Mother-i-Machech plant: composition, therapeutic properties and contraindications, folk recipes for use from diseases

Mother-i-Machech plant: composition, therapeutic properties and contraindications, folk recipes for use from diseases

MATERIA-I-MACHEKH: All about the medicinal plant and methods of its use.


Medicinal plants are a natural storehouse of health and prosperity. Today we will talk about a plant with a cozy name of coltsfoot. About its useful and harmful properties, about who, when and how it should be consumed.

Medical plant Mother-in-I-Machech: chemical composition, therapeutic properties

Mother-i-master is a medicinal plant that the Slavs know for many centuries and was actively used in treatment. To date, the mother-and-master plant is also used in traditional medicine as an auxiliary agent for many diseases. It is also worth noting that the plant is actively used in cosmetology.

The chemical composition of coltsfoot
Tussilyagin can reach 2.6% of the composition, depending on the place where it grows Up to 17% of tannins Up to 10% mucus (depending on the humidity of the terrain) Polysaccharides
Organic acids that contribute to healing Saponins Irreplaceable vitamin C. Calcium and potassium
Flavonoids Essential oils Carotinoids Magnesium and iron

Mother-i-mother is used for treatment both in the leaves and in colors.

The healing properties of coltsfoot are very extensive:

  • In diseases of the bronchi, lungs and respiratory tract. In cases where the throat twists, there is a dry cough and tearing sensations, a decoction of plant leaves helps. To do this, it is necessary to add 30 g of dry leaves of coltsfoot (or 100 g of fresh) to the liter of water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes after boiling under the lid so that essential oils do not disappear. Give the patient warm (you can store for up to 12 hours in a thermos). Such a solution gives relief, envelops the mucous membrane, helps to expect it, softens the cough and, most importantly, relieves inflammation;
  • With furunculosis, burns and other skin injuries and inflammations Helps gruel from a mixture of leaves and flowers of coltsfoot. To do this, fill the mixture of leaves and flowers into a container, pour boiling water into a thermos and let it brew for 30 minutes. Then apply gruel to the skin under the gauze bandage;
  • With mastitis, it is recommended to drink a decoction of coltsfoot, as well as make warming compresses. It is important to remember that it is necessary to keep it so far, and then wipe it dry and put on warm linen. Do not forget that with mastitis, self -medication can be very dangerous. Only under the supervision of the doctor;
  • With cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, liver diseases and atherosclerosis In addition to classical treatment, it is recommended to add decoctions of coltsfoot in courses, but not more than 60 days;
  • In diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system It is recommended as a food supplement in the form of decoctions and teas with courses up to 30 days. Concentration: per liter of water 30-40 g of dry mixture of colors and leaves;
  • With female diseases can be added both in the form of decoctions and brew the healing baths;
  • With corns useful softening baths with a decoction of flowers;
  • For those suffering from varicose veins, as well as in the presence of wounds, abscesses, etc. The fresh juice of the plant, which is applied to places of pain, is shown to relieve inflammation and relieve pain;
  • For a general strengthening properties It is recommended to tincture of the flowers of coltsfoot on vodka. Cut the container with dark walls with dry flowers of the plant and pour vodka. Insist at least 14 days. Take 45 drops 40 minutes before meals three times a day.

Mother-i-Machech: contraindications, side effects, overdose

Everything is a medicine and everything is poison - a quote from a famous physician and philosopher. The mother-i-master plant is no exception. Yes, the grass is healing and helps in many diseases, but there are a number of contraindications.

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding. After the nursing German regularly drank the decoction of coltsfoot, her child developed a pathology of the liver, and the child died. As a result, part of the countries, including Germany, banned the over -the -counter sale of this plant. Be vigilant and never risk, thinking that this is just “grass”;
  • For any disease of the liver. The mother-i-master wags extremely negatively to the state of health of people with liver diseases and can cause another exacerbation;
  • With individual intolerance. It can be manifested by a rash, irritation of the stomach or pain in the right side. Listen to the body and stop using medicinal plants at the first changes;
  • Also, you can not use coltsfoot for more than 30-45 days in a row. A break between courses of at least 90 days.

