother:
What is the owner?

2nd brother:
And what does it dream about now?

1st brother:
Everyone is ready to do at once!

2nd brother:
Give me a friend order!

So, firstly - I want ... (bent fingers)
Cake ... (brothers themselves bend his fingers)
Will you bend your fingers for me?

Brothers (together):


So I wish to eat, be bent ...
About six kilograms
Delicious all sorts of sweets -
It will be my dinner!
And I wish for dinner ...
The cake is huge chocolate!
It is clear? That's okay.
Waffel, gingerbread, jam ....
Yes! And sweet cookies.
This is my third order!

Will be done! Now!

The brothers take out sweets and begin to eat them.

1st brother:
Waffles, chocolate, sweets
There is nothing tastier!

2nd brother:
Here are cookies, here is jam!
This is a miracle - treat!

Stop! What are you? And what about me?

We will eat everything for you!

What is this nonsense
Eat for me?


No, patience is the end!
Get out in the casket!
The brothers run away.

Picture 5

Oh, how to eat - then hunting,
If only I met someone
Who would feed me
I'll sit aside
Yes, I’ll rest a little
Kolobok appears

I am a bun, a bun.
I am a meten for barns,
I am scraped in the suski.
Grandfather I love, Baba I love
I don’t want to sit on the window at all.
I want to read, I want to count.
To become smart
Better I go to school.
A notebook appears towards the kolobok

Who are you?

I am a bun!
I went to study at school!
And who are you?!

And I'm a notebook!
You can’t write without me.
You will take me to school,
You will find a faithful friend.

Having holding hands, a bun and a notebook are walking around the hall. A primer appears

I am a primer, look at the picture.
Fold the letters, read.
You turn me over.
I'll tell you about the north
Where ice does not melt at all.
And about what is ripening in the field,
And about bees, and about honey!

Wow, you, yes!
Here is such beauty ...
Very, very interesting
I can turn you over.
We ran to school together
I will also learn to read!

I agree to go with you!
Only you don't tear me.
And in the cover of the wrap -
Save other children.

A pen appears

Who are you?

A pen:
The pen is your girlfriend.
The letters are printed,
Very neat,
Letters for writing
I write myself. And who are you?

I am a bun!
Meten on the barns,
Susks are scraped.
On sour cream bags
I went to study at school!

A pen:
I'll go with you, Kolobok!
In school school, I know a lot!
A portfolio appears

Hey! Friends! How to be you without me?
How to carry everything to school,
If you won't take me?

And who are you?

And I'm a portfolio!
The best house for them, believe me!
There is a department for the primer ...

And for me?
I'm a beauty-tetrait so thin
That I'm afraid to melt the sides.

Do not worry, friends,
Take a need for me.
Gently lay out everyone
And I will report.

Ah, what a wonderful house,
In it we will heal together!
A unit appears

Who are you?
I'm a bun

I'm a notebook

I am a primer

A pen:
I am a pen.

I am a portfolio.

And who are you?

I am a unit!
If you are with me,
If you are lazy in the lessons,
Then me and my girlfriends
You will have on each page.

Kolobok (to the hall):
I need a single girlfriend
On each page?


Not! Such a friend is not good for me!
I don't need a unit!
Better with friends I'll go to study.
Study in life will come in handy!
The unit runs away. Mom appears.

Vovochka! Are you sleeping again?
There would be no book to read!

Vovka: (wakes up)
Ah, why are you screaming!

You will oversleep everything in the world!

Was it just a dream?!
What can he mean?
I don't want to sleep anymore!
I want to be able to and know everything!

Game with the hall
Game: "What do we take to school?"
It's time to decide
What we will take to school.
Such a question is not easy!
We will think seriously.
We will always do this:
If we agree, shout "Yes!",
And if there is another answer,
Together, in chorus, "no!"
Put the notebooks in the portfolio?
And the new slingshots?
Album to draw?
And matches - to set fire to school?
Calculator to count?
And the notebooks to write?
Dolls Fashion outfits?
Do you need brushes, do you need paints at school?
Phone - call home?
Plasticine to sculpt?
Will we take the kitten to school?
Do we put a pistol in the portfolio?
Tablets to treat?
And a sandwich to eat?
It is very difficult to get together!
Maybe stay in the kindergarten?
Or in the first grade
Will we go now?

To make it more fun at school
You will receive gifts soon.

(Presentation of gifts)

Pushkin scene for children for children

Pushkin scene for children for children
Pushkin scene for children for children

Scene on Pushkin's tales for children:

Presenter (1): One simple fairy tale,
Presenter (2): Or maybe not a fairy tale
Presenter (1): Or maybe not simple
Presenter (2): We want to tell.
Host (1): We remember her since childhood,
Presenter (2): Or maybe not from childhood,
Presenter (1): Or maybe we don’t remember
Presenter (1 and 2): But we will remember.

(The sea coast, not far from the house, an old man and an old woman are sitting on a bench.)

Host (1):
The old man with his old woman lived
At the very blue sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly 30 years and 3 years.

Presenter (2):
Once the old man went fishing,
As he did more than once for his life,
Yes, he caught only a fish,
The fish was not easy - gold.

Let me let go, older, me at sea,
Dear for myself, I will give a rage:
I’ll buy it than you wish.

God with you, goldfish!
I don’t need your heart out;
Go to your blue sea
Walk there in the open.

(The old man returns from fishing.)

I caught a fish today, not simple;
In the sea, the blue fish asked,
The cost of a price was bought away:
I bought off, what I only wish ...
Yes ... I see you don’t hear me ...
Why are you so sad? What kind of book?

Old woman:
Here, in the trough I found today a book
On the pictures you see, they write fairy tales.
Yes, only I do not know how to read.
Ignorer, see, disgusted.
And you have a simpleton!
You did not know how to take the ransom from the fish!
Let her show a fairy tale
At least a little amused by old age.

(The old man goes to the sea. The fish calls.)

