How are moles remove, is it dangerous? Methods of removing moles on the face and body: description, tips, reviews, contraindications. How to take care of the place after removing the mole?

How are moles remove, is it dangerous? Methods of removing moles on the face and body: description, tips, reviews, contraindications. How to take care of the place after removing the mole?

There were times when a beautiful flirty mole was considered a decoration. And those whom nature has deprived painted a fly on a variety of parts of the body, more often on the face. By the location of moles, the character and fate of a person was determined. But are they so harmless? And what if the doctor advises to remove the mole to avoid negative consequences?

Moles (not to be confused with a birthmark) appear, and less often disappear throughout life. Their large number does not speak of the problem, it is just a physiological feature of the body. But there are moles that cause a dangerous disease - melanoma. To prevent this from happening, you need to be as attentive to your body and systematically undergo an examination by the relevant specialists.

The main reasons for the appearance of moles on the body

Permanent moles appear in childhood and most often their number is not critical. And most importantly, such moles are less likely to turn into malignant formations. The reason for the appearance of new moles becomes an excessive tan or a sunny chuckled.

Pay attention to your skin in late summer. Shoulders, arms, neckline are strewn with pigmented spots, similar to freckles. This is especially relevant for those who live in hot regions. The most careful should be people with light skin and blue eyes.

moles after tanning

Most of the pigmentation disappears during the winter, but some spots remain, turning into a full -fledged mole. If its shape and color remain unchanged, then do not worry.

Hormonal changes in the body can stimulate the appearance of moles. The most active period is puberty and pregnancy. There is an emission of melanin, which is responsible for pigmentation. When normalizing the hormonal background, the mole can disappear without a trace.

The appearance of moles during pregnancy

Viruses often cause moles. This happens even when there are no obvious signs of the disease, but something is bad in the body. So you need to undergo an examination to identify or exclude the infection.

What methods of removal of moles exist?

In the case when a mole causes suspicion or simply interferes, it can be removed. Medicine offers several safe and practically painless methods:

  1. Laser evaporation
  2. Surgical removal (excision)
  3. Radio wave removal
  4. Cryodestruction - freezing with liquid nitrogen

All these methods are effective and almost do not leave a trace. But experts advise surgical removal, as there is material for histological examination.

removing a mole with a laser

How to remove a mole on the face?

Removing a mole on the face is no more complicated than, on other parts of the body, it is carried out by the same methods, and unfortunately, it can leave a small mark. If in other places the scar can be hidden, then it will not work on the face - even with the most huge desire. But do not be alarmed, after a few months, a barely noticeable spot will remain at the place of removal, which gradually equals the rest of the skin.

before and after removing the mole on the face

Remove the mole on the face in two cases:

  • If a mole threatens health
  • If a mole (in your opinion) does not look aesthetically pleasing

The most gentle removal method, which practically does not leave traces - radio wave. But it is designed only for small moles, and they usually leave them. With surgical removal, a tiny scar remains, which is almost not noticeable. If desired, it can be removed in a cosmetology room.

How and how much does a mole heal after removal?

If a large mole is removed with a laser, then in addition to the scars a small boss remains on the skin, respectively, you will need more time for healing.

In other cases, the mole heals quickly. On the second day after the operation, a dry crust appears, which in no case can be ripped off. After processing and drying, it itself will come down and only the spot will remain, slightly lighter than the skin around.

The most problematic places for healing are armpits, skin folds, hair parts. Such moles must be treated more often with an antiseptic, and if possible leave open so as not to damage.

shram after removing a large mole 10 days after surgery

The healing time also depends on the size of the remote mole, on its internal structure, on the depth of the so -called roots. The maximum term is from seven to twenty days. The wound from small nevus will disappear in three days.

The main factor is who and in what conditions performed the operation. It should be a professional without fail, and only in a medical institution. Many delete moles at home using grandmother's methods. But this threatens with subsequent infection or strong burn. Thus, you can only harm yourself, not help. The main danger is that a mole can turn out to be a malignant neoplasm, which means that the danger to life increases significantly.