The side effects of coltsfoot include a small spectrum, but having discovered which it is strongly recommended to immediately stop the plant:

  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomit;
  • Spasms or abdominal pain;
  • Frequent urination or vice versa is rare (kidney disruption);
  • Low's pain;
  • Pain under the right edge, a deterioration in the liver.

With an overdose Mother-and-mother occurs slow poisoning of the body, and may end even death. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your condition while taking any drug, including medicinal plants.

Mother-i-Machekh flower
Mother-i-Machekh flower

When to collect coltsfoot for therapeutic purposes?

The leaves and flowers of coltsfoot are collected from the beginning of spring and throughout the summer, after which they are washed in salted water and dried either on draft or in degraders, at a temperature of not more than 50 degrees.

Mother-i-Machech: how and from what does the plant helps a person?

Mother-i-mother is a medicinal plant that helps from many diseases. Her decoctions, hoods, tinctures, etc. Actively used for treatment in such areas:

  • Respiratory system diseases;
  • Rhinitis and other ENT diseases;
  • With gout;
  • In gynecology;
  • In the treatment of gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys;
  • In the treatment of skin diseases;
  • For cosmetic purposes.

Mother-i-Machekha: Can I drink a decoction, cough syrup during pregnancy, breastfeeding?

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is categorically impossible to take coltsfoot inside. At the same time, you can use for cosmetic purposes in the form of masks, wrapping, rinsing hair.

When breastfeeding, solutions with coltsfoot should not touch the chest and those areas of the skin with which the baby is in contact.

A decoction of coltsfoot
A decoction of coltsfoot

Mother-i-mother from cough for children: at what age can you give, how to brew?

For children under 2 years old, any medicines are categorically contraindicated in which the mother-i-master is present. At the same time, after 2 years, doctors prescribe small doses. Please note that when prescribing this medicinal plant, several factors play a role:

  • Child's age;
  • The presence of liver diseases;
  • The presence of kidney diseases;
  • Height and weight of the child (dosage depends on these indicators).

So, in order to prepare a decoction of coltsfoot from a cough for a child, you will need 200 g of water and 5 g of dry leaves of coltsfoot. Pour the leaves with boiling water and languish in a water bath for 10 minutes. Give a two -year -old child ¼ of the received decoction. 3rd child can increase the dosage to ½ part of the decoction at a time. And children from 5 years old can drink the entire portion of the decoction.

Medical remedies from coltsfoot: how to cook it correctly?

In this section, we will tell you how to properly prepare various drugs from coltsfoot.

  • Tea from coltsfoot for an adult is very simple: At 7 g of dry coltsfoot, add 250 g of water and leave to insist in a thermos (or thermal) for an hour. Then you can drink either without additives and sweeteners with honey.
  • Infusions from coltsfoot A more concentrated tool helps during periods of diseases, as well as in general strengthening purposes after severe diseases. To prepare an infusion from coltsfoot, you will need 20 g of dry leaves and flowers of the plant, pour 200 g of boiling water and close in a thermos for 4-6 hours. Then you can use the infusion, as it is more concentrated and potent.
  • Inhalations from coltsfoot - A good assistant for bronchitis and colds. It is simple to make it - 20 g of dry leaves, or 50 g fresh, pour 300 g of boiling water and boil under a lid for at least 10 minutes. Then immediately send a pan with boiling water under a towel to the patient. Breathe an evaporation of a couple for at least 15 minutes, if necessary, heating the composition to a couple.
Finished pharmacy syrup from coltsfoot and plantain
Finished pharmacy syrup from coltsfoot and plantain
  • Compress from the leaves of coltsfoot It is prepared in advance: the leaves of the plant are poured with heated cream and insisted so at least 2 hours. After that, heat the cream again (with leaves in the dishes) and warm the warm compress:

With mastitis on the chest, for warming and releasing the channels. Remember that the leaves should warm, but not bake. With a strong cough, they are applied by the compress on the chest or back (alternately) for better expectorant and soothing of coughing.

