Ducan diet recipes in stages. Ducan diet menu

Ducan diet recipes in stages. Ducan diet menu

The protein diet of Pierre Dukan helped thousands of people to reduce weight and gain attractive form. The article describes in detail the stages of a diet, a list of all permitted ones is given.

Lose weight so as not to keep themselves for a long time in the strict framework of restrictions, many people want. Ducan’s diet consists of four stages, during which more than 100 products are allowed to consume: 72 protein products, 28 - vegetables.

In such a wide range, you can easily choose the optimal combination of a daily diet in order to lose weight effectively without undermining your health and psyche. At the same time, there are no restrictions on the number of food, although it is recommended to observe moderation.

The menu of the Stage "Attack" on Ducan's diet. List of permitted products

The “attack” stage is the most difficult, strict and short stage. It lasts 2-7 days. It is necessary to use only protein products, water - 1.5 liters and 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of bran (mandatory!). Any vegetables and fat are prohibited.

Allowed protein products

  • Low -fat poultry meat: chicken, quail, partridge, turkey, pheasant. Duck and goose meat is not recommended, it is more fat. The skin of a bird cannot be eaten, but you need to cook the bird with the skin so that there is no study of meat
  • Lenten meat: horseman, veal, beef, rabbit. The fat content of minced meat should not exceed 5%. Sometimes you can pork with fat content of up to 6%. There is no skin. Fat parts: anthrakot, ribs - prohibited
  • Lenten ham from pork with fat content of up to 4%
  • The offal: Liver, stomach, kidneys, calf tongue, front of the beef tongue. You can also live liver, calf or bird, but not much. If there are problems with the cardiovascular system, then the liver must be excluded
  • Any fish
  • Crab sticks - 8 pieces, no more
  • Any seafood: mollusks, shrimp, crayfish, squid, mussels, crabs, oysters, caviar (do not abuse), sea hedgehogs, lobsters, seaweed, scallops, cabbage
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products with fat content of 0% without sugar and fruit
  • Plant proteins tofu and seatan
  • Drinks: tea, coffee, herbal infusions without sugar. You can sweeten Stevia, aspartam. Drink at least 1.5 liters per day

The menu of the "Attack" stage


option 1: boiled egg, low -fat yogurt
Option 2: an omelet of two proteins, skim milk, you can add a little greenery; fish; tea


option 1: Several pieces of fried poultry or several slices of ham
Option 2: Oatow bread (recipe below) with yogurt


option 1: Boiled chicken and 100g cottage cheese
Option 2: Baked with garlic and lemon chicken or boiled beef meat, veal

Afternoon snack:

option 1: low -fat yogurt
Option 2: Seafood with pepper


option 1: Boiled egg, fish
Option 2: poultry meat (cutlets), baked seafood or fish, kefir

Exclude fat and carbohydrates from the diet, it is even necessary to fry without oil (in a pan with anti -stick coating). You can diversify the taste of dishes from an additional list.

Recipes for "Attack": recipes of cutlets and cheesecakes on Ducan

Any dishes for the “attack” are prepared in the oven, steamed, in a slow cooker, in a pan with a Teflon coating or with the addition of water to avoid the use of oil. Products should be degreed as much as possible.


Recipe1. Chopped cutlets with chicken and kefir

  • 350 g of chicken
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp bran
  • 100 ml of kefir
  • 1 small onion or 1/2 middle onion
  • salt, pepper, you can greens

Rinse the fillet, cut into small pieces. Pour kefir, refrigerate to pickle. After a couple of hours, put the remaining components. Put a spoon on a baking sheet with parchment, forming cutlets. Bake for about 30 minutes, temperature 180C.

Recipe 2. turkey cutlets

  • 500g turkey
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of kefir
  • 1 egg
  • salt, pepper, seasonings

Mix all the ingredients and cook for a couple for about 30 minutes or bake in the oven.
This recipe can be slightly changed. Add bran to the indicated mass - 2 tbsp. tablespoons, pre -steaming them with boiling water. In this case, only 1 tbsp. A spoonful of kefir, see the consistency, it should not be very liquid. Such cutlets can even be frying in a dry Teflon pan. After the frying, tap the cutlets, pouring a little water.


