Snot ordinary: beneficial and medicinal properties for the body and contraindications. Dry: how to eat - recipes for cooking dishes

Snot ordinary: beneficial and medicinal properties for the body and contraindications. Dry: how to eat - recipes for cooking dishes

What is useful to downs. That she is being treated. What is made of it. How to prepare to drag for the winter.

Snot ordinary (downs, diaglitsa, swamp bathing, yaglitsa, dressing room) - a plant familiar to all gardeners and summer residents, because it is considered a weed in them.

Ordinary: beneficial and medicinal properties for the body and contraindications

The ordinary one has many medicinal properties that have been known for a long time throughout history, and is:

  • anti -inflammatory
  • binding
  • healing
  • hemoostal
  • diuretic
  • choleretic agent
The prison is considered a weed in vain - it has many useful properties.
The prison is considered a weed in vain - it has many useful properties.

She also has:

  • painkillers
  • antibacterial and fungicidal
  • detoxification
  • sedative properties

Important: the ordinary can also be used as a general strengthening and antitumor agency

This means that it is advisable to use a useful plant to treat the following diseases:

  • rheumatism and gout
  • polyarthritis and arthrosis
  • wounds, slowsmen, other skin lesions
  • infections of bacterial and fungal genesis
  • depression
  • insomnia and other sleep disturbances
  • neuroses
  • iron deficiency anemia
  • kidney and biliary diseases
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • atrophic ulcers and eczema
  • tumors
  • scurvy

Important: and also to drag ordinary as a food ingredient will be interesting to those who care about weight loss. Getting into the stomach, it swells in it, occupies the space of the stomach, and a person quickly feels saturation. It also cleanses the stomach and intestines, helping to remove toxins from the body

Useful dodging often spontaneously grows in gardens and dachas.
Useful dodging often spontaneously grows in gardens and dachas.

At the same time, we can say that there are practically no contraindications. A rare exception can be considered individual intolerance to the plant and elements that enter it.

VIDEO: Useful properties of dreams

The chemical composition of the dream

Dyaglitsa is rich in substances useful and necessary for a person:

  • vegetable proteins
  • carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, umbrelliosis)
  • fitoncides
  • ascorbic, citric, apple and other organic acids
  • potassium, calcium, iron, copper, cobalt, manganese, titanium and other minerals
  • essential oils
  • resins
  • saponins
  • ash
  • kumarins
  • natural pesticides (polyacetile compounds Falcarinol and Falcarindiol)
From ancient times, the Diaglytsa was used in folk medicine.
From ancient times, the Diaglytsa was used in folk medicine.

Drying dishes in the kitchen of our ancestors

If other peoples have long used the described umbrella plant as a medicine, as well as a means of helping to store products, then our ancestors, in addition, also ate them.

Important: And with the help of a dream of ordinary, you can evaporate the paint, giving green, green-brown and brownish colors and shades

They eat for food: delicious and fragrant dishes are made from it.
They eat for food: delicious and fragrant dishes are made from it.

Interesting to know! Previously, the dumplings of ordinary were shifted by vegetables and other food for better storage. Thanks to the antifungal and antibacterial properties of this plant, the vegetables were so longer and better stored.

In addition to the fact that you have a high nutritional value, young, it is still fragrant and quite pleasant to taste.

True, people like the aroma of Diaglyts, but pigs, for example, do not complain. Particularly fragrant and juicy will be dragged, collected on moist and shaded soil.

Dry: how to eat?

Our ancestors used Diaglytsia:

  • like a medosos plant
  • for tinctures and infusions
  • pickled
  • salt
  • kvasil
  • added to salads

What to cook from dreams: dishes recipes

RECIPE: Potato cutlets with dial

Potato cutlets with dial.
  1. Prepare potatoes. It can be boiled and ceiling or grated raw.
  2. You can use both slightly boiled (2 minutes in boiling water), and raw.
  3. Mix potatoes and grass.
  4. Add the egg, as for cutlets.
  5. Add spices (onions, garlic, coriander, pepper, greens) and salt.
  6. Blind cutlets and roll them in panic from flour.
  7. Fry at the speed or under the ferry.