  • Decoctions from coltsfoot Most often, they are used not internally, but externally, since they lose part of the properties important for internal use. So, add 250 g of boiling water to a pot of dry plant and cook in a water bath for at least 10 minutes, under the lid so that moisture does not evaporate. After preparation, let it cool to a warm state without removing the lid, after which it can be used as baths, lotions, hair rinsing, etc.
  • A strong decoction of coltsfoot It turns out in the same way as a regular decoction, only the dosage of dry grass doubles. Such a decoction is recommended for people with seborrhea, as well as when hair loss.
  • Nick baths with coltsfoot - An excellent remedy for the treatment of SARS. For such a bath, 50 g of dry leaves and colossus flowers will be required, which are poured with 2 liters of boiling water and boiled for at least 15 minutes under a closed lid. Cool to the state so that you can steam your legs and soar with the gradual addition of boiling water. You can soar your legs once a day, before bedtime.
  • Fresh juice of coltsfoot - An ideal auxiliary remedy for the treatment of rhinitis. In order to get juice, you need fresh leaves of coltsfoot, which must be cut into small pieces and squeeze the juice through clean garlic. For each time it is necessary to squeeze out a new portion of juice, while the leaves can be stored in a cool place so that moisture does not leave them. Drip 1-2 drops in each nostril 3 times a day.
  • Alcohol tincture from coltsfoot - An excellent remedy for the treatment of various types of pierces, including teenage acne. Fresh leaves of coltsfoot are tightly stuffed into the bottle, rammed and stuffed again. In the middle, a hole breaks through with a knit and is filled with alcohol. Let us "rest" during the day, and add alcohol as necessary. We let it brew in a dark place for at least 15 days and wipe the acne or rash. A good remedy after cosmetic cleaning of acne and black dots, both in the face and in the body.
Breathing inhalations from coltsfoot is useful when coughing
Breathing inhalations from coltsfoot is useful when coughing

Applications from coltsfoot - an excellent tool for faster healing, as well as calm after burns and in the presence of open wounds. For applications, several fresh leaves of the plant are required, which are grinded into gruel. We put a double layer of gauze on the skin on which the gruel is applied. If you need to hold the application for more than 10 minutes - cover with cling film.

Syrup from coltsfoot leaves can be prepared in two ways:

  • Put the castings on the bottom of the dishes, sprinkle with sugar, lay the next layer to the top. Skam, and add leaves and sugar again. Close tightly and put in a cool place to start the juice, and after 15-18 days it will become the very syrup, which helps well in tuberculosis and severe forms of bronchitis. You can take 1 tsp. up to 3 times a day;
  • The second method with powdered sugar. We put the dishes on kitchen weights and reset weight. Pour the fresh juice of the leaves of the coltsfoot (you can through a blender or garlic), and fall asleep for half a sugar. For example, for 100 g of juice, 50 g of powdered sugar. We split and store in the refrigerator. You can take immediately, 1 tsp. Before meals, up to 5 times a day.

Powder from the leaves of coltsfoot It is taken inside. It is very simple to cook it - dry the leaves and grind it in a mortar. You can use:

  • With cough and various respiratory diseases. Dilute 1 g of powder in a glass of warm milk and drink. Up to 5 times a day;
  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - 1 g of powder three times a day. You can drink milk, weak tea, water;
  • With mug, diathesis, open wounds, etc. -Sprinkle with powder 5-6 times a day weeping areas of the body.

Coltsfoot with bronchitis: Milk Recipe

With bronchitis, coltsfoot is accepted both in decoctions and as compresses or applications. But the most effective recipe for coltsfoot with milk is considered. This will require a powder from the leaves of coltsfoot and heated milk. Pour 200 g of warm milk into a glass and add 1 g of powder. Split and give a drink to the patient.

Remember that this is a rather strong expectorant, and therefore do not exceed a dose of 1 g at a time. You can give up to 5 times a day.

