Is it realistic and how to accumulate, earn on an apartment with an average salary: we plan the budget correctly, practical tips

Is it realistic and how to accumulate, earn on an apartment with an average salary: we plan the budget correctly, practical tips

The housing issue is relevant for many people, and the only way out is to collect money for the apartment. But how realistic is it to do this with the salary of an ordinary person, we will consider in this material.

Many people, asking the apartment question, immediately discard the idea of \u200b\u200baccumulation, especially with a small wage. Access, in principle, is quite a difficult task, and no matter what you collect funds. If you really want to save up for an apartment, then you need to be patient, and not give up. And as practice shows, more disciplined people reach their goal, who are able to soberly assess the situation.

Is it realistic to earn, accumulate an apartment with an average wage?

According to many experts, you can accumulate an apartment in about 5 years, if you have only average wages. But in order not to get out of the way, not to live with illusions and false hopes, you must immediately calculate everything and adhere to certain rules.

  1. Initially, you need to set a real goal. You can dream of a lot, for example, a wonderful villa on the seashore. But it is not a fact that even until old age you can purchase it. In this case, you need to moderate your appetite, although you should not be afraid of small goals - this can serve as an excellent impetus for accumulating a large amount.
  2. It is important to clearly understand which apartment you need. It is worth considering everything to the smallest detail. Starting from the number of rooms, quadrature, location, ending with repair and equipment. Prices in the city and beyond vary. Therefore, as soon as you narrow the circle of your criteria, you can determine the exact amount that you need to accumulate.
  3. Understand your position. Purchasing the apartment, renting housing, and even with a minimum rate is impossible. And this is without pessimism. If possible, it is better to live with relatives, and put the allocated money for rent in a piggy bank. Another question is, if relatives live in the provinces, and the chances for high earnings in this area are minimal.
General recommendations
General recommendations

How to accumulate for an apartment: we make calculations taking into account our wages

We take the minimum price for a studio apartment for 1 million rubles, purely for example.

  • If you decide to save up for an apartment, but at the same time your cash receipts per month do not exceed 15 thousand rublesor a little more than 5 thousand hryvnias, then this is an unrealistic task. Firstly, you should not spend a dime. Then in 5.5 years you will achieve your goal. Secondly, you need to take place where to live and a person that will feed you.
  • Painting From 20 thousand rublesnot very different. You can save a little more than 4 years. But again, provided that you will put it all up to the penny.
  • Having at the disposal 30 thousand rublesor a little more than 11 thousand hryvnias, almost 3 years can be accumulated for an apartment. We understand that housing and accommodation can pull more than half of your budget. But still, with this amount, you can postpone the money for the first fee to get a mortgage.

By the way, if you decide between accumulation or mortgage, then you should read the article "Mortgage for the apartment: is it worth it to take, how to arrange it correctly?"

  • Salary 40 thousand rubleswith strict savings, it allows the family to accumulate a family, but not earlier than after 5 years.
  • 2 years and 7 months of strict savings in salary 50 thousand rublesallows you to put off 30 thousand per month.
Approximate arithmetic
Approximate arithmetic

How to accumulate for an apartment: learning to work out

  • If you want to accumulate for an apartment, learn how to work out. Today, everyone can find their own sphere for additional earnings. Whether it is a taxi driver at night or writing essays, selling Hend Maida, etc. Make it a rule - All the money that you managed to earn “super” should be added immediately to the assigned amount.
    • Excellent today The platform for additional income is the Internet. In the view of many people, it is almost impossible to make money on the network, but as practice shows, this is just a generally accepted stereotype. Many sites or personal blogs turn into a family enterprise with decent income.
    • Financial analysts say that if you are not satisfied with the main income, then you should look around. It is possible that even your favorite hobby will bring you more earnings than the main activity. And the Internet provides a lot of opportunities for development in many areas of activity and its implementation.
  • The second option is to think about changing work, profession or opening your own business. To obtain a new profession, it is absolutely not necessary to graduate from a university, you can take courses that take much less time.
    • If you want to work for yourself, you should immediately consider this issue, calculate the business plan. It is possible that when working for yourself, you can earn much more than working “for uncle”. And this, in turn, will bring you closer to the main goal much faster. Today, opening your own business is not a big problem, and often does not require big investments.
An option that has its own risks
An option that has its own risks

