The most beautiful, chic women after 50 years: TOP-20, photo, success story

The most beautiful, chic women after 50 years: TOP-20, photo, success story

The stories of celebrities who are worldly recognized beauties are evidence that the beauty is not subject to time.

Female beauty is determined by many factors: appearance, behavior manners, health, a sense of style. Statistics show: the age of a woman is not the main indicator of the definition of beauty. In some cases, he gives the woman a special charm and status - which is positively reflected in her perception by society. Such women are often called the “ideal of beauty” or “style icon”.

The most beautiful women after 50 years: TOP-20

The ability of a woman to take care of herself, to emphasize her predominant sides - allows you to remain beautiful at any age without the use of plastic surgery. Well -groomed, charming and positive women - people like.

In order to consolidate the status of a beauty for a long time - a woman will have to master the subtleties that, contrary to age, will create a unique image: the selection of clothing in her figure, applying age makeup, care and skin for the age category, hair care and selection of hairstyles. Many of these skills are key in the struggle for beauty.

Rating of beautiful women after 50 years:

Meril Streep

  • American actress who is aged 69 years - It is considered one of the most beautiful women of Hollywood. Meril became three times oscar Award winner. He still conducts active acting and is an actress of the main roles.
  • Her appearance is completely natural: as the actress herself claims, she never used the services of plastic surgeons.
  • Repeatedly in her interview Meril said that her age helps her in a movie career - he gave the actress a lot of serious, interesting roles that she could not play in her youth.
  • An impeccable sense of style, charm, love of life and acting talent - distinguish the actress among many competitors. And this is her main secret to youth and beauty.
  • In his personal life, Milery is also a public example: her marriage with a famous sculptor can be called happy - a couple together 37 years since he met, has four children.

Jamie Lee Curtis

  • It is also a Hollywood actress. At the moment she was fulfilled - 60 years. She positively perceives age -related changes in her appearance and is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle.
  • The actress is focused on self -knowledge, and this period of her life considers more harmonious than in the young years. Persons for sports practices: game of tennis, yoga.
  • Her life position: The desire for naturalness and comfort. That is why the actress prefers in everyday life to avoid wearing unnecessary jewelry and accessories, as well as high -heeled shoes.

Ornella Muti

  • In the age 63 years The Italian actress is a standard of beauty. Despite her marriage with a plastic surgeon, she is not a supporter of such cardinal measures in the struggle for youth.
  • Muti is an adherent of the philosophy of Buddhism And he tries to approach age -related changes in terms of this teaching. She believes that it is stupid to deny aging processes in the body - it is necessary to feel them and accept as this natural phenomenon. A healthy lifestyle and the perception of oneself, as it is, is her main law of preservation of beauty and youth.
  • Such a life position helps Muti not to disappear from the covers of magazines: this is the evidence of this frank photo of a naked body for advertising cosmetic companies and recognition of it one of the most beautiful women after 50 years.
Incredibly beautiful
Incredibly beautiful

Jane Fund

  • Famous actress and model, author of books about fitness. He is a political activist who criticized the Vietnamese war. At the moment, Jane - 82 years old. Despite the suffered heart attack-it still leads an active lifestyle and continues to engage in fitness.
  • However, it does not refuse to interfere with plastic surgery. The celebrity admitted that the sports lifestyle - gives her courage in the fight against age.
  • She prefers to be a grandmother with chic.

Sofia Rotaru

  • Popular singer - 71 years old. I was in an official marriage once, has a son. Many fans of Rotaru claim that years have made the singer more attractive than in his youth: age gave her appearance a special charm and style.
  • The singer supports her beauty diets and regular cosmetic procedures. Sometimes the fasting method uses a diet of the famous ballerina Maya Plisetskaya.
  • Rotaru is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition and full sleep is an integral part of its anti -aging program.
  • The singer admits that she used the services of plastic clinics. However, it is not a propagandist of this method of rejuvenation, considering it an extreme measure.
Over the years, it is more beautiful
Over the years, it is more beautiful

