Why do nails lay and break: 10 causes of brittle and fragile nails in adults, children, pregnant women. Why do nails with varnish and shellac gel break: causes, rules for caring for extended nails

Why do nails lay and break: 10 causes of brittle and fragile nails in adults, children, pregnant women. Why do nails with varnish and shellac gel break: causes, rules for caring for extended nails

If the nails break, lay down and have an unhealthy look, it's time to take care of them. Let's talk about the causes and treatment of brittle nails in children and adults.

The causes of dry, thin, laying and brittle nails in adults, children, pregnant women

Beautiful hands and manicure is not without reason call the visiting card of a woman. Agree, well -groomed and healthy nails look neat. But sometimes the nails begin to spread and break. Moreover, this happens not only in adults, but also in children.

Important: To understand how to restore unhealthy nails, you need to find out the reason.

Briefly consider the causes of fragile and layering nails:

  1. The first and most common reason - lack of vitamins of group B, biotin B7(creating collagen in the body, necessary for the health of the nail tissue), folic acid B9, vitamin C, A, E, micro- and macroelements- calcium, silicon, zinc, iron.
  2. Another reason - exposure to detergents with chemistry. Wash the dishes, it is advisable to remove in gloves.
  3. Health problems. Placing and fragile nails can be a consequence violations of metabolic processes in the body, dermatological diseases, violation of the digestive tract, liver, kidneys. Also provoke this process can long -term intake of antibiotics.
  4. Incorrect care. If the nails are weak, you need to choose the right file - instead of metal, use glass with small spraying.
  5. Do not grind laying nails and drink from sides to center, Or perpendicular to the nail plate.

Sometimes you can see that the nails are laying in the child. The most important reason may be a lack of vitamins. Therefore, it is important to monitor the full nutrition of the child. It will not be superfluous to show the child to the doctor, since a fungal infection is not excluded.

Often women have problems with nails during pregnancy. At the same time, hair is subjected to changes - it becomes dull, brittle. Of course, not all pregnant women have such changes, it happens vice versa. But if you are one of those whose nails began to spread and break, do not panic. During pregnancy, hormonal deviations occur, after childbirth, everything is usually stabilized. Also consult your doctor about the appointment of a complex of vitamins.

Why do extended nails break under gel polish and shellac breaking?

To simplify nail care, many resort to building. But the extended nails, under gel polish and shellac, can break. There are several reasons for this:

  • Violation of building technology. A professional master must comply with all the rules of building, otherwise the nails will begin to break shortly after correction.
  • Individual intolerance to the material. Sometimes it is worth changing gel polish for acrylic or vice versa, and everything is normalized.
  • Not high-quality material (gel polish) for nail extension.
  • Pregnancy and concomitant hormonal vibrations can also cause fragility of extended nails.
  • But most often - not compliance with the rules for caring for extended nails, the list of which is given in the picture below.

Video: 5 reasons for fragility of nails

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  1. Yes, there is not enough calcium, we generally have problems with bones in our family, so I pay increased attention to the bones of my child, give him regularly vitamins (for teeth, bones and growth) and more milk, pah pah pah, no problems with bones, nails, and There is no hair yet, I hope that this will happen in the future)

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