RECIPE: Egg casserole with a plant Dry

Egg casserole with a plant to dine.
Egg casserole with a plant to dine.
  1. You will need 2 eggs and a third of a glass of milk.
  2. Beat eggs with milk.
  3. Add mushrooms to them (if any), tomatoes, downs.
  4. Salt and add spices (to taste). It can be onions, pepper, spices and so on.
  5. Pour the mixture into a baking dish.
  6. Leave in the oven until a brown brown.
  7. Remove from the stove and cut into pieces (you can pre -pour the mixture into individual molds).
  8. Serve hot, to taste the casserole can be seasoned with sour cream.

RECIPE: Vegetarian borscht with a dream

Vegetarian borsch with a dream.
Vegetarian borsch with a dream.
  1. In hot water in a pan, put potatoes prepared by pieces.
  2. Prepare roasting from beets, carrots and onions.
  3. You can add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar.
  4. When the potato boils a little, send mushrooms (oyster mushrooms or champignons) to it.
  5. Add spices (peppercorns, a pair of cloves, bay leaf, coriander), salt and 0.5 teaspoons of sugar.
  6. When the potatoes and mushrooms are boiled almost until cooked, you need to send a roasting and pre -chopped greens to borsch (dough, dill, basil, oregano) and boil for another 1 minute.
  7. Serve such borsch with sour cream.

RECIPE: Porridge with a dream

Porridge with dreams and meat.
Porridge with dreams and meat.
  1. A hearty side dish can be prepared at home in the kitchen or while in nature. It is better to cook millet porridge.
  2. Rinse millet and soak for a while.
  3. Put the millet at the rate of 1: 3 (millet-water).
  4. After the millet boiled for 10 - 15 minutes, add salt to it, finely chopped down.
  5. Boil another minute - two. Remove from heat, add butter.
  6. Wrap and steam for about 1 hour.

VIDEO: The scrambled eggs with a dream

DOW: SALATE recipes

RECIPE: Salad from Drying with horseradish

Salad from a dream with horseradish.
Salad from a dream with horseradish.
  1. Wash the leaflets, crumble and boil for several minutes. Remove from the water to a colander.
  2. Grate the hell (to taste).
  3. Salt.
  4. Refun with sour cream, kefir or yogurt.

RECIPE: Salad from Drying with sorrel

Salad from Drying with sorrel.
Salad from Drying with sorrel.
  1. Wash and skewel and cut finely
  2. Boil potatoes and carrots. Cut them in small pieces
  3. Mix with greens and salt
  4. It is better to season such a salad with sharp tomato sauce or kutchup

RECIPE: Salad with dreams and egg

Salad with a dream and egg.
  1. Dry boil a couple of minutes
  2. Boil the egg screwed
  3. Draw and the egg to decline on the salad and salt
  4. Add spices to taste
  5. Season with vegetable oil

VIDEO: Dry: vitamin salad

Pickled: recipes

The marinade for pickled dreams is prepared as follows. Take:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 0, 5 l vinegar 6%
  • 0.5 l of water
  • 10 peas pepper
  • 2 pcs. Cloves
  • 2 pcs. bay leaf
Domet pick up for the winter.
Domet pick up for the winter.
  1. All ingredients, except vinegar, boil in water for 15 minutes. Add vinegar so that it warms up, but does not boil.
  2. Wash the young diaglitsa (petioles) and tightly fill it into banks in an upright position.
  3. Pour the dump by the marinade brought to boiling.
  4. Banks roll up.
  5. Leave the banks with a plant in an inverted form wrapped in a blanket for the night to cool.

How to salt dumping?

The leaflets of the holes can be salted for the winter and then use it as a flavor dressing. In a salted form, she will retain all her beneficial properties.

  1. Dry (petioles and leaves) first need to be washed, slightly dried on a towel.
  2. Next, put the grass in a wide container, sprinkling with salt in layer.
  3. Pick up a circle suitable in diameter or take a suitable plate, put it down with the front side on the dough.
  4. Put oppression on the circle or put a jar of water.
  5. As the juice will let go, and the circle is settled, you need to add new layers of dreams to the container and act similarly.
  6. It is best to store salted dodging in the cellar or in a cold basement.