Diana Soyer

  • TV presenter and journalist who occupied the niche in the ranking of the highest paid interviewers in the world. Her television career began as a presenter and a reporter of one of the news channels. Later, the journalist was invited to work in the presidential administration Richard Nixon.
  • Diana was assistant to the president in writing memoirs. After his resignation, she went to work on one of the leading television channels of America and took up correspondent activities. In her programs, she repeatedly raised the topics relevant to society and conducted journalistic investigations.
  • The TV presenter answers questions about how she managed to preserve her youth, the TV presenter answers: a special diet helps her - regular use of cabbage soup. Diana claims that such a diet perfectly quenches the feeling of hunger and does not allow to gain extra calories.
  • With the effectiveness of this method can be argued. But the fact that the appearance of the TV presenter with a numerous change of power remains almost unchanged is a fact.
TV star
TV star

Michelle Pfeiffer

  • Another Hollywood actress, who managed to maintain her attractiveness without the use of plastic surgery. Now Michelle 60 years. Its daily regime includes: proper nutrition, sports and cosmetic care for herself.
  • In food, the actress chose to completely abandon the use of sugar, dairy products and bread products. Daily runs in the fresh air - help her maintain muscle and skin tone.
  • The actress is very attentive to applying decorative cosmetics to the face - prefers delicate makeup. The basis of proper makeup is minimalism, and a healthy radiance of the skin - as the actress believes.

Anastasia Vertinskaya

  • In their years - 74 years - The actress looks very young. Such people are usually called "a person without age." In addition to the fact that the Vertinsky brilliant actress is a magnificent culinary culinary: perfectly prepares dishes of Chinese and Georgian cuisine.
  • Cinema and Theater - became the main meaning in the life of Anastasia. She was very seduced by family life. Each attempt to marry and create a family, ended with a break in a relationship and a clear conviction that marriage is not her choice.
  • The actress does not have any special secret secrets. Vertinskaya never had to fight overweight. Since childhood, food for her was a problem due to the lack of appetite.
  • Its motivation to preserve youth is - creation, a positive attitude, faith in oneself and a sense of freedom. Anastasia believes that a sincere smile is able to make any woman beautiful.

Fanny Ardan

  • French theater and cinema diva. At 70 years old - It is a vivid example of style and sophistication. It has many honored awards, awards in the field of theater and cinema. Proudly wears the title of “queen of French cinema”, all its roles are intellectual.
  • Fanny rarely gives an interview and does not like to discuss his personal life at all. In clothes, it gives preference to a classic style. However, he believes that one must be able to place accents in the form of accessories - without them the image becomes boring. The Frenchwoman does not like diets, life on graphics with restrictions does not bring her joy. Her extraordinary approach to food fits little into the exquisite image of a diva movie. She happens to be a lover of salty cucumbers and celery juice.
  • Excellent actress genetics allows her to neglect diets and sports. Also, the actress is an avid smoker. To maintain the skin tone of the face - uses morning washing with ice cubes.
  • The Frenchwoman herself believes that her thinness and appearance are formed as a result of constant emotional bursts of mood - stress in a moderate dose burns extra calories.

Sophia Loren

  • Italian cinema diva is 84 years old. At 76, she became a fashion model in the style of Nude for the Pirelli calendar. She was officially recognized as the most beautiful woman in the world among those who have natural beauty.
  • She answers questions about her beauty by the fact that he is a fan of procedures with the first pressing olive oil and the admirer of Spaghetti. Sophie said that in her youth, they tried to force her as an actress to change her appearance surgically - they offered change the shape of the nose. The actress defended her rights to individuality, although she lost several interesting roles.

Katrin Denev

  • The legend of the cinema is fulfilled 75 years. From the very beginning of her career, she was surrounded by intrigues, and love scandals - the actress had novels with many famous film actors.
  • Most of the life of Catherine did not advocate a healthy lifestyle. Having reached advanced age - began to seriously think about the dangers of smoking and alcohol.
  • Now she chooses for herself full sleep, sea air and rejection of smoking. He also tries to devote himself to charity: communication and positive emotions - her elixir of youth.

Jane Seymour

  • Star of the series "Doctor Quin" In their own 68 years continues to surprise fans with beauty from the pages of magazines and cinema. She does not lose the energy of her youth and actively participates in the filming. Jane opponent of beauty injections - she does not like inanimate facial expressions as a result of injections.
  • Never applied plastic surgery to her appearance. In the care of the appearance, the star uses personal tricks: for filming on the camera, he glues a special flesh -colored film on the neck. In addition, it uses cosmetic products made to order, taking into account its skin characteristics.

