Signs in the household associated with household and wild birds, household buildings

Signs in the household associated with household and wild birds, household buildings

Signs in the household associated with birds

  • A bird entered the house and male shoes pecking with a beak - wait for an improvement in the financial situation.
  • In order for the cattle in the summer to make the sides and be frisky, you need to conduct a ritual: to cook an egg and roll along the cattle, starting from head to tail. Then the egg is allowed to slide down the manure, and at the end the egg should eat the person who conducted the ritual.
  • Folk signs say that wild geese flying in the spring bring fertility to poultry. Therefore, they tried to put straws on the place over which the geese fly, so that then to transfer this straw to the nest of poultry to increase the number of gibbons, the health of the chicks and fertility of the bird.
  • You cannot count flying birds, especially geese. They can pick up and carry your memory with them. She will get worse.

Folk signs associated with chickens

  • In order for cats to stop stealing a bird, a crude foot was hung in the chicken coop.
  • From weakness, water was poured through the sieve.
  • The bird will never hurt if you scatter salt in the corners of the chicken coop.
Signs about the rooster
Signs about the rooster
  • Wait for good news if you see a hedgehog in the chicken coop. Chickens will also carry eggs well.
  • If the number of eggs has decreased, then the rooster has ceased to show interest in layers. Soak poppy seeds in church water and let the rooster eat. His interest will appear again and the chicken will begin to rush.
  • Also, for the same purpose, the ladle was buried under the chicken coop.
  • Do not throw the shell from Easter eggs, it can be added to the chickens to the food so that they do not hurt.
  • Dog wool will protect eggs and chickens from the attack of rats and mice.
  • Chickens climbed early to the nest - wait for the frost. The higher the hens climbed, the stronger the frost.
  • The chicken stands on one leg - wait for frost, a cold.
  • Chickens are fed early in the fall - wait for an early warm winter.
  • If the chickens fly off at night from the house, troubles anticipate trouble.
  • Chickens have fled - wait for the news or guests. They huddled - wait for bad weather, bad weather.
  • The hen takes under the wing and for itself chickens - wait for bad weather.
  • If the chickens, digging in the ground, bathe in dust, this sign speaks of imminent rain.
  • If in the evening they dry out, all the hens will be very excited at the same time - the household is waiting for a scandal.
  • Chickens focused at night - they anticipate military operations, or a set into the army. If the hens screamed at night - a warning about misfortune.
  • If the hens are preparing early for bed - wait for the rain.
  • Chickens wave their tails in winter - there will be a blizzard.
  • The chicken could not resist the counterattack and fell - wait for the surprise.
  • In order for the chicken to be afraid to go into someone else's garden, you need to catch it and shove it back through the hole in which it climbed into a strange garden.
  • The chicken went into the house - wait for the news.
  • That chicken carries eggs well, which sings with a rooster and along with the roosters.
  • In order for the chicken to carry eggs in her nest, and not in her neighboring one, a couple of feathers are cut out of her tail and put in their nest, or to burn these feathers or shells from her eggs in their furnace.
  • When the young chicken for the first time demolishes the egg, the hostess needs to stroke her husband on the head with this egg and say: “Let the pockmarked (that’s the name of the chicken) will demolish as many testicles as Nikolai’s head on the head!”
  • The chicken stuck a straw on the paw and drags behind it - wait for trouble or dead.
  • So that the hens do not lose their eggs, grate her anus with salt.
  • The same person should remove eggs from the nest. If different people do this, or someone climbed to steal them, then chickens may stop rushing.
  • If a man removes eggs from the nest, then the hens rush less, or do not rush at all.
  • If you hang a stone with a hole in the chicken coop, then nothing will happen to the chickens, they will all be intact.