Fish: What do you need, older?

Have mercy, sovereign fish,
My old woman extended me,
She wants to see her fairy tale.
Sorry, an illiterate grandmother.

Do not be sad, go to yourself with God,
There will be a fairy tale for your grandmother.

(Old people watch an excerpt from the “Tale of the Dead Princess ...” Episode with a mirror.)

Old woman:
You are foolish, a simpleton!
I asked for some kind of piece!
Back, fool, you are to the fish;
Bow to her, let him show.

(Grandfather by the sea calls the fish.)

Fish: What do you need, older?

Have mercy, sovereign fish,
Even more than the old woman is scolding,
Does not give the old man to me rest:
The fairy tale seemed to her short.

Do not be sad, go to yourself with God,
So be it: there will be a sequel.

(Old people look at an excerpt from the fairy tale “Groom” Episode with the feast and exposure of the groom.)

Old woman:
You are foolish, a simpleton!
What did you beg, fool, at the fish?
Good fairy tales there didn’t find there?
All the villains draws.
Back, bow to the fish:
Let him show me a good fairy tale.

(The old man goes to the sea calls the fish.)

Fish: What do you need, older?

Have mercy, sovereign fish,
Even more than the old woman is scolding,
Does not give the old man to me rest:
She just doesn’t want a fairy tale
He wants good, with music, with dance.

Do not be sad, go to yourself with God.
There will be a fairy tale for you.

(Excerpt from the “Tale of the Tsar with ...” Episode with a kite and swan.)

Old woman:
You are foolish, a simpleton!
Did you beg to be at the fish?
Where, tell me, miracles? Where is the magic?
Back, bow to the fish.
Let it show the continuation
All series have been shooting for a long time,
And she is all some scenes.

(Old man by the sea.)

Fish: What do you need, older?

Have mercy, sovereign fish,
The old woman does not want fragments
He wants fairy -tale TV shows
With miracles, and with a wealth of imperceptible.

Do not be sad, go to yourself with God.
She will be series.

(Excerpt “Tales of the king with ...” Episode with squirrels.)

Old woman:
You are foolish, a simpleton!
I didn't see that I dozed off
Now go to the fish again
Obey and ask, let him continue.

Fish: What do you need, older?

Have mercy, sovereign fish,
More than the former old woman is scolding,
Does not give the old man to me rest:
She overslept my whole fairy tale
And he asks me to continue.

Do not be sad, go to yourself with God.
There will be a continuation.

(Excerpt “Tales of King Saltan” Episode with the transformation of C. Swan into a girl - beauty.)

Old woman:
You are foolish, a simpleton!
He asked for a long fairy tale.
Back, bow to the fish!
I do not want to watch I am a kind of fairy tales:
Break off a drop each time.
I want to become the mistress of the screen,
Where fairy tales went on all channels,
And I would, pressing the buttons,
She would choose them herself.

(Old man by the sea.)

Fish: What do you need, older?

Have mercy, sovereign fish,
My woman was completely swollen:
She wants to stand up by the mistress of the screen.

(The fish did not say anything. The old man by the sea was waiting for a long time, the fish was clicked. The bald is suitable, he throws the rope.)

Hello, kind person.
Let your century be long.
Just on this "thread"
Are you going to catch here?


Is it to the ears, old man?!
Where did you see the hook?
I did not come fishing
And to take up the quitters from the devils!

(Grandfather is baptized and hides in coastal bushes. Damn it disappears, returning :)

Here you have a bastard:
Full of gold bag.
And you are an old man from sorrow
The devils were handed over ("ABC")
And tell your grandmother formidable,
It’s never too late to study!

Host (1): The idea of \u200b\u200bthis fairy tale,
Presenter (2): Or maybe not fairy tales,
Presenter (1): Not only an adult will understand,
Presenter (2): But even the little one:

Presenter (1 and 2):
Read Pushkin's fairy tales,
Or look like that,
But just don't forget
Hack on the mustache!

Scene Fairy Tale for the Summer Camp - "Thumbelina"

Scene fairy tale for the summer camp - inch
Scene Fairy Tale for the Summer Camp - "Thumbelina"

Dance of flowers and butterflies.

How much beauty is in the world
Sun, sky and flowers
Butterflies, green meadow
How beautiful everything is around
There is also me in this world
The girl is an inch.


We will fly to the white light
And we will tell everyone this news
That a girl lives in a flower
And sings gentle songs

Oh, how pure her soul is
And how good it is.
Eyes are pure emerald.
Her inch is called.

A toad comes out with a net:
You listen to the song
Like in Tina Tishin
Once upon a time there was a frog
With a guitar on the back.
Although she knew how
Play no better than anyone
But the song had
Always great success.

Kv -kva is a simple song,
Kv -KVA -I really like it.
It loves a song
Kvaki is my beloved, dear!
Water, like from a ear,
The rain is pouring a shed.
But dancing cute kvaki
On bumps day-day.
And yellow water lilies
They grow on the lake.
And with a song mixer
There lilies bloom.
The chorus is the same.

Oh, and the delicious was a mosquito.
Here's another, try it.

Oh mom, mom I'm tired
I'm tired of bursting midges.

KVA, KVA, and this is not trouble.
We will find you entertainment.
Do not want to eat a mosquito
Take your son for learning.

I'm tired of all the problems:
Books, letters, theorems.
I do not want to study,
I want to get married.
I'm better to lie here
And I will scratch my tummy.

KVA, my dear son,
Dear, my handsome
I will find the bride
And rather I will give it.

Son. (holds chamomile in his hands and guesses on it)

Sleep, eat, drink
Sleep, oh,
Something in a belly rumbled
I'm starting everything from the beginning

Toad. (gives an inch)
Oh, dear kvaki, admire,
I found you the bride.
Look, kv, how good it is!

KVA, mom seems to be in love
There are one for a million.
The next day gather guests
Let's play a wedding as soon as possible!