You can eat it by adding it to dishes or as yourself. At the same time, the dishes can not be salted, since there is enough salt in salty dodges. A one and a half glasses of salt will go to the bucket of the bucket.

Sauer duck: recipe

You can skew like cabbage, sprinkling it with a grated carrot and powder hops-sunels.
Young leaves and petioles are suitable.

  1. Wash the Diaglytsa, pour the hops-sunels and grated carrots.
  2. Fold it all in a jar and pour a brine.
  3. Add a crust of black bread to the jar so that there is a leaven.
  4. Cover the jar inside a circle and put the load on it.
  5. Leave wandering for a couple of days.
  6. After that, store in the refrigerator.
Dry for the winter.
Dry for the winter.

For brine, you need:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 1.5 teaspoons of salt

VIDEO: Drying the workpiece for the winter

Dry and raw food diet

Slot is an excellent ingredient in food for those who live a raw food diet.
Salads and smoothies are prepared from the dreams. Since Diaglytsa is rich in nutrients, it will perfectly saturate the body with them.

Dry with oncology: recipe

You can get used for oncological diseases, however, it should be comprehensive, drug-derivatives treatment.

Falcarinol in this aspect in this aspect in this aspect for the prevention of cancer has especially useful properties.

Slot also suppresses and neutralizes free radicals in the body, reducing the risk of cancer.

For example, to strengthen the resistance of the body and enhance its potential protective equipment, it is recommended to drink an infusion of dreams.

The infusion of dreams is an anti -cancer agent.
The infusion of dreams is an anti -cancer agent.

RECIPE: Anti -cancer infusion

  1. Take 3 teaspoons of dreams, pour them with boiling water (2 glasses), insist an hour and a half.
  2. Take 4 times a day half a glass before meals.

When to assemble and how to prepare to get down for the winter?

It is necessary to collect dumpling for medicinal needs during the flowering period, separating its upper part, namely, leaves and shoots.
Herbalists and homeopaths advise doing this during the period of the young moon, then the juices are most actively living the whole plant.
Young leaves and shoots have a special medicinal value. Sloping to dull from the beginning of spring to autumn, it can be periodically mowed, and to leave mowed grass for drying.

How to dry ducking?

Drying is recommended in the open space or in a well -ventilated room where there is no stagnation of air. It is desirable that the sun does not fall on the dried plant.
The prepared raw materials can be spread on paper or on natural fabric, which have hygroscopic properties. From time to time, the grass needs to be tied and turned over so that drying is passable evenly.

Dried dough.
Dried dough.

For those who have electric dryers, you need to set the temperature regime no more than 40 degrees for the process.

  1. It is best to put well -dried grass in linen or paper bags so that it “breathes”.
  2. In hermetically closed dishes, the grass may begin to transform.
  3. The shelf life of the dried raw materials is 12 months.

Is it possible to give rabbits to downs and chickens?

It is not only possible to dodge rabbits, but also needs to be given, because it will be as useful to them, like people
The only precaution will be the introduction of a plant into the diet of animals gradually, in small doses, so as not to upset their digestion.
The ordinary dough is shown both home and decorative rabbits.

The rules that the owner must observe, offering to drag the rabbits, are as follows:

  • rabbits should not only be downs
  • you can dry for the winter so that the summer and winter diet of animals is not very different
  • for feed it is better to use forest dodging, which does not bloom and more juicy
  • you need to give rabbits when there is no dew on it
  • when preparing food, you need to rinse in clean water and slightly gathered in the sun
  • leaves and petioles are suitable for rabbits, but not the roots
  • roots, soda leaves can be used to lift rabbits
Rabbits are fed with dough.
Rabbits are fed with dough.

The plant is also suitable for chickens. In the old days, birds were nursed after the winter.

VIDEO: About nettles and dreams

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  1. Well done !!! But people (70-80 percent) are stupid and do not want to know this.

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