Recipes of masks with dimexide and solcoseryl from wrinkles and acne. Contraindications for use

Recipes of masks with dimexide and solcoseryl from wrinkles and acne. Contraindications for use

Solcoseryl with dimexide has an anti -aging effect on the skin of the face. From the article you can find out how to use these funds correctly.

  • With age, the appearance of the woman is changing, and there is no getting away from this. But many make quite successful attempts to slow down the aging process, supporting the satisfactory condition of their skin with special cosmetological procedures
  • Someone does this in the salon, someone buys special expensive anti-aging cosmetics, someone uses folk remedies in the old fashioned way
  • Not entirely folk remedies, but not drugs of directed action are pharmacy dimexide and Solcoseryl. It is believed that they effectively rejuvenate and pull the skin

Solcoseryl ointment and gel in cosmetology, benefits

Solcoseryl is a pharmacological wound healing and regenerating drug in the form of an ointment or gel.

Solcoseryl gel.
Solcoseryl gel.

It is shown to use at:

  • diseases of the vessels of the limbs and impaired their patency
  • trophic ulcers
  • praise
  • burns
  • after skin plasticism
  • maceration

Important: Solcoseryl gel is also used to treat the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye - its inflammation, erosion, ulcerations, burns, as well as in the postoperative period.

Solcoseryl ointment.
Solcoseryl ointment.

The composition of the gel or ointment Solcoseryl includes water, petroleum jelly, alcohol, cholesterol and animal blood components (dairy calves).

Therefore, it has a number of properties that can be used in home cosmetology to combat age -related skin changes:

  • mitigating
  • moisturizing
  • antiseptic
  • healing

Important: after applying the active substances of Solcoseryl to the skin, accelerate blood flow and cellular metabolism, enrich the cells with oxygen, stimulate natural regenerative processes in the skin

To combat age -related changes, improving the color of the skin, giving her velvety women use Solcoseryl itself or a combination with other substances, for example, vitamins.

RECIPE: Mask with Solcoseryl and Vitamins

Need: Solcoseryl gel - 1 teaspoon, vitamins A and E (or Aevit drug) - 3 drops each.

  • The wound healing gel is enriched with vitamins, and then applied to the face for 30 minutes
  • After the procedure, wash
  • Such masks can reduce the manifestation of shallow facial wrinkles

How to rejuvenate your face with Solcoseryl and Dimexide? How often can you make a mask with Solcoseryl and Dimemkid?

But most often, I combine Solcoseryl with dimxide.

Dimexide with Solcoseril is an effective combination of wrinkles.
Dimexide with Solcoseril is an effective combination of wrinkles.

Important: dimexide is another pharmacological drug that has an antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti -inflammatory property. It is used as a homemade cosmetic anti -aging agent, acne agent

In the complex, these two drugs have a common beneficial effect that is not wilting skin:

  • remove inflammation
  • normalize the microflora
  • stimulate metabolic processes, in particular, the production of collagen
  • make the contours of the face more clear
  • make the skin smooth, elastic and detached
  • smooth wrinkles

Anti -aging home procedures using Solcoseryl and Dimexide should not be disposable. It is necessary to regularly use these tools, only then they will take the anti -aging effect.

Masks with Solcoseryl and Dimexide must be done at least twice a week. The duration of the course is at least 1 month, after a weekly break it can be extended.

Important: in addition to the fact that dimexide in itself improves the condition of the skin, it has another important property - diffusing. That is, it will strengthen the action of Sol -Sol -Solceril due to what contributes to the penetration of its active substances through cell membranes.

How to prepare a mask with dimxide and Solcoseril from wrinkles?

A mask with dimexide and Solcoseril smoothes and pulls the skin.
A mask with dimexide and Solcoseril smoothes and pulls the skin.

Anti-Age mask with dimxide and Solcoseril is made in the following sequence:

  1. Cleaning step: Dimexide is diluted with boiled water 1 to 10, moistened in a solution of a cotton swab, wiped the skin
  2. Stage of rejuvenation: Solcoseryl is applied on the face with a thin layer, left for half an hour
  3. Fixing stage: the mask is removed with cotton pads moistened in a decoction of chamomile

Important: this mask can be used for the area around the eyes, but this must be done with caution, and not with the first procedure. It is impossible for dimexide to get into the eyes.

Homemade Botox with Dimexide and Solcoseril

Dimexide in tandem with Sokoseril is called "home botox." Many women who experienced this remedy have been delighted with him.

They say that changes in the skin of the skin become noticeable after a two -week course of masks.
Many share tips on how to strengthen the effectiveness of the mask, for example:

  1. Instead of gel Solcoseryl, it is better to use the ointment, it pulls off the skin less
  2. Before processing the skin with dimexide, it is advised to carry out the procedure for its regular cleansing using conventional means and steam the face in a steam bath
  3. Solcoseryl exposure time can be increased to 40-60 minutes, while it must be applied with a thick layer, and then sprayed with water periodically so that it does not turn into a crust
  4. After the procedure, it is necessary to use a moderately fat cream
A mask with dimexide and Solcoseril - instead of the injection of Botox.
A mask with dimexide and Solcoseril - instead of the injection of Botox.

VIDEO: A mask for rejuvenation of the skin with the effect of Botox: how to get rid of wrinkles at home?

How to make a mask with dimexide and Solcoseril for the face from acne?

The antiseptic and antimicrobial properties of dymexide with Solcoseryl, their ability to improve intracellular processes, are used not only to eliminate age -related skin changes, but also to combat acne.

  1. To dry acne, disinfect the skin, you need to make a more concentrated aqueous solution of dimexide: take 5 parts of water and 1 part of the drug
  2. The skin is cleaned with an ordinary washing tool
  3. Acne moistened with a cotton wool
  4. A thin layer for 10 minutes is applied to the skin of Solcoseryl
  5. The remains of ointment or gel are removed with a moistened cotton swab
Dimexide and Solcoseryl will help get rid of acne.
Dimexide and Solcoseryl will help get rid of acne.

Contraindications and harm of masks with Solcoseryl and digestine

Unfortunately, Solcoseryl in combination with dimxide can not be called a universal anti-age: it is not suitable for everyone based on contraindications. There were also cases of a negative reaction to masks.

  1. Dimexide cannot be used for very thin and sensitive skin
  2. Dymkid is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation
  3. After the use of Solcoseryl, it is not recommended to drive a vehicle
  4. Both of these substances cannot be used if there is an allergy to any of their components

Also, in the reviews of those who tried to rejuvenate with a mask with dimexide and Solcoseryl, it is indicated that the drug had an adverse reaction in the form:

  • itching and burning
  • redness of the skin
  • edema
  • subsequent peeling of the skin

Important: Solcoseryl has a special pungent smell. There were cases that during the anti -aging procedure, nausea and dizziness arose from it

Dermatologists believe that it is necessary to use dimxide and solcoseryl only for its intended purpose, that is, therapeutic.

They say that Solcoseryl can effectively affect damaged skin, while through entire cell membranes its active substances penetrate a small amount and cannot cause any positive effect.

Dimexide and Solcoseryl can cause allergies.
Dimexide and Solcoseryl can cause allergies.

Try this method to get rid of wrinkles or not is an individual solution. But caution will not hurt.

Video: Solcoseryl from wrinkles and to rejuvenate the face

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Comments K. article

  1. I know quite a lot about the masks, but I have never heard of such, I regularly make masks of clay with avocado and use Laura Syvrtka Meso effect, thanks to such means, my skin is young and be submitted without wrinkles and I am already 45)

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