I have no time to stand here
I’ll go to call friends for a wedding. (Leaves and sings the continuation of the song.)
The song is good
There are many friends.
Pat your hands
Spread more fun.
Green edge, green grass,
With a guitar frog, funny words.

Kvaki, Kvaki, your fiancé
Now you are my bride.
The name is you like

KVA, how interesting.
Let's go to the swamp with me
We will be happy together.

Excuse me, I don't want to.
The swamp is boring and dull
I feel good in my garden
Please pass by. (turns away)

KVA, KVA, Maman, KVA, KVA, Maman,
She doesn't want to see me!
KVA, KVA, I rejected!
Give me a bee poison.
But how could they offend me (leaves)

The beetle "flies" to the music.

Highly glad, what a meeting.
I am a May beetle, I flew here
And I met you unexpectedly.
Charming lady, who are you?

Thumbelina ...

How cute, acquaintance with you is terribly happy
It seems to me that I fell in love (gets on the knee)
I dream to marry you

On whom?

Of course on you,
But I see in my decision
There is another proposal
have fun and dance

A beetle and an inch dance and caterpillars join them.

1st caterpillar.
What a nightmare, what a shame
There is a neck, waist, two legs
There are two paws, and there is no mustache

2nd caterpillar
Ah, shame, squalor, ugliness
She looks funny
But don't you see

1st caterpillar.
We are sorry for you. Such a man!
The gesture and look unique.
Contacted terribly-unexpected
Everyone around is buzzing about this.

Well, here, dear, you don't have a place
I’ll go look for another bride.
Beetle and caterpillars leave.

Oh, it’s sad and lonely
Already autumn at the threshold.

Dance of flowers with autumn scarves.

Oh, how cold it became for me.
Autumn late has come.
Here is the mink in the distance
Maybe someone will help me.

The mouse comes out with the song.

Mouse. (song)
I am the mistress of the field
I know my business firmly
I will feed and drink
I will sing my cheerful song.
I never lose heart
I blow off dust from the table
I put the order
I follow the order.
The mouse runs willingly
Collects grains in the field
All supplies will poop
Again it goes across the field.

What do I see, who is this?
What are you standing here, because not summer
Like an icicle under a sheet.
Get up, go to the house soon

They pass into the depths of the scene, sit on the bench. The mouse wraps the shoulders of an inch with a handkerchief.

You, Thumbelina, I know.
In summer, the butterflies are flying,
They told on the fly
Your story is to me.

I can live a little.
The wind spun the clothes
There is neither at home, no friends
Be even to me kindly.

So be it, stay
Yes, do business.
To us today for lunch
The mole will come - he is my neighbor.
Pay his attention to him blind, but he is rich,
He walks in a expensive fur coat and is not married to that.

Music sounds. A mole enters.
Ah, here he is coming.

How many winters, how many years.
Well, a neighbor hello.
Tell me how you lived
How are your business going.

Here with Thumbelina together
We live very gloriously.
And she helps me.
Sews, cooks, removes.

You say, can cook
And in everything, in everything will help.
Let him live with me now,
I will now be a wife. (turns to the audience)
But I am smart, rich.
Not a groom, but just a treasure. (Mole dances "Dance with a cane")

Mouse. (Inch)
Dress and go.
And look at the house there.

A mole with an inch leaves, followed by a mouse. A swallow appears, dances and falls asleep at the end of the dance. An inchka comes out.

Ah, you are my poor thing,
How sorry I am to me.
You flew to the warm land,
And froze Stropoti.
But I will regret you
And I warm my handkerchief.

Thumbelina covers the swallow with a handkerchief.

Martin. (stands up)
You saved my life to twist, Vit, Vit,
I must thank you.

How glad I am that again
You will fly in the sky.

Honey, you're just a miracle
Do you want to fly away from here?
We fly to the flowering edges,
Where are my friends live.
Smiles shine around
If you want, your house will be there.

I agree, sooner, soon
We fly with you to the country of friends. (Swallow with an inch run)
Flowers come out and carry the arch. Under it pass a swallow with an inch.
You will not find a mile
This is the kingdom of lovely fairies.
Look in the flower of anyone
You will arrange your house. (Prince joins them.)

Hello my girl.
I am glad to meet you.
You are beautiful like a fairy.
I do not believe my eyes.
All the heroes of the fairy tale come out.

Everyone is dancing "Menuet"

May all children be happy
On this sunny planet.

Short fairy tale for the scene - "Fairy Fairy"

Short fairy tale for the scene -
Short fairy tale for the scene - "Fairy Fairy"

A short fairy tale for the scene - “Fairy Fairy”:

Fairy Vesnyanka,
Two girls freckles.
The villain is a sparkle.

Fairy Vesnyanka:
On our planet, the sun got up.
On our planet is spring without the beginning,
Spring endlessly. Spring all year round!
The most cheerful people live with us.
Boys live here, girls live here.
The pranksters are all, huts, laughter.
Spring gave them all warmth.
Miracles live on our planet.

Freckles (in turn):
We are girls, we are freckles -
Mischievous laughter.
Love to jump and dance
And dream in the sun.
We have no time to get bored here.
In the morning we always drink tea.
Hey, beautiful girlfriend,
Where is the kettle, saucer, mug?
I'll put it in a beard
Two pinches of thyme.
And lilac violets.
There will be groove and jacket.
For health - two daisies.
A handful of flowering white porridge.
And we will tell you the secret:
Need sunny greetings.
This berry is wonderful
There are no other planets.
It has the warmth and light of spring.
Many, many kindness.
This berry is not a little.
Happiness in her, love and joy.

They run out of a redhead with a cheerful:
- Hey freckles!
- Hey girlfriends!
- What are you like two cuckoos!
- Enough you to drive teas!
- Time to play in the bacon!

Freckles (in turn):
- This is a redhead with a cheerful!
- Maybe we’ll drink tea with a raspberry?

