The most beautiful African girls, mulatto, black women: models, actresses, singers, celebrities

The most beautiful African girls, mulatto, black women: models, actresses, singers, celebrities

Overview of the most beautiful African girls: from fashion models to peacekeepers.

Dark -skinned beauties attract attention with a special radiance of dark skin, elastic, clear face shape, rigid and thick curls, but special attention is borne by a unique incision and plastic, inherent only in the African continent.

If you want to know who the most beautiful African girls are what they do and where their origin is from - read our article, which contains models, singers, actresses and other beauties born or living in Africa, as well as having African roots.

The most beautiful African girls fashion models

A selection of the most beautiful African girls of fashion models, of course, should begin with the list of successful girls of models from the African continent. And we will begin this selection with a luxurious mulatto born from Angolka and Portuguese, a girl who entered the top ten beautiful women in the world and won a competition for the positions of the 2007 vice-miss-charming-charming Michaela flight.

Despite the fact that the girl was born in Portugal, she became the face of Angola and after she made a stunning career, she completely moved to her homeland and leaves her only for the duration of work.

Huge eyes, framed by the ideal shape of the face and thick shock of black hair, and in addition to an elegant figure with luxurious forms made Mikael a favorite of photographers, and her hard work and the ability to work on a camera - one of the top models with a world -famous name.

Michaela flight
Michaela flight

Leah Kebede - A graceful, with the royal posture of the Ethiopian model, which made a lightning -fast career from an unknown girl at a beauty contest to one of the highest paid models in the world. But the girl did not stop there and opened the line of clothes under her name, and having reached the balance, went to try herself in the cinema.

Despite the popularity and many proposals of Leah Kebed, continues to be a citizen of Ethiopia and acts as an ambassador of WHO in matters of motherhood and health of newborns.

Leah Kebede
Leah Kebede

Talking about the most beautiful African girls, it is impossible not to mention the Somali Black Pearl Sharam Diniz. Luxurious, plastic, with a perfectly even skin tone and a unique eye cut. Sharam won the love of designer houses around the world and at present she has a rich work schedule. Until 2015, Diniz was an angel Victoria’s Secret and participated in Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show shows.

Sharam Diniz
Sharam Diniz

And the tiny African country of Botswana in 2011 opened a charming world for the world Messai Jackson. Since then, the girl not only earned impressive capital in the modeling business, but also successfully implements an environmental project to landscaping her homeland. She also earned the special love of her fellow countrymen thanks to an interesting plan to attract tourists in Botswan and the development of individual exclusive tours.

Messai Jackson
Messai Jackson

Flaviana Matata -The African top model, which became so famous that it is one of the five of the highest paid models from Africa around the world. Flaviana was born in a beautiful country of Tanzania, which is famous for its safari and reserves.

Due to its active position in the life of Flavian Matata, it is one of the most significant women of Africa from now living. It constantly attracts the public view of the problems of the continent, attracting investments in the development of African countries.

Flaviana Matata
Flaviana Matata

Another beauty queen and the active model - Angela Asara. The origin of the girl is a small country of Ghana, which is very popular among tourists thanks to its resorts and historical attractions.

Angela Asara at the Miss contest, the Universe won the place of Miss Congeniality and taking advantage of the case became an ambassador of goodwill, now it attracts public attention to the problems of AIDS on the continent, and also gives mass shares on which the continent’s population about a terrible ailment and methods of protection against it informs.

Angela Asara
Angela Asara

Zambia gave the world a direct and flirty beauty Tanya Manganui. The girl is distinguished by a unique “luminous” skin tone and sophisticated open facial features due to the mixing of blood of different nationalities.

Currently, Tanya Manganui the top model is from the African continent and works around the world, but in numerous interviews he constantly recalls the homeland and is looking forward to free time to go to his homeland.

Tanya Manggani
Tanya Manganui

And talking about the most beautiful African models, of course, it is necessary to mention the first Nigerian girl model that received the title of Miss World Agbani Darego. She is also the first girl from Africa to receive the above title. And this is not an accident!

Agrbani is not only tall, slender with ideal facial features of a girl, but also smart, who graduated from Nigerian University, and taking an active position in the public life of Nigeria. It is precisely the same as Agrbani Darego prove to the world that even a little girl with a pretty appearance can not only earn money and tremble it on a social life, but also attract great attention to such vital nigerian problems.

Agbani Darego
Agbani Darego

Exotic black fury, which conquered Thierry Le Gua himself - luxurious Nina Keita. This girl is the embodiment of all fantasies about exotic beauty. The skin is like black chocolate, the body consists of ideal lines and has unique plasticity, but not all. Despite the fact that Nina has a wide nose and large lips characteristic of her country (cat-d’Ivoire), complete with the perfect oval and slanting eyes of the girl’s appearance is luxurious, and she really belongs to the original African beauty.

Nina Keita
Nina Keita

And in conclusion, Daca is the one who is called a dark -skinned Barbie. This girl with a luxurious appearance was born in South Sudan. She received fame while working in Australia as a fashion model.

Dark -skinned Barbie duck
Dark -skinned "barbie" daca that

The most beautiful African actress girls

Beauty often goes hand in hand with talents, and after girls make a career in the modeling business, many go to conquer Hollywood. We have collected the luxurious and beautiful children of Africa, who conquered not only Hollywood, but also our hearts.