Redness after removing a mole on the face

Redness after removal will be in any case, because surgery was performed, albeit the minimum. If redness does not decrease, but on the contrary, the area increases, painful sensations appear, then the place of removal is inflamed.

the mole is removed three days ago

In this case, you need to contact a doctor who removed the mole. He will determine the cause of inflammation. This usually happens due to infection in the wound. The doctor will determine the degree of problem and may prescribe additional antibiotics and more efficient treatment.

How to take care of the place after removing the mole?

On the first day after removing the mole, treat the wound with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This must be done every two hours, very carefully so as not to damage the starting to form a crust.
In the following days, apply the wound healing drug that the doctor prescribed. Do not self -medicate and do not use those drugs that are not agreed with the doctor.

care for the wound

After converging the crust at the place of removal, a pink young skin will appear. It will require special care for two to three months-you need to apply a cream that protects against sunlight.

The entire healing period (especially before the crust disappears) do not wear tight clothes, do not wet the place of removal and not take alcohol, since it will negate the antibiotic.

Is the removal of moles dangerous?

The removal of moles in itself is not dangerous if it is made by a surgeon in the hospital, and later all the care conditions are observed. Medies that are reborn in melanoma are much more dangerous and are not removed at the first stage of the disease.

Signs of "dangerous" moles:

  1. Increase in size
  2. Changing the boundaries of the mole, the appearance of irregular shape
  3. Changing the surface of the structure
  4. Bleeding the appearance of stalls
  5. Painful sensations in the field of mole
  6. Redness around the nevus

As soon as at least the slightest suspicion appeared on one of the signs, you need to immediately run to the doctor. Melanoma is considered one of the most dangerous types of oncology, 90% of patients die from it. But if you eliminate the hearth at the initial stage, then there is hope for a successful recovery.

Dangerous moles

It is dangerous to remove “safe” moles on your own, because you can bring an infection, but not achieve the desired result. A mole is not only a stain or a body protruding above the skin. Its main part is deeper and has many blood vessels. It is impossible at home to produce all the necessary manipulations without harming yourself.

Do not remove moles in ordinary cosmetic salons. They are not designed for such operations, and for the most part are not provided with the necessary equipment.

What complications can arise after removal of a mole?

  • After removing the moles, complications are extremely rare, but only if some conditions are observed. The main criterion is the choice of a medical institution and a doctor. If the specialist is really good, then when examining a mole, he himself will recommend the best way to remove
  • Further - the rehabilitation period. In the first week, some discomfort will be felt, because the skin is broken. Do not panic - this is not a complication, but the whole natural reaction of the body
  • In case of damage to the crust - specially, and more often by chance, bleeding or infection is possible. It is necessary to treat the place of damage with an antiseptic and apply an ointment with an antibiotic
Inflammation after mole removal

Another danger after removal of a mole is cosmetics. You can use it only full healing. This also applies to the adoption of sunbathing. Ultraviolet will leave a burn on a delicate skin or cause a repeated appearance of a coloring pigment.

Can moles grow after removal?

The occurrence at the place of removal of a new mole is possible only if only the upper layer of the epidermis is cut off. Some moles have a deeper structure, and if you leave it part of the untouched, one or more spots may appear in the same place.

This phenomenon is rare, but everything happens, because each organism is individual, and doctors, unfortunately, are not all competent.

the appearance of neoplasms after the deletion of a mole

That is why it is so important to do an operation in a good clinic in which they will be able to help you in the event of such consequences. A poorly remote mole can cause uncontrolled division of epidermal cells. This is not always a malignant tumor, but such a neoplasm will have to be removed again.

Why is the place of removal of the mole?

The appearance of itching without excessive swelling of redness and increased pain only indicates that the scar is successfully heals after removing the mole. This is quite natural after surgery.