Ryzhik: Tea later! Then let's drink!

Veselinka: We ran! We are waiting for you!

Run away. A villain of sparkling appears:
Runned! Look, people!
Merring all year round!
I am an insidious spark!
Nobody is waiting for me here!
Where are their sunny greetings?
He was here! And no more.
Oh, they were going to collapse!
We need to hide somewhere.

The sparkm is hiding. Freckles, redhead, cheerful appear.

Freckles (in turn):
A miracle of berry is gone!
It was here and suddenly did not!
No nowhere! Well, business!
Oh, trouble! Trouble! Trouble!
Hello sun!
Without him, we have no happiness.
They sit down, cry.

Fairy Vesnyanka appears:
What do I see? Oh, tears
On the cheeks of Veselinka.
And the freckles are depressed
As if they forgot to drink tea.
What happened? What's the secret?

Freckles: We lost hello.
There was no miracle cirloin.
And she was lying here.

Fairy Vesnyanka:
I know, I know whose work.
Wow! The villain of spark!
Raised a commotion here!
I could not go far!

They go one after another, looking for spark.

Ah, got caught! Well, hold on!
How not embarrassing! Obey!

As, tell me, not to be evil.
I love and drink tea.
In the Salki, play hide and seek!
Domest, dance.
And no one is friends with me!
Nobody needs me.

Vesnyanka: Oh, a villain-prisoner.
Do not grumble for children.
Eat here solar greetings.
There are no sweeter berries in the world.

The sparking eats the berry:
I barely stand on my feet.
Head is spinning.
Full spark to me to throw me
And offends freckles.
There is so much warmth in the heart ...
Flowers are blooming.
Hey, freckled people.
We will become a friendly round dance.
On the planet is upholstered
And good to do good.
Spring round dance.

Scene Fairy Tale in a new way - "Forest Tale"

Scene Fairy Tale in a new way -
Scene Fairy Tale in a new way - "Forest Tale"

The scene is a fairy tale in a new way - “Forest Tale”:

Presenter: We will show you, friends, show a fairy tale
But not simple, but forest.
There is a forest in the world
He is full of fairy tales and miracles.
About the spectators of the forest, guys,

We will make a riddle of you. (Children make riddles, and the teacher dresses masks).

Hedgehog: Under pine trees, under Christmas trees
Lies a bag of needles.

Hare: Lump of fluff, long ear,
He jumps deftly, loves carrots.

Bear: In the summer walks without a road near pines and birches,
And in winter he sleeps in the den,
From the frost, the nose hides.

Squirrel: I go in a fluffy fur coat,
I live in a dense forest.
In the hollow on the old oak,
I get nuts.

Doctor: Who is sitting at the patient's bed,

Owl: How to be treated - he says to everyone.

Presenter: On the forest lawn
Bunnies lived together.
Hare, hare,
Four sons and a paw-daughter.
Near the house a garden -
There the cabbage is growing
And carrots of the bed,
So everything is in order.
Hares lived, did not push.
We went to the forest for apples.
But one day, not casual,
A misfortune came to Zayikin.
We have a doctor of forest.
Here he calls him a scythe.

Hare: Doctor, doctor, oh - oh - oh.

Dr. Filin: What happened, scythe?

Hare: Rain in the forest,
Bunnies ran, frolic
And a little cold.

Doctor: OK OK. Run Run.
Now your children
I will help.

Presenter: The suitcase collects
And flies to the hare.
Thermometers puts them.
Looks throat, looks at the nose,
He listens to breathing.

Zaichikha: What to do, what to do
How do we treat children?

Doctor: Vitamins must be given
In order to drive all the illnesses.
It would be nice to honey spoon
And there are still potatoes on the chest.

Presenter: The hare sat down and began to decide

Hare: Where to get it all?

Presenter: Then the bunny ran up
And so the bunny said.

Zaichikha: We need to jump to Mishka
Ask a little honey.
And at the squirrel squirrel
There are nuts in the pantry.
And the hedgehog has a card.
There is a carrot in the garden
And there is cabbage too.
Apples in the garden cannot be counted.

Presenter: The bunny ran to the bear.

Hare: Hello, Misha, help out:
Give a spoonful of honey to the bunny!
(Bear gives tesock with honey.)
I thank you
I give you apples.

Presenter: The bunny ran to the squirrel.

Hare: Squirrel, squirrel, help out.
Give us a little nut.
(Protein gives a basket with nuts)
I thank you
I give you apples.

Presenter: Bunny runs to the hedgehog.

Hare: Hello, Hedgehog, help out.
Give us a little potatoes!
(Hedgehog gives a bag of potatoes.)
I thank you
I give you apples.

Presenter: Ten days and nights in a row
Hares treat their hare.
So they cured hares razits
And they went to laugh and dance, and somersault.

Doctor: To always be healthy
Need to harden.
Exercise in the morning
Pour water.

Song about health

Modern fairy tale scene about the promotion of a healthy lifestyle - the converted "Fly of the Tsokotuha"

Modern fairy tale scene about the promotion of a healthy lifestyle - the converted fly of the basement
Modern fairy tale scene about the promotion of a healthy lifestyle - the converted "Fly of the Tsokotuha"

Modern fairy tale scene about the promotion of a healthy lifestyle - the converted "Fly of the Tsokotuha":

- Hello, my kumushka,
How do you have deeds?

- Oh hi! You lost weight?!

- I sat on diets!
On the Kremlin, hunger and separate nutrition.
And now I don't eat at all,
I drink water! Three liters per day!
But for free potatoes
I don't even look, fi!
And your favorite sandwich
I do not put in my mouth anymore.

- You are completely crazy.
You drink water three buckets!
Is it possible, dear,
Get out of yourself!
Think about health,
You will also become a sick.
Know flies around the world
That disease is anorexia!

- I never heard!

