Procrastination - what are the reasons and how to deal with it?

Procrastination - what are the reasons and how to deal with it?

How to recognize procrastination, effectively cope with current matters and increase performance - read more about this in our article.

The unwillingness to do anything, postpone the solution of important issues or the performance of current duties for later-this condition is familiar to everyone. Sometimes there are certain objective circumstances for this. But if you constantly do not have time, you can’t plan your time, make great efforts to force yourself to work - this may indicate a serious psychological problem.

What is procrastination?

The tendency to postpone any affairs for some indefinite period, an attempt to tighten with the solution of any problems is called procrastination. Like the heroine of “ruled by the wind,” such people, faced with the need to get down to business, prefer to “think about it tomorrow”. Or the day after tomorrow, and possibly in a week. So the problem remains unresolved, the task is not computed, everything is postponed at the last moment.

  • In fact, such behavior could be compared with ordinary laziness, but this is completely wrong. Such people do not rest, but continue to spend their time and energy on the performance of other, sometimes absolutely non -essential actions - freeze on social networks or computer games, fuss, put on the hundredth time on the desktop, go for a snack, etc.
  • The lazy or infantile person, avoiding any responsibilities, does not experience remorse on this issue, and the procrastinator actually worries, but painfully delayed the very moment when you need to start doing something. This condition cannot be called a vacation. Resting, a person relaxes, charges with energy for future affairs. Expressification, on the contrary, sucks energy, making weak and uncertain in his abilities.
  • On the one hand, it seems correct to avoid unpleasant solutions, because this is a normal reaction of the psyche, but over time, such an internal tension develops into serious troubles. In the conditions of a hard deadline, a person experiences even greater stress, which leads to a loss of work efficiency, problems in compliance with terms and agreements.

Exclamation: from a scientific point of view

  • Specialists of the University of Rur, in the field of neurobiology, found that the tendency to procrastination can be recorded using magnetic resonance imaging. In such people, part of the brain is increased, which controls emotional reactions, including fear.
  • According to the studies, a violation was revealed that is responsible for behavior in the moments of assessing the situation and possible consequences. The subjects showed increased anxiety before starting work on a new task. Scientists believe that this is due to subconscious fear in relation to potential negative results.
  • Due to procrastination, the time that could be used with benefit is lost. Putting things for later is an obstacle that prevents people from living a full -fledged life. Dissatisfaction from unrealized opportunities, constant regret on the lost time takes away mental health, leads to a decrease in self -esteem, neurosis, and depression.
Procrastination forces time to waste
Procrastination forces time to waste

Causes of procrastination

Excredation is called a disease of the 21st century. Modern society is developing at a huge pace. Thanks to the widespread use of information technology, people have received a wide range of opportunities for the realization of personal potential.

  • The values \u200b\u200bof the modern world are built on the need to expand individual freedom- The more she has a person, the more self -sufficient and satisfied, he should be. Why are we not happier than previous generations?
  • First of all, a person is scared by the problem of choice - The more opportunities, the more difficult the decision becomes. Looking at someone’s success, we begin to doubt our abilities.
  • The more options for comparison, the more there is a desire to postpone the decision. In psychology, this condition is called "paralysis of the solution." A person subconsciously understands that regardless of the chosen option, there is a huge probability of error and further regrets. Outings lead to delay or completely rejection of a particular possibility.

If a person’s mental state allows us to talk about procrastination, then its causes can be hidden in habits that develop from the properties of character and life experience:

  • lack of self-esteem;
  • low self-esteem;
  • inability to concentrate when making a decision;
  • lack of motivation;
  • low ability to forecast and planning;
  • a tendency to perfectionism.