Itching is always felt when the edges of the wound are tightened when a surface crust appears. The skin suffers changes, and therefore meets the body with this not quite pleasant manifestation.

itching after removal of a mole

It is impossible to scratch and scratch the place of removal, the itch will soon pass. If you endure unbearable, you can take an antihistamine, but after consulting a doctor.

Contraindications to removal of moles

Contraindications can be to a certain type of removal of moles, and not to general surgical intervention.

It is necessary to more selectively approach this process at such moments:

  • Suspicion on melanoma
  • Elevated temperature
  • The appearance of herpes
  • Allergy to drugs
  • Excessive tan during the period of removal
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin
  • Pregnancy

If melanoma is detected, it is necessary to remove not only a mole, as a focus, but also the fabrics that were defeated. Therefore, it is not just about a cosmetic surgery, but about quite serious treatment. To exclude or confirm the diagnosis, consultation of an oncologist and a specialized examination is necessary.

The temperature speaks of the inflammatory process. And if this is even an ordinary cold, it is worth refrain from removing a mole to recovery in order to avoid complications.

Zar, and especially the sunny, not the period when it is necessary to remove the mole. At this time, the pigmentation of the skin is actively working and the healing process may become more complicated. In addition, in the summer there are more microorganisms on the skin that cause inflammation.

Examination before removing the mole

With the allergy to drugs, you need to consult a doctor about the choice of anesthesia and subsequent processing of scars.

During pregnancy, the removal of a mole is contraindicated. Therefore, it is better to wait for your time if there are no obvious medical indications to get rid of the nevus.

Which method is better to delete moles: tips and reviews

  • Small moles, even located in places such as an eyelid or ciliary arc, are effectively removed with a laser. The beam evaporates only the necessary area, while reliably “closes” the capillaries and does not affect healthy skin. Usually after such removal there remains a small point that heals quickly and almost painlessly
  • If the mole is large, highly protruding over the skin, with growing hairs, then the surgical removal of a scalpel or radio -short is recommended. Typically, such nevi have a subcutaneous body with blood vessels. These removal methods leave a small scar, but there is no doubt that the mole is completely removed. In the most difficult cases, the operation is carried out in two stages
  • Flat moles are well removed by freezing. The recovery period after it is quite short and does not require excessive processing and care
  • Reviews of specialists do not boil on a certain removal method. As they say, each individual case should be considered individually. And you do not always need to blindly follow the preferences of the patient, because this is not a restaurant where you can order your favorite dish

Anastasia Egorovna Nirina, surgeon

  • Often I encounter in my practice with the removal of neoplasms on the skin, in particular moles. We use modern methods and proven medications. Typically, removal takes place under local anesthesia, if the operation time allows. To remove, which proceeds for more than 40 minutes, we use anesthesia. The complications are minimized, since before the operation we conduct an examination for the general condition of the patient. We also track the postoperative period. After a couple of months, my wards visit the pool, which means that the healing was successful.
removing a mole
  • The reviews of those who removed the moles are somewhat different, but are usually divided into two groups: some removed at home, others in the hospital. The former regret that they resorted to such a rash risk
  • Often in such cases it was necessary to bring the matter to a positive result in the medical institution, while experiencing a longer healing period. After all, together with the scar, I had to treat those damage that they did for themselves
  • The latter are quite satisfied with the fact that the operation was entrusted with doctors. Some in this way saved their lives, since not all deleted moles were harmless. Attentive care, care for themselves allowed to quickly forget about a recent visit to the surgeon
body examination with a magnifier
  • Explore your body more often. Arm yourself with a magnifying glass, if necessary, and consider each mole. Trust the places inaccessible to the viewing to loved ones. You know your skin, you can find changes in time
  • Then you can’t waste time, the doctor will determine or not your fears. And if there is a mole that does not bother, makes the appearance unique, do not part with it, give others the opportunity to admire it

I wish you all health!

Video: Removing moles

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