Fish Blue Macrel and mackerel: What is different in taste, in cooking? What is the name of a fish similar to mackerel, but larger and less fat: name

Fish Blue Macrel and mackerel: What is different in taste, in cooking? What is the name of a fish similar to mackerel, but larger and less fat: name

Mackerel and Macrel: what is common and what differences. For what dishes are macrel, and for which only mackerel.

Remember in childhood "Thursday - Fish Day." Indeed, in proper nutrition, fish should be eaten at least once a week. But real fish lovers can, there is it at least every day. Indeed, the meat in stores does not differ in a special assortment, but fish ... hundreds of varieties and each in its own way are good!

In this article we will talk about Macreli and mackerel. These are fish of the same type, but this is where their similarity ends. Taste, cooking process and dishes that can be made completely different from them. By the way, we know both species of fish for hundreds of years and have never confused, until Western European recipes came to us. So they confused us. After all, both mackerel and mackerel in English are read as "Mackerel".

What is the name of a fish similar to mackerel, but larger and less fat: name

The younger sister of mackerel was ahead of her in size, but somewhat lost in taste - Macrel.

So, the main difference between mackerel and mackerel is larger and drier. Macrel is categorically not suitable for pickles and smoking, because in such methods it becomes absolutely dry and loses its charm, as the gourmets say.

What does the mackerel fish and blue macrel look like: photo

Visually distinguishing mackerel and mackerel is very simple:

  • Mackerel: a light abdomen, on the back and tail of a strip that never cover the belly. Greasy and smaller;
  • Macrel: larger than mackerel, gray-yellow, strips on the back and abdomen. With visual comparison, thicker and more beautiful than mackerel.

At the same time, the meat is tougher, dry, you can even say rougher. But if you need a fish for extinguishing, baking, frying - mackerel is a great option. In salty, it is sometimes sold, but is suitable only for salads or subsequent fish pastes.

Upper mackerel without a head, lower mackerel with his head. The photos clearly see the differences between mackerel and mackerel.
Upper mackerel without a head, lower mackerel with his head. The photos clearly see the differences between mackerel and mackerel.

Mackerel fish and blue mackerel: What is the difference between them, difference?

We will not go into biology, as we consider these two varieties of fish in the context of cooking. We will only say that in its composition of useful trace elements, Macrel is in no way inferior to mackerel and is perfect for replenishing the body in nutrients.

But Macrel did not adopt the taste of the mackerel, in particular because of her dryness. If the mackerel can be safely taken with the head and without, then the chef mackerel is categorically not recommended to take, since part of the juice, thus, arises and evaporates and the fish becomes completely dry.

Fish Blue Macrel and mackerel: What is different in taste, in cooking?

The mackerel is so common that it is difficult to say something new about it. And it is useless to praise her, because absolutely everyone loves her! But there is a category of people who are contraindicated in fatty fish, in particular children. And if you or your loved ones are in this category, does not mean at all that you need to abandon the mass of your favorite dishes. Partially mackerel can be replaced with macrel. And there are fans and exclusively macrol, believe that Sardine is too fat.

Name Sardine Mackerel
Salting +
Smoking (hot and cold) +
Fried in a pan + +
Ground fried + +
Baked in the marinade + +
Baked stuffed + +
Stewed (in wine, oil, tomato, etc.) + +
Boiled + +
For a couple + +
Canned food + +
In salads + +
To the paste + +

Why does the mackerel have dark, red meat?

Despite the fact that mackerel is one type of fish, there are several sub -mackerel subspecies in nature. One of them (by the way, is very common) has a color not only in stripes, but also with small uneven spots.

Due to the fact that this subspur of the mackerel lives in the Atlantic Ocean, it has a dark, richly red meat and is considered the most delicious of all the subombria subspecies. The Japanese love to add mackerel with red meat in land and call it "Saba".

Also, choosing mackerel and mackerel, pay attention to the fact that the fish has:

  • Bright or red gills. The paler than the gills, the greater the chance that the fish is not fresh;
  • The eyes are clear and transparent. Muddy, fallen or dry - an indicator of the incompetence of fish;
  • Scales are simply obliged to sparkle and shine. If you do not observe this, choose a more fresh one;
  • Fresh fish should play. Press your finger and let go. For a few seconds, the hole disappears, if not, the fish is not fresh.

We hope that we answered all the questions regarding Macrel and mackerel, and henceforth you will make a conscious choice in “fish days”.

Video: Macrel (mackerel) on the grill from Viktor Andrienko

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  1. Why do you write that fish is not suitable for smoking ?? Cold smoking mackerel is incredibly tasty, with elastic delicate meat! After all, not everyone likes an insanely fat and soft mackerel!

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