Food containing iodine for the thyroid gland: list, table. In what products are high and low iodine content: table. Disadvantage, lack of iodine deficiency and excess in the body: signs in women and men

Food containing iodine for the thyroid gland: list, table. In what products are high and low iodine content: table. Disadvantage, lack of iodine deficiency and excess in the body: signs in women and men

Iodine is a necessary element for the normal activity of the human body. It affects mental activity, on the nervous system. In addition, it is an important role in protecting the body. What is the danger of iodine, which products are contained - you will find answers to these questions in the article.

The effect of iodine on the human body plays a very large role. Even from the school curriculum, such a topic is very relevant. And, especially, this effect is affected by the health of a pregnant woman. And for this there are a number of stipulated factors that should be considered.

The biological role of iodine in the human body, the work of the thyroid gland, heart, brain: description

Everyone knows that iodine, as an element (more precisely, trace element), is necessary for the normal development of the body. And for many it is no secret that the content of iodine should be normal. That is, its lack or, conversely, excess, can negatively affect the body.

  • The thyroid gland retires the main role in this matter. More precisely, its nutrient for normal functioning is iodine.
  • Immediately find out that the norm of the human body in iodine is 20-50 mg. The thyroid gland itself contains 8-10 mg.
  • Its role is difficult to overestimate, although the need for such an element does not act in large numbers.
  • Of course, iodine fully affects the work and development of the thyroid gland itself. And, unfortunately, such a trace element is not produced by our body.
  • All protein and fat exchanges largely depend on iodine content.
  • And also, it regulates body temperature. More precisely, it increases it a little (but this creates the necessary balance).
  • If we talk about the energy level, then it regulates the exchange of energy itself.
  • It has a positive effect of the body on the need for oxygen and other vitamins.
  • And also, is responsible for the correct transportation of hormones and such an equally important element as sodium.
The role of iodine
The role of iodine

Its main task is the synthesis of hormones such as thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Recall:

  • it is thyroxine that acts as an activator of all metabolic processes, it controls the growth and development of the body, and also acts as the main thing in the development and proper differentiation of all cells of the human body.
  • thyroid hormones have the same important role. In short, they have a significant impact on the growth and development of the body and its tissues, as well as on their differentiation.
Properties of iodine
Properties of iodine

Iodine directly affects the frequency, quantity and quality of heart contractions. And, in general, it has a great influence on the work of the cardiovascular system and on the activities of such an important body as the liver.

  • The water-salt balance also lies under the influence of iodine and completely depends on its content.
  • In general, it affects the functioning of the brain and strengthens our immunity.
  • Probably, many people know that iodine also stabilizes our nervous system.
  • And also, affects the normal development of our mental system.
  • And, of course, the development of the brain and its activity (activity) is very closely associated with the flow of iodine into the body.
  • Speaking in short and accessible language, then iodine is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which produces certain hormones (we have already indicated them). And those already, in turn, in one way or another affect the functioning, growth and development of our body.

How important is iodine during planning, pregnancy, breastfeeding, for children?

From the above properties of iodine, we can conclude that it is vital for the human body. But it is for pregnant women, nursing mothers and small (and, in principle, any age) children iodine is considered simply a necessary element. At least for their normal development.

Daily norm:

  • The fact is that during pregnancy, the need for iodine increases. If the body of an ordinary person needs 100-150 mcg per day, the body of a pregnant woman increases to 175 μg (and in the second half of pregnancy it can increase to 220 μg).
  • Children from 5 years old have a need for iodine up to 120 mcg.
  • And kids who have not yet turned 5 years old should use up to 90 mcg per day.
  • And during the period of breastfeeding, up to 200-290 mcg per day.
  • Important! The maximum dose of iodine in the body should not exceed 300 mcg.

