Prostamol uno - tablets, candles: composition, indications, instructions for use, contraindications, side effects, Russian analogues, reviews of men. Prostamol Uno - course of treatment: how many days? Prostamol Uno or Vitaprost, Gentos, Omnik: which is better?

Prostamol uno - tablets, candles: composition, indications, instructions for use, contraindications, side effects, Russian analogues, reviews of men. Prostamol Uno - course of treatment: how many days? Prostamol Uno or Vitaprost, Gentos, Omnik: which is better?

Instructions for the use of Prostamol Uno.

Prostatitis and prostate adenoma are common ailments among men after 40 years. These diseases can cause a lot of inconvenience and trouble. In this case, pain appears during urination, an erection is impaired. Often, homeopathic and herbal preparations are used to eliminate symptoms. One of them is Prostamol Uno.

Prostamol uno - tablets, candles: composition, indications for use

Indication for the use of the drug is the prostate adenoma and prostatitis. The drug helps to remove inflammation and improve urination. The main active substance of the drug is an extract from the fruits of the palm of the sabal. This extract helps to reduce inflammation and reduce the size of the adenoma.

Prostamol uno - tablets, candles: composition, indications for use
Prostamol uno - tablets, candles: composition, indications for use

Prostamol uno - tablets: Instructions for use

Take tablets once a day. Doctors recommend this in the morning after eating. After that, the effect is observed after 6 weeks. The maximum effect can be achieved by taking capsules for 3 months.

You should not chew the capsules. This is due to the stem that the shell is quite strong and thick. It is necessary to prevent the absorption of the drug in the stomach. The main part of the medicine should be absorbed in the intestines.

Prostamol uno - tablets: Instructions for use
Prostamol uno - tablets: Instructions for use

Prostamol Uno - Candles: Instructions for use

Candles are considered the strongest option for the drug. The absorption of the active substance occurs the fastest. This form of the drug is prescribed for adenoma of 1-2 degrees. In advanced cases, the drug will not be effective. A candle is introduced before bedtime. The daily dose is one candle. The course of treatment is also determined by the doctor.

Prostamol Uno - Candles: Instructions for use
Prostamol Uno - Candles: Instructions for use

How to take Prostamol Uno to men with chronic prostatitis, for the prevention of prostatitis?

In chronic prostatitis, the prostamol uno is prescribed as part of complex therapy. It is enough to take one capsule per day for 3 months. When combined with other drugs, it will be possible to achieve excellent results. A person feels relief, the number of urge to the toilet decreases. For prevention, 1 capsule per day is also prescribed for a month. If necessary, after a small break, the drug may be prescribed again.

How to take Prostamol Uno to men with chronic prostatitis, for the prevention of prostatitis?
How to take Prostamol Uno to men with chronic prostatitis, for the prevention of prostatitis?

Prostamol Uno - course of treatment: how many days?

It all depends on the severity of the disease.

Duration of courses:

  • In chronic prostatitis for 30 days, then a break of the week and again a month of treatment. So you need to take 3 courses, that is, take the medicine for three months
  • With prostate adenoma, they take the medicine for three months without interruptions
  • For prevention, just drink capsules for one month
Prostamol Uno - course of treatment: how many days?
Prostamol Uno - course of treatment: how many days?

Prostamol Uno: contraindications, side effects

Despite the completely natural composition, the drug has a number of contraindications.

List of contraindications:

  • Stomach diseases
  • Heartburn
  • Individual intolerance
  • Allergy
  • Women

Side effects:

  • Stomachache
  • Heartburn
  • Vomiting and nausea

Doctors note that all side effects arise due to the fact that patients do not have breakfast in the morning and take tablets on an empty stomach. This cannot be done, because the drug causes irritation of the walls of the stomach.

Prostamol Uno: contraindications, side effects
Prostamol Uno: contraindications, side effects

Is it possible to take a prostamol without a doctor's appointment?

Yes, the drug is realized without a prescription and is actually not a medicine. It can be taken to prevent prostatitis. But if you have a neglected adenoma, then it is better to choose a stronger drug or take the union prostamol as part of complex therapy.

