The USSR broke up: the main reasons that caused collapse. In what year did the USSR break up?

The USSR broke up: the main reasons that caused collapse. In what year did the USSR break up?

The collapse of the USSR: objective reasons for the destruction of the great power.

The collapse of the USSR is one of the controversial events in world culture and in the post -Soviet space in particular. Currently, there are dozens of theories about what the disintegration of the USSR has begun, but independent scientists are increasingly inclined in the aggregate of many reasons. It is impossible to keep a huge organism in integrity if it is destroyed both from the external environment and from the inside. In this article we will talk about when and why the USSR collapsed.

The influence of the United States on the collapse of the USSR

The main reason why the USSR broke up is considered the influence of the United States and active work for decades. Indeed, before the collapse of the USSR, the United States did not have the opportunity to be considered the most influential and most powerful country in the world. In addition, unlike the United States, the USSR actively cooperated with other developing countries and thereby acquired more and more allies annually.

On August 18, 1948, the US National Security Council adopted a directive with a political direction that is aimed at destroying the USSR as a whole, as well as the shaving of communist foundations and concepts uncomfortable for the United States.

The influence of the United States on the collapse of the USSR
The influence of the United States on the collapse of the USSR

After the adoption of this directive, changes and edits with enviable regularity were made, thereby it is obvious that the work was carried out actively and regularly. In the course of work, active destructive work with the people was carried out (replacing the concepts and principles, showing how difficult it is in the USSR, and how easily in the West), they actively blocked regular cooperation and development of the country's economy. But is this the main reason? Most likely no.

In what year did the USSR break up?

Thanks to the United States and other reasons (below) on December 26, 1991, the USSR officially ceased to exist, forming 15 conditionally independent republics, which were actually for a long time under the cryptocolonial regimes of the board. Yes, formally and legally republics were independent, but over 69 years the countries were closely intertwined and became independent without social, political and, of course, economic sovereignty.

In simple words, saying, this is like a divorce of a large family after 70 years of marriage. In the best situation, the Russian Federation turned out to be, due to the fact that the Center for the Board of the USSR was on its territory, and the main cash reserves were there (however, the debts of the USSR and tsarist Russia also there), as well as thanks to the territorial square and maximum economic independence.

Caricature for the collapse of the USSR
Caricature for the collapse of the USSR

The root causes of the collapse of the USSR

The root causes of why the USSR broke up in a crisis of power. In fact, the Russian Empire after the revolution (as the popular, but as it turned out, the interests of the people were respected only as long as it suited the government), the USSR became the USSR. Power was promised to the people, but concentrated, on the contrary, in the capital.

Despite the fact that parts of the people began to live better, some part felt significant losses of property and living conditions. The country, however, flourished and strengthened. After the death of Stalin, a crisis of power occurred, when the leadership was not interested in the further development of the country and only rested on the laurels of past victories and achievements. Development took place according to the inertia, which was gained by the country in the post -war recovery. Naturally, such an atmosphere had nothing to do with the hopes of revolutionaries and in such an atmosphere to introduce an imbalance in the country was not difficult. This was used by enemies (USA), who, under the rule of Gorbachev, had access to the management of the country. According to Western manuals, the Soviet Union was quickly destroyed from the inside.

Video: The economy of the USSR! How was it arranged? A. Fursov

By the age of 70-80, another problem appeared-interethnic conflicts. Despite the fact that they were actively jammed by both the military in the field and the information vacuum, the hostility of the peoples, their cultures and perception of the world flashed in different places.

A generation that grew without hunger strikes, world war and repression boldly declared that they have customs, foundations and orders that they intend to continue to continue. Not covering the problems in the press, but also the power suppression of the conflict led to the fact that more and more people supported the conflicting side. The issues of religions have become aggravated again. The authorities with hostility noticed that atheism was taught “for a checkmark”, and communism could not replace Christianity.

The country cannot develop dynamically and great if citizens feel pressure from the authorities. This is the main root cause why the USSR broke up.

The USSR broke up: the main reasons caused the collapse

Scientists of political scientists compiled 10 basic reasons why the USSR broke up. We brought this to a separate section in which we will provide a cause and brief decryption.