During pregnancy:

  • We will not delve into what important role belongs to iodine during pregnancy, because this issue has already been mentioned above. It is only worth adding that the expectant mother is responsible not only for her health, but also for the development of her baby.
  • Everyone knows that iodine deficiency can lead to a lag in the mental development of crumbs.
  • And in the early stages of pregnancy, it can cause a miscarriage.
  • But the catch is also that an excess of iodine can also have similar consequences, since a large amount of it leads to intoxication of the body. And in the same way, it can cause the incorrect development of the baby in the womb.
  • Also, the expectant mother feels much better when the amount of iodine is in order. And even toxicosis does not bother.
  • And most importantly - mother is calmer and she suffers less from pre -ethnic or postpartum depression.
The need for iodine during pregnancy
The need for iodine during pregnancy

During breastfeeding:

  • Of course, mother's milk is the most useful. And many pediatricians recommend feeding their child up to 2 years. Of course, its composition changes during the period of feeding (depending on the age needs of the baby).
  • Some elements (for example, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and sodium) come in the right amount in milk, regardless of whether my mother consumed such foods or not. That is, they go from stocks.
  • But selenium, zinc and iodine directly depend on the diet of mother. If the mother does not eat food that is rich in these substances, then the child does not receive them.
  • The lack of iodine, first of all, affects the nervous system of the baby. After all, the development of nerve cells in the body occurs up to 2 years.
  • Naturally, the mental development of the baby also depends on the amount of iodine.
  • A child can observe problems with motor skills and, in general, with development.
  • And, as a rule, such babies grow slowly and poorly.
The need for iodine at the GV
The need for iodine at the GV

During the period of pregnancy planning, the expectant mother should begin to take care of his health as much as possible, as in six months. Of course, ideally, you need to lead a healthy image and eat right. But this is already a question of another direction. Why six months? Because the body needs to prepare and make stocks of some necessary components, gain maximum strength and energy. As well as:

  • iodine deficiency can cause infertility
  • sexual attraction is reduced
  • the menstrual cycle is broken (which will also affect conception)
  • in men, this can cause potency

It is known that our body is growing up to 25 years. And children simply need the constant intake of iodine in the right amount, and other micro and macro elements. Their body is still developing. And in order for this development to go correctly, it is worth not letting such questions on a gear.

We will not repeat what role of iodine for the body as a whole. In children, as in a growing organism, this need is the highest. After all, the lack of iodine can cause mental and physical development in general. And also, can cause weak immunity.

Disadvantage, lack of iodine deficiency and excess in the body: signs in women and men

Perhaps you are not aware of the lack of iodine in your body. More precisely, some symptoms do not cause much concern. After all, until the problem becomes clear, you do not often think about its initial stage. Although, in case of lack of iodine, the first thing that should alert is:

  • memory deterioration and general poor absorption of information;
  • general apathy and loss of any interest in what is happening;
  • drowsiness and fatigue;
  • scattered attention, forgetfulness and not the ability to focus on some kind of task or work. But do not confuse with inattention;
  • brittle nails and abundant hair loss (although, often the reason can be hidden in other ailments);
  • it can manifest itself in the form of hearing deterioration or the voice becomes hoarse.
  • excessive sweating, as well as shortness of breath - these are another first signs of a lack of iodine.
Signs of a lack of iodine
Signs of a lack of iodine

The obvious signs of iodine deficiency are:

  • Swelling of the face and lower extremities. This is due to the fact that excess fluid is not excreted from the body.
  • In general, the appearance worsens. Wrinkles appear, the skin becomes sluggish and stale. And also, signs of early aging are manifested.
  • This is all accompanied by pain in the muscles and joints that are not amenable to drug elimination.
  • In general, immunity is falling, a person often begins to hurt viral and colds.
  • And also, one of the symptoms can be nausea or vomiting, as well as not absorption of products.
  • And, of course, an increase in the thyroid gland, which is called endemic goiter in medicine. But only a doctor can identify such a symptom.
  • Important! In nursing mothers, the nipples can begin to bleed, and the amount of milk can decrease significantly.

By the way, you can spend such a quick and very simple test at home. It takes only one component to conduct it:

  • iodine
  • cotton wool
Disadvantage of iodine: symptoms
Disadvantage of iodine: symptoms

We make an iodine net. It is advisable to draw it in the inside of the thigh or forearm.

