Rinza: Instructions for use, composition, form of release, how to take tablets to adults and children, contraindications, reviews, video

Rinza: Instructions for use, composition, form of release, how to take tablets to adults and children, contraindications, reviews, video

The article has a detailed instruction on how to use the drug for colds - Rinza. Find out what contraindications and side effects he has.

When the cold season begins, no one wants to hurt. In order not to blabbing, many people at the first signs of acute respiratory infections use special drugs that relieve symptoms of the disease. One of these dosage forms is a rinse. It includes paracetamol, caffeine. These components, in addition to analgesic effect on the body, also have a stimulating effect.

In addition, caffeine contributes to better absorption of substances that help to quickly cope with the disease. SARS, influenza is manifested by a number of unpleasant symptoms. To eliminate them, it is necessary to use drugs containing several active components at once.

Rinza: composition, output form

In addition to the above components (paracetamol, caffeine), the tablets contain chloropenamine, phenylefrin hydrochloride and such auxiliary components as:

  • Starch, stearate magnesium, kmk (carboximethyl starch), talc
  • Conservice - E218, pink dye
  • Enterosorbents

Form of release of substance: in the form of powder, tablets.

Remedy for the first symptoms of acute respiratory infections - rinse
Remedy for the first symptoms of acute respiratory infections - rinse

The manufacturer is recommended to store the medicine in a dark place where there is no high humidity. The temperature regime should be 25 degrees. Shelf life of no more than three years.

Rinza: The effectiveness of the drug

The components of the rinses together give a positive effect in the fight against all colds. The main thing is not to miss the moment when the disease is just beginning to develop. Let's take a closer look at the effect of pills on the patient's body:

  • When the flu begins, then pain in the muscles, throat, the head begins to hurt. When this symptoms are manifested, it is recommended to drink paracetamol. Moreover, the dosage of the drug should be within: 500-1000 mg. The drug Rinza in tablets, as a rule, contains 500 mg of this substance. One tablet is enough to get rid of unpleasant sensations.
  • Viruses, bacteria have a negative effect in general, they poison the patient's body. As a result, a person quickly tires, loses strength, feels general malaise. Caffeine helps to cope with these problems. Thanks to him, the patient feels an invigorating effect, the restoration of forces occurs.
  • Also caffeine possesses diuretic effect. Therefore, the patient needs to drink water as much as possible. This contributes to the leaching of harmful bacteria, lowering the temperature. BUT vasodilating effect Caffeine allows you to eliminate unpleasant sensations in the nasopharynx.
  • Another component - Fenilefrin serves to get rid From rinite, nasal congestion. It acts directly on the vessels, reduces swelling of the upper respiratory tract. It helps in a short time to cope with the still -hearted runny nose. Already on the second day you will breathe freely.
  • Feniramin (chloropenamine) - This is an anti -allergic component. When a cold begins, such a hormone as histamine begins to transmit an impulse, thereby aggravates the process of development of the disease. Chloropenamine acts on histamine as an antidote. He blocks his action. Prevents the development of allergic reactions In the form of swelling, rash on the skin, itching, irritation of the mucous membranes and others. This substance eliminates swelling, narrows blood vessels, capillaries, prevents the formation of mucous secretions, does not allow rhinitis, inflammation of the throat.
How to remove the symptoms of a cold with a rinse?
How to remove the symptoms of a cold with a rinse?

The rinze contains optimal dosages of the listed components and therefore they successfully remove all manifestations of the first signs of influenza, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections. More precisely: nasal congestion, sore throat, headaches, fever, weakness, etc. The use of the drug has a beneficial effect on a person, helps in a short period to restore its strength, and not fall out of the work process. It is better to immediately stop the disease in a short time than then to be treated for a long time and buy many more expensive dosage forms.

Rinza: How to drink tablets for adults?

Many patients are self -medicated, which is undesirable to do in any case. After all, the same drug acts on different organisms not the same. Despite the fact that the Rinza can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription, it is advisable to consult your doctor before its use. But, if you still decide to engage in self -medication, then carefully study the instructions for tablets and apply according to the specified dosages. Before using the medicine, read what contraindications he has.

