How to keep up with a child? Time management and tips for working mothers

How to keep up with a child? Time management and tips for working mothers

Useful tips for young mothers. Recommendations for maintaining home chorgy are given to working mothers.

With the birth of a baby, a bunch of duties and household chores falls on a young mother. It is very difficult for women with premature and restless children who require a lot of attention. In this case, the lion's share of all time is spent on caring for a child.

What main mistakes do young mothers make?

After listening to the stories of mothers and grandmothers, we can conclude that modern women are lazy and do not want to do anything. Indeed, during the older generation, the young mother managed everything and this in the absence of a washing machine and other household appliances. In fact, pay less attention to such statements and ask mothers, grandmothers, mother -in -law for a walk with children or helping the household. And best of all, leave the baby for at least 1 day. I think all the reproaches will stop in your direction.

The main trouble is not a huge amount of work at all, but the inability to organize your personal time.

The main reasons why mothers do nothing

  • A lot of time. Thus, a woman stretches out the implementation of all things for the whole day and puts it off for tomorrow, what can do today
  • Incorrectly built working day. You need to start a diary or purchase a magnetic board on which to write what you plan to do. It is advisable to indicate the time frame
  • Lack of assistants. Husbands and older children believe that a young mother is obliged to take on all the troubles of the house. This is not true. Immediately after the birth of the baby, tell us who should do what. Older children may well hang underwear, take out garbage and go for bread. Give them minor instructions or for everyone to secure their duty
  • Make blanks in advance. For example, after traveling to the market, do not put all the meat in the refrigerator, but attract all households and stick dumplings for a quick dinner. Freeze home -made dumplings, cutlets. Moving the meat, divide it into meatballs, meatballs and cutlets. After all, it is much easier to immediately get a semi -finished product and only cook or fry it than spend two hours on cutlets

Video: Why do mothers do nothing

How to distribute time correctly in order to have time for households?

There are several rules that allow you to keep up with everything:

  • Plan a menu for 2-3 days
  • Write on paper and attach the dishes menu and a list of products that you need to purchase. This will allow you not to go to the store daily, but to make purchases in reserve
  • Keep the semi -finished products in the freezer just in case, if guests come or you need to quickly have a bite
  • Try to do several things at the same time. For example, while the soup is preparing, wash the dishes and remove in the kitchen. Try not to go beyond the room, otherwise you risk forgetting about dinner, and it will burn or digest
  • After you remove things from the linen rope, stroke them and put them in the closet. This really saves time than if you stroked clothes for your household every day
  • After washing, review all the linen and sew holes or sew buttons
  • Try to arrange a “big wash” on a certain day. Before this day, prepare food for 2 days. So that you can only give the laundry and ironed all the time

How to keep up with many children?

The main trouble of many children is a desire to have time.

Note! Everything is impossible to do.

Write on the sheet what you want to have time today, and you will understand that this is a list of affairs for three days. You cannot physically do this.

  • Highlight five cases for each child that he must do. For example, load dishes into a dishwasher, remove linen or hang it, take a walk with a dog, wash the floor in the kitchen, cut the salad. Choose things corresponding to the age of the child. Girl 10-12 years old is already able to cook vegetable salad
  • Please note that the most time is not received by the older children, but by the one who was born the penultimate. The fact is that the mother is forced to devote the most time to the youngest child. When preparing food, you can attract older children, communicating with them. And there is no time for games with the penultimate child. Remember this, and spend every free minute with this child
  • Put a list of affairs for each child daily on the refrigerator. This disciplines and instills a sense of responsibility to them

Cooking for mothers: how to quickly feed the family?

For some women, making rolls or other pastries is an obligation. This is rather, the desire of her mother herself to spend an hour of her time on “meditation” for the preparation of rolls. Give up this idea or make baking for tea every 2-3 days. Beat cookies that does not dry.

  • Make blanks from semi -finished products. For example, once every few days, carry out the disposal of products in your refrigerator. Thus, a dried sausage, or a cutlet that has not been done, as well as a slightly canned corn can be “disposed of” into pizza. This will save the family budget and will not throw anything away. Do not throw away the mashed potatoes yesterday, but prepare from it pies with potatoes or potato zrazes with meat and mushrooms
  • Try to divide it into pieces immediately after acquiring meat and prepare for heat treatment. That is, cut the meat into pieces and overwhelm. This is a workpiece for chop and meat rolls
  • In summer, be sure to blame the vegetable mixture. Such a product saves time. You just need to cook pasta and cook vegetable caviar or vegetable sauce

Important! Refuse fried products. They are harmful and take a lot of time. Bake cutlets, meatballs and meat. You will save your time and make the diet more useful.

Tips for working mothers

The main problem of working mothers is self -flagellation. Many women scream themselves because they threw the baby into someone else's hands - mother, in kindergarten or nanny. It is worthwhile to understand that this is a necessity and take it for granted. Sometimes her husband’s salaries are not enough for planned purchases, and a woman wants self -realization. This is quite normal, and you do not need to call home a hundred times a hundred times. Without you, the planet will not stop, the teacher or nanny will be able to feed and play with the child.