Folk signs related to chickens

  • When the owner of the house dies, this year it is necessary to arrange a chicken -a nasadka for the hatching of chickens, so that after changing the owner the farm he started does not decrease.
  • If the hostess wants chubby chickens, then you need to put 1 egg first under the hen, and then put others in turn, while when you lay each egg, the hostess should make a cuckoo under the chicken.
  • If the hen pushes one or more eggs from the nest, then this will bring misfortune, illness or even deceased to the house.
  • If the chickens in the evening calm down for too long before going to bed, wait for bad weather.
  • When the eggs are borrowed for the hen, it is not recommended to be transported through the reservoir along the signs: the chickens will not hatch.
  • You can not borrow eggs for a divorce, otherwise all the chickens will be transferred to the courtyard at the one who lent the eggs.
  • In order for the hen to sit the crested chickens, slightly shake it for the chubchik.
  • If you bring the nest with a hen in the first three days to the field or to the forest and stay with it there for several minutes, then neither the chicken nor the chickens will climb into the garden.
  • When the eggs are placed under the layout, the eggs should be removed from a shaggy object, for example, hats, according to signs, this will bring greater fertility and furry chickens with crests.
  • Newborn chickens will be strong and quickly grow if you put a broom from birch branches nearby.
  • If the house has recently been a dead man, then chickens of eggs do not hatch, they used to say that "eggs freeze."
  • If you glue 2-3 wax strips to the egg for the liner for the liner, colorful chickens will be removed.
  • You need to put an odd number of eggs under the chicken and sash.
  • If you put eggs on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday (Days of the Women's family) under the chicken and sample, then (in most cases) chickens will be hatched, and on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (male days)-chickens-pens. On Sunday, equally.
  • From the egg, demolished into the Annunciation, a chicken-upper chicken can hatch.
  • If a white chick has a white chick, wait for losses in the household.
  • In the year, when there was a wedding, in the farm of young people you should not put eggs for the chicken for a brood of chickens, otherwise the hostess can get sick for a whole year.
  • Mistresses following signs to improve their health and reproduction should apply chicken eggs to their causal place.
  • If you marvel at and enjoy the newborn chickens, then the chicks will not live for two days.
  • If the chicken is dreary all the time, as if crying, the host’s disease foresees.

Folk signs associated with roosters

  • In order for the rooster to beat and drive away another rooster from its territory, in the morning on a clean Thursday before Easter, let him pole the grains or bread on the chimney.
  • If another rooster attacks the rooster, catch the brawl and bring him to the offended rooster to cover him. After that, the offended rooster will cease to be cowardly, he will have courage and he will give back the brawls that attack him.
  • A rooster for courage and courage and anger, you need to let the wrapper from the aspen nest should be stolen.
  • A man should carry a bought rooster home, otherwise the rooster will not have courage, he will be cowardly, will be afraid of the neighboring roosters and they will beat him.
  • If you pull out two large feines from the tail (they are also called pigtails), then the rooster will weaken, become cowardly, and other roosters will be thrown over it and even offend chicken.
  • The black rooster scares off the thieves from the courtyard and protects the house from a thunderstorm.
  • The white rooster in the yard has a good effect on children. He expels childhood diseases, childhood fears from the yard. Children have a calm sleep.
  • When a red rooster often koukskiks on the gate, the fire foresaw.
  • If the owners move to a new house, then they let the rooster to spend the night in order to drive off the evil spirits.
  • If during the period of crackling frosts the rooster did not bite at night at night, then frosts will become softer.
  • If the roosters sang in the morning earlier than usual, there will be a change in the weather.
  • In order for the rooster to be afraid to go into someone else's garden, you need to catch it and shove it back through the hole into which he climbed into a foreign garden.
  • If the rooster is pumped up at exactly 12 o’clock in the afternoon - according to the signs you need to wait for the deceased.
    If the rooster bit until midnight, it is he who protects the house and the chicken coop from the evil power he saw.
  • The rooster sang chicken, or sang late in the evening, or, shaking his head, will sing all night - calls on trouble, misfortune. It is better to immediately cut such a rooster to the soup.
  • If a rooster and chicken die in the courtyard at once, there will be another death.
  • If the rooster dies, then something heavy will happen in the house-trouble, grief, misfortune (death, fire, loss, shocks and the like).
  • If the rooster took off on the gate and clogged, then get ready to meet the guests from there where the rooster’s head looks.
  • If the rooster bit at the threshold or on the threshold on the porch, wait for the guests.