Candis McClour, A native of South Africa who moved to America for finding a famous American dream. Well, in principle, she succeeded. The girl received higher education and at the same time began to act in films. Cundis at present has more than 50 roles, and it is famous for many of the sensational series and films of Khemlock Groove, children of corn and Carrie.

Candis McClour
Candis McClour

Non -standard beauty Rashel Mvanzes From the Congo conquered the world in 2012. At the premiere of the film “Witch of War,” Rashel attracted the attention of her unique charisma and a specific appearance. Rashel is sure that beauty should proceed from the inside, and is not tied to any standards, she loves herself, loves the world and it is impossible not to fall in love with it for it. Rashel Mvanza stands at the origins of her career, but we are sure that she will achieve her universal recognition.

Rashel Mvanza

Azi Tesfai - A beautiful girl, a talented actress and a very media personality. The girl was born in California, but has African roots and became famous thanks to the magnificent acting. At the same time, the girl has excellent model data, luxurious long hair and expressive eyes. Azi Tesfai proved that in order to play the cinema and make a promising career, there is no connection, money or what tabloids write about.

Azi Tesfai
Azi Tesfai

Actress Hugu Embata-Ro Born in the UK and was the fruit of the love of a real English lady and a doctor from South Africa, who came to the country in search of a better life. The girl received a brilliant education at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts and went to conquer the viewer on theatrical stages and on large screens.

Today, Hugu Embata Ro is actively starring both in films and in television series. The girl has an active life position and she regularly supports the eco-image of life, both on social networks and on television shows.

Hugu Embata-Ro
Hugu Embata-Ro

Michelle van der Water - A native of Cape Town, South Africa. Her external data was evaluated at school, and the girl actively worked as a model. Currently, Michelle works in series and films, where so far she gets the second -plan roles, but she confidently gaining momentum on the way to popularity.

Michelle van der Water
Michelle van der Water

Tandy Newton - Another beautiful African girl. Metiza by origin from the luxurious mother with Zimbabwe and the British gentleman. According to Tandy, her mother is the Princess of Sean tribe, but was forced to leave her homeland and go in search of a better life. But for Tandy, her tribe, like the status, was forever lost, as her mother married a foreigner.

The girl received an excellent English education and went to conquer the world of cinema. The first debut was the Flirt film in the distant 1991 and since then with enviable regularity appears on the screens. I received Emmy and Bafta awards.

Tandy Newton
Tandy Newton

Lupita Nyongo -The most beautiful living Kenyka in the world and the top model part-time. The girl not only looks perfect, but also has outstanding acting data. It can be seen in the film “12 years of slavery”, in the role of a slave of Patsi and for this role she received an Oscar!

Lupita Nyongo
Lupita Nyongo

And in conclusion, we will talk about the sultry beauty and the talented actress and producer Ella Thomas. She is a native of Eritrea, a small state in Africa. Father (military man) fell in love with Ella's beautiful mother and took his family first to Germany, and after that and in the USA. The girl received a good theater education and, thanks to her talents, became not only a costume, but also an actress, a producer and a public figure.

Ella Thomas
Ella Thomas

The most beautiful African girls singers

The most beautiful African girl singer - of course , Robin Rianna Thenti. The native of Barbados has African roots and is a meticulous. As soon as the girl turned 16, she moved to the United States to build a career as a singer, which she was successful and managed to do. Today, Rihanna has hundreds of chic songs, and she is known in any corner of the world.


But Vanessa Williams Born at the epicenter of the US economy-New York. Mother and father have African roots, moved to the USA in order to build a better future for their children. Mom worked as a music teacher and provided a great music base for Vanessa.

On the way to the glory of Vanessa, there were failures associated with unsuccessful contracts (since money was required, they paid a little -known girl for frank photoesia, etc.). Despite the fact that Vanessa became the first black winner of Miss America, she had to give the title due to the unfolding scandal around her. But Williams has already received a minute of fame and, abandoning the title, declared herself as a singer, and over time and as a talented actress.

Vanessa Williams
Vanessa Williams

Today, in Hollywood, a nominal star with the imprints of Vanessa Williams flaunts on the Alley of Glory, who was awarded the girl for a huge contribution to the musical culture of the United States.

The most beautiful African girls celebrities

In this section, we compiled a list of the most beautiful African girls of celebrities, whose activities went beyond creativity and gained world scale.

And the incomparable opens this category Iman, the widow of David Bowie. Iman was born in Somalia, and from that moment she began a fascinating journey long life. Even in early childhood, the girl and her parents moves to Egypt, and a little later goes to Kenya. This period of life for the family was very difficult, and parents tried to find the best place for the life of children.


The girl first discovered show business at 20, and this new path began as a model. Subsequently, Iman managed to try herself an actress, a singer, a participant in a reality show and as a leading television. She also played the role of the wife of the Icon of the World of Music, David Bowie and became a model for the imitation of many women.

Since 2007, Iman is a business woman, and is also actively engaged in charity work. This woman is an icon of style, as well as an example for imitation, as a simple girl from a poor family was able to become a significant figure in world culture.

Leymam Gbovi
Leymam Gbovi

Beauty is different. And at the end of this article, we would like to introduce you to incomparable, dynamic, beautiful and exotic Leymam Gbovi. This is a woman who has proved that a peacemaker is capable of poking thousands of television cameras and help to solve hundreds of problems in her country. Leimas received the Nobel Prize, as well as dozens of awards and confessions. Leymam Gbovoi carries not only Africa’s aesthetic beauty, but also the light that pours out of it fills the world with love and hope for a better future.

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