How to accumulate for an apartment: we keep money correctly

  • If you want to save up for an apartment, then Find a place to store money.If you store money under the pillow, then do not spend it - it will be an overwhelming task. Even if a “decent” amount of money accumulates, there is always a temptation to spend it, so the best way to “not break” is to protect access to savings.
  • Many financial experts recommend putting their savings on a bank account or deposit. Especially during the holidays, many banks offer their consumers very profitable deposits with an increased interest rate. This is the easiest and most profitable way to increase funds. There are two types of deposit deposits:
    • Cumulative (replenished), to which you can report money;
    • Not replenished -It has more percentage, and finances are stored in accounts for 1-3 years. Of course, this type of contribution is quite profitable if you need to accumulate a large amount, but provided that you can only put a lot of money into the account.
  • Often real estate is sold in foreign currency, so it is worth opening Currency deposit.Better yet, if you have two types. This allows you to easily imagine how close to the goal, and not to worry about the fluctuation of the exchange rate. But, it is worth remembering that the percentage of foreign banknotes is less.
  • Savings can be stored in another form - Investment fund.It is also one of the most reliable and proven forms of accumulation of funds. Their percentage has an increased rate-30-60%, which gives a significant advantage compared to banking products.
  • In addition, you should not exclude the option investment of funds.Most often, money is invested in precious metals, shares of large companies and real estate.

You will also be interested in reading an article "It is much more profitable to invest for accumulation: 15 profitable offers"

Pitfalls of any calculation
Pitfalls of any calculation

How to accumulate for an apartment: we plan our budget

  • It is very important to record completely all income and expenses. Oddly enough, but this allows you to reduce the money spent by at least 40%. Most of the money is spent on unnecessary things. If you are a beginner in this matter, it is better to record everything on paper. Electronic accounting does not bring such an effect.
  • If you want to save up for an apartment, then besides your finances it costs from time to time Analyze the market for real estate.During the accumulation, prices, course, conditions in banks, etc. may change.
  • Also needed Correct your budget correctly.To date, the most popular way is to spend a salary According to the scheme of Alexa von Tobel - 50/30/20.
    • Where The first digit - This is the amount spent on the main expenses (housing, food, payment of the Internet and other current expenses - you want, do not want, but you need to pay)
    • The second digit - This is entertainment
    • And the last 20% are postponed
  • This scheme is ideal for people who do not have children. Naturally, the percentage of the percentage can be violated if the family has small children, but the scheme still works.
Mortgage as an option
Mortgage as an option

How to accumulate for an apartment: important saving rules

To appear in the family “free” money, you should reasonably approach your own budget and spending. If you want to save up for an apartment, of course, you will have to limit yourself to something. And you need to understand for yourself - either momentary weaknesses, or your own apartment.

Saving does not mean living worse than the rest, it is enough to control your expenses and not spend all the money earned thoughtlessly.

Here are some tips that will reduce expenses and increase the percentage of accumulation:

