Painting of plates, dishes: ideas, photos, stencils

Painting of plates, dishes: ideas, photos, stencils

The plates began to paint our distant ancestors, and now this ancient art is being revived. Again, like many centuries, it began to decorate his dwellings with painted dishes.

By and large, nothing new happens in this world, and the fashion, just like everything around, develops in a spiral. After all, not so long ago, our grandmothers, following the trends fashionable then, decorated walls and buffet regiments in their homes. And now again this fashion has returned, however, now in it along with the old traditional folk painting, modern techniques began to be used. To paint the dishes with your own hands is a very exciting activity that will help you get away from all kinds of problems and worries during the leisure hours. Is it not a pleasure to see how true beauty is born with the help of your hands and imagination?

How to learn to paint plates and ceramic dishes?

  • In contemporary art, different techniques are used, which everyone can master. But for this you will need perseverance, patience, fantasy, time to improve their skill, as well as correctly selected materials and tools. You can paint dishes, for the manufacture of which a tree, porcelain, glass or ceramics have gone. The main thing is that it is completely absent on the initial drawings.
  • Before we conduct workshops for the development of various techniques for you, remember, you should not eat food from painted dishes with your own hands, as materials for painting can harm your health, and paints-to open somewhat. In industrial production, special furnaces are used for firing dishes, where the temperature reaches 800 ° C, which avoids such unpleasant moments.

Painting of plates, dishes: methods, photos

So, you firmly decided to master this fashion hobby. Where to begin? The easiest way will be to do such types of decor:

  • Point painting.
  • Painting using stencils and templates.
  • Artistic manual painting.
  • Stained glass painting on glass.

The painting of dishes should be started with lighter options. And when you gain confidence and “fill” your hand, then the time will come to complicate the task, mastering other techniques. The main thing is to want this strongly, and then you will certainly succeed!

Point painting of dishes (peak technique)

  • If a pattern or circuit is visualized from individual points, then such a painting is called point.
  • Thanks to this painting technique, the effect arises, as if a real minting is engraved on the dishes, or rhinestones, precious stones or bead embroidery are placed on it.

These photos will allow you to familiarize yourself with successful combinations of patterns and color scheme:


For a point painting, you will need to get:

  • Contour acrylic paints. Currently, most often, lovers of dishes are used by acrylic paints of different tones. It’s easiest to work with them, even a child can do it.
  • Flamasters. Now, without any problems, you can choose for yourself special waterproof felt-tip pens, which you will like to work, because the modern market is abundant by them.
  • Brushes. Most often, when painting dishes, patterns of different thicknesses are drawn, so you will have to purchase different brushes - both thin and thicker pile.
  • A liquid that can remove paint (alcohol, acetone, degreasing, etc.). It will come in handy for both beginners and more experienced specialists of art mural. Beginners should be prepared for the fact that not everything will succeed overnight, because at first it happens to absolutely all. For experienced decorators, for example, a hand may flush, because of which the drawing will be spoiled-if, of course, it is not corrected in time with a swab moistened with special liquid.
  • Cotton pads and cotton sticks. Discs will be needed in order to degrease dishes; It will be convenient to adjust the unsuccessful pattern with sticks.
  • Aerosol varnish. It will serve in order to fix and protect your pattern from erosion.
  • Needle and paper. You will become cleaning tubes with paint.

Use our tips:

  • The colors should not have a thick or liquid consistency - choose an average option. It is easy to choose the necessary paint. If, when pressing the tube, a puddle is leaked, or, conversely, its contents come out with difficulty, then such paints are not suitable for point painting. Therefore, first you need to test each tube, and then get to work.
Correct paints are important
Correct paints are important
  • For drawing pictures from dots, you can take a small thin brush, a needle or even a toothpick, If you decide to use acrylic paints packaged in ordinary jars, and not in tubes.
  • In the process of working on the picture, your hand may flinch, and then you can “get out” behind its contour. In this case, removing this trouble is quite simple - wipe it with a cotton wool or a napkin. But in the event that the paint is dried up, it can be removed with a cotton wool wetted in alcohol.
  • If, for some reason, the drawing you created does not satisfy you, you can start painting the same plate again. To do this, rinse it in warm water or wipe it a swab dipped in alcohol. After it dries well, it can again be used as a training ground for your creativity.

