Do Chinese tablets work for weight loss? Benefits and harm

Do Chinese tablets work for weight loss? Benefits and harm

For the sake of beauty, the ladies are ready for anything. The Chinese built a whole industry around the desire of women to look slimmer and more attractive. What do sellers hide from us?

Fashion for Chinese weight loss tablets: where are the origins where are the origins and why are they so popular?

The market for miraculous drugs in Russia is huge. Russians are inclined to trust the advice of acquaintances more than the recommendations of doctors. They do not attach much importance to licenses and quality certificates, easily believe in pipe stories about instant weight loss and healing from severe ailments.

The beginning of the Chinese entry into the Russian market can be considered the first parties of pills brought by the "shuttles" to the dashing nineties. Against the background of a total deficiency, any brought product diverged with a bang, and after a few years Russia simply swept medication boom for goods from the Middle Kingdom, which does not fall to this day.

Let's try to figure out what the enterprising Chinese offer us.

Chinese tablets for weight loss

Are Chinese tablets for weight loss realistic? What the manufacturer promises

  • Chinese-made drugs sold in the Russian market belong to the category of dietary supplements (bio-active additives) and are made only from natural components of plant origin. In any case, so the manufacturers say
  • Producers also promise an instant therapeutic effect: the loss of extra pounds is not by the day, but by the hour, a surge of strength, the general strengthening of immunity, healthy complexion, proper digestion and many other very pleasant things
  • Consider several of the most popular drugs: what the manufacturer promises, what is actually containing magic capsules, and how this contents acts on our body in terms of official medicine

Chinese tablets for weight loss: the opinion of doctors

What are the Chinese tablets for weight loss? List of Chinese drugs for weight loss

Slimming means imported from China are divided into three groups by type of action:

  • Reduce appetite
  • Remove fats from the body
  • Enough intestines, causing diarrhea

You can conditionally distinguish another group - means that do not have a clear description of the action and composition.

  • Chinese drugs are imported into the country under the guise of dietary supplements, respectively, verification for compliance with the declared quality and composition is either not carried out at all, or is carried out quite superficially, since this is not medical medicines. The big question is what Chinese pills actually consist of
  • Judging by the recommendations for use, these are not harmless dietary supplements, but full -fledged drugs, since the instructions indicate the time of administration and dosage
  • Reading the instructions is often said little about: the translation is made with gross errors, and the names of Chinese plants and fruits that make up the composition do not contain official scientific names in Latin, respectively, are difficult to compare with plant known science.

Chinese tablets for weight loss: benefit or harm?

Pills "Bomb. Green ": Explosive effect on the body

What the manufacturer says. Chinese tablets for weight loss “Green Bomb” contain only natural components of plant origin (walnut, pumpkin, pepper, melting crops); They help with constipation and inflammation on the skin, relieve excess weight by reducing appetite.

What you need to know. Side effects: headache, nausea, vomiting, stool disorder. Laboratory analysis revealed in the Green Bomb the presence of fenfluramine - a chemical that reduces appetite. This drug is prohibited in the United States, as it provokes heart defects and premature death. In Russia, Fenfluramine is included in the list of prohibited psychotropic and narcotic substances.

Pills "Bomb. Reds ". How do they work?

What the manufacturer says. Chinese tablets “Red Bomb for Losing weight” contain the extract of Kayen pepper, plantain, Brazilian nuts, tropical fruits and a substance called “L-carnitine”. Tablets accelerate metabolism and reduce appetite.

What you need to know. Side effects of the “red bomb”: diarrhea, weakness, dizziness, anemia. Plantain is an antiseptic that does not affect fat cells or digestive processes. L-carnitine activates the metabolism, but a tangible weight loss gives only in combination with active physical activity, and in itself practically does not affect weight loss.

Chinese tablets for weight loss red bomb

"Beilite." Side effects and composition

What the manufacturer says. The Chinese Bail of Bilight consists only of natural drugs, helps to burn fat in problem areas, in addition, it improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and slows down aging processes. To achieve the effect, it is necessary to take at least three packages of the product.

