The most high -calorie and high -calorie products: List

The most high -calorie and high -calorie products: List

In this article we will consider a list of the most high -calorie products.

Calories are a famous and popular word. Some are afraid of them, while others consider the medium for weight gain. Proper nutrition is also based on knowledge about the most high -calorie products. In any case, you know which products are high -rise and which are not necessary. Therefore, we offer to figure it out.

List of the most high -calorie products

The ratio of macroelements such as fats, proteins and carbohydrates is the main indicator of the calorie content of products. Fats are not only in the most high -calorie products, but in all other elements, simply to a lesser extent. It is they who give a significant supply of energy. Therefore, it will not work completely to completely abandon them, because the body will be weakened and exhausted. Remember - you need to keep balance in everything!

Important: caloria is a measure of heat measurement. If we talk about food, then the calorie content is measured in kilocalories (kcal) for 100 g. All the food that we eat has macro elements. The body uses some of them to obtain vital energy, and the rest is smell. Knowledge of the most high -calorie products will help to achieve energy balance. That is, the equality between the received and consumed calories.

Calorie content table
Calorie content table
  • They stand in one line Fat, plant and animal origin. And not just like that. Of all, stomped fat with 930 kcal comes to a leading position. Corn and vegetable oil, which is used in this way for frying, have 900 kcal, but in praised olive oil is slightly less - 824 kcal. Now it will go to creamy oil and its 750 kcal. Margarin lost a little-670-675 kcal. In general, 100 g will provide you with an almost daily rate of fat.
  • Fried food and fast food, as well as pizza. These are fries or just fried products, as well as all possible hamburgers and pizzas. The last product has the least calorie content with an indicator of 303 kcal. An ordinary hamburger or cheesburger has 255-260 kcal. Free potatoes will give as much as 505 kcal, in the double and royal hamburgers will start from 600 to 860 kcal. It is impossible not to mention 520-560 kcal chips.
  • Continues the rating fatty meat and lard. If we talk about the last component, then it has as many as 815-840 kcal (depending on salinity or freshness, respectively). And the slopes were completely jumped to 895 kcal. Among the meat, it is worth highlighting a goose (brisket) and a duck with a calorie content of 475 and 405 kcal, respectively. Pork has 350 kcal, and ham - 365. Replace these products with low -fat veal, chicken fillet and rabbit.
It is impossible not to count the calories of fast food products
It is impossible not to count the calories of fast food products
  • Not too far gone seeds and nuts. But everyone is familiar with such harmless, and it would seem a very useful treat. But they contain as many as 580 kcal. And this is only a question of sunflower seeds. Fund, for example, leads with a mark of 670 kcal, but walnuts have 650 kcal. The pistachios and nuts of the cedar are slightly inferior - 620 kcal, and the smallest line is allocated almonds among the nut family - 600 kcal.
  • Next, go to your loved ones salads and salad dressings. We will not consider all species, because there are too many of them, but we will talk about the most high -calorie products in this nomination. This is such a beloved and popular mayonnaise with 625 kcal. Pesto sauce has 486, but Tartar - 427 kcal. Ketchup is noticeably lags behind - only 80 kcal.
  • Practically all sweets andbakery products It fluctuates from 400 to 600 kcal. Even oat cookies have 430 kcal. The leaders can be called chocolate sweets (579) and Halva (519). If we talk about sugar, then it has 387 kcal, and in caramel - 419. Black chocolate Many nutritionists are recommended as a less high -calorie alternative to milk chocolate with 534 kcal. However, it contains 550 kcal.
Black chocolate is completely not dietary
Black chocolate is not quite dietary
  • Fat dairy products and cheeses. Trying to lose weight, do not try to completely exclude milk from the diet, try to switch to low -fat products. But solid cheeses, despite popularity in diets, have from 426 to 370 kcal, depending on the type and fat content. It is also worth highlighting the Brynza with 260 kcal and cream of 300 kcal. Sour cream with 210 kcal is included in the permissible norm, but is on the verge. It is also worth mentioning eggs, the yolk of which has 160 kcal.
  • Processed sausage meat or paste. The sausage is smoked depending on the manufacturer and the type, on average, it has 380 kcal, but the boiled-250. But here the fois grade or the liver of the most oily duck has as many as 486 kcal.
  • Fish and fish canned food Also very high -calorie. For example, salmon has 385 kcal, and sprats in oil - as much as 250. And such an exquisite delicacy as the cod liver will cost you 589 kcal. The most high -calorie is considered caviar of any species, it is especially worth highlighting Lobani caviar in 505 kcal.
  • And finish the list pasta, cereals and beans. On average, pasta have 350-370 kcal. Soya jumped to 395 kcal, and the beans are nutritious by 320 kcal. Among the cereals there is also a leader - this is Hercules with 355 kcal. And if you cook it in milk, then there will be all 375 kcal. On average, all cereals go from 320 to 345 kcal.
High -calorie products
High -calorie products

Separately, it is worth highlighting bread. It has, depending on the variety, 210-265 kcal, which is relatively few. But during the day, its portion significantly exceeds 100 g, so the stocks of fats begin to be deposited on the sides.

Important: unhealthy food is not only a high calorie content, but also a huge number of all kinds of additives, carcinogens, dyes and preservatives. It is also worth touching that calories give us not only food, but also drinks. For example, on average, alcohol contains 300 kcal.

Even products with high calorie content can benefit the body. You need to know when it is better to eat them and how to cook. It is easy to learn how to keep a balance between calories that we eat and spend. Choose useful foods and vitamins. Then your body will feel great!

Video: What are the most high -calorie products?

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