The child stutters: what's the reason? Methods for the treatment of stuttering in children

The child stutters: what's the reason? Methods for the treatment of stuttering in children

From the article you will learn everything about the most effective methods of stuttering in children.

Sometimes it happens that without any visible reason, a son or daughter begins to speech problems. Usually parents begin to worry, panic and torment the child with unnecessary issues.

But this is not necessary to do this, because absolutely every doctor will tell you that with proper treatment, this problem can be solved. All you need for this is time and patience.

Why do children stutter?

Most often, this disease affects small children. The child begins to stumble, stretch the sounds and repeat individual syllables. If you do not help the baby get rid of this problem, then very soon he will close in himself, and stuttering will only aggravate.
The reasons for stuttering in children:
• frequent stress, negative emotions and diseases of the nervous system
• birth injury or intrauterine infection
• insufficient development of speech skills
• imitation of older people

Logoneurosis in children and its treatment

Usually logoneurosis appears against a very strong stressful situation.

  • For example, the baby played on the street, and an outsider began to scream at him or a big dog suddenly jumped on him
  • There are times when, after the experienced emotions, a small person, in general, stops talking for a while, and when it returns, the child begins to stutter
  • Another important factor is heredity. If the parents of the child stutter, then at the genetic level of the nervous system, increased anxiety and mental fatigue can be transmitted
  • And since these two factors greatly affect the emotional state, they may well become a catalyst for stuttering in a small person

Methods for treating logoneurosis:
• Visiting a psychologist
• relaxing baths and massages
• Breathing exercises
• Soothing fees

What to do when a child is stuttering in 2-3 years?

If your child is stuttering, then you need to approach the solution of this issue comprehensively. To treat not only grandmother's methods, but turn to modern specialists for help.

The following tips will help to improve the condition of the child:
• Walk a lot and adhere to sleep mode
• Read books to the child and play developing games with him
• Do not quarrel in front of your son or daughter
• Visit a speech therapist and psychologist

What to do when a child at 4-5 years old is stuttering?

  • Most often at this age, the child can already tell parents what he cares and what he is afraid
  • Therefore, as soon as you notice problems with the speech, immediately talk with the child, and try to eliminate problems that negatively affect the psyche of your child
  • If this does not help, then contact a specialist as soon as possible

Recommendations that will help get rid of stuttering:
• Talk with the baby with a soft calm tone
• Do not make sharp movements with your hands before him
• If he tells you something, then in no case do not correct and do not fit it
• Cover owo more often and talk about how much you love him

What to do when a child at 6-8 is stuttering?

At this age, speech problems can be treated with the same methods that are described above. But, in addition, try to establish a trusting relationship with your son or daughter, explain that you will always protect and support them.

You can also adhere to the following recommendations:
• Try to criticize your child as little as possible
• do breathing exercises
• Strengthen mental health
• Use computer programs for treatment

How to undergo an examination of a stuttering child?

The correct examination is usually carried out in three stages. Each of them must be approached very carefully, because only true and reliable information about the child will help to get rid of problems with speech in the shortest possible time.
Studying anamnestic data. The specialist should find out under what circumstances a stutter appeared, how the baby himself relates to this problem and what measures were taken for treatment
Conversation with a child. During the conversation, the specialist should find out how often the baby's speech has problems and whether he has concomitant problems with the motor apparatus
Study of speech behavior. The doctor must invite the baby to describe some picture, tell a small rhyme or repeat several phrases

Overcoming stuttering in children

Now there are quite a lot of effective methods of treating logoneurosis, which only a specialist can decide exactly to your child.

Therefore, if you do not want problems with your child’s speech to exacerbate, then do not self -medicate, and at the first symptoms, sign up for a consultation with a speech therapist.

Song repertoire for stuttering children

  • No matter how strange it may sound, it is singing that helps to get rid of this problem very well
  • The main thing in this matter is to teach a child to sing correctly. The baby should show how to take a breath properly, how to hold your breath and how to let air through your nose
  • For treatment, it is necessary to use simple songs that will stimulate the correct pronunciation, difficult for a small person of sounds

Speech therapy work with stuttering children

If your child stutters very much, then configure yourself in advance to a long -term visit to the speech therapist. After all, if you missed the moment, then the specialist will have to spend a lot of time on the adjustment of speech.

Standard treatment includes the following stages:
• The child pronounces separate phrases and tells poetry
• The baby independently describes some action
• A small person tries to communicate with others on his own

Logopedic massage for stuttering children

This manipulation positively affects the muscles and improves the condition of blood vessels, nerves and tissues. Also, massage quite effectively reduces the manifestations of paresis of the muscles of the face and normalizes muscle tone.

There are such types of speech therapy massage:
• strengthening and relaxing
• point
• massage using a speech therapy probe and spatula

The work of a psychologist with a stuttering child

Although many parents believe that the psychologist does not help to treat problems with speech, everything is worth it exactly. After all, only he, with the correct approach, will be able to help the baby overcome his fears and increase self -esteem. The elimination of these factors will help normalize the supply of nerve impulses to the vocal cords.

Breathing exercises for stuttering children

Most often, respiratory gymnastics is prescribed as an addition to other treatment methods. It helps coordinate proper breathing when pronouncing words. In combination with breathing gymnastics, you can conduct games with stuttering children.

During the game, the child learns the correct behavior in the team and at the same time his speech is gently restored.

Rules that will help to do exercises correctly:
• Make a sharp breath
• make a calm exhalation
• Inhale should be made against the background of movement
• Exercises must be performed standing while sitting and lying

Treatment of stuttering in children with folk remedies

Quite a lot of people believe that it will be quite possible to get rid of logoneurosis by folk methods.

  • Usually, all kinds of herbs and even honey are used for treatment. Sedding teas, decoctions are prepared from them, take them fresh and added to the water for bathing. The most popular are chamomile, viburnum, hops, heather, ash and nettle
  • Some people think that helping this problem can help them can help prayer from stuttering in children. It is believed that a monotonous pronunciation of certain words helps to control your emotions and fears, which in turn helps to correctly pronounce words

The child stutters hard: tips and reviews

If you conduct timely and correct treatment of logoneurosis in childhood, then when the child grows up, he will not have any speech defects.

Simple recommendations will help you achieve such a result:
• Make sure that the baby does not watch TV for a long time
• Do not force me to tell poems to strangers
• By your own example, show how to say
• Develop fine motor skills
• Teach the baby to breathe correctly

Jeanne: Singing helped my son very well. At first he was shy and we had to sing songs together, but over time he liked it so much that it was impossible to listen to. Now we no longer have problems, but we do not stop singing.
Ksyusha: Our stuttering began after a very small dog bit the child. But he was so scared that he did not even want to sleep in his room. So, in addition to a speech therapist, we also had to contact a psychologist.

Video: Stuttering in a child. What to do?


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