Mother-and-mother recipe with milk
Mother-and-mother recipe with milk

How to brew coltsfoot with a cold from an adult cough in a thermos: a recipe with chamomile, thyme, St. John's wort, plantainer

The classic recipe for tea and decoction with coltsfoot is given above in the recipes. Immediately we will tell you how to brew coltsfoot from cough in combination with other herbs:

  • The thermos is scalded with boiling water and drain the water after a minute so that it warms up. Pour 10 g of dry leaves of coltsfoot, and 20 g of dry inflorescences and chamomile leaves of a pharmacy. Pour all 500 g of boiling water and close the thermos tightly. Brew at least two hours, after which you can drink half a cup for children, and adults on a cup. Up to 5 times a day;
  • Also, as in the previous case, we fall asleep 5 g of the leaves of coltsfoot, and add 25 g of Sukhoi thyme. Pour 350 g of boiling water and let it brew in the thermos for at least an hour. Perfect mixture for colds, acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis and cough;
  • And this recipe with St. John's wort. On 15 g of dry leaves of coltsfoot, add 15 g of dry St. John's wort and fill with boiling water. Close in a thermos and let it brew for 30 minutes. Then you can drink a cup 3 times a day;
  • Plantain and coltsfoot-a real savior from a strong barking cough. In a thermos, fall asleep 20 g of dry coltsfoot and add 30 g of dry plantain. Pour 500 g of boiling water and let it brew for several hours. Drink brewed tea on a cup up to 6 times a day, every time the cough does not stop. You can brew one portion for a day.

Mother-i-Machech for weight loss: recipe for applying

Losing weight is a sore subject of 80% of women after 20 years in our country. And not always the ladies are unsportsmaning, they move little or eat poorly. Sometimes diseases and a forced lifestyle (work, children, sick parents) play a more important role in the stress and disorders of the body.

Mother-i-mother for weight loss is primarily a food supplement that helps to establish the digestive tract, improves metabolism, accelerates metabolism and strengthens the body.

Grassing fees with coltsfoot
Grassing fees with coltsfoot

So, recipes for weight loss with coltsfoot:

  • Priority in weight loss - bring the digestive system to normal, clean the intestines and start the fat burning process. To do this, you need to connect physical exercises, go to the classic diet No. 8, but the most important thing is to help with decoctions of herbs. This will require 10 g of dry herbs: coltsfoot, blackberry leaves, birch leaves, birch buds. Pour boiling water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drain into a glass container, cover and drink 3 tablespoons before breakfast and lunch;
  • For those who have passed the first stage of purification And drank the previous course for at least 14 days, you can proceed to the second course. 40 g of coltsfoot pour 300 g of boiling water into a thermos and leave for about an hour. 100 g 3 times a day before meals. You can cook once a day for 3 portions, but every day is fresh. The course of drink up to 3 weeks, then be sure to take a break and exclude any additives from coltsfoot for 2-3 months.
  • Another recipe, but it is suitable only for the summer season. Fresh leaves of coltsfoot in the amount of 5-7 pieces are put in a bureaucracy, add several dandelion leaves and 7-8 lemon balm leaves. Pour all this with boiling water (up to 300 g) and let it brew for 20-30 minutes. When the decoction is warm, add a spoonful of honey and drink twice with an interval of at least 4 hours. You will see the result a few days later.

When losing weight, it is important that the skin remains in good shape, and the mother-and-mother is a good assistant in this matter! For the mixture, we need cosmetic oil and 100 g of dry coltsfoot. We fall asleep into the container dry chopped grass and fill with oil to make a cream -shaped substance. We close and insist in a dark cool place for at least 5 days. Further to 5 tbsp. The spoon of the mixture add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honey and soda, before the state as the mixture will become thick, but at the same time will remain viscous and viscous.

Apply to the body (legs, buttocks, stomach and back, hands completely). We wrap it with cling film in several layers and put on warm clothes on top, or lay down under a few blankets. If you move, the effect of fat burning will still be present. After 2 hours, rinse with warm water and apply a nutrient cream or body oil. The effect will amaze you!

Coltsfoot for female health: recipes for use in gynecology against mastitis, for conception

Mother I-Machekh is a medicinal plant that helps women well and quickly solve many female problems.