Susan Sarandon

  • The breakthrough of the acting career of the American star took place in the period of the fortieth anniversary. Now celebrities 72 years old - She is free and cheerful. For a long time, cinema was in civilian acting, not wanting to legitimize the Union.
  • Her strategy for the preservation of youth is - healthy lifestyle And inwardly a sense of comfort. The star does not smoke or drink alcohol.
  • He prefers to drink a large amount of water and nourish the skin with moisturizing creams.

Kim Catrol

  • Star Hollywood blonde - 62 years. Thanks to successful participation in the series "Sex and City" - it is considered one of the most seductive women of the film industry.
  • However, the popularity did not bring happiness to the star in his personal life: the played character of the series overshadowed the natural character of Kim.
  • Attempts to find true love have led to a failed numerous novels. The actress tries to keep herself in excellent physical shape: regular fitness classes, swimming, running. He acts as a supporter of the proper diet.
  • The star has very sensitive skin, so she has to avoid direct sunlight and constantly use sunscreen.

Sharon Stone

  • At 61 years old Hollywood movie star, still occupies the lead among women called "Sex - Symbols" of world cinema. The body of the star is so well -groomed that it allows her to flaunt without complexes in the most frank outfits.
  • After suffered stroke - The star was forced to reduce the shooting and participation in the programs. Now the movie star has completely got rid of bad habits, changed coffee for tea from herbs, uses a minimum amount of cosmetics in everyday life and is actively involved in sports.

Monica Bellucci

  • Famous Italian film actress, which is fulfilled 54 years - recognized as the standard of beauty and femininity. Its most important property besides talent is natural beauty.
  • Although Monica herself does not like to focus on external beauty. All because before the creative career had problems because of this: no one saw the girl’s inner world behind her appearance.
  • Star diva does not like diets, gym halls - emphasizes the roundness of his forms and is proud of them. In communication, he prefers to evaluate people not in beauty, but in mental abilities.

Jacqueline Smith

  • To her 73 years And she defeated breast cancer. The legendary “Charlie Angel” does not give up after the disease: she is a successful business woman and leads several directions for the release of clothes and decor for the home.
  • It also participates in the rehabilitation programs of patients after oncology. Jacqueline takes time every day for yoga and other physical exertion.
  • As a former dancer, she is used to the sports body and is not going to give in to his old age. Do not accept alcohol and smoking.
  • Breakfast - A mandatory procedure in the house of the star, and it consists of useful products. However, Jacqueline confesses that sometimes he can treat himself with sweets or pizza.

Cheryl Tigs

  • Model and frequent guest of secular techniques. Celebrities of the Fashion World - 71 years old. A woman loves an active lifestyle and is constantly in the spotlight.
  • She is an ardent supporter of naturalness and in every possible way emphasizes the beauty of the female body. With her natural images, she opposed unnaturally thin models - which provoked the world of fashion to criticize her. But from this its popularity only increased: the model launches a private line of clothing and accessories, and later - is shot in films.
  • The woman says that she always helps to stay in shape favorite work and optimism. Of course, she uses all the news of cosmetology, but without fanatical.

Sigurni Weaver

  • Popular movie star, starving in the film "Alien". Now she 69 years. Surprisingly, from childhood, a woman did not consider herself a beauty and connected her life with the film industry in order to get rid of the complexes.
  • But natural charm and talent - made it one of the most attractive movie stars. The actress has high growth - 182 cm. Time taught her to accept her face and body as nature made him. And now the movie star boldly declares that experience allows her to create any image from her appearance.
  • The woman is actively playing sports. It uses sugar masks for the body, but it does not use sugar itself. He believes that diets spoil the character of a woman.
Rebellious age
Rebellious age


  • The famous singer 60 years and she is one of the most beautiful women after 50 years. For many, it is the standard of the era. Her singing career is so shocking and swiftthat it is deservedly called the "queen of the scene." Throughout her creative life, Madonna has repeatedly changed the style - always remaining a legislator of fashion.
  • In her youth, she did not hesitate to admit that she was inclined to abuse bad habits. Over the years, not only her appearance has changed, but also an understanding of life - the singer changed religion and actively engaged in her health.
  • Now she promotes proper nutrition and a full sleep. Madonna uses regularly rejuvenating masks, as well as oxygen and light therapy for rejuvenation of the skin. And discipline helps her - in her dense concert graphics there is always a place for sports and other useful procedures.

Video: Beautiful women who are more than 60 years old

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  1. They showed everyone ..., why did Salma Hayek miss!?!?!?

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    Most of them in their youth were awesome beauties. They managed to maintain beauty. They are able to experience how to present themselves.

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