Folk signs associated with geese and ducks

  • The goose will quickly recover, if he pour salt on his back and spit three times over his shoulder.
  • For the rapid growth of ducks and geese, the chicken coop should be every week, at least once to be visible with a broom of walnut branches.
  • Geese and ducks are actively diving, goggling and splashing, lubricating their feathers with fat - wait for the rain.
  • Ducks and geese bathe in the snow - wait for a thaw, or a snowstorm.
  • The geese and ducks were dispersed in the winter, or in the cold they slammed their wings - it will be warm.
  • A goose or duck stands on one leg, and the second is squeezing under itself, as if heating in feathers, or sits with his legs, or hid his beak under the wing - there will be cold in front.
  • Geese and ducks are plucking themselves, then warming soon, good weather.
  • If the geese and ducks in Martynov day on November 9 went to the pond, despite the fact that it is already constrained by the first ice. So it is too early to freeze the reservoir completely.
  • One spleen will be able to get along with such a number of ducks as in its tail twisted feathers. Therefore, the farm was left for the divorce of the Selezny with the largest number of twisted feathers in the tail and in this regard the corresponding number of ducks.
  • By tradition, the goose was necessarily cut into Mikhailov Day (September 29). Signs read - goose meat on the dining table on this day will attract prosperity in the family for a whole year. Having eaten the goose, they looked at the chest bone. If its color was light, or with a bluish tint, they waited for a warm winter. If the color of the bone is dark, brown - the winter will be cold, frosty.
  • The sign with Gusem on the Christmas table is still alive. This bird on the Christmas table symbolizes the attraction of something new, successful, wealth, light share, as well as spring and warmth. The goose could be allowed for Christmas, which is richer. The poor on the table on this day had a chicken.
  • In the leap year, according to the signs, it was necessary to give the third stabed bird to someone (neighbors, relatives). And on February 29 (Kasyanov Day) sacrifices from poultry to St. Kasyan were made so that he would not ruin the chicks born in this economy in the future.
  • If home geese are loudly spent at night, then they foresee the evil spirits nearby.
  • If the goose takes 2 eggs in one day - according to the signs, this will bring misfortune to the family. It is necessary to take measures to protect against damage and evil eye, to protect the house.
  • Tired people who have a breakdown of strength, drowsiness should go to a stream or another reservoir on June 10, where geese swam, wash themselves and ask the geese to pick up malaise and drowsiness from them and carry away with them.
  • If the goose fluff is attached to the wounds, then according to the signs, the wounds will heal faster.
  • In order for the freckles to disappear, touch the skin with freckles with a little gusen.

Folk signs associated with ducks and geese in dreams

  • If you dreamed of one duck or chicken, a girl will be born in the family. It is bad if you dream of a lot of chickens or ducks. Folk signs have a lot of birds in a dream with possible losses in the future.
  • If you dreamed of a small goose - children can get sick.
  • If you fed geese in a dream, buy something in the near future from the property.
  • We bought a living goose in a dream - to a feast.
  • If geese were counted in their dreams, wait for unpleasant news.
  • If goose feathers have seen in your dreams, you will receive some kind of news.
  • If you dreamed of plucking a goose, a bad sign associated with great disappointment.
  • If you saw a dead goose in a dream, wait for large losses or unplanned expenses.
  • The dream in which the goose is killed or cut is predicted by the scandal in the family.
  • In a dream, to participate in the preparation of goosyatin dishes - the guests will unexpectedly come.
  • If you dream that you yourself eat Gusyatin, then in business instead of success, a strip of trouble will come.
  • If you dream that someone eats Gusyatin, expect difficulties with finances.
  • If you dream that geese are goggled - to be misfortune.
  • If you see a whole flock of geese in a dream, something will happen to the psyche. Take measures, drink soothing teas.
  • But to see in the dreams of floating geese - wait for luck and success.