Coltsfoot for women's health
Coltsfoot for women's health
  • With cystitis It is recommended to wash and make steam baths with a decoction of coltsfoot;
  • With thrush And other pathological diseases are recommended to be douching with a decoction of coltsfoot. At the same time, do not forget that without a course of treatment you can’t cope with this problem, the decoction of only the auxiliary part;
  • With mastitis Fresh leaves of coltsfoot, soaked in hot cream helps well;
  • For successful conception It is recommended to drink the general strengthening course of decoctions of coltsfoot for 2 months. At the same time, 2 weeks before the alleged conception, it is recommended to stop using grass.

Is it true that coltsfoot enhances uterine bleeding?

Mother-i-Machech does not enhance uterine bleeding as such. At the same time, it should be understood that the coltsfoot enhances the reduction of the uterus, which can provoke increased bleeding. Pregnant, even if you only plan a pregnancy, is categorically contraindicated in coltsfoot.

Also, if you suspect that you are pregnant, it is categorically impossible to use coltsfoot, as a means of getting rid of unwanted pregnancy. The plant really actively reduces the uterus, but does not guarantee its complete cleansing. This can lead to a miscarriage that will need to be “proved”, as well as to a lot of complications. Medical intervention in this situation will be “less evil”.

Is it true that the mother-i-master kills hemolytic streptococcus?

The active substances of coltsfoot really kill hemolytic streptococcus, but only at the stage of hyperemia. In these cases, combinations of classical medical treatment are recommended with decoctions of colossa-i-mother, as well as compresses and applications with coltsfoot on the affected areas of the skin.

Is it possible and how to rinse the throat of coltsfoot with adenoids, tonsillitis: rinsing recipe

The mother-i-master softens the mucous membrane, relieves inflammation and disinfects the areas with which it is in contact. Make a decoction of coltsfoot for rinsing is very simple: add 300 g of water on 20 g of dry leaves and boil for 15 minutes on the minimum heat. Strain, cool to warm temperature and rinse the throat gradually while there is a solution.

Rinse solution with coltsfoot
Rinse solution with coltsfoot

You can rinse up to 10 times a day, but do not forget about the rest of the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Mother-i-Machech sheet for gastritis: recipe

With gastritis, the recipe for the use of coltsfoot is very simple: 1 g of milk powder, mix with a glass of warm milk (can be soy) and drink before meals. Take 3 times a day for a month.

Inhalation with coltsfoot: recipe

Inhalations with coltsfoot can be done both mono and with additives of other plants. The recipe for inhalations is exclusively from coltsfoot is higher, and in this section we will list the options for combined inhalations:

  • 50/50 eucalyptus and coltsfoot;
  • 30/20/50 chamomile, coltsfoot, thyme;
  • 70/30 coltsfoot and mint.

With the help of inhalations, the treatment time is reduced, and the cough is greatly facilitated. Remember that inhalations can be done no more than 2 times a day, and no more than 4-5 days in a row.

Linden, coltsfoot, thyme, mint: pressure recipe

To lower the pressure and normalization in the future, it is recommended to drink the courses of therapeutic teas. But remember that teas from coltsfoot can not be drunk longer than 1.5 months.

Pressure recipe: 10 g of dry leaves of coltsfoot, 10 g of dry thyme, 20 g of dry linden inflorescences and several branches of mint. Pour everything into a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour and drink in portions of 100 g during the day. The next day, brew a new portion of tea. Mint is best fresh, besides, you can buy it today all year round. If desired, you can grow on the windowsill.

Mother I-Machech for the liver: recipe

For liver diseases, it is recommended to use dry powder from coltsfoot leaves in an amount of 1 g before eating. Drink with clean water.

Mother-i-Machech at gout: recipe

With gout, both decoctions from the leaves of coltsfoot and dry powder in an amount of not more than 1 g. Externally can relieve pain with compresses with fresh leaves.