What you need to know. Side effects of Beilite: numbness of limbs, sweating, tachycardia, alarming states. The mushroom-laborer, which is part of the composition, is considered a high toxic plant.

There are assumptions that Beilite contains sibutramine - a substance that causes a feeling of satiety. In Europe, Sibutramin was removed from circulation due to the ability to cause serious mental disorders in patients; In Russia, the substance is included in the list of potent drugs, the intake of which is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. Sibutramin is also considered the strongest doping prohibited during the competition.

Chinese tablets for weight loss Beilite

"Butterfly" - "useful" wild rings

What the manufacturer says. The drug "butterfly-dicoros" contains only natural components, burn fat, accelerate the metabolic process and eliminates toxins. It is an effective tool for reducing weight and cleansing the intestine.

What you need to know. Side effects of “butterflies”: nausea, headaches, pain in the stomach, dizziness, complication of diseases of the cardiovascular system, vomiting, stool disorder. When examining patients who took a “butterfly-dicroxy”, with a high degree of probability contains sibutramin, a potent drug of psychotropic nature (see)

Chinese tablets for weight loss butterfly-dicorosCapsules "Lida". A way to lose weight quickly and lose your mind

What the manufacturer says. Lida tablets contain components of more than 1000 unique herbs that grow only in China. Due to the special method of preparation, they are extremely effective when losing weight, burn fat, remove slags, nourish the body with vitamins and trace elements.

What you need to know. Side effects of “Lida”: hair loss, dizziness, insomnia, swelling and impaired renal function. Lida tablets quickly cause strong addiction. In the Russian Federation, this drug is prohibited for import due to the potent drug of sibutramin (see over)

Chinese Lida weight loss tablets

Miracle Griba "Lyncu". Lose weight or get poisoned?

What the manufacturer says. Lynchi capsules burn fat, improve the condition of the skin of the face and hair, eliminate wrinkles, improve blood circulation and nutrition of nerve cells, and increase mood and performance. Consist only of natural plant drugs.

What you need to know. Side effects from taking “Lynchi”: dizziness, hallucinations, dry mouth, pain in the liver and kidneys, acute stool disorder. Judging by the list of side effects, the components of the drug cause a serious intoxication of the body and, as a result, damage to the liver, kidneys and nervous system.

Chinese Linjo weight loss tool

Qinjishu capsules with guarana extract against excess weight. True or myth?

What the manufacturer says. The drug "Zinjishwu" is made of plant materials, helps to reduce weight and improve the condition of the abdominal muscles, normalize the endocrine system and metabolism, bring muscle tone, pull the skin, are rich in vitamins and trace elements.

What you need to know. Side effects of taking “zinjishw”: increased pressure, palpitations, dry mouth, apathy, weakness, dizziness. During the examination of patients taking the capsules of Qinjishw, frequent cases of dehydration and condition close to hypoglycemia (specific pathology in diabetes) have been revealed. That is, the effect of losing weight when taking Qinjishw is achieved by eliminating water from the body, and not fat, which is fraught with very serious consequences for the body.

Chinese capsules for losing weight zinjesh

The mysterious tablets "Gousu" for extremes. Composition and effect on the body

What the manufacturer says. Gousu tablets are made of extracts of plants and herbs, growing only in the territory of the Chinese province of Yunnan. Reduce the feeling of hunger, improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, make the skin smooth, delicate and elastic, does not have side effects.

What you need to know. Side effects when taking Gousu: a condition similar to narcotic intoxication. Plant vinegar, contained in the drug Gousu, has a serious damaging effect on the esophagus mucous membrane, can cause digestion and irritable intestinal syndrome (chronic bloating, pain, stool violation). The grass of the shawl, declared in the composition - is nothing more than hemp - that is what it is called in Chinese jargon.

Chinese rabbits for weight loss Gousu"Golden Ball." Slimming capsules. Effect and side effects

What the manufacturer says. The “Golden Ball” capsules contain a unique plant bouquet based on the centuries -old traditions of Chinese medicine. The drug breaks down fat, eliminates cellulite, normalize metabolic processes, increase immunity, improve blood circulation and peristalsis.

