The most delicious cream for the cake is red velvet: step -by -step recipe

The most delicious cream for the cake is red velvet: step -by -step recipe

This article will talk about how to make the best cream for the cake red velvet. The choice fell on a cream-chiz, thanks to this cream, the velvety of the cakes in red can be emphasized visually and improve the taste of the dessert.

For a cake, red velvet is ideal for a cream-chiz. The cake itself looks very beautiful, and if it is also decorated with a delicate cream made of cream cheese, you will get an excellent dessert. It will not only be beautiful, but also tasty. A delicious cream for a cake red velvet looks great in a section. The whole dessert will just melt in the mouth.

Cream for cake Red velvet: Preparation of products

The cake itself, called red velvet, corresponds to its name. In the photo you can see this confirmation. Further, we will not dwell on the texture of the cakes and the recipe for cooking in detail, but let's talk about which cream for the cake is the best velvet the best, how to cook it with our own hands?

Before starting the cooking process, decide on products. Buy high -quality ingredients with a good shelf life. Cheese choose creamy, preferably Philadelphia or Almett, or maybe to your taste, but of the same species. Pay attention to how the product is stored in the store so as not to buy spoiled.

IMPORTANT:For cream-chiz, you can choose cream cheese, but the cottage cheese also gives its notes of taste. Therefore, you can dwell on the second option.

Choose butter, for such a cream, a product with 82 percent fat content is suitable. It is undesirable to replace oil with a low -fat consistency, ruin the cream.

IMPORTANT:The fat content of all products for this cream should be high. Do not violate the principle of cooking cream. If you have other preferences, then you will have to choose another cream for the cake. The taste of the dessert will not be so saturated.

Apply sugar powder as you like. It is made independently from sugar or bought in stores, supermarkets. Cake red velvet step by step recipe with photo

For a cake, buy powder with additives to your taste. It is difficult to advise here. The fine version of the product is beneficial in that such a powder will not turn into lumps. The disadvantages are that there is starch in the composition.

IMPORTANT: If you need a lush cream, use a small sieve to sift the product and fan (nourish with air).  

The amount of powdered sugar can be adjusted to your liking. Sweet tooth can add the product to the maximum, and who keeps the figure, on the contrary. The quality of the cream will not get worse because of this-that's for sure.

Very little salt is added to the cream to enhance the taste. Due to the small amount of the ingredient, the taste will be somewhat brackish. There are many lovers of such aftertaste. But thanks to this, the dessert will be, and it is also interesting that the salt sets off the taste of each product in the cake.

The most delicious cream for the cake is red velvet: step -by -step recipe

  • The cream for the cake is red velvet in its composition has three ingredients. As already mentioned, choose the freshest of them. And choose the oil with a fat content of 82 percent. Otherwise, the taste of the cream and dessert will be spoiled. It is also impossible to replace the product with a spread, Margarine.
  • Thanks to the clock, the cream comes out with a yellowish tint, not snow-white white. This does not spoil it either outwardly or to taste. But if you need a white cream, beat the oil with a larger powder. The longer the time period for whipping, the whiter the product. There will be no harm from a long beat.
  • Cream-chiz is convenient for use, they can even level all kinds of irregularities. This product is completely decorated with the entire cake of red velvet. The colors are amazing, the photo is above this confirmation.

Consider the classic version of the cream. There are no taste additives in the recipe, with them you can experiment yourself. You can add fruit puree to the recipe, cocoa powder, date or peanut paste. For the aroma, sip: vanilla, cinnamon, other aromatic spices of herbs.


  • Curd cheese - 595 grams
  • Butter above 82% - 195 grams
  • Sweet powder - 195 grams.

Step -by -step recipe for cooking cream:

  1. Cut the oil from the refrigerator into equal parts, send it to the blender bowl.
  2. Beat the product without expecting it to soften. Otherwise, the cream will not be the desired consistency, the product may deteriorate.
  3. Suture the sweet powder into a separate container through a small sieve. Then gradually add it to the oil, and do not stop whisking.
  4. If you want to add a fragrant vanilla or cinnamon, now now is time. They are poured along with the powder. Beat to evenly distribute the aroma in the creamy mass.
  5. Next, prepare the cheese and add to the bowl of the mixer. Beat until the mass of the cream turns into one whole. Right now, add other components, fruit puree or other masses. They are also beaten until a homogeneous state of cream.

The cream-chiz is ready, preferably before smearing the cake, give it to be standing in a cold place. Or immediately decorate the red velvet cake, the main thing is not to let it become soft from warmth in the room.

This amount of cream is enough to cover three baked cakes in size: 17-20 centimeter in diameter. And on the abundant grease of the top of the cake.

Cream for cake red velvet - recipe subtleties

If the cream for the cake is not obtained by the red velvet, then the reasons are most often several: the recipe is incorrect, the products are selected incorrectly. But all these troubles can be fixed. A thick cream-chiz can be diluted, for example. Further about this in detail.

The main component of the cream is cottage cheese-cream cheese. Also butter, this has already been mentioned earlier. The quality of all ingredients must be good. If you want to use low -calorie cheese for cooking cream, then choose a ricotta. For fat cream, use philadelphia. Only with such varieties of cheese will the cream be dense.

So, the subtleties and secrets of cooking cream-chiz:

  • Preparing it, consider that if the cheese is beaten for too long, it will begin to be relaxed, The cream will deteriorate.
  • The cheese is masquearpone It has a delicate sweet taste, airy, delicate foundation. It is ideal for making a cream-chiz, it is very easy to make a cream for a cake red velvet.
  • You can paint the finished cream-chiz in any shade and color. To do this, use food paints, and they should be added at the very end.
  • Do not use a lot of liquid additives otherwise they will change the type of cream-chiz and quality. If you do not recognize food paints, then natural ones are suitable for staining, black tea, tagging, berries.
  • A layer of cream for a cake red velvet can be made with particles of fruit. On the finished cream, you can make marble purees of berries (raspberries, strawberries).
  • The berries are rubbed, passed through the small holes of the sieve. So you remove small bones from the berries, and the consistency will become uniform.

When you align the surface of the cake red velvet, it is better to use a cold cream-chiz. It is perfectly smoothed on the surface of the cake, and is also leveled with a wide knife or spatula. When you make a cake, it will not hurt to put it in a cold place. There the cream will gain density and will become thicker, and after that you can make jewelry on the cake.

You should not give up if you have a cream not the same as it was planned. You can adjust the density of the product with cream or cheese. A thick cream can be done by adding cheese, and a little remove the product density with fat cream. After the first cake, you will gain experience in culinary business, especially if you know how to correct a particular problem with cream and cake.

More on our portal read articles on similar topics:

  1. Red velvet cake - how to cook?
  2. Six recipes for cream-chiz.

Video: Cake Red velvet with cream chees

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