How to strengthen and grow brittle nails at home with vitamins and food: a review and list of vitamins and foods that strengthen nails

How to strengthen and grow brittle nails at home with vitamins and food: a review and list of vitamins and foods that strengthen nails

How to strengthen and grow brittle nails: a list of vitamins

In order for the nails on the arms and legs to grow well, they are healthy and do not break, the body needs 6 vitaminsA, e, s, d, k, biotin B7(contributing to the development of collagen by the body) , vitamins of group B - B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12. In addition to vitamins, the nails need trace elements - zinc, iron, calcium, silicon, sulfur.

In the spring and autumn (or at least once a year) it is advisable to take a complex of vitamins - multivitamins. In the complex, the vitamins are selected so that everything is correctly absorbed. In addition to polyvitamins, additionally take vitamins to strengthen hair and nails. After a month of vitamin therapy, you will get the best result in strengthening the nails and the body as a whole.

  • Vitamin B7 (BIOTIN) - A very important vitamin for the growth and strengthening of nails. In order to strengthen the nails, it will not be enough that dosage that in ordinary complexes of B vitamins B. we need an additional course of biotin. Biotin, as an additive, you can order on the iHerb website at this link.
  • Silicon Strengthens the structure of the nails, making them strong. Silicon can be ordered on the iHerb website at this link.
  • A complex of vitamins c (enter B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12) Look by link on the site iherb.
  • Sulfur - An important element for collagen synthesis. As an additive, look sulfur by this link.
  • Zinc, iron, calcium It is better to choose in a multivitamin complex. Look at this link.
  • There are ready -made vitamin complexes to strengthen nails. You can choose for yourself on the site Iherb.

Also in the pharmacy you will easily find polyvitamins According to its budget, allocated for beauty and health, as well as facial, nails and hair complexesFor general strengthening the body; To strengthen immunity.

But still, it is advisable not to buy the first vitamins that come across, but to read reviews, the composition, thus choose the right ones for you in price and quality.

They have good quality vitamins and polyvitamins Network companies that are not one -day, but work for a long time in the Russian market.

Health problems associated with nails
Health problems associated with nails

What products strengthen the nails: a list of products with vitamins to strengthen nails, tips

Important: vitamins can and should be obtained from quality products. Even the most expensive and well -proven multivitamins will not help you if your diet is scarce or inferior.

The main vitamin No. 1 For the growth and strengthening of nails is biotin (vitamin B7). It contributes to the production of collagen, which makes healthy skin, nails, hair.

Below the picture is the products of biotin sources.

Products sources of biotin (vitamin B7)
Products sources of biotin (vitamin B7)
  • To strengthen and health of nails, be sure to eat products rich animal and vegetable protein. These are meat, poultry, fish, as well as vegetables, grain crops, nuts.
  • It is also necessary calcium. Calcium is contained in cottage cheese, milk, cheeses, peas, beans.

Vitamin number 2 Silicon serves for the growth and strengthening of nails. He makes his nails very strong. The most silicon is contained in brown rice - 1240 mg per 100 grams of rice. See the picture of products with silicon in the picture below.

Products of silicon sources
Products of silicon sources
  • For the health of the nails you need products, containing vitamin E. Refuel salads with various vegetable oils - sunflower, olive, sesame oil and other healthy oils, eat nuts, seeds, pistachios, green vegetables, sea fish and seafood, sprouted wheat and other cereals, this will benefit you. Vitamin E has anti -aging properties.
  • Sources of vitamin C. rosehip, sea buckthorn, berries, fresh vegetables and fruits, greens, citrus fruits. Vitamin C is needed in the body to activate many biochemical processes, including for the growth and strengthening of nails.
  • B vitaminscereals, nuts, legumes, cereals, meat, liver, dairy products, fish. Below in the picture, see the list of products with vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12.
Vitamins necessary for the growth and strengthening of nails
Vitamins necessary for the growth and strengthening of nails
  • Vitamin A Contained in orange vegetables, red and other fish, fish caviar, liver liver, butter, cream, spinach, eggs. Vitamin A helps to strengthen nails. Makes them healthy and elastic.
  • Vitamin D It is needed for the absorption of calcium, useful for nails. It can enter the body in two ways - through the skin from sunlight and food. To satisfy the need for vitamin D through the skin, you need to be in the sun most of the daylight hours, and the tan slows down the absorption of vitamin D through the skin. With the modern rhythm of life, this path is suitable for few. Therefore, try to consume vitamin D with food. A lot of vitamin D is found in fish oil, liver and animals, sea algae, seafood, egg yolk, fatty milk, cream, sour cream, cheese, butter, fungi, meat.
  • Vitamin K. Also useful for strengthening and growth of nails. Vitamin K removes calcium, which has learned under the influence of vitamin D, from the blood and distributes into bones, nails, teeth and other organs in need of calcium.
  • Zinc It must be present in the right amount to support the nails in a healthy state. With a deficiency of zinc but nails, white spots appear and nails become brittle. Zinc is an important trace element for immunity, hematopoiesis, metabolism and cleansing of toxins. The coordinated work of all these systems will affect both health status and nail health, including. See the products containing zinc, see the picture below.
List of products containing zinc
List of products containing zinc
  • With iron deficiency In the body, you are unlikely to like the shape of your nails and appearance. Iron can be consumed with food or in hematogen - a delicious sweet product is sold in a pharmacy. A lot of iron in offal is a liver, heart, tongue, in brown foods - mushrooms, cocoa, beans, meat, in berries - blueberries, blueberries, grenade, some varieties of apples, when brown plaque, raisins, kurag, carrots, carrots, and carrots appear on the cut. Yellow eggs.
  • Sulfur It is necessary for the synthesis of collagen, which is part of the nails. Most of all sulfur is contained in cabbage, onions, meat, liver, heart, fish, seafood, poppy, nuts, peas, beans, soy, chickpeas, chicken egg.

We hope that this information will be useful to you. We will also be grateful if you share with us your ways to care for brittle and layering nails.

Video: Best nail health products

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  1. For a woman, it is generally very important that all these elements (hair, skin and nails) are healthy and beautiful ... But not everyone boasts like that. For a long time my nails lay down, broke .... I could not grow them .... It’s good that I guessed to start Omega 3-6-9 (I had Evalarovskaya) and I drank a course of multivitamins. Gradually, the situation began to improve ... Now there is already something to be proud of)

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