- This, dear trouble!
There is no one at all
Neither in the morning, nor day, nor at night.
You turn into a skeleton
And there is simply no salvation!
It’s better not to joke with this.

- What to do? How to be?
How to save a figure
And do not get a disease!

- Badkha, you try, go more sports,
Eat healing products: honey, all vegetables and fruits.
Shaping, fitness, physical education
And you will definitely have a beautiful figure!
Chao, my dear!

- I will listen to the advice.
I will throw a hard diet.
I will sign up for fitness, I will download the press,
I will jump, run
But do not starve!

) 4 spiders leave for a car. ”

Spider 1 (glutton)
- Hallowe, fly! (chewing)

Spider 2 (smoker)
-Bonger, baby! (releases smoke on a fly)

Spider 3 (alcoholic) (drinks)
-The slightly, ik!

Spider 4 (addict) (smells)
- Guten Morgen, Guten so, take a walk with us - so! (shows a hand perfectly)

- Oh, guys, sorry, I'm not on the way with you.

- Why, basement?

- We are cool dude!

- Yes, I do not argue, you are cool.
Only thick, sturred and drunk, what!

Spider 3 (to the side, laughing)
Oh, grief, what, grief!

- Do not want to change?

-Better to drown right away! (Together, they laugh)

Spider 4
-Brandan, good to base with her
Graper the bag and finge it soon!

Delicious, strong and brave!
I am a super-hero
Perfect body!

Spider 1
-Ey, handsome, Superman,
Yes, you are not strong at all!

- Let go of the basement
And return her handbag.
And then I will not touch you,
Let me let go of good!

Spider 2
-The four, and you are one
Are you not afraid, sir?

- Let go of the basement
And return her handbag.
And then I will not touch you,
Let me let go of good!

Spider 3
-Det the option,
(To the side, laughing)
"Superman", "Van Dam", giant ...
We let go of your fly
Well, we leave the bag!

Spider 1. (objecting)
And to someone to chew!

- I do not agree, you keep in mind, do not win the mosquito.
(Shows karate techniques, scatter spiders)

-Well done, super-comar, gloriously you scatter them.

-You need to be called sports today, tomorrow and always!
And then all the difficult things will be affected by you.

Fly (mosquito)
I give you a promise
In a fitness club, buy a ticket.

- Well, how do you like the suggestion to go to the gym with me?

-Phizulture, physical education -an ideal figure!

In a healthy body healthy mind!

Fly (scared)
Look, this is a spider!
Spiders appear, one carries a poster.

Poster: We are for a healthy lifestyle

You, friends, forgive us
And let in the gym to yourself!

Come in, so be it,
You need to forgive spiders.

It is important to play sports
Mosquitoes and spiders,
And, of course, people, you!
Song "Morning Gymnastics"

Folk Tale Scene-“Goat-Deresa” for children

Folk tale scene - goat -dermez for children
Folk Tale Scene-“Goat-Deresa” for children

Folk Tale Scene-“Goat-Deresa” for children:

Characters: Goats

My loved goals
My goats are beautiful,
Have you eaten updated?
Did you drink it?

One goat goes away from everyone:
We are full today, drunk
They walked around the meadows,
On the edges, on the hillocks
They wandered the hills in steep
We plucked the grass
Lay down in Bor,
At the stream, water got drunk -
As if they were born again!

The goat that flaunted the horns replies:
I didn't walk today
And I did not see herbs
And in the aspen forest
I did not swallow the bark!
I forgot about me
Grandma is an old goat!
Managed to grab only a drop
From the overgrown stream!

Grandfather, hearing such speeches, was angry and drove off his grandmother:
I brought me up, the old woman:
There is no vision or hearing!
I don't need you, grandmother -
Go away from the yard!

Scene 2

Grandfather comes out of the hut. He goes to the goats and asks:
My loved goals
My goats are beautiful,
Have you eaten updated?
Did you drink it?

One goat goes away from everyone and combs an apple tree, and the rest answer in chorus:
We are full today, drunk
They walked around the meadows,
On the edges, on the hillocks
The hills roamed steeply,
We plucked the grass
Lay down in Bor,
At the stream, water got drunk -
As if they were born again!

The goat that is overwhelming the apple tree replies:
I didn't walk today
And I did not see herbs
And in the aspen forest
I did not swallow the bark!
I forgot about me
Daughter, what an Eight!
Managed to grab only a drop
From the overgrown stream!

Grandfather, hearing such speeches, was angry and drove off his daughter:
You let me down, daughter:
In vain that the son did not give birth!
I do not need you, daughter -
Go away from the yard!

Scene 3

Suddenly grandfather ran ahead of the goat and asks:
My loved goals
My goats are beautiful,
Have you eaten updated?
Did you drink it?

One goat goes away from everyone and kicks the well with a hoof, and the rest answer in chorus:
We are full today, drunk
They walked around the meadows,
On the edges, on the hillocks
The hills roamed steeply,
We plucked the grass
Lay down in Bor,
At the stream, water got drunk -
As if they were born again!

The goat who kicked the well answers:
I didn't walk today
And I did not see herbs
And in the aspen forest
I did not swallow the bark!
Grandfather, blind and nearby,
I fell to sleep soon
And snored in Bor High
Like hundreds of bears!
I did not pinch the grass
In a beautiful in the meadow,
Managed to grab only a drop
I am grateful to a stream!

Grandfather, hearing such speeches, was angry, tied the goat to the apple tree and let's beat it, saying:
Ah, you, stupid goat,
I drove away because of you
Her daughter, native grandmother,
I kicked them out of the yard!
I am now left:
I will beat you stronger
Without pancakes and without a pancake
I became, goat, I'm only angry!

The goat runs off the stage.

Scene 4

The gray bunny approaches its house and asks:
Who is hiding in my hut?

And the goat-dermez from the hut and answers:
This is me, goat-deresa,
How not to know me?
They bought me for three pennies,
Half of the sides were broken!
I am now in authority:
I concern you
And now everything will answer
You will not enter your hut:
On the threshold I will trample!

