The most expensive and beautiful villas in the world: list, description, cost

The most expensive and beautiful villas in the world: list, description, cost

Is it interesting for you to know about the most beautiful villas in the world? Then read the facts described below in our list of the most beautiful and expensive villas.

Most people have been spent all their lives in a standard apartment or house of the private sector, not being able to improve living conditions somehow. Many believe that such a state of affairs is the norm, realizing that others may have been even less lucky. However, we all know that, in addition to the population of the population with an average level or slightly higher, there are representatives of the so -called “elite” who can afford the purchase of luxurious mansions and villas in the most picturesque corners of the planet. It is about them that our article today.

The most expensive and beautiful villas in the world: TOP-17

Let's start with the most inexpensive option in order to surprise you with an incredible cost and beauty.

The most expensive and beautiful villas in the world:

  • Manor mansion. The owner is the heiress of Barney Ecclestone, who paid $ 85 million for the estate. Such a price, at first glance, can confuse and suggest the imperfection of the structure and interior. But, fortunately, this is not so. All living rooms in complete "openwork" are also 5 bar premises. Another attraction of the estate is flower salon, led by an experienced florist and a hall, where you can beautifully pack a gift. Among other things, tenants and their guests can actively spend time in the Bowling Hall and bring your pet in the corresponding fashion trends in the room “A la dog of beauty”. The mansion is its inhabitants daily under the watchful supervision of professional staff.
Was built for Aaron Spellling
Was built for Aaron Spellling
  • "Promised land" - that is how the famous presenter called her luxurious house, Oprai Vinfrey, even despite the fact that many could not appreciate the mansion. Maybe due to a relatively low price, which is equal $ 88 million. (compared with the purchase, the cost increased by 36 million), which absolutely did not affect the chic exterior of the house in style time of King George. In addition to the main building, on the territory of the mansion there is Flower greenhouse, Where 6 hundred pink bushes, as well as an elegant tea house, grow and delight. Personnel regularly monitoring order in the house lives in a specially rebuilt outbuilding, the style of which also corresponds to the estate.
  • "House of Friendship" ($ 100 million). The mansion is associated with its owner with unpleasant memories of the divorce process, during which the ex -wife put forward the requirements for the right to own the house. Where did such an unusual name for the house come from is unknown. Nevertheless, the interior of the estate suggests that funny companies and loved ones can gather here, which will be comfortable in eighteen sleeping rooms, they will be able to relax in the evenings in one of the 22 bathrooms, freely “arrange” their cars without an assassination space in the garage for 48 cars. Also on the services of all visiting: a convenient cinema for home viewing films, a wine cellar, a library and a sports center for maintaining a good physical shape. Since the villa is located on the ocean coast, the view from the window is simply wonderful.
the beauty
the beauty
  • "Mountain Home Road" - It does not differ in the features of architecture or a luxurious interior. The mansion has an impressive size A library, a cozy gazebo for a calm pastime, a kindergarten, a shaded court and a pool. It would seem that you can still wish for the amount in $ 117.5 million? It is precisely this opinion that the current owner of the building is held, who, according to unofficial sources, is Masayoshi San, founder of SoftBank. According to the statistics of Villa Sana, the most expensive among the houses acquired by his colleagues.
  • "Xanadu 2.0" ($ 123 million). It is believed that the interior of the house is a reflection of its owner. In the case of a mansion Bill Gates - This is the true truth: you can’t call his house familiar. Here are full of technical “know-how” that can facilitate living in the villa. One of them is a unique system designed to set up air and water temperature in the pool, as well as adjusting the musical and light design. Thus, wanting to swim, each of the family members can preliminarily create his own “mood” in the pool in the pool. Interesting, isn't it? On this, the originality of the villa does not end. The fact is that the house is named almost as much as his "fellow" in the movie "Citizen Kane" ("Xanada"). It just so happened that some memories from life are associated with this film, both positive and not very. So that the negative does not affect the future regarding the residence in the house, Gates does not focus on it, and the mansion is called “Xanada 2.0” - since it is the best version of the “source”.