Drawing sequence with dots:

  • So, all the necessary is bought, and the colors are checked. We proceed directly to work.
  • We take a plate (bowl, cup or other device) and well with degreasing, using alcohol (degreaser) and spongings for this.
  • It is easier for experienced craftsmen, possessing remarkable fantasy, they can perform their impromptu masterpieces, without previously using sketches and markings. But those who just took up this genre of art will not be superfluous to first draw patterns or pictures using templates, sketches, markings, stencils. If you, for example, have chosen glassware for painting, it is most convenient to use the template.
  • We will advise beginners: Before you take on the painting of the dishes, take a sheet of paper and “fill” your hand. Put chains from points of small, medium and large sizes - the distance between them should be the same. Pressing on the tube is also required with the same efforts to make the points identical. The main rule of point painting is that one line consists of identical points, and they must be equivalently removed from each other.
To get started, train on paper
To get started, train on paper
  • Important point: The gaps between them should be so minimal that the pattern is “read” in them, but at the same time so that they do not form continuous contours. If a pattern of large points is created, then the gaps should be made large than when drawing small ones. First, the largest contours are drawn, gradually moving to small details.
  • After the pattern has already been applied, you should begin Drying paint.

There are three ways of drying:

  • First: drying naturally - just leave for a day on the table at room temperature.
  • Second: dry with a hair dryer, and then again leave to dry on the table, but this time it will take half the time less.
  • Third: Bake 0.5 hours in the oven at T 150-170 ° C and then leave it in it until it cools. The third way is usually used if they plan to take food from it in the future, but it should be used as intended after 20 days of exposure.
  • After completely drying the paint, you can lay a decorative plate.
Decoration of dishes
Decoration of dishes

Painting of dishes by stencils and templates

For a painting of dishes on stencils and templates, you will need to get:

  • Acrylic paints for glass and ceramics or special felt -tip pens (they have a different color and different thickness of the rods).
  • Artistic synthetic brushes With a different thickness of the pile (if you are going to use paint, not felt -tip pens) or a sponge that you will carry out swamping.
  • Liquid for removing varnish, alcohol or degreaser.
  • Cotton discs to degrease dishes with them.
  • Paper, cutter, pencil.

Drawing sequence:

  • Draw your own hand or use the finished stencil or template that can be printed on the printer. Applying the stationery knife, cut the slots corresponding to your future drawing.
  • This process is the most time -consuming, all further actions are very simple. It is necessary to degrease those surfaces of the plate on which the drawings will be placed, and glue the templates (stencils) to them using adhesive tape.
  • Stick a brush or using a tampon cut out a cut pattern. After the colors dry, remove the stencil and, if desired, finish the strokes missing the picture.
  • If you used acrylic paints in your work, then they can be dried in the same way as we recommended in the first version.
Beautiful painting
Beautiful painting of plates
For any dishes
For any dishes

Painting of dishes by hand

  • True masterpieces are created in this way - traditionally, using brushes and paints. You will also have to attach your skillful hands and a developed imagination to this.
  • It is much easier to master this technique of painting dishes will be those who have a tendency to draw. But even to those who have never had been holding the brush in their hands, to develop this quality in themselves-after all, if you want something strongly, then you can turn the mountains, right?

For an art manual painting, you will need to get:

  • Artistic synthetic brushes, having different shapes and sizes.
  • Acrylic paints that can be written on glass and ceramics, or baked stained glass paints with a water base.
  • Note relative to paints: The stained glass colors have great transparency, and, at the same time, great brightness. But since they have a liquid consistency, and therefore spread, it is more difficult to manage with them. But experienced artists found a way out: they began to mix contour paints to them, which in this case work as a thickener. For many stained -glass paints A conventional base is a solvent, so the dishes painted by them will not fit for food from them, and can only serve as an interior decoration.
  • Degreaser.