Folk signs related to turkeys

  • If turkeys are bathed in sand or puddles, summer is expected to rainy, if in the winter in the snow - winter will be soft with thaws, if they bathe during the thaw, then the thaw will be long.
  • Black -colored turkeys according to the beliefs, served in the courtyard as a talisman. It was believed that they protect the house from the strike of lightning, fire, floods, thieves and other troubles. In addition, their protection applied to seedlings of vegetables, legumes and grains from diseases and hail.
  • A good sign is an embroidered pair of turkeys that attract wealth and money into the house. Therefore, turkeys are embroidered on a wedding to attract wealth and happiness to the life of the young.
  • At the Christmas of the Indian on the table, as well as the gosvatin - an attribute for attracting prosperity and wealth this year in the family for a whole year.
  • If in a dream it is lucky enough to see a living turkey, then rejoice, in reality you will receive a monetary reward and feast.
  • If in a dream you saw a prepared, fried turkey or a dish of turkey-be alarmed, something does not develop in a relationship with people around you. For them, you are like a pompous turkey that you want to fry. Think about your behavior, watch how happy and easy people behave. Perhaps you have something to learn from them.

Folk signs with wild birds present in the household

  • Sparrows played out, having fun - to be clear warm weather.
  • Sparrows strayed into piles and fly between the trees - to dry days.
  • The sparrows were delayed - wait for the rain in the summer either snow in winter or thaw.
  • In winter, sparrows collect fluff and feathers - we are waiting for severe frosts.
  • In winter, sparrows were drowned and sitting quietly - we are waiting for a quiet snowfall.
  • Sparrows, when they feel the final arrival of heat in the spring, begin to twist the nests.
  • Sparrows tend to hide under the roof, in shelter - there will be a strong wind, rain, either frost or a blizzard.
  • Birds high in the sky are clear weather, to rain they fly low above the ground.
  • Birds fly close above the surface of the water - it will soon be rain.
  • The birds sat on the tops of the trees - wait for the bad weather.
  • Birds together began to twist the nests with a warm, sunny side - a cool summer is expected.
  • In autumn and winter, crows and jackdaws actively croak - wait for a blizzard or frost.
  • If on the day of the novel and Plato (December 1), crows and jackdaws are pacing along the roads, it will be warm.
  • Crows and jackdaws soar high into the sky - they anticipate bad weather, snow.
  • Crows pluck themselves to the rain.
  • Crows and jackdaws were amused - they feel a thaw.
  • Crows and jackdaws fly low in front of the cold, rise higher in flight to warming.
  • Crows and Galka are silently sitting over, like an old woman - the weather will deteriorate. If it is bad, it will still last for a while.
  • If the crows and ducks at night settled in one direction, then from the side where their heads look, a strong wind will blow.
  • Crows and galka go with open mouths, anticipating a thunderstorm.
  • In a premonition of winds, crows and jackdaws sit on the lower tiers of trees.
  • Pigeons are unanimously stealing - the weather will be excellent.
  • Swifts and swallows fly, making a peak and immediately soaring up - they foresee the storm.
  • Swallows circle over the reservoir and catch a fish - this happens on the eve of a thunderstorm.
  • If the nightingale was sang a cuckoo earlier, the summer will be productive and successful.
  • The blues in front of the approaching colds fly up to the dwelling of a person, climb under the roof, into the drain pipes, knocking out the window.
  • Folk signs say that if a dove flies into the window - this predicts pleasant news, a swallow - an ambulance, but a tit - indirectness.

Signs in the household on structures

  • To protect the barn from the fire, leave a bag with goat bowels on the roof.
  • Pets for pets must be built on a warm fine day, then they will come out cozy and warm.
  • Before starting work, the place for construction should be accommodated by a young girl, then the barn will not deliver the trouble and stand for a long time.
  • Before putting a horse in a stall, pour a cat there and give it a drink. This method helps to position the spirit of the courtyard to the animals. He will take care of them.
  • The wormwood broom will protect fruits and vegetables from damage, if you put it in the cellar.
  • An animal corral should begin to build on a growing moon. So the corral will be strong, and the herd will grow.
  • According to signs of householdsNeither the house nor the stable can be built in the place where there was a fire. There will be failures at the initial stages of construction.
  • After completing the construction of the house, it is necessary to become on the threshold and hit it with a ladle and say: "Don’t draw it up". This sentence will help chickens constantly carry eggs.
  • The new stable must be consecrated by the smoke of wormwood to drive off the evil spirits that prevents the horses from sleeping calmly at night and takes their strength from them.
  • A good place for the well will be where fog rises at dawn and at sunset.
  • They searched for the site for the