The child does not talk at 2 years old: reasons. How to talk a child at 2 years: exercises, games, developing classes. The child does not talk at 2 years old: Komarovsky

The child does not talk at 2 years old: reasons. How to talk a child at 2 years: exercises, games, developing classes. The child does not talk at 2 years old: Komarovsky

At 2 years old, the child should already speak. Read the article to know the reasons why the baby does not talk at 2 years old, but only mumbles, but understands everything.

Young parents always worry when their child has a problem of timely speech formation. It often happens that the baby simply grows at his pace and after some time he begins to talk no less than his peers.

  • But the problems of speech can be much deeper and it is important to recognize them in a timely manner and try to eliminate them.
  • Correction needs to start at the age of 1.5-2 years so that good results can be achieved.
  • In this article you can find information about why such disorders arise and how to talk to a child.
  • What specialist do you need to contact and what do the leading pediatricians of different countries say about this problem?

The child does not speak at 2 years old, only mumbles, but understands everything: the reasons

The child does not speak at 2 years old, only mumbles, but understands everything: reasons
The child does not speak at 2 years old, only mumbles, but understands everything: the reasons

Often, parents of a 2-year-old baby do not pay attention to the fact that their baby does not talk. But, if he has a well -developed intelligence, he understands adults and fulfills their requests, maintains contact with his parents, actively communicates with gestures and there are no problems with hearing, but the child does not talk at 2 years old - this is not the norm. This condition is called a disorder of expressive speech.

Pediatricians and speech therapists distinguish two types of reasons why the child does not speak at 2 years old, but only mumbles, but understands everything:

  1. Social
  2. Physiological
The child does not speak at 2 years old, only mumbles, but understands everything
The child does not speak at 2 years old, only mumbles, but understands everything

Such reasons may be associated with these two types of problems, why the baby does not talk:

  • External causes. The baby has no motivation. He feels more care and therefore there is no incentive for speech. You need to talk with the baby. If he only hears the voices from the TV or tablet, then such a child will not talk.
  • Internal causes. This includes the hereditary factor, neurological problems and violation of the development of articulation. If one of his parents began to speak late in childhood, then their son or daughter can repeat the situation, but with each generation the problem may aggravate. Therefore, be on your guard. The child will not be able to pronounce sounds if he has a short bridle of the tongue, a reduced tone of the muscles of the face, or injuries were suffered at an early age.

Important: Often the problem with the speech apparatus in a child arises if in the family all adults speak different languages. The bilingualism of relatives leads to the fact that the baby cannot isolate the tokens of a particular language.

Advice: Also, do not show excessive exactingness and do not demand from the child to talk. It is necessary to create motivation, and not put pressure on the baby.

How to teach a child to talk at 2 years: exercises, games, developing classes

How to talk a child at 2 years: exercises, games, developing classes
How to talk a child at 2 years: exercises, games, developing classes

At 2 years old, the baby has a great idea of \u200b\u200bthe world around them, but not all children at this age use their vocabulary. As mentioned above, many children can have problems with both internal and external. Therefore, if your baby does not speak at 2 years old, you should perform special effective exercises with him, play games, and conduct developmental classes:

  • Game with cards. Make cards and draw or stick animals or transport on them. Ask the child to get one card and name what is depicted on it. Let the baby think, do not rush him. If the child is confused and cannot name the word, then after 15 seconds, name the word yourself, clearly pronouncing the syllables.
  • Children's poetry poems. “Ladushki-Ladushki” and other rhymes help to perfectly develop speech. You can use any interesting verses from your favorite children's book.
  • The game "Who says". Ask the child to repeat the sounds of animals. First ask him: “How does the dog say?”, “How is the pussy say?” If the child does not pronounce the word, then after 10-15 seconds you need to utter the correct answers.
  • Stupid adult. If your child shows with gestures or in separate sounds that he wants, for example, an apple, then you pretend that you don’t understand and ask him: “Do you want a spatula? Not? Or can you give you a bucket? " Do not torment the child for a long time, 3 “wrong” answers will be enough, otherwise the baby may burst into tears.
  • Who is sitting in a bag? In a small rag bag, add several favorite toys-living children. A little opening the bag, show only the head of one toy, and ask the baby to name the animal.
  • Who is talking about? For two years, it’s normal if the baby does not call an animal or object, but will repeat the sounds that they make. You can only ask: “How does the rain are dripping? -Cap-cap "," How does the bell rings? -Jin-Dzin ”and so on.
  • Exercises for the development of facial muscles. Articulating gymnastics will help to develop speech. But a small child is difficult to make any exercises. The best option is croiling in front of the mirror. Ask the baby to show the monkey and stick out the tongue or let him depict a lion and show his teeth.
  • We develop fine motor skills. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe fingertips, there are receptors that affect the brain center of motor skills. It is located next to the speech department of the brain. For the development of fine motor skills, all games with sorting out small objects, as well as modeling or ordinary fingers massage are suitable. Just choose games with not too small objects, otherwise the baby can put them in the mouth, nose or ear.
How to talk a child at 2 years old: exercises, games
How to talk a child at 2 years old: exercises, games

Many parents note that after they sent their child to kindergarten, the baby began to speak. Being along with other children, the child quickly learns all life skills, including speech. If by the age of 2.5-3 your baby has not spoke like that, you should contact a speech therapist and a neurologist. Perhaps the reason is still too deep.

Video: Speech therapist for fidget: 5 games for launching speech [Loving mothers]

The child does not talk at 2 years old: Komarovsky

The child does not talk at 2 years old: Komarovsky
The child does not talk at 2 years old: Komarovsky

Many doctors of the old hardening claim that a child at 2 years should be able to say sentences from 2-3 words, pronounce unions in sentences. If the child does not have this skill, then they are in a hurry to diagnose “mental retardation”.

  • But modern pediatricians are not so categorical, because they take into account the individual characteristics of the child.
  • For example, Dr. Komarovsky is sure that if a child does not talk at 2 years old, then parents should pay more attention to their baby. It is important not just the result, but the trend towards normal development.
  • If a child at 2 years old knows 10-15 words, and at 3 years old he also knows only 15 words, then this is an occasion for excitement. If the child by the age of 3 repeats 30 words, although these are few, but he has a tendency to develop, then it is not worth worrying.

In detail about this, watch the video with Dr. Komarovsky:

Video: When and what to do if the child does not speak? - Dr. Komarovsky

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