The bunny, hearing such speeches, was scared, squeezed his tail and ran away.

Scene 5

The cockerel saw a sad hare and asks:
- Bunny, why aren't you cheerful? Why hung his head?

And the bunny answers:
How not to cry for me now?
The door is locked from the hut!
Settled in my house
A terrible-frail miracle-zver!

The cockerel asks the bunny again:
What kind of beast, I don't know!
I have never heard of this!

And the bunny answers:
This is a violent goat, bears the name Derez!
He says that all her formidable horns will recognize!

The cockerel laughed and answers:
Do not be sad, do not be afraid,
Bunny Gray, you hold on!
I will help you with a goat
With this cunning derezo!

Bunny and cockerel are removed from the stage. Scene 6

Friends approach the hut and ask:
- Who lives in a hut?

And the goat-dermez from the hut and answers:
This is me, goat-deresa,
How not to know you all of me?
I was bought for a penny,
Half of the side is poured!
I am now in authority:
I am led by everyone in the world!
You will not enter my hut:
On the threshold I will trample!

The cockerel was not at a loss, jumped on the threshold and how to scream:
And I'm walking in boots
In iron heels!
Boots with spurs,
Ultime patterns!
I carry a spicy braid,
The braid is fierce, merciless!
I'll take her head off your head
Yes over the stove I will hang!

The goat of the threat was frightened, swept onto the stove, fell to the floor, and crashed with fear.

A comic scene fairy tale for children - "Adventures of the house of Kuzi and Baba Yaga"

A comic scene fairy tale for children -
A comic scene fairy tale for children - "Adventures of the house of Kuzi and Baba Yaga"

A comic scene fairy tale for children - “Adventures of the house of Kuzi and Baba Yaga”:

Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga.
Wait, you hut!
I'll catch up, even if I'm an old woman!
You, hut, do not fuck
Let me enter and lie on the stove!

Good afternoon, grandmother!

Baba Yaga.
How kind is he, day?
The hut and I are not in the wretches:
I am Bultic, she is clock!
We run through the forest all day
And scare the poor Ptah.
Sits on a chair and grieves.

Yes, a mess! Guys, do we need a bad mood?

Baba Yaga.
And my children are not a decree! Yes, and my hut too. She, what she wants, is doing.
The hut peeps out from the door and shows with his hands the “pins”.

Yes, grandmother, the owner you need to hold the house in your hands.

Baba Yaga.
Master? Well, of course, householder! (Rejoices).
We need a grandmother of a brownie,
To always live with me!
After all, the two of them to live is handy:
Both pleasant and non -boring. (Looks at the lead). And where can I get it?

Guys, what do you think, if he is a brownie, where should he live? (Children answer

Baba Yaga sits on the pomelo and flies away, the hut-behind her.

We helped you with your grandmother-yaga. And what do you think, where was her hut? (Children answer). That's right, in the forest ... Let's imagine the autumn forest.

Autumn on the edge of the paints made the colors,
She spent quietly in the foliage with a brush.
Yellower hazel, and maples sailed,
In Purpur, the autumn oak costs green.
Rain behind the window is knocking: tuk-tuk,
Do not be sad, autumn - the sun will come out suddenly!

The "dance with umbrellas" begins.

The rain went, ran, rummaged,
We are all home at home right away.
The rain was pounded, dancing, spinning,
He began to tap on the glasses to us.

Where am I?

Guys, what do you think, who flew to us? But what happened to you?

We, how twelve was breaking through
From behind the stove we went out with my brother.
I am Kuzma, and he is Nafanya,
That's my whole company.
Nafani and I slept amicably,
We see, our house was broken,
Only the stove remained
Poker and candle.
Although it was bitter, brothers,
But I decided to get down to the matter.
I took a broom to accommodate
And she is to carry me
Just waved - and flew.
We have been on the way for a long time
But where, however, did you go?

Guys, tell me the case where he got. (Children tell).

In the autumn forest? What other forest does it happen?

Spring, summer, winter.

Kuzya, our guys will sing a song about autumn leaves.

Children sing the song "Leaflet". At the end of the song, children sit on chairs. Baba Yaga appears, approaches Kuza.

Baba Yaga.
Honey, Kasik, where did you go?
Kuzenka, son, the house is waiting for you, only I can’t catch it, help!

Stand up, hut in front of me
Like a leaf in front of the grass!

The curtain is pushed away and the hut is visible. Baba Yaga invites Kuzu to the house.

Kuzya (groans).
The floor is not chalk, the table was not scraped ...
The pots are beaten, the pans are not washed ...
For you, Baba Yaga, the broom cries!
(Looks behind the house.)
Vegetables are not collected, the bushes are not discharged.
Everything has grown with a weed ...

Baba Yaga.
You scold right!

Do not swear, cousin, we will help you collect vegetables and transfer.
The round dance begins “harvest”.

How many vegetables have been collected, now to transfer everything to the house.

The game "Who is faster?" Begins. While the children drive a round dance and play, Baba Yaga changes clothes and gets in the hut.

Baba Yaga.
Oh, happiness fell.
How amicably everyone got down to business!

I am brownie, and house happiness bring to the house!

Baba Yaga.
Yes, and I managed to do everything! Our samovar is new! Silves silver, gingerbread sugar. Well, now the hut will not run away from us.

And now it's time to dance.
The dance "friendly couples" begins.

B aba-Yaga.
Kuzenka, friendly guys who came across. Let's and invite them to drink a seagull?

Guys, let's go to drink tea. Chocolate sweets, crispy waffles, and the gingerbread cookies are real.

Under funny music, everyone goes to the group to drink tea

Scene fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog"

The scene is a fairy tale
Scene fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog"

The scene is the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog":

Characters: The host, the assistants of the host (they move the scenery on the stage), the old man and his sons - Stepan, Danila, Ivan, the merchant and his daughter, the boyar and his daughter, the frog. Russian folk music sounds.