Recipe 1. Syrcels with yogurt/kefir in the oven

Take fat -free yogurt and cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is better to take granular.

  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oat bran
  • 150g cottage cheese
  • 50 ml of yogurt, you can take kefir
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • sugar substitute
  • salt

Beat the proteins with salt in a fairly strong foam. Separately, rub the cottage cheese with yogurt and sucrotor, add the baking powder. Carefully enter the protein mass. Cover the baking sheet with parchment, put the cheesecakes on it or put them in a silicone form. Bake for about 15 minutes at 200 ° C.

Recipe 2. Cheesecels without bran

Since only 1.5 tablespoons of bran during the “attack” are laid, cheesecakes can be done without them

  • 2 eggs
  • 200g cottage cheese
  • 2g sugar substitute
  • lemon zest

Combine all the components, mix thoroughly. It is necessary to lay out in molds, preferably silicone, because the mass does not thicken and can just spread along the sheet. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes, temperature 200s.

The menu of the “Alternation” stage on Dukan’s diet: a list of allowed products at the 2nd stage

In the menu of the “alternation” stage, vegetables and some more carbohydrates add to the previous list of products. One day should remain completely protein as “attack”, and products are added to the second, from the list of below. The amount of oat bran increases to 2 tbsp. spoons.

From the permitted list, it is permissible to use two products a day per day, but you can use one product in a double portion. It is also necessary to drink 2 liters of water. It is permissible to include dairy products in an amount of 1 liter or 1 kg per day.

Allowed vegetables for the stage of "alternation"

  • any cabbage: broccoli, colored, red, Brussels, kohlrabi, palm (palmito)
  • cucumbers
  • eggplant
  • zucchini
  • asparagus
  • soy
  • beets (moderately)
  • carrots (moderately)
  • spinach
  • chicory
  • celery
  • chard
  • tomatoes
  • green patch beans
  • turnip
  • sorrel
  • leek
  • onion
  • pepper
  • any green salad
  • tomatoes
  • mushrooms
  • pumpkin
  • radish
  • sorrel
  • dill

The menu of the “alternation” stage for the protein-vegetable day


option 1: Omlet, tea, infusion or coffee
Option 2: soft eggs, simple pancakes, grass infusion or sugar tea


option 1: chicken meat (legs) stewed with onions, carrots, garlic and pepper; seafood (shrimp, mussels) with coriander and lemon
Option 2: Ground chicken, light salad

Afternoon snack:

option 1: Curric pie
Option 2: Tort-Beze


option 1: Fish/meat fried or stewed with sauce
Option 2: chopped cutlets from any meat, cabbage salad, tea

Menu for the protein day of the stage "Alternation"


option 1: Eggs with ham, warm drink
Option 2: low -fat cottage cheese, yogurt, boiled egg


option 1: hot chicken
Option 2: seafood soup, fish salad (canned fish, onions, boiled egg), herbal infusion

Afternoon snack:

option 1: Cupcakes, tea or coffee
Option 2: Pudding from herbal tea


option 1: salmon, marinated in mustard, balsamic vinegar and olive oil and baked under a “fur coat” from mustard and panning crackers
Option 2: Kurita's barbecue baked baked (pickle in vinegar), green tea

Recipes for "Alternation": Ducan's diet vegetables

Vegetables can be consumed raw, they can be fermented, stewed, connecting with meat or eating a separate dish.

Cabbage salad

  • 100 g of cabbage
  • average carrots
  • sauce: yogurt, mustard, lemon juice
  • pepper

Chop the cabbage, slightly mole. Grate the carrots, season with sauce.

Fried vegetables with mushrooms under soy sauce

  • 1 average zucchini
  • 5-7 medium champignons
  • 1 stem of onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 75g tofu
  • soy sauce
  • 1 tsp Sugar -substituter
  • several feathers of green onions (for decoration)
  • vegetable oil, a few drops for roasting vegetables
  • salt

It is better to cook this dish in voca, but you can take any pan with a thick bottom. First of all, slightly chopped garlic. Then-mushrooms cut into small cubes, zucchini, onions, tofu. Stew for 5-10 minutes so that the vegetables become soft. After that, add sucrotor, salt, sauce. You can decorate with green onions.