  • First you need Within a month, prescribe all your expenses.This is the only way you can analyze the situation and really evaluate those points on which you can save. Already in the second month it is worth spending your finances strictly according to plan, excluding those points that you can do without.
  • Keep strict reporting of your income, expenses and deferred money. These numbers will give you an idea of \u200b\u200bpromoting your goal. In addition, these numbers should be constantly viewed. Surprisingly, this is the strongest motivator.
  • Also, in order to save the family budget and save more money, you need to learn it plan in advance,even a few months in advance, up to the smallest detail. It is worth it to make it a rule so that spending on holidays, gifts, anniversaries, etc. did not exceed the allocated amount.
  • You should have A certain amount of money for unforeseen expenses.This is necessary so that, if necessary, you do not have to take the missing amount from the delayed budget. Ideally have a "financial pillow" for 3 months - This is the money that you can easily live, for example, having lost a constant job.
  • Refuse alcohol, cigarettes and weekly entertainment. This does not mean that you do not need to relax at all. But for some time put on the scales - one pleasant evening on the weekend or an apartment in a few years. Minimize spending on entertainment - you can relax just in the park, not in the club.

Do not forget completely about entertainment. The dream of your housing, of course, warms your soul, but you should not sit on a “hungry ration”. For a long time, in harsh conditions, a breakdown in any person can cause a breakdown.

The table - approximate calculations of unnecessary expenses, both for maintaining the budget and for your health!
The table - approximate calculations of unnecessary expenses, both for maintaining the budget and for your health!

How to save up for an apartment with an average salary: practical saving tips

  • To accumulate to the apartment, Avoid impulsive purchases. You need to go shopping with a list and strictly adhere to it.
  • Do not buy things, just because they have a promotion or there is a sale. This is the manipulation of marketers and sellers who make money on this. And people often buy auction products, which they actually do not need at all.
  • Do not go to shopping centers with big money. Bright and colorful posters, advertising and signs are very attracted to our attention, and at the subconscious level we want to buy. Supermarkets are a kind of casino, so you need to control yourself.

Important: if you liked one or another thing, you should not buy it right away, it is better to sleep with this thought and think well whether you really need it or not.

  • As soon as the salary came - immediately postpone on a separate card or the invoice is definedthe amount of money that is intended for your future apartment. If you do not postpone it right away, the money will spend. At first, it is very difficult to instill in your way of life, and not surprising, because many are used to spending a salary completely. But as soon as you see a decent amount, the excitement will immediately wake up and the desire to postpone more. For the remaining amount you need to live a whole month. And it is possible that something else will remain until the next salary, this balance should also immediately postpone.
  • You eat in order to live, and not vice versa. Now there is no shortage, shelves of stores are breaking from a variety of goods. But this does not mean at all that you need to eat everything at a time. If you approach the issue of food correctly and rationally, you will not only save your budget, but also increase your health. As a rule, tasty and expensive food is not the most healthy.
  • If you are a collector, then it is best if these are those things that can be sold profitably over time.
  • In order to quickly postpone the intended amount, you can warn your relatives and friends that money is more suitable for you as a gift. All donated funds should also be put off on the card.
  • Do not chase brands! Even if you buy Chanel handbag, it is impossible to turn into an English aristocrat. However, many of your friends simply will not notice the brand you purchased. But the wallet will weight significantly. It is better to buy only the necessary things.
  • Use cashbacks, discount cards and other opportunities that will allow you to return part of the money from the purchases.
  • Calculate how much the car cost you. Perhaps in some situations it is better to use public transport. Of course, its own car is very convenient, but it takes the lion's share of the budget.
  • If possible, you should live with relatives or friends, so you can significantly save in a rented apartment.
  • Get rid of the “trash”. It is worth conducting a small audit in your house and select those things that simply lie idle and are covered with dust. Even if you sell everything unnecessary for the “penny”, it will be a good contribution to the future of housing.

Despite the fact that buying your own apartment for many seems to be a pipe dream, it is still real. Of course, in order to achieve any goal, especially the one that concerns financial savings, you need to get out of the zone of your comfort. Most likely, it will be necessary to change your lifestyle, learn how to save and analyze your own expenses. And possibly even change the profession or open your own business. And it is worth remembering to save up for an apartment in a short time, you need to act! In any case, all the efforts and the ability to save will be useful to you.

Video: Is it realistic to save up for an apartment with an average salary?

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