Is it possible to take a prostamol without a doctor's appointment?
Is it possible to take a prostamol without a doctor's appointment?

How can you replace the prostamol uno: Russian analogues

Prostamol Uno is far from the cheapest drug. Now in the Russian market you can find no less effective medicines at a low price. Such drugs also contain herbs that reduce inflammation of the prostate gland and relieve swelling.


  • Prostassen
  • Prostess
  • Successful
  • Cauline
  • Permixon
How can you replace the prostamol uno: Russian analogues
How can you replace the prostamol uno: Russian analogues

Prostamol Uno or Vitaprost, Gentos, Omnik: which is better?

Vitaprost in its composition and action is significantly different from the prostamol Hugo. The drug consists of prostate and antibiotic extract. Due to this, the dimensions of the adenoma become smaller in a short time, after about 10 days an improvement can be observed. That is, this drug is more efficient and faster relieves inflammation than prostamol.

Gentos - this medicine is homeopathic and contains herbal extracts. To achieve the effect, you need to take a long time. In terms of effectiveness, it can be put on a par with a prostamol.

Omnik is a synthetic drug that contains tamsulosine of hydrochloride. This is an adeno blocker that quickly relieves edema and inflammation. It acts much faster than gentos and prostamol. It is often prescribed with homeopathic and plant drugs.

Prostamol Uno or Vitaprost, Gentos, Omnik: which is better?
Prostamol Uno or Vitaprost, Gentos, Omnik: which is better?

Prostamol Uno or Vitaprost, Gentos, Omnik: Can I take together?


  • Prostamol Uno and Omnik can be drunk together. These drugs differ in their composition, therefore, they are used in complex therapy in the treatment of prostate adenoma.
  • Prostamol Uno and Gentos there is no point in taking together, as the drugs will restrain the extracts of the palm tree.
  • Vitaprost can be taken with prostamol and gentos. Thanks to the comprehensive effect of antibiotics and herbs, you can quickly remove the symptoms of adenoma and improve urination.
Prostamol Uno or Vitaprost, Gentos, Omnik: Can I take together?
Prostamol Uno or Vitaprost, Gentos, Omnik: Can I take together?

Prostamol Uno and Alcohol: Compatibility

The drug should not be taken with alcohol. At the same time, you should try to drink pills at the same time. With joint administration, serious consequences are possible.


  • Cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, heart failure)
  • Diabetes
  • Ischemia and stroke
Prostamol Uno and Alcohol: Compatibility
Prostamol Uno and Alcohol: Compatibility

Prostamol Uno: men's reviews

Reviews about the drug are completely different. There are more number of men to whom Prostamol Uno did not help at all.


Oleg, Saratov. Accepted the Prostamol Uno for prevention. I did not notice any effect. The stomach began to hurt, and I stopped taking it without finishing all the packaging.

Evgeny, Moscow. A very good drug. The effect is fast enough. About 4 weeks after admission, I began to wake up less at night to the toilet. Urination has become less painful.

Alexander, Surgut. The drug was prescribed as part of complex therapy. I don’t know whether he worked, or all together. I noticed the effect after ten days of admission. Indeed, pain has passed, and overall well -being improved.

Prostamol Uno: men's reviews
Prostamol Uno: men's reviews

As you can see, I have been addressed by Uno - an excellent drug that will help eliminate pain and relieve inflammation of the prostate gland.

Video: Prostamol Uno

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Comments K. article

  1. The husband also had prostatitis. That he just did not try, folk remedies, vitaprost, prostamol, prostaphylene, nothing helped, and drugs with advertising on television turned out to be especially useless.
    The husband no longer knew what to do, he was going to go to the hospital in a large city. And once a friend advised me this tool -
    In 10 days of use, he began to take place with symptoms, and in a month and a half he was completely cured. Two years have passed, everything is fine, prostatitis does not return, for prevention, sometimes I make him decoctions of herbs, as they say, easier to warn, than to treat it later
    These are the pies with kittens) Be sure to look, all success!

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