  • Gardens of the Solder Phillimore (approximately $ 128 million). Previously, on the site of this London mansion was a preparatory school, which is a building of ten rooms, an underground pool and a gym. The decoration of the interior is simply luxurious: marble and gold are everywhere, and in a huge cinema you can enjoy watching a wide variety of films. The owner of the villa - Elena Pinchuk. According to visitors to this beautiful building, its cost significantly exceeds the declared.
  • "Blossom Istaite" ($ 130 million) -a estate consisting of 4 independent sections, with a total area of \u200b\u200b3 hectares stretched along the coastal territory. Three of all sections are occupied by buildings, unlike the fourth, where the building intended for living is demolished.
In Palm Beach
In Palm Beach
  • "Kensington Palace" (It costs approximately $ 140 million.), whose owner is Roman Abramovich (FC Chelsea). Since he is not enough for the luxury of the villa, in his plans - the construction of a tennis court on the territory of the estate, the center of wellness procedures, as well as a small metro.
  • Villa "seven towers" (approximately $ 155 million) - belongs Tim Blaxeses From Montana, co -founder of the Yellowstone club. The building has heating floors, a pool, a gym with simulators and several wine cellars. At the moment, the activity of the blossom is related to real estate and trade in wood.
Ideal location
Ideal location
  • Hurst Castle (price - about $ 191 million) With the owner of the same name, consists of 27 sleeping rooms. The mansion is known that many famous people stayed in his chambers, among whom was W. Churchill. According to the reviews of the castle, its interior resembles a fabulous due to countless “canvases” on the walls. Photos of the villa, along with notes about her, flash in print publications every now and then. Also on the territory of the mansion the shooting of history was conducted about the procession of the mafia, Al Capone.
  • "Villa Ellison" (costs approximately $ 200 million) - a luxurious London estate owned by Larry Ellison, is located in the territory of 23 Akras; It consists of a dozen buildings, bath buildings and a tea house. The owner of one of the most beautiful villas in the world is the founder of the Oracle group and occupies third place in the ranking of the richest people in the world.
  • "Kensington Peles Gardens" (price of about $ 222 million) - is the property of a business tycoon from India, Lakshmi Mittala, The richest Asian representative in Europe on the 2007 rating. The mansion is conceived in the British style, consists of 12 sleeping rooms, an indoor pool and a parking lot for 20 cars. The interior and exterior of the villa amaze with their splendor. By the way, the mansion of the British princess, Kate Middleton, is located almost in the neighborhood.
Owner from India
Owner from India
  • Taj Mitall (cost $ 222 million) - also belongs to Lakshmi Mittalo. The initial owner of the estate was Bernie Ecclestone, however, the tycoon from India managed to buy a house with the aim of large -scale reconstruction work of construction. The villa consists of 12 rooms and a pool finished with marble. It is unique that during construction work, sand was extracted from the same career as during the construction of the Taj Mahal.
  • "Fairfield pond» (It costs approximately $ 248 million.)-New York Villa, looks like a small separate kingdom. There is a tennis court, a bowling room, 3 pools, as well as a significant dining room. Rene family owns the estate.
Mini state
Mini state
  • Villa Leopold (costs about $ 750 million) - a French estate, a length of 50 acres, with a pool, summer kitchen, helicopter venue and a guest house. The owner of the villa - a widow from Brazil, Lily Safra.
View from above
View from above
  • Antille Tower (It costs approximately $ 1 billion.) - a mansion belonging to the richest entrepreneur from India, Ambani. This building with countless floors is erected thanks to the technical know-how. A tower, with an area of \u200b\u200b3700 m², serves 6 hundred personnel. One can only imagine how much unusual and unique is located in such a huge building. We tell: hanging gardens, 3 sites for helicopters, a huge underground parking lot, easily placing more than one and a half hundred cars, a cinema for fifty spectators and much more. Although there is a location and permanent residence of only six people, each of them is served by a hundred servants. Due to their majestic sizes and interior decoration, Antille is often compared with the famous Taj Mahal.
Private ownership
Private ownership

It is impossible not to mention About the Buckingham Palace (It costs approximately $ 1.55 billion.) - an amazing mansion, dimensionless parameters containing 788 guest rooms, 188 living rooms for service, 92 offices, 78 bathrooms and 52 sleeping rooms for permanent residents. Although it cannot be considered a villa, but the beauty and power of this structure simply fascinates. Now the most beautiful and expensive mansion Owns a family of British monarchs.

Video: the most expensive villas in the world

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