What you need to know. Side effects of the Golden Ball: severe pain in the stomach, gastritis and ulcerative states, sweating, sleep disturbance, thirst. The preparations that make up the Golden Ball have a number of serious contraindications: allergies, leaps in blood sugar, indigestion.

Chinese capsules for weight loss Golden Ball

The drug "Fruit Basha". "Pros and cons"

What the manufacturer says. The capsules "Fruit Basha" include vitamins, amino acids, and the Brazilian apple, growing in the Amazon River basin. “Fruit Basha” eliminates excess weight, improves well -being, increases performance, normalizes metabolism and removes toxins from the body.

What you need to know. Laboratory studies have shown that the Capsules of the Fruit Basha contain a substance of the Rimonabant prohibited for circulation in many countries. This drug is really effective in weight loss, however, as a side effect of more than 70% of experimental patients, a suicidal psyche has appeared, several people committed suicide.

Chinese remedy for weight loss Fruit Bash

Glories. A quick way to lose weight, spoiling health

  • Thai tablets "soliter" containing larvae of the same name of the same name, it is difficult to call the medicine. They are sold in paired packaging, one of which contains eggs and larvae, and the second is an anthelmintic drug
  • A soliter is a parasite, a type of flat worm, hermaphrodite, fertilizing itself. In sexual age, it lays up to 1 million eggs per day. It grows up to 10 meters long. Lives in the body up to 20 years. Eats, shaking against the intestinal wall, pumping blood and nutrients
  • In medicine, there are cases when the soliter rushed the intestinal wall, penetrated other organs, causing severe lesions and even the death of infected
  • The consequences of infection with a tapeworm: a sharp decrease in immunity, a serious damage to all digestive organs, anemia, bluishness of the skin, hair and nails, intoxication, frequent infections, allergic attacks
  • Thai soliter tablets are officially banned in the Russian Federation, EU, USA, Canada and others

Thai tablets for weight loss with worms of soliter

Are there safe Chinese drugs for weight loss?

  • It is difficult to say whether in nature there are drugs that can effectively and quickly reduce body weight, and at the same time really safe for health. The answer “no” lies on the surface.
  • Radical action tablets will help you find the waist in a few weeks, but in return you will acquire a bouquet of chronic diseases that significantly complicate the quality of life on the years in advance
  • Sparing funds will not harm the body, but will have a noticeable effect, only subject to active physical activity, proper nutrition, and abandoning bad habits

Do Chinese tablets help for weight loss?

What can be found in the tablets for weight loss from China? The results of laboratory research

The main component of all biologically active drugs for weight loss from China is psychotropic substances. Such results were obtained during numerous laboratory tests in different regions of the Russian Federation, where cases of poisoning or manifestations of serious side effects requiring medical intervention were identified.

What threatens the regular use of Chinese tablets for weight loss?

According to doctors, the intake of Chinese capsules to reduce weight is a slow suicide, as most of them are fatal to health.

  • In most cases, the first side effects appear 5-7 days after the start of the reception.
  • After 12-15 days, side effects lead to serious impaired well-being, the complication of existing diseases and the first signs of damage to healthy organs.
  • After 30 days or more, taking the drugs led to irreversible consequences: perforated ulcers, impaired intestinal absorption, development of epilepsy, severe endocrine disorders.

Video: real facts about Chinese tablets for weight loss.

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Comments K. article

  1. Such tablets for weight loss even scare me a little. I'm just waiting badly from them. I have recently drank models for forty plus. I just advised me a friend. I trust her. These natural capsules are even more so. And they did not cause any side. And she threw 7.5 kg with them. So the body also cleaned from toxins, the metabolism normalized. I feel much better now

  2. My daughter drinks an Indian additive with a gammigat Malabarsky, loses this way. He says that so far it has not found it cooler and the composition is completely natural and efficiency at the level! Its results are from 78 kils up to 65 in 26 days. I think the result is very worthy!

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