Vegetable pie

  • 350-400 g of cottage cheese, better than soft
  • 1 egg
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • any vegetables, such as eggplant, spinach, tomato, tsukkini
  • herbs and spices
  • low -fat ham or pieces of chicken, or you can use everything at once
  • sauce: yogurt, favorite herbs, ginger, lemon juice, garlic

Put cottage cheese, egg, garlic, grass, spices and mix in a container. In the form covered with parchment, the first layer to lay out the curd mass. Put vegetables cut into thin plates on it. Sprinkle with thyme on top, you can also sprinkle ham or chicken into cubes. Pour the sauce, put in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 200C.


The stew can be prepared in a pan, voca or multicooker.

  • 250g asparagus
  • 250 g broccoli
  • 250g mushrooms
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 onion heads
  • salt
  • approximately 75 g of water for extinguishing

Cut the vegetables with cubes. Put the asparagus, broccoli and onion in the pan. Add water: vegetables should not cook, and do not burn, namely extinguished. Stew about 15 minutes. Add mushrooms and garlic and simmer for another 20 minutes so that the asparagus is fully prepared.
Beat the eggs, add salt, pour vegetables, mix everything thoroughly. Close the lid and turn off the fire. After 5 minutes you can eat.

The menu of the stage "fixing" on the diet of Ducan.
List of products permitted at the 3rd stage of Ducan's diet

  • At this stage, a smooth return to normal nutrition occurs. The stage is divided into two equal in terms of the number of days of the period. In the first, 1 meals from absolutely any products are allowed once a week, in the second 2 such meals once a week. A day is allowed to eat 2 portions of starch -containing products
  • At the same time, one exclusively protein day is required - Thursday, when it is necessary to eat in the same way as at the stage of attack. 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oat bran per day and 2 liters of water also remain mandatory


Allowed products

Throughout the stage, the same quantities are used:

  • protein products of the first stage
  • all vegetables of the second stage
  • one fruit/portions per day: apple, pear, peach, grapefruit, nectar, small mangoes; or a handful of raspberries, strawberries; or a slice of watermelon, melon; You can also 2 kiwi or 2 apricots
  • 2 pieces of whole grain bread
  • 40g cheese, better than solid varieties

Such products are allowed in 1 portions in the first half of the stage, and 2 servings per day - in the second. Portion - 220g:

  • pasta
  • polenta - porridge made of corn flour, like mamalyga
  • whole wheat porridge
  • wheat Bulgur
  • lentils
  • beans
  • peas
  • potatoes in uniform or foil (prepared without fat use)
  • ordinary ham
  • ham
  • pork stew

The menu of the "consolidation" stage


option 1: Chicken meat slice, cottage cheese, 1 egg, warm drink
Option 2: kefir, 2 slices of whole -live bread, 1 pancake of oat bran


option 1: stewed vegetables, fish, green tea
Option 2: casserole of colored cabbage, salad with sauce, cheese

Afternoon snack:

option 1: Egg or omelet, tea
Option 2: cottage cheese, apple


option 1: Vegetable soup, any grill cooked meat
Option 2: Baked brisket, grill vegetables, cucumbers salad

Recipes for the stage of "consolidation": honey and bread on Ducan's diet

The third stage has many messages. But it is still forbidden to use in large quantities carbohydrates and fats, if this does not happen during a “feast”.

White bread is banned. But you can make useful bread from bran.


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 3 tbsp oat branch
  • 125 gorous cottage cheese
  • 4 tbsp of wheat bran

Mix all the ingredients, make a bread and bake it for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 200C.

Mandarin pie

  • 3 eggs
  • 4 tangerine
  • 6 tbsp. bran
  • sugar substitute
  • 1 tsp baking powder

Peel the tangerines, weld them (about 30 minutes), pull them out of the decoction, cool and chop with a blender. Mix all the components with the tangerines, put the dough in the shape and bake for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 180C.


Honey is very useful, but these are carbohydrates, so it contradicts the idea of \u200b\u200bthis diet. Honey can be consumed in small quantities at the time of a feast, for example, anoint the casserole.

The menu of the Stabilization stage. What restrictions are there at the 4th stage?