Pollination of coltsfoot bees
Pollination of coltsfoot bees

Mother-i-Macheh from hemorrhoids: recipe

The mother-i-mother, taken by decoctions inward, relieves the chair, which greatly relieves pain. Also, for external hemorrhoids, you can use applications from gruel of fresh leaves of the plant, applied to inflamed hemorrhoids using gauze.

Which side to apply a mother-i-mother sheet to the wound with joint pain?

With pain in the joints, the leaves of coltsfoot must be soaked in warm cream and applied by the outside in order to lay the most tightly on painful areas. Put the gauze on top and wrap the joint so that it warms up, and the wound is delayed faster.

Mother-i-Machech for face skin: Recipe

The first recipe A seasonal mask, which can be used from the very spring, until late autumn. For the recipe, we will need stems, leaves and flowers of coltsfoot around 70-100 g. We cut or tear with our hands, pour boiling water and cover. We wrap it up and let it brew for 30 minutes. We drain the solution, it can be taken inside, but pour it chopped with a blender to the state of gruel.

Add 2 tablespoons of honey and mix thoroughly. On the peeled face, put a cotton fabric or towel, and apply a gruel over this. We hold the eyes during the procedure closed. After 20 minutes, remove the fabric and wash with warm water. Then cold or wipe with an ice cube. Apply a moisturizer to fix the effect.

Coltsfoot for facial skin
Coltsfoot for facial skin

The second recipe is especially good in winterWhen a fresh plant cannot be found. On a coffee grinder, chop 50 g of dry coltsfoot. Pour cream to form a gruel. Let it brew for 30 minutes. Add 1 spoon of olive oil, stir and apply on the face. Cover with a paper towel to prevent rapid drying. Rest for 15 minutes while the mask works. Remove and rinse warm and then cool water. Fasten the result with a moisturizing cream.

For the summer season, When the fresh leaves of coltsfoot can be reached without difficulty, there is a wonderful recipe that is nourished the skin with vitamins, smooth and give a gentle radiance. To do this, grind 2-3 sheets of coltsfoot into the gruel, add a spoonful of thick cream and apply to the face. Lie and relax for 20 minutes, then wash off and walk with a tonic, then moisturizing cream.

For pigmented skin Mix the gruel from fresh leaves and ¼ lemon, apply to the face and let it soak. After apply another 2-3 layers, cover the last layer with gauze and lie down for about 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Mother-i-Machech for hair: recipe for rinsing

Are you complaining about the hair of the hair? It is necessary to treat from the inside, taking vitamins and using a balanced diet. But you can also help the hair outside with a decoction of coltsfoot. For a healing decoction, a thermos and a little time will be required.

So, 50 g of dry coltsfoot we fall asleep into a thermos. Pour 1 liter of boiling water and close and let it brew at least 5-6 hours, you can fill it overnight. Before washing the hair, strain and keep in a warm state. Rinse the hair at the last stage, do not wash off. After 2-3 hair rinsing, it is felt softer, more tender, it shines better and, most importantly, healthier.

Mother-i-Machekh jam: ARVI recipe

This is not ordinary jam and is not suitable for every day. But perfectly - for the prevention of colds and SARS. It is prepared very simple:

  • Fresh leaves and flowers of coltsfoot pour salted cold water to destroy parasites and remove the remains of dirt and dust;
  • Rinse under running water and grind;
  • Place in the degradator, or in the oven at 30-40 degrees, wait a few hours (so that the leaves and flowers are jammed, but do not dry);
  • Fill the container of 2/3 and fill the rest with honey;
  • Let it brew from 3 days to 3 months.

Take as a prophylactic, as well as during diseases.

Jam from coltsfoot
Jam from coltsfoot

Recipes from coltsfoot: reviews

Recipes from coltsfoot-reviews:

  • Marina: coltsfoot is a real wand for the help in the winter. We harvest jam, syrups, dry, and also make a powder. An indispensable tool if home is prone to colds.
  • Inna: the kid went to the garden and often began to get sick, in the clinic an elderly nurse advised the course of teas with coltsfoot. I took it skeptical, but they drank a course of 4 weeks. And TFU-tfu, have been forgotten about colds!

Video: coltsfoot Therapeutic properties

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