The consequences of procrastination

A harmless habit of postponing everything for later has a number of unpleasant consequences that you will have to face:

  • Feeling of guilt and self -digging - the procrastinations are characterized by thoughts of their own uselessness, helplessness, loss. Such experiences are especially painful in adolescents and people experiencing a middle -aged crisis.
  • Stress loads - a pile of unfulfilled cases is able to cause a sense of panic, nervous overexcitation.
  • Reducing performance - constant distraction to useless classes goes into the habit of wasting time, as a result, work is performed in haste, superficially and inattentively.
  • Criticism from teachers, colleagues or superiors - procrastination provokes a negative attitude, discontent and change in public opinion.
  • Expressification turns into a vicious circle - if your work is not very effective and, as a result, is not rewarded, fear, doubts and internal unwillingness to take up new tasks arise.
Expression leads to stress, neurosis and depression
Expression leads to stress, neurosis and depression

Ways to combat procrastination

If you notice that you are ineffectively spending time, often do not have time to complete the planned business or constantly put off their implementation at the last moment, we are talking about amendments. So that such behavior does not take a chronic form, it is necessary to systematically work on yourself.

Planning pleasant things

  • The optimal time planning is a necessary condition for success. When drawing up a schedule for a day, a week or a month, it is necessary to approach this on the other hand. Take advantage of the method of psychologist Neila Fior, who proposed to compose his organizer, taking into account, first of all, positive points.
  • Unlike a standard list in the form of payment of accounts, purchases, working calls, meetings, first of all, make those things that cause you only positive emotions in your schedule. Plan a meeting with friends, a trip to the cinema, dinner in a cozy restaurant, occupying your favorite hobby. You must admit that even in a tight schedule you can spend a couple of hours a day.
  • Then add the necessary measures related to household issues and work or study. Opening such a diary, you will always find pleasant things in it, a little “distracted” on important questions.
  • Do not forget to include a lunch break in the list, preferably at the same time, and a strong dream.
Planning is an effective way to combat procrastination
Planning is an effective way to combat procrastination

Achieving goals

  • Sometimes the implementation of any task or the solution of the problem scares its complexity. It is much easier to start work if it happens in stages, from achieving one simple goal to another.
  • For example, do not keep plans in your head: "On the weekend I will start repairs in the apartment." Formulate much easier "on the weekend I will take out all the useless trash, and I will temporarily remove the necessary things in the boxes." Thus, you set yourself a very specific and simple task, with the implementation of which the repair will begin.
  • Share your plans with others. Thus, you will talk and fix the goal for the near future and feel responsibility for its implementation.

Distracting factors

  • If you know that you are easily distracted, eliminate everything that can interfere with you in the planned affairs in advance. Disconnect the messengers, turn off the TV, delete the extra browser tabs, close the windows so that noise does not interfere with the street.
  • Take your workplace in order - remove unnecessary items, prepare everything you need to complete your task - this will allow you to be distracted in the process.
  • Sometimes in order to start any business, it is enough to perform a certain action that allows you to tune in-drink a cup of coffee or take a shower.

They will help 15 minutes

  • What to do if the methods of planning and preparation do not work, but the case should still be done in a timely manner? Then connect the rule for 15 minutes - agree with yourself that you will perform an uninteresting but necessary task for exactly 15 minutes, while you will do it as collected and productively as possible.
  • As a rule, this works, because procrastination is clearly manifested precisely in the reluctance to start anything. Most likely, after 15 minutes of calm work, you will not stop, but you will continue the successful business.

Positive mood

  • It is very difficult to do work if you experience only negative emotions from this process. Try to find something positive in any most unloved business. For example, combine the cleaning with good music, perceive the conversation with an unpleasant client as a training of willpower.
  • Concentrate not only on the result, but also the process itself, then the work will be done much more successful.
  • Take any task as a challenge to yourself, having coped with which you will eventually become stronger, more competent, wiser.

Praise yourself

  • Any well -completed business should be encouraged. Do not forget to praise yourself, but better to reward.
  • Allow yourself to buy a pleasant trifle or sweets, a subscription to a beauty salon or a gym. Thus, you increase your own self -esteem and successfully motivate yourself for further work.

Video: How to stop postponing business for later? Procrastination, psychotherapy

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