Once upon a time there was an old man in the village.
Lived, worked, did not tighten
And old age in comfort
He raised his sons.
There were three sons of those -
Remanced well done:
High, beautiful, slim,
Hard workers, brave!

The old man is dancing. Sons appear.

Here is Danila with Stepan -
These first are everywhere.
The younger was called Ivan,
The most of the family was in the family.
So they lived a year after year.
That's a friendly family!
In the morning in the field to work,
The dawn will appear a little,
All gathering together.
Henocos, threshing -
Everyone knows how to do it with honor
On all the hands of the master.
Only now the old man is decrepit
The score is keeping on his years,
More often he is now sick,
He cannot sleep at night.
Sons will send to the field
He will remain in the hut.

Old man:
Oh! All the bones are aching:
Old age! Oh, you ...

The old man takes a cast iron, wants to put in the furnace, drops.

So the hands trembled.
Cast iron could not hold.

Old man:
The devils were asked sorrow -
Apparently, the deadline is suitable for me.

The old man sits down, waving his hand, lowering his head, sits, sad. Sons enters.

Old man:
Well, my relatives, my sons
We have to hold advice.
All of you guys are deleted,
And you have no brides.
Here take onions and arrows
Yes, go to the yard.
To make everything in honor,
Here is our agreement:
God will pray together -
So the father tells -
Turn yourself around,
Holding the bow in front of you.
Having received blessing,
Everyone will release an arrow.
And where will she stuck -
Look for your fate there.

The first eldest son with an arrow
He came out, as his father ordered.
And soon he will meet
He brought his daughter his merchant.

Music sounds. The merchant takes his daughter, bowls with the old man.

The second son obediently took up
Will fulfill the father,
And boyar's daughter with dowry
Leaves at the porch.

Boyarin leads a daughter, in his hands he has a knot. Boyarin puts him at the old man's feet. The old man and the boyar are bowed. The daughter sits on the knot.

It is a few less
Test your fate.
Also, praying to God,
Our Ivan started the arrow.
Looking, look, there are no arrows.

Where to look for her now?
Behind the village is a dense forest -
Only a beast lives there.
Oh you! What a bad luck!
I am not lucky today.
Know, there was no luck
Husband to be his wife.

But the arrow must be delivered
Because the agreement.
And, sighing, with great annoyance
The youngest son left the courtyard.
For a long time he wandered through the forest.
He walked, not knowing himself where.
All hoped that somewhere
Suddenly the arrow will be found.

Already trees in gilding
And the arrows are not seen.
I got to the swamp.
Where is to look for her now?

Ivanushka ah!

Chu! As if someone was crying
As if someone calls me ...
No, then the voice of the frog,
The toad sings in the grass there.

Ivanushka ah!

But, however, still someone
Continues to call me
And there is one swamp around.
You can’t see anyone here.
I'll come closer:
Someone is busy in the bushes.
O! The Saints! What do I see!
There is no limit in miracles!

There, on a bump, on green,
Packed -eyed sits
Gaze clear, gloomy
He looks at Ivanushka.

Know, the frog is not simple -
Says something to the heart:
There is a gold crown
On the bang it burns with fire.
Who would say - did not believe
In this miracle never.

Meanwhile, in the mouth of the fairies,
God sees - his arrow.
Ivan got up like a pillar, does not know
What to do, what to say.
It is only clear that it is not necessary
Look for more arrow.
Here she is, before you,
Just stretch your hand
Bow the swamp fairy
And take your arrow.
Somehow come to life
Ivan began to think:
Who is the frog for him now?

How to call a frog?

A bargain is a bargain -
So they think in Russia.
What to do to Ivan now?
Where to ask for advice?
And the frog, by the way,
Lays in Russian ...

Ah, Ivanushka, listen,
You take me with you.
I'm your bride now
God brought you here,
So be with you together
This is our fate.

What are you, toad? Is it in mind
Are you talking about your speech?
How am I to my father and brothers
I'll show the frog?

The poor looked sadly
Good fellow in the eye,
On her cheeks green
A tear rolled.

What should I do with you?
Know, indeed my fate
I laughed at me
And threw you.

Do not be sad, clear falcon!
Do not have to regret
Taking me in the bride,
I promise you to you.

If so, let's go with me
The sun is already a long time ago.
We must go to our house like that
So that no one can see us.

Ivan and the frog leave.

We played you a start.
You all know the end.
How Ivan Bride led
Vasilisa under the aisle,
As I had to do before the wedding of this
Test a lot of grief
Like a frog again a princess
I managed to become beautiful.
How we were convinced again
Won the fairy tale again
Just as it happens in life ...

All (in chorus): Fidelity, friendship and love.

"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" is a scene

The tale of the fisherman and the fish - the scene
"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" is a scene

"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" is a scene:

The old man with his old woman lived
At the very blue sea.
"In the tent at the expanse."
Away from the city and artists,
From noise, gama and tourists.
The old man caught a fish with a net (Beluga, Stavrid).
The old woman spun her yarn (for sale).
Since he threw a net into the sea ...

Grandma: What is there, onion grief?

Grandfather: A net came with one tina.

Grandma: Ugh you, well, you, what a club you are!

Author: Another time he threw his net.

Grandma: What did you take out there?

Grandfather: A net with a grass of sea came.

Grandma: Well, where will I have peace?!

For the third time he threw a net.
A net came with only a fish.
Not with a simple fish, with gold.
And the goldfish prayed soon:

Gold fish:
Let me let go, old man, me at sea!
I’ll buy it than you wish.
Everything you dream will come true!

The old man was never so surprised!
He presented everything he dreamed about, smiled!
But the conscience in the old man played,
He opened his eyes. The dream is gone.
He looked at the fish again
And he told her an affectionate word:

Go to your blue sea
Walk there in the vastness!
I don't need anything from you.
“Thank you” will be a reward to me.