  • If the mesh was preserved for more than 6 hours on your body, which means that everything is in order with iodine content
  • If its stability lasted less than 6 hours, but more than three, then there is a slight lack of iodine
  • If such a net disappeared in less than 3 hours, then you should contact an endocrinologist

Also, such a test can be done in a slightly different way. Apply three strips on the forearm or the inside of the thigh. This procedure must be done immediately before bedtime.

  • If only one strip has disappeared in the morning, then everything is in order
  • If there are two, respectively, there is a small shortage
  • If all three, then there is a critical need for iodine

What products are most contained in iodine: list

Probably, for many, the list of products rich in the maintenance of iodine will not be the discovery of America. After all, not only in the school curriculum, but also on television they often give information about the high need of the body in iodine. And, of course, everyone listened to the benefits of sea cabbage.

  • Yes, it is sea cabbage that occupies an honorable first place in the content of iodine. Although, this is a very specific and exotic dish, which, unfortunately, few who love. But you should not get involved in it too - no more than 30 g of cabbage per day.
  • Cod liver. This is not only a delicious and tasty dish, but also rich in iodine content.
  • And also baked potatoes. Yes, it is baked potatoes in the peel. Since, directly in it, 40% of the daily iodine norm is preserved.
  • Any sea fish! It is worth noting that the largest iodine content (about 150 mcg) in Hek, Pig and Piksha.
Iodine products
Iodine products
  • Squid is also sea food. By the way, very tasty. The amount of iodine reaches 300 mcg.
  • Feihoa. This is an exotic fruit containing iodine up to 350 μg. From it, by the way, it turns out very tasty jam.
  • Bunny has 9% of the daily norm. That is, it is enough to eat no more than five things of such a treat.
  • Cranberry. Another delicious product that has a high iodine content.
  • Also, it is worth adding (connect them to one item): persimmons, black -bearing mountain ash, figs and walnuts. These products are very tasty and affordable.
  • Iodized salt can not fail. There are as many as 77 g of iodine for 1 gram. And this is the easiest way to increase and maintain iodine content normally.

Food products rich in iodine, with a high iodine content: table

Of course, you can endlessly list the products rich in iodine. After all, one or another of its share is in many components. Therefore, in the photo below, we will provide a table with useful and rich in iodine products, for its better perception.

Table of products containing iodine
Table of products containing iodine

Food with medium iodine content: List

There are, of course, those products that have a slight iodine content. Below in the photo we also give a list with an average iodine content.

The average iodine content
The average iodine content

Of course, these products should be used with an excess of this element or to maintain iodine balance in the body.

Low iodine food foods: List

There are, of course, those products that have a very insignificant iodine content. Next, we give a list with a low iodine content.

Low iodine content
Low iodine content

Food not containing iodine: List

If someone has a question: why do you need to know such a list of products. Recall that an excessive amount of iodine also has sad consequences. Therefore, you should carefully eat it for food and monitor a balanced diet.

  • Do not contain iodine fruits - bananas, apples (without seeds), orange and tangerine, as well as pear and grapefruit.
  • Vegetables. Yes, almost everything! The exception is beans and legumes, as well as the peel of potatoes.
  • Juices that do not contain rhubarb and maraskin cherries.
  • Unsecute nuts - almonds and peanuts.
  • Sugar and honey, as well as jelly and marmalade.
  • Well, seasonings (from dried herbs) and black pepper.

Naturally, with iodine deficiency, products with high or medium iodine content are used. If there is an excess of iodine, then it is worth taking food that contains a low amount of iodine or does not have such a component at all.

Video: Why is the lack of iodine dangerous?

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Comments K. article

  1. I used to eat Feihoa with honey, my grandmother advised such a “jam”-and it is good and useful. The sore only is that where I live now, it’s not for sale. As a doctor I accept endocrinol, it seems that there are also problems yet, there are no problems yet , although there was a predisposition to them-I constantly had to drink hormones (((

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