This stage is characterized by a return to ordinary normal life and nutrition, but some restrictions are preserved:

  • the basis of the power should be the diet of the third stage
  • protein is required Thursday
  • 3 tablespoons of oat bran at the day
  • drink 2 liters of water

Stabilization stage menu

  • you can use 1 portion of fruits per day, preferably a separate technique
  • two slices of bread from bran or whole grain
  • 40g cheese
  • 2 portions of products with starch, preferable pasta, rice, buckwheat porridge, lentils, legumes
  • 2 meals from any food within a week
  • proteins and vegetables are used in any quantities and combinations


option 1: cottage cheese, cheese, whole -grain bread, tea
Option 2: Oatmeal porridge with the addition of dried apricots, honey


option 1: Soup with mushrooms, grilled chicken or namesakes
Option 2: broth with meatballs, egg, can be seasoned with herbs; Surcharge bread

Afternoon snack:

option 1: pancakes with cottage cheese, yogurt
Option 2: Fruit


option 1: Fish baked with vegetables
Option 2: meat cutlets with rice

Recipes for the stage "Stabilization" of Ducan diet

Macarons with shrimp

  • 500 g of pasta
  • 500 g of unpeeled shrimp
  • 150g cheese
  • 200 sour cream
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • greens
  • lemon juice

Fill the thawed shrimp with boiling water and clean it. Boil pasta. Lubricate the pan with a few drops of oil, add chopped garlic and fry it for 30 seconds. Remove the garlic from the pan and put the shrimp that must be frying for 2 minutes. Add sour cream and grated cheese, hold it on fire for a few more minutes so that the sour cream warms up well. Combine pasta and sauce, pour lemon juice, decorate with herbs.

Warm vegetable salad

  • green beans
  • eggplant
  • tomato
  • any other favorite vegetables
  • brynza
  • spices

Boil or bake the vegetables in the oven. Clean from the peel, cut with relatively large cubes. Mix, add spices, a little salt and pepper, lastly, Brynza.

Additional blowing on Ducan's diet in stages

At each stage, the Dukan allows a certain set of products that help to cope with restrictions. These products can be consumed in small quantities, but they significantly affect the taste of dishes.

Stage "Attack"

  • skimmed milk
  • vinegar
  • caraway
  • garlic
  • herbal spices
  • cornishness
  • onion
  • salt
  • mustard

Stage "Alternation"

To the previous list is added

  • 1 coffee spoon of paraffin oil (you can’t fry it)
  • balsamic vinegar
  • mustard can now be added to salads 1 tbsp. spoon
  • spices: anise, Badyan, cloves, cardamom, ginseng, ginger
  • agar-Agar
  • gelatin
  • baking powder
  • yeast
  • sweets with Aspartam
  • soyous ugly sauce

Stage "consolidation"

to the previous permissible products is added:

  • soye flour 20g
  • sour cream 3% fat content
  • soy milk
  • corn starch 20g
  • coconut milk
  • skim cocoa, up to 11% fat content
  • soy sweet sauce
  • guar gum

Stabilization stage

allows you to use all the desired additives in moderate quantities, even alcoholic beverages.

Description of recipes on Ducan's diet by stages: tips and reviews

  • Even if you fell off, you should not despair and reproach yourself. Just extend the stage for several days and continue from the moment you stopped
  • If some stage of the “alternation” becomes too heavy, it is worth interrupting it and moving on to the next. If you are still unhappy with the result, it is better to fix the achievements already received first, and only then improve the indicators by passing all the stages at first. Otherwise you can break and not achieve any results at all
  • Do not be afraid of stagnation periods, they will certainly be, especially on protein and vegetable days. Continue the diet and the weight will go down again. Measure volumes, sometimes the weight is stable, and the volumes are reduced
  • Learn to enjoy not only from food, walk at least 30 minutes a day (contributes to the production of serotonin), give up the elevator and the weight loss process will be easier and faster


Ducan’s diet, by and large, does not differ from any other protein diet. It makes an approach unique, which allows not only to achieve results, but makes it possible to maintain these results all his life.


On a diet I lost 10 kg. I liked the fact that there is no need to endure hunger. Six months after losing weight, I calmly support the weight, although sometimes there are holidays of overeating with fatty foods.


I faced the problem that not all products can be bought from us at any time. For example, milk fat -free milk, sugar substitute, etc. I began to order part of the products on the Internet, it saves time and nerves.

Video: "Life Life": Ducan's diet

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