The old man turned back to the tent,
He told about all his grandmother.
How the old woman jumped up, screamed,
C -shutting and hands banged!

Grandma: You are simple, fool!

Grandfather: What are you screaming?

Old woman:
I have a reason!
For a long time for me to rinse the linen in the sea!?
And about the typewriter - to dream of a machine gun!
Go to the fish! Look for her wherever you want!
But so that I had a machine by the night!

The old man went to the blue sea.
The sea expanses were worried!
He began to call a gold fish:

Old man: Smile to me, fish, I ask!

Suddenly the waves of the sea moved apart.
The fish appeared, two with it.

Gold fish:
What do you need, older?
Do you want to try your happiness?

Old man:
Yes, not me. And my old woman!
As I heard a story about you,
It requires a machine - a machine gun.

Gold fish:
I will fulfill your will and her!
There will be something to wash the laundry!

1 girlfriend of fish:
You are completely crazy!
He let you go!

2 girlfriend fish:
There is nothing to help them!
It would be better to earn money!

The fish shrugs and dives with girlfriends in the blue sea.

The old man goes to the tent.
Barely her legs carrying home.
And there are already two sailors
The machine is carried by the sides.

1 sailor: Count, grandfather!

2 sailor: Open the door, granny!

The old man, in a hurry, runs into the house,
He thought joy in Tom’s house.
But his wife scolds more than former:

Old woman: Well, what is this novelty! ”

Old man: But you wanted it!

Old woman:
I wanted, yes, I crossed it!
You yourself could have come up to it yourself,
What a jeep - I need spells!

And again the old man goes to the sea,
Again, he calls a golden fish.
And the sea is raging. So the thunderstorm is wave!
And now ... she floats with a retinue.

Gold fish: What do you, older? You called me?

Old man:
My old woman was completely enraged!
There is little machine of its “automatic”.
She needs a jeep - spell Grand!

1 girlfriend of fish: They told you, they should not help!

2 girlfriend fish: She's good! And maybe they give them everything.

Gold fish:
I will help you than I can.
Do not be sad, I will fulfill this dream.

And the fish disappeared into the sea foam.
The old man went home.
But only he went to the tent,
A cool car drives into the yard.
And Grandfather's grandmother drives a car.
The driver gives her driving lessons.
But as the old man suddenly saw,
She screamed even more strongly:

Old woman:
Hey, simplefille, what have you done!
What did you ask the fish?

Old man:
I ordered the car.
You ordered me to say so!

Old woman:
Here you go! What kind of man are you?
You are a simplefille - fool!
I want to become an oligarch!
And all you want to buy ...

Old man:
But what should I do? What do i do?
I am ashamed to talk to the fish.

Old woman:
Yes, I have to sink on it!
Ah, well, remove it from the eyes!

Come on, old man! I will trace!
Yes, and I'll look at the fish!

And so they go together.
And they call the fish at sea.
And at sea the storm is stronger and stronger,
And the wind flies faster and faster.
And suddenly she appeared from the depths,
The Lord of the Sea is modest and smart.
The old man silently lowered his eyes
And he cannot say words, there is no strength.
As soon as he sighed, his knees fell.
The driver quickly raised him to his feet!

Gold fish:
Did you call me older?
Speak quickly.
My father is raging - the lord of the seas.
He found out, I help people in trouble.
It swore strongly, what a storm!

Old man:
My old woman was completely crazy!
She does not want to be like everyone else.
He dreams of an oligarch to become
And, what wants to buy.

Gold fish:
Tell her, I can do it.
The last time I will help you.

Old man: Thank you, you are my soul.

But the fish dived and sailed.
They walked back quietly, and everyone was silent,
And the wind blew in the back and drove.
And now the path is visible.
But what is it? Instead of a tent, the palace!
And in a chair, swinging back and forward,
He sits his grandmother, nules gnawing.
Protection next to her stands.
One says so menacingly:

1 guard: What do you, old man barefoot?

2 guard: Go still alive!

3 guard: Go where your eyes look!

1, 2, 3 guard: And so that it does not come back!

The old man turned and was glad to end.
But now he went to the porch ...
How the grandmother will jump, but how it will cut:

Old woman: And, well, grab his people!

Grandfather grabbed under his arms
And they dragged to the old woman.

Old woman:
I do not want to be a richness simple!
And I wish to become the mistress of the sea!
I'll take a fish in slaves.
I will be a courier to her.
Mail, spread letters.
Miraculous! So be it!

Old man:
But this last desire was!
After all, so in all fairy tales!
What have you forgotten!?
The fish asked you to convey ...

Old woman: And I can get on it!

Suddenly the storm at the sea rose!
The palace was staggered!
Surprisingly gathered people come out -
The lord of all the seas.

I heard your conversation.
And I did not like him.
I found out, my daughter is captured.
I'll take her with me!

Old woman:
We still need her here,
Dreams should fulfill everything!
And since she promised
Then B and performed!

But not your dreams after all, but him,
To fulfill the fish was destined!

Old woman:
Tell me what you wanted!
Why are you immediately numb?!

Old man:
I just don't find words.
But now I will say everything.
I'm tired of being on parcels
And foolishly - to hear it.
Everything that I asked for the fish,
You ordered to do for you.
I have one dream!
Perform. I am begging you.

He quickly approached the fish,
He whispered something to her and left.
Everything darkened at the same hour.
A huge castle disappeared - one!
For two - the car disappeared,
He grabbed the driver with him.
The washing machine - three!
Her sailors carried away.
And here at the sea near the tent
The old man sits with an old woman in the garden.
The old woman sadly drops a tear
And complains about his fate.

Old man: Not a noah and do not scold me!

Old woman: I got it in vain!

Old man:
You understand that you can easily
You can’t take a fish out of the pond!

Video: Children's fairy tale "The adventure of Nastya in a fairy -tale country"

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