The sequence of drawing with manual painting:

  • First of all, you need to do the so -called lining, i.e. Write on dishes large compositional parts - This will be its basis. The drawing will not turn out to be complete without giving it some depth, so you should add to the composition of dark and light shades, and then the time will come for detailed drawings.
  • Upon completion of the creation of the picture, fix the paint in the same way as we recommended with a point painting.
  • Use our tips: if you mix paints playing with halftones, you will be happy as a result unusual colors and effects. It is much easier to paint a ceramic matte plate than glossy or glass, because In the first case, the paint lies more densely and evenly.
Beautiful painting
Beautiful painting
DIY decor creation
DIY decor creation
Beautiful drawings
Beautiful drawings
Creating images
Creating images
Drawings can create both an adult and a child
Drawings can create both an adult and a child

Painting dishes by markers by ceramics and glass

  • As a child, we all loved markers and felt -tip pens - to draw them with a continuous pleasure. But the dishes are not painted by those familiar to all felt -tip pens, but by special ones, so when buying, you should identify the consultant for what purposes you purchase them.
  • Using just such sets, you can quickly and easily apply decor to ceramics - it can be inscriptions or graphic detailed pictures.

For a painting of plates, you need:

  • Degreaser.
  • Cotton drives.
  • Special felt -tip pens (colors and thickness of the rods should be different).

The sequence of painting dishes with markers and felt -tip pens:

  • As with all other techniques, those surfaces on which pictures will be placed should be placed degrease. Use the main rule for creating pictures or patterns using felt -tip pens - small, frequent strokes should be their lines and contours. With this technique, less probabilities will arise inadvertently to make a mistake.
  • It should be drawn stage, moving from the large compositional part to small details. But, first of all, take up the contours of the future drawing, do it by hand, and if you need it, apply a template or stencil.
  • Fleeters and markers usually do not dry long - it will take no more than a day. It is not necessary to burn such dishes, and even the dishwasher will not be able to wash away your drawing.
Bright drawing by a felt -tip pen
Bright drawing by a felt -tip pen

Glass plate

  • The painting by markers on glass dishes can be distinguished in a separate topic, since this technique has a more complex level. We already wrote that stained -glass paints have a more liquid consistency, they are often used in order to fill the patterned contours. They also have increased transparency and glossy, and resistance is much less than acrylic.
  • We emphasize once again, do not use such “stained glass” plates for its intended purpose. But if you decide from time to time to “show off” in front of the guests, putting them on your dining table, then in this case the paint should have a water base. And they will need to bake them after applying the picture in the oven at T 170 ° C.
  • For a simple interior decoration, paints, which are based on a solvent. After they dry, the dish will need to be fixed with varnish.
On the glass
On the glass
Glass painting
Glass painting

About different techniques for applying patterns

We gave you a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe main types of dishes of dishes. On their basis, there are various techniques for applying patterns, which have long been loved by masters of manual painting.

When you already “fill your hand” in simpler drawings and gain confidence in your abilities, you can do it:

  • Gzhel. In the patterns made in this technique, masters use lines of drops, nets and flowers. Mostly blue and white are used.
  • Khokhloma. In these patterns, black, red and golden colors and their shades prevail.
  • Drawing not only geometric figures, letters, phrases, phrases and patterns, but even all kinds of landscapes and still lifes.

Children's painting on ceramics or porcelain

  • Do not think that only adults can paint dishes. Introduce your children to this art and your children! To do this, they do not have to have an innate artistic talent, for painting dishes this is not a hindrance at all. On the contrary, this lesson, instilled by him from early childhood, can subsequently become their favorite hobby or even a profession.
  • What do I need to do? Nothing special! Just let them decorate them with a plate of fingers drooped with paint with a plate dedicated for these purposes. At the same time, the plate can be decorated with anything: dots, spots, lines or strokes. You yourself will be surprised at how much your child likes this exciting activity.
  • Older children They may be carried away by painting using special stamps. Shops that trade in items for children's creativity are now replete with sets of such stamps. You can choose a cliches for your child from all this variety animals, flowers, geometric shapes T.D. To work with stamps, you will need to get acrylic paints and brushes, and, of course, ceramic or porcelain dishes.
Flowers from children
Flowers from children
Drawing of children
Drawing of children
New Year's painting
New Year's painting
  • You can do the eldest in age for the guys combining stamping and drawing with brushes. An example of such a combination: a rim for a plate can be jewelry in the form of arbitrary points, waves, strokes, etc. In the center you can make a stamping - it can be, for example, a large flower, on different sides of which to stamp the surface of the plate with small colors and leaflets. If you have such a desire, then you can create a background by painting a plate. In this case, after painting, you need to leave a plate for drying for 24 hours, and only then apply your drawing on top.

Stencils for painting dishes

In the end, we have prepared for you several useful stencils that will help you in painting dishes.


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