Transparent, colorless urine in a child, during pregnancy, pyelonephritis: causes. Why is the urine transparent, like water?

Transparent, colorless urine in a child, during pregnancy, pyelonephritis: causes. Why is the urine transparent, like water?

The causes of transparent and colorless urine.

Children are great happiness for parents, therefore, if they get sick, there are a lot of experiences. It is worth noting that often the concern of parents causes just the color of urine. In this article we will tell you what color there should be urine, which means if it is colorless.  

Why transparent urine in a child?

Most alarms regarding urine color occur in mothers who go to the pot. After all, it is quite difficult to control the color of urine, which enters the toilet. But if the child urinates the pot, then just see its color. What does it mean that if the color of urine is not yellow, and not straw, but almost transparent, whitish?

The causes of transparent urine in a child:

  • This does not necessarily indicate the presence of any violations or health problems. This often happens in the summer when it is very hot on the street, and the child drinks a lot of water. The color of urine depends on the number of special pigments that are directly in the kidneys.
  • If you add a large amount of liquid to the pigments, the natural color of urine will become lighter. And this is an absolutely normal situation.
  • That is, if on the eve of your child drank a lot of water, or in the evening he ate cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, watermelon or melon, then in the morning you can really find a urine that has a almost transparent color.
Urine is like water
Urine is like water

Urine is transparent as water: reasons

Causes of transparent urine:

  • Most often, transparent urine speaks of possible diabetes. Many doctors note that people who suffer from this ailment drink a lot of water, they are tormented by thirst. This is due to the fact that the body is trying to remove an excess of glucose through urine. A person begins to drink a lot, and urine becomes lighter.  
  • The reason why urinary bleaching can occur is renal failure. Perhaps the kidneys do not work as they should, they are very strong. A general urine analysis will help solve all problems and get rid of experiences. This is a quick manipulation, so the next day you will get results.
  • It is worth noting that the evening time is not the best option for evaluating. The fact is that the urine, collected early in the morning, after sleep, is indicative. Thus, a large amount of liquid is collected in the kidneys, which is excreted early in the morning. It is this urine that is indicative, and its color should be guided.
  • Often a change in urine color is observed with polyuria. This is a disease in which rapid urination is observed. At the same time, the patient often goes to the toilet, but in small portions. The color of urine in this case changes significantly and becomes almost colorless.
Urine for analysis
Urine for analysis

Colorless urine during pregnancy

When pregnancy occurs in the body of women, serious changes occur, which are associated with almost all organs and systems. Such a hormone as progesterone affects the urinary and excretory system. A large number of constipation are associated with it, as well as difficulties associated with going to the toilet. A woman can often walk in a small way, due to the fact that the growing uterus presses on the bladder.

Testing tests
Testing tests

Causes of transparent urine:

  • During pregnancy, many women note that urine becomes much lighter, almost transparent. It also does not always speak of any violations. But it is quite likely that a woman suffers from pyelonephritis. Even the fair sex, who did not know about such a disease before pregnancy, often face it during an interesting situation.  
  • During pregnancy, the load on the excretory system increases, since the child gives to the woman the woman some of the non-processed substances that must be cleared, removed from the body. The kidneys just cope with this. That is why problems with them may occur during pregnancy.
  • Often in pregnant women, protein is found in the urine, its color may change. This all speaks of inflammatory processes, the kidneys do not quite cope with the task. That is why, if you discovered transparent urine during pregnancy, it is advisable to go to your gynecologist for a consultation. But usually such tests in case of pregnancy are prescribed monthly.
  • Therefore, the likelihood that the doctor will not notice pyelonephritis, almost zero. If you still have doubts, go to a paid clinic, hand over a general urine analysis. If protein is found, then it really can talk about problems in the work of the kidneys. You should not worry, since the disease is treated quite successfully even during pregnancy.  
  • In pregnant women in the third trimester, swelling often occurs. Doctors often prescribe herbs that have a diuretic effect. Thanks to this, a pregnant woman can often go to the toilet, the amount of urine increases. Accordingly, its color may change. As a result, you will find that urine has become almost colorless. Also, the color of urine during pregnancy is used to take vitamin and drugs.
  • Often during pregnancy, calcium preparations are prescribed, which can bleach urine. Sometimes a whitish sediment is even observed. Despite this, white color and flakes may indicate a protein. Therefore, if urine has become muddy, then you should definitely contact a doctor. If you take any vitamin preparations, medicines, then you should be prepared to change the color of urine. Some antibiotics, as well as diuretics, really contribute to a change in urine color.  
During pregnancy
During pregnancy

Transparent urine for pyelonephritis and cystitis

It is quite difficult not to notice pyelonephritis, because very often it is accompanied by high temperature, as well as pain in the back. At the same time, the patient may even have vomiting, rapid urination.


  • Very often, cystitis is connected to pyelonephritis, which is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen during urination. Most often, with pyelonephritis, the urine contains a large amount of leukocytes, as well as protein, respectively, urine can change its color. Most often with pyelonephritis, it is muddy, it can differ in a small content of pigment, that is, quite bright. With pyelonephritis, you can notice a change in the color of urine towards its clarification.
  • Therefore, indeed, urine can be observed with this ailment, along with this, you can often see turbidity, suspension or sediment if the urine stands for some time in the container. Often muddy urine is observed with cystitis, which is often with children.
  • Girls are much more common boys with cystitis. This is due to the fact that the urethra is open and is located in the genital area. Sometimes it is enough to sit and the sandbox so that sand or dirt gets into my underpants. Accordingly, an infection may instantly occur in which it hurts to go to the toilet, pain in the lower abdomen is noted.
  • Cystitis, in the absence of adequate treatment, can go into pyelonephritis. That is, an ascending infection occurs. In this case, it is necessary to treat cystitis. In addition to obvious clinical symptoms, a change in urine color can be observed. It also becomes light, almost colorless.  
General urine analysis
General urine analysis

If the situation is repeated, and for a long period of time in a child or adult, almost transparent urine without color, then you should think and take the analysis. The fact is that this may indicate the presence of serious ailments.  

Video: colorless, transparent urine

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