Rinza with a cold
Rinza with a cold

Now many have an important job and a person often does not have time to hurt. Yes, and taking sick leave is not always profitable due to the fact that newcomers do not pay for it 100 %. It is believed that the cold can be transferred on the legs, despite the recommendations of doctors, many patients do so. They use medicines in shock dosage to recover in a few days and not get sick. Remove the symptoms, the rinza helps, only you need not to miss the initial stage of the disease and already at the first calls of the cold to do the following:

  • Use tablets 3-4 times a day on one in one time. In no case do not exceed the recommended doses.
  • AT you can drink a day no more four tablets.
  • Follow interval When taking the drug. He can vary from four to six o'clock.
  • Duration course of treatment this dosage form should not exceed five days. If there are no effects from pills, then contact your doctor.
Rinza - from a cold
Rinza - from a cold

When you undergo a rinza treatment course, be sure to follow the drinking regime. In no case do not drink strong drinks. Since paracetamol so has a negative effect on the liver, gall bladder and other organs of the digestive tract. There may be severe poisoning and even liver damage.

Rinza, Rinzasip: How to drink pills for children?

These tablets can only be drunk for adolescents, starting from the age of fifteen. Norms of eating a drug for young people: 1 tablet, 3 times a day. Well treatment five days.

Children are recommended to drink powder dissolved in hot water - in the form of tea. During consumption, the liquid should be pleasantly warm. The drug for children is called - Rinzasip.

But it is intended for the child older than six years. Until this age, this tool is not allowed to use babies in any form.

Dosages and scheme:

  • For one -time reception It is enough to dissolve one bag in a cup of hot water (do not use boiling water for therapeutic tea).
  • Stir the solution and let's drink the child, only so that the liquid is not hot.
  • For kids 6 to 10 years old enough 2 receptions per day. BUT until the age of twelvethree times a day. Over 12 years old - four doses per day.
  • Interval between the adoption of four or six hours.
  • Period treatment - five days.
Rinza - children from a cold
Rinza - children from a cold

There is a powder Vitamin CTherefore, the drug restores the operation of the immune system in children, adolescents. It is this vitamin that helps to cope with the weakened immunity with the disease in the early stages of its development, by accelerating metabolic processes. It is very noteworthy that ascorbic acid does not have such properties as the accumulation of excess in the body, so it cannot be an excess. During colds, the body always experiences a lack of this component, so it is necessary to replenish it.

Rinza: Contraindications

If you use the Rinza overpentially, as mentioned earlier, you must first study the instructions, determine if you have any diseases that are listed in the list of contraindications, and only then start using tablets.

List of contraindications:

  1. You can not use a drug for diabetes.
  2. A contraindication to the use of tablets and powders of the rinse is atherosclerosis.
  3. Refuse to take the drug with arterial, portal hypertension.
  4. Allergic reactions, to the components of the rinses are the reason for the abandonment of this tool.
  5. You can not use the rinza For the treatment of colds in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under the age of fifteen and in alcoholics.
Contraindications - Rinza
Contraindications - Rinza

Under the control of the attending physician, a drug is prescribed if:

  1. The patient has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, gastritis, ulcer, etc.).
  2. The patient has chronic forms of respiratory pathologies: asthma, bronchitis, obstructive lung disease, emphysema.
  3. With diseases such as: epilepsy, glaucoma, anemia, dehydration, kidney disease, adrenal glands and others.
  4. With caution, they are taken in the presence of diseases of the liver, gall bladder.

Rinza: reviews

Svetlana, 39 years old:

Among the analogues, Rinsa is most suitable for me. I already have experience using the drug for about ten years. As soon as the disease begins, I immediately try to start taking a rinse. This is one of the most powerful drugs. After the first day of treatment, relief occurs. The first thing that begins to hurt me with a cold is the head, then the throat hurts and the nasal congestion begins. Here during this period I begin to drink pills - three times a day.

It is advisable not to exaggerate the dosage, otherwise the stomach will begin to hurt. After the first tablet, the headache passes, and the next day it does not hurt the throat and the runny nose decreases. And in three days already colds, as it had not happened. Therefore, I recommend this drug.

Marina, 42 years old:

Rinza did not work right away. I used to try another drug, the action was stronger there. And with the help of a rinse, the cold passed in five days. Also, the temperature of 37 lasted four days. After three days of taking the drug, pressure jumped, migraine began. In addition, I drank pills from pressure. Therefore, I do not advise you to drink Rinza to those who have a predisposition to hypertension.

Natalia, 19 years old:

I always have a cold is complicated by strong bronchitis. This time, with a disease, the doctor advised to drink and the rinse with other means immediately. Thanks to this, I had no complications. The cold passed in a short time. Therefore, I recommend the drug, it helps me.

Crembus treatment - Rinza
Crembus treatment - Rinza

Cold infections always knock a person out of rut, weaken the immune system. In order to quickly eliminate them, doctors prescribe interferon, antiviral agents and prescribe to drink drugs for symptomatic treatment. As practice shows, Rinsa is one of the most effective means.

Video: Rinza from what does it help?

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