Manual seams and lines: types, schemes. Continuous stitches for connecting parts, processing products, sewing accessories

Manual seams and lines: types, schemes. Continuous stitches for connecting parts, processing products, sewing accessories

If you are a novice seamstress, then the information given in this article is for you. Here you will learn how to perform manual lines for sewing various products.

In order to sew any clothes, you need to master the seams, lines, stitches. Indeed, without this it is impossible to even connect the details of the cut and process the edges of the product. The stitches are the interweaving of threads, which are obtained as a result of punctures of the material with a needle at two points, at a relatively small distance. If the stitches are repeated, then this is already called a line. And the width between 2 rows of stitches is called the width of the line.

Seams and lines can have a different purpose and there are more than 25 types of them. In general, they can be divided into two groups - these are machine, manual lines, stitches. Next, we will study the manual seams in more detail.

Manual seams and lines: types, schemes

Manual lines, seams for convenience can be divided into species according to the characterization of stitches and by their purpose. The stitches are performed according to various schemes, they are oblique, loop -shaped, straight, loop, crucible. By purpose, they can be divided into such types:

  • Fatherless
  • Bearing
  • Sensor
  • Finishing.
Manual seams
Manual seams

The seams that are performed manually differ from machine, and work without equipment much longer. But what to do when, for example, you need to a party tomorrow, and the dress is not ready yet and there are no cars in the house. The outfit can also be sewn manually, the main thing is to study the technology of manual. And believe me, this is completely not difficult.

Look at the image above, these photos show how to perform various seam techniques. In the first picture there is a diagram of a simple straight stitch. On the second estimated, in this way you can sew two cut details. There is also shock, cross, loop.

Switching tips:

  • According to the rules, it should be sewn from right to left and make stitches better uniform, the same size.
  • The thread must be tightened equally not tight, not weakly so that the fabric does not tighten (not deformed).
  • The frequency of the seams can be adjusted. Consider the density and thickness of the material.
  • If you are sewing in one thread, then do not tuck a long thread into the needle so that nodules do not form, the thread does not get confused.
  • To fix the thread at the end of the seam, make several stitches.

Next, we consider in the details what seams are.

Straight seams - Most often use for the wiggers of the product, as well as such a seam is sewn two or more cuts of the cut. Thanks to this simple seam, the parts of the product will not move anywhere and then it will be more convenient to scribble on a typewriter. It is performed simply, just pierce the fabric or fabric with a needle and advance the thread back and forth in a straight line.

Empty seams - Designed to wipe various cuts of the cut. To perform it, these parts are folded with the front side to each other, and then they begin to sew them with an ordinary straight seam, it is desirable that the length of the stitch is no more than 1.25-1.6 centimeters.

Direct shouting seams
Direct shouting seams

Notes- Also a straight seam, thanks to it you can bend, fix the edges of the products, sleeves. To put clothes so, you need to use a line length from 0.8 to 2.5 centimeters.

Seam for setting up assemblies -It can also be straight, to make it a straight line of 0.4-0.5 cm is used. At first, such a line is sewn along the fabric, and then they are pulled together, and fastened with a straight seam-back the needle, as in the video at the end of the article.  

Simple output seam straight
Simple output seam straight

Suts are copying- They are used to transfer the contours or markings from one cut part to another. To fulfill it, it is necessary to put these parts and equalize with each other, and then flash with elongated loops. Next, spread them and cut the seams with scissors. Thus, it is good to outline, for example, the lines on which you should sew pockets, etc.

The seams are oblique- Use to fix and fasten parts of the cut. Such stitches are stronger than straight.

Submitted seams - These are most often cross -shaped, loop, oblique lines. According to the rules, they are performed on the right - left. The length of this seam is about five millimeters. And about three stitches are made per centimeter. The thread should not be stretched and well if it carefully envelops the cuts of matter.

Submitted seams
Submitted seams

Cross -shaped seams- They are executed almost in the same way as the oblique ones, only after passing from one end to the other should be returned again in the opposite direction.

The seams are loop- Perform, as in the figure below. The length of one stitch is made no more than 0.5 millimeters.

Loop -shaped seams
Loop -shaped seams

The needle is introduced at the same distance evenly, it turns out a beautiful seam that sews fabrics tightly, also such stitches can decorate beautiful embroidery.

IMPORTANT: To get beautiful embroidery, special decorative seams are used (in the form cross, loops, christmas trees).

Continuous stitches for connecting parts, processing products, sewing accessories

There are manual seams with which the compounds of the parts of the cut of the product are performed. Their main rule is that they should be neat and not be striking when the thing is already ready, they must also firmly connect the details of the product. Look below the image examples of such stitches.

In addition, if the fabric has a crumbly structure, then for its processing it should also be used in the form of crosses, loops (oblique seams), etc. So, for example, the processing of loops for things should be done with dense small stitches through the edges of the cutouts in the form of loop seams.

Connecting seams
Connecting seams

Seam - back needle. If you want to combine two parts firmly and beautifully, you can apply this manual line. Performing it is quite simple and the seam is as strong and beautiful as on a sewing machine. The following will need to execute it:

  1. Take two parts of the product and put on each other the front part of the fabric to the face. Gently combine the details of the cut and preferably connect them with pins for sewing so that the units are fixed and not slipped at the most inopportune moment.
  2. Take a needle with a thread. Tie a knot on the thread, make a puncture on the fabric and pull the thread.
  3. Then step back from the output of the thread three millimeters ago and make a through fabric puncture so that it turned out that the thread with the node is in the middle of the seam.
  4. Next, make another stitch back so that the last point of the fabric puncture is in the middle of the next stitch.
  5. This is continued until you connect all the details of the cut.

Seam scheme - back needle
Seam scheme - back needle

The same seam can be made in the bottom of the product, whether it be trousers or skirt, you will get a beautiful even seam, which is difficult to distinguish from a machine stitch.

Bearing seam Process  bearing bends, pockets, etc. It is good because it is almost invisible on the front side. Perform it according to the scheme provided below. More precisely, the torn fabric is pierced with a needle with a thread, and only a small part of the fabric is captured above the bend so that the thread is not visible on the front side of the product. And so they perform a stitch behind the stitch, the sizes of the stitches are best made in small, then the product will look neat after sewing.

The line of the bearing
The line of the bearing

A maceman manual Used when it is impossible to make a machine. As you can see, in the photo below there is a stimulating lines of a loop -shaped look, it is convenient to sew fabrics, for example on the sleeves and a shelf, if the machine seam has spread. To make it beautifully and the seam does not stand out on the product, make small stitches, approximately 3-5 millimeters and do not leave large intervals between them.

Silent seam
Silent seam

When the product is ready, all parts are sewn and the edges are processed, it remains to sew buttons or other accessories. The process at home is performed manually - usually. The buttons should be sewn with stitches, piercing the fabric, evenly in two places, and at the end the fixing is mandatory. It is not difficult to make which, just start a needle with a thread on the wrong side behind the stitches just made and make a loop several times.

The first time the art of sewing manually may seem very complicated. And yes - this is a really painstaking work that requires patience, but the result will bring you great satisfaction. For a clear example of how to learn how to make stitches, there are videos below, after watching them it will become clear to you how to sew a particular thing without a machine.

Video: Hand seam "Back Needle"

Video: loop manual seam

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