Not necessarily children of non -working mothers are smarter and upbringing. It's all about your desire, in 1-1.5 hours you can give a child more than for the whole day. If you have chosen a career, do not reproach yourself, because the children grow up and when your schoolchildren will turn 10 years old, he will become independent, and you will lose your qualifications. In addition, in adulthood, it is difficult to climb the career ladder. This is normal when a young mother does not have a moment of free time.

How to entertain children? Features of the organization of leisure for children

The organization of leisure depends on the age of the baby and the amount of your free time. Often young mothers do not have enough time to cook and clean. In this case, attract the child to household chores.

Games with which you can take a one -year -old child in the kitchen:

  • Macaron sorting and cereals in boxes
  • Rolling and modeling from the dough figures
  • Games with pots and spoons
  • If you have already prepared food, and now you have decided to get a little in the house, take the baby with you. Give him a rag, let him wip out dust or collects toys

If you have a preschool baby, hand him scissors and colored paper. Let him engage in the application and manufacture of crafts

It is advisable not to leave the kids for 1-3 years in the room. Children should be under supervision. After all, you risk getting not 20 minutes of time, but painted wallpaper and spoiled furniture. Direct the child and tell him what and how to do it.

Psychologist's advice: How to interest a child in studying?

If you ask adults, whether they loved to study, then most will answer that no. But children love to go to school and communicate with peers, although this has nothing to do with studying.

Note! Study should not be a pursuit of excellent grades. The life of the child consists not only from study.

Several ways to interest the child in study:

  • Praise the child
  • Do not scream at the student and do not punish for bad grades
  • Constantly repeat the importance of learning
  • Never in the presence of a child say that one of the relatives or acquaintances has 2 higher education and works as a janitor
  • Constantly stimulate the child and encourage him
  • In no case do not pay your child for a good rating
  • You can encourage some expensive acquisition (infrequently) or allow the child to play computer games longer
  • Do not spare money to purchase books that the baby asks

Important advice to experienced mothers young mothers

Of course, you should not listen all the time to the advice of neighbors who already have adult children. Take a closer look at the offspring of a friend of how well they are and how they behave. So, you can find out whether it is worth listening to a girlfriend or neighbor.

Several useful tips:

  • Prepare five sets of clothing for every day in the closet. This will save your time to collect the baby in kindergarten or school
  • Want to get a clean room, arrange a competition, who will get faster
  • At least a few minutes a day, spend on yourself. Make a manicure, pluck your eyebrows or carry out sugar hair removal. You are a woman and should look good for your man

A few tips for mothers of babies:

  • The stories that the child does not need to be accustomed to his hands is nonsense. These are relics of the Soviet era, children need your love and affection. Wear the baby as long as possible on the hands
  • Try to extend breastfeeding for as long as possible. World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding a baby up to 2-3 years old
  • With a pot and accustoming to it is a separate topic. The fact that all the children 30 years ago at the age of age already went to the pot - a forced measure. It is better to go to the pot than in the "wrapped" pants, which are constantly wet. At that time, almost every child had diaper dermatitis. Distributions are the right thing, do not refuse the benefits of civilization. The time for teaching to the pot depends on the abilities of the child. In this case, your child is not necessarily dumb, if at 2 years it is sometimes fed
  • No need to wash all the newborn things manually with children's soap. Now there are children's powders that do not cause allergies
  • Listen to your intuition, take note, what a neighbor or girlfriend told you about

Harmful advice to mothers

Some advice of experienced mothers, grandmothers or neighbors do not climb into any gates:

  • Do not take the child in his arms, let him yell. But then it will not ask in his hands
  • At 2 months, do feeding. Let him get used to adult food. The most interesting thing is that some specimens (this is the story of a pediatrician) fed a three -month -old child with borsch. The baby had a gut
  • Feed every three hours and no more. You can overfeed your baby. Follow this advice if you want to stop breastfeeding in two months
  • Why change diapers so often, it is very expensive. 2 pieces are quite enough for a day. If you want a child to have diaper dermatitis, follow this advice
  • Feed the child with a manke, this is the cheapest porridge. Why buy expensive mixtures at all? You want the baby to have obesity, then feed Manka. This is the most useless porridge in which there are no vitamins and minerals

How to have time for mom for housework and at work: tips and reviews

  • Relax, you still will not have time. Listen to the conversations of older women, mother -in -law and grandmothers. Do not try to take on all household chores. Transfer the elementary worries to the shoulders of the husband and older children. So, you will spend at least a few minutes on yourself.
  • During a child’s day, a child under three years old, go to rest with him, even if you do not want to sleep. Lunch, cleaning will wait. You will rest a little, and you will have the strength for household chores
  • After work, you do not need to engage in the preparation of pies, compotes and cutlets. A couple of times a week, households can have dinner with potatoes with herring or purchased dumplings
  • Do not postpone household chores for later, if there is a free minute. Then you may not have time for anything

Love yourself and remember, good, good mother and wife should be rested.

Video: How to make everything to mom

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the useful and interesting information. To keep up with everything, you need to learn and get used to waking up as early as possible. To do this, try to go to bed earlier, and in the morning do easy charging. It is necessary to get up early, since in the morning a person does everything with renewed vigor and 2 times faster. In the morning you can do all the right work, while everyone else is sleeping and do not have time to do it in a whole day. As a result, you will have a lot of free time day and evening.

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