Aquarium Fish: Content and Compatibility, Description and Photo

Aquarium Fish: Content and Compatibility, Description and Photo

Popugay fish is considered universal. Its dilution can be engaged in both experienced aquarists and beginners.

The species was bred artificially, by the Taiwanese breeders at the beginning of the 21st century. It is distinguished by a peaceful character, so it can be kept with other compact fish. Read more about appearance and content will be described in this article.

Description of aquarium fish-fright

  • Popugay fish is characterized by a memorable and bright appearance. The body is slightly flattened on the sides. There are funny cheeks, and often ajar mouth.
  • The head resembles the beak of the parrot, which is why the name of the species appeared. In the natural environment, the fish are not found. The specimens sold in stores are delivered by breeders. The length of the body is about 20-30 cm.
  • Most of the individuals that are sold are painted artificially. The procedure is not quite humane.

There are several ways of staining:

  1. Immersion in a solution of paint. At first, the fish is dipped in an alkaline solution, due to which the mucus on the body dissolves. The main purpose of mucus is protection against infections and injuries, as well as sliding in water. After removing the mucus, the fish is immersed in the paint, and then into another chemical reagent. It is aimed at the formation of a new cover of mucus. Such a procedure provokes severe stress in fish. In this case, immunity is reduced. Some individuals die without falling on the shelves of stores.
  2. Using injections. This process is slightly reminiscent of tattoos. A needle with a pigment is inserted under the skin. After make a certain pattern. To obtain the desired pattern, you will have to make many injections, which provoke stress in fish. Places of injections can be affected by infections. In order to avoid this, individuals should be placed in a container filled with antibiotics. This all negatively affects the health of parrots.

Varieties of forms and about krasov

  • Most often found in monophonic orange or red shade. With age, the pigment becomes pale. To restore it, feed the fish with food, which includes a lot of carotene. Sometimes there are lemon-yellow individuals and albinos.
  • If you saw raspberry, blue, blue or purple individuals in the store, then they are painted artificially. It is better to refrain from buying them, because individuals have a weak immunity. In this case, the pigment will be unstable.
  • Sometimes on sale you can find spotty fish. They have a color that resembles marble or panda. You can find individuals with a rich diamond or pearl coloring. It is achieved by crossing red parrots and cichlides. Sometimes dark spots can form on the surface of a plain color. Often this indicates stress. If you remove the bothering factor, then the color will recover.
The manifestation of the pigment
The manifestation of the pigment

Individuals may differ in the shape of the body and fins. The main varieties include:

  1. In love heart. The tail fin is absent. The shape of the body resembles a valentine postcard.
  2. Unicorn. There is a growth at the base of the head.
  3. King Kong. In the forehead, there is a growth of fat.
  4. Red fortune. The fins on the belly and back are elongated. There is a highlighting outgrowth on the forehead.
  5. Scarlet ingot. Taurus has a almost disc shade.

Compatibility with other types

  • They are distinguished by a peaceful character, and do not lift their neighbors. You can place parrots in one aquarium with somi, astronotics and barbuses.
  • Not the best neighbor for them will be a scalar. This is the most compact type of cichlid. It is hidden in algae, so it can become a food for parrots. If you want to buy scales, you will have to purchase a large aquarium with a volume of at least 200 liters.
  • You should also think through the caves and shelters where a small fish will be hidden. Do not place with parrots in one container of fish, the length of which is less than 5 cm.

Fish-fright: care and maintenance

  • As mentioned earlier, you will need to buy an aquarium with a volume of 200 liters. Choose models with lids so that the fish do not jump out. Due to the large size, they leave a lot of waste. Therefore, think through the filtering system in advance. You can also take care of aeration water. Pugo-fingers look good on a dark background. It is recommended to pour sand or large pebbles without sharp corners into the aquarium. Given that parrots love to bury in the soil, they can get hurt about sharp corners. Individuals can completely change the relief of the container.
  • The content is carried out flocks, each of which should be from three to five individuals. When selecting, pay special attention to sexual differences. If there are many males in one container, conflicts may occur. To protect, install natural snags. Avoid bright light, because it can provoke pallor of color. Choose lamps that shine in a red spectrum. This will preserve the effect of fish. Lamps with blue light will also make individuals too pale.
  • The water temperature should be in the range of +27 ° C to +29 ° C. Optimal stiffness indicators - from 5 to 7 GH. Acidity should be in the range of 6.5-7.5. Every week 1/3 of water should be replaced. If the conditions of detention are correct, the fish will live up to 10 years.
Bright fish
Bright fish

How to feed fish-frightened?

  • Pugo-fibers can eat both dry industrial feed and meat products. Addresses with a high protein content will enhance the color. Try to buy specialized types of food based on the features of aquarium individuals. When the fish eat up, remove the remains. This will allow prevent water pollution.
  • It is better to buy food in granules that swim on the surface or drown. You can also stop on the moth. It can be natural or artificial. The last option is more preferable, because it will enhance the color of the fish. Parrots can be given shrimp meat, mussels or chopped worms.

Features of reproduction of fish-fright

  • If you provide fish full care, propagation is carried out without effort. Fish can go for spawning even in a general aquarium. Pay special attention to living feeds to strengthen the color, and prepare individuals for spawning. It is the female that is initiated by the propagation process. She begins to bend and tremble, showing the males the beauty of color. If the couple will prepare for propagation in the general aquarium, they will show aggression in relation to other types.
  • Individuals are prepared for spawning carefully. They clean the shelter, throw out garbage and soil. When the cleanliness indicators are achieved, the caviar in the shelter occurs.

On average, at a time, the female puts it up to 300 eggs. Until the appearance of fry, the female is in the shelter, and the male provides her protection.

  • Fry develops differently, depending on the temperature of the water. If it is within +29 ° C, only a week is required to develop fry. After this period, they themselves begin to swim. From shelter, young individuals emerge when they are 4 months old. You can feed fry with chopped flakes or special liquid feeds.
  • The female and the male can independently grind their bloodworms, and spit them into a flock with fry. It is recommended to feed young individuals 2 times a day. Therefore, water substitution is carried out much more often. After all, otherwise it will be strongly polluted. This will prevent waste accumulation. If they begin to be driven out, the fry will become poisoned.
  • Try to carefully observe the offspring of Popuga fish. As soon as they grow up to 5 mm, separate them from parents. Otherwise, other adults can enjoy fry.

How to distinguish between a male fish-frog?

  • Pugo-fingers reach puberty at the age of 1.5 years. Males are distinguished by anal hillock in the form of a cone.
  • In females, it has the shape of a pear. The easiest way to notice the differences when spawning begins.
Bright fish
Bright fish

Fish-fright: illness

Pupa fish are characterized by strong immunity. However, diseases can occur. Often they are manifested by such symptoms:

  • white bowel movements;
  • the presence of white lumps on the body and fins, which indicates ichthyoftiriosis;
  • the presence of dark spots on the fins, which indicates intoxication;
  • the fish lie on their side or spit food - they were poisoned or overwhelmed;
  • the presence of wounds on the body.

Often, all diseases are associated with poor water quality, excessive population of the container or contact with patients.

  • If you rarely replace water, a lot of toxin will accumulate due to the accumulation of your own feces of fish.
  • In such cases, to normalize the well -being of individuals, you will need to change water several times a day.
  • If the symptoms of ichthyoftiriosis appear, you need to increase the temperature of the water to +30 ° C. You should also feed the pets with medical -containing drugs.

As you can see, the content of the fraguam fish is quite simple. It is important to monitor the quality of water and food. It is a lot important to choose a spacious aquarium in which large individuals will fit.

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