  • Authoritarian policy of the USSR. Here the root of the problem was laid, why Soviet people so easily agreed to part with a happy, seemingly idea of \u200b\u200bcommunism. Collectivism is the readiness of each person in society to give up their interests for the interests of society. Of course, the idea is good, and it is easier to achieve common goals, but self -identification is lost in this stream, the personality is erased as such. It turns out instead of the family of the “cell of society”, instead of a person “screw in the mechanism” the lower layers of society significantly win, and the middle layer is not satisfied.
  • That is why the generation, which grew up in rebuilt houses that received a good education, did not want to turn into a "gray mass through which the great wheels of society will pass." In addition, it is worth adding that behind the closed doors of the cells of society, the stories of families were transmitted, the relatives who disappeared in repressions, as well as about religions, which were harshly suppressed in the USSR, were told.
Authoritarian policy of the USSR
Authoritarian policy of the USSR
  • Unified ideology of the USSR. It is easier to create an ideology, more difficult to put it in the minds of mankind in such a way that they do not even look at other options for the development of events. Of course, it was worth opening the country of the country and people saw a completely different life in which a person, and not the state and his interests on the top of the pyramid. Therefore, the government decided to ban communication with foreigners (only residents of backward countries who could exclusively admire the living conditions in the USSR were allowed for communication).
  • Hard censorship suppressed by criminal liability. Of course, it is impossible to intimidate people for a long time, so a new “loop” of cultural pressure has formed, the imposition of ideology that “strangled” people. It is not very surprising that in such a not particularly comfortable society, gypsy life with “clean air and freedom” liked the people so much and was reflected in the cinema of those years.
Unified ideology of the USSR
Unified ideology of the USSR
  • Reforming the Soviet system turned out to be a failure. The ideology of the USSR was good as such, but not thought out to the end. Faced with reality, it turned out that the country was not able to exist without contact with the world. Therefore, at the very beginning of the creation, people began to sink in a lie. At the time when the citizens of bright communism were dying of hunger, the USSR government exported the wheat to export so that the country did not become bankrupt. At a time when excursions were held in the Winter Palace for the people, the Soviet government began to build its palaces, albeit less sweeping, while the huts were rebuilt for the people. Lies quickly dispelled, and it was necessary to accept something in order to maintain power.
  • Reforms were accepted (figures who knew little about the management of the country and the economy in particular, because they were without proper education and experience, and vision of the situation on a global scale). The innovations first killed economic growth, violating the balance of trade, both in the country itself and beyond. And also arranging “stagnation” at enterprises (development and continuous work went only at military bases). This gave a serious blow to the political system that led to a new reform in which taxes remained in the republics, and did not go to a single treasury of the USSR, thereby making it clear in the places that they could exist autonomously, without the participation of the Moscow government.
Caricatures - reflected the ridiculousness of the situation in the country
Caricatures - reflected the ridiculousness of the situation in the country
  • Comprehensive deficit and restrictions. Of course, after a hunger strike and war, which destroyed not only at home, but also a person’s psychological stability was easy to control the country, since absolutely everyone “grabbed” for the idea of \u200b\u200ba large strong society and everyone wanted to be involved in this. And the deficit was justified by the fact that the country is rebuilt. But after 20 years, the stability of society and the state began, but the deficit not only did not disappear, but also accepted new turns. Elementary things like cowards and shirts, shoes and even products were not brought systematically, and in the amount of clearly not satisfying demand. This led to the fact that people threw everything, even the work, as soon as they heard about the “ejection” of the goods in order to immediately go in line.
  • It is worth noting that most of the queue, having defended several hours, left with nothing, since the goods were much less than those who wanted, and in a panic, people even acquired what they did not need, so “in reserve”. And those who began to live better, still could not afford anything, since the apartment could be obtained by the number of family composition and not a meter more.
  • To build a house in the country according to the permitted plan and in no way, and even to get the cottage itself in the amount of 6 acres, even if the family is ready and wants to cultivate more land. At the same time, rumors about the “chosen” families dressed “abroad” (note, even the concept abroad, was replaced by the concept of “abroad”, as if there were worst enemies).
  • And those who were able to visit other countries came with wild stories that the store regiments were full of high -quality and various goods and queues! The fact that people can move freely and travel around the world without the control of the authorities! Freedom of speech and freedom of religion. And then Soviet people felt that they were slaves in their seemingly free country. Such information spread at an incredible speed and could not be suppressed by the government.
Deficiency in the USSR
Deficiency in the USSR
  • Extensive economy. In simple words, the money received from the production and sale of products from the enterprise completely went to the main production funds (salary, purchase of new raw materials, etc.). Thus, the products were as cheap as possible, but the funds that were responsible for the latest technologies, both development and implementation remained either empty or filled minimally. This led to the fact that the equipment was detained or outdated, and the products were not interesting for export sales.
  • But Western competitive enterprises did not stand still, and by the 80s they offered the market better products with a price lower than offered for export of the USSR. In 1987, they tried to create an acceleration program, but could not catch up with the world market. Many of the present-time pensioners complain that after perestroika, the country's economy collapsed, but the country's economy began to ruin the far 50s, when the most important of the funds of the funds-updating technology and production technologies were not taken into account.
Extensive economy in conjunction with a race of weapons - the right path to the collapse of the country
Extensive economy in conjunction with a race of weapons - the right path to the collapse of the country
  • The crisis of the trust of Soviet people in Soviet goods. Of course, in the post -war period, few people noticed that their clothes, like the neighbors, were furniture, like everyone else, and other consumer goods were monotonous and identical. But in the economy of the USSR in the 80s, another factor began to beat. Low product quality. Shelves of stores really began to fill out, but with such a product that only the poorest segments of the population agreed to buy, and everyone else continued to chase scarce “emissions” or Western goods illegally imported from abroad.
  • By the mid -eighties, Soviet products were associated as “cheap and low -quality”. Rumors began to come from factories and factories that goods for the people and goods for export were completely different qualities, which again undermined the authority of the USSR “the best for the people”. Yes, really for the people, not this country.
The same type of goods in insufficient quantities - the country's deficit in decades
The same type of goods in insufficient quantities - a country's deficit in decades
  • Financial transference. Despite the original ideology (all for people), all finances descended just not to the people, but to the arms race. And if the United States could allow a combination of arms race and a worthy standard of living in the country, then the USSR significantly saved on the life and well -being of people, chasing weapons. At the same time, other industries have already far behind the end of 70 from the whole world.
  • The treasury was literally devastated in an effort to overtake the country of competitor. Everything seemed obvious - one must be ahead of the enemy. But there is only one “but” - all other countries of the world were perfectly complete without it, observing the balance between the development of military equipment and the development of the rest of the country's economy. By 80 it became obvious - medicine remained at the level of wartime, when the rest of the world has gone far ahead. Everyone who could - went for treatment to other countries, the rest looked with envy after.
Driving for the weapons and cosmic leadership of the USSR did not take into account the real financial situation of the country
Driving for the weapons and cosmic leadership of the USSR did not take into account the real financial situation of the country
  • Reducing world oil prices in the 80s - The country's economy has finally undermined. As already mentioned above, the pricing policy for the inhabitants was unprofitable, since the USSR “held the brand” and continued to engrave prices for the product, thereby oppressing its own economy, creating the illusion of stability. For export, goods were ceased to be sold, as they became low -grade relative to the goods produced in the West. The USSR in the 80s can be compared with China at the beginning of the production of goods either non-casual or poor-quality. The only stable source of income was oil, and the USSR was on a kind of “oil needle”, it is not very surprising that when world policy collapsed oil prices, the economy of the USSR began to collapse like a house of cards.
Oil industry in the USSR
Oil industry in the USSR
  • Centrifugal nationalist trends in the republics, they appeared after the local authorities stopped sending taxes to Moscow. The people, having felt freedom from the authoritarian regime, immediately rose from his knees and declared the desire to develop not only the economy, but also the culture of his republic in their national interests. It was not possible to extinguish this trend peacefully, and rallies, armed conflicts and riots appeared on attempts to repay the mushrooms after rain. The most memorable were the Karabakh conflict, a conflict in the Ferghana Valley, a demonstration in Alma-Ata and Crimean conflicts after the return of the Crimean Tatars.
The Soviet people were not so and one
The Soviet people were not so and one
  • Monocentrism in Moscow policy He was broken. Moscow did not solve the conflicts of nations with dignity, but only set the troops, but it was already a different generation, and it was impossible to intimidate in this way. The borders cracked at the seams and not only goods leaked through the line, but also news, about another, “free” life, where they respect every nation, and not just the Russian Soviet man. Despite the entire ideology of communism, the Russians were at the top, and the rest of the nationality to the lower layers, and only units could break out to leading posts, become famous scientists, artists, etc.
  • For example, in order to become a famous singer throughout the USSR, a move to Moscow was needed, which did not suit everyone. If every centimeter of the USSR is important and equal, then why couldn't a person engage in creativity in the city in which he grew up and lived? Why does Moscow single -handedly decide who to be and who to stay in the backyard of the country? After the government got the side of the Russians in the Crimean and Chechen conflicts, and did not support the indigenous nations, did not listen to their opinions, Moscow superiority became obvious and this did not suit anyone else in the country. The republics one after another began to adopt declarations on sovereignty, with their code of laws that protect their own republic. Laws very often contradicted the laws adopted at the Moscow level and loud challenges began. It is easier to say - a war of laws.
The last months of the USSR
The last months of the USSR

Did the US policy have influenced the collapse of the USSR? Definitely yes. The USSR policy has influenced the collapse of the USSR? Definitely, and to a much greater extent than external factors. Indeed, the USSR was created as a powerful power, but as it turned out that creating much easier than developing the country's economy and social life. Communist ideas are good on the papers of idealists, but could not stand the test of time. And in conclusion, we give a video with a review of the causes of the collapse of the USSR.

Video: Why did the USSR break up? | The story of everything


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  1. Modern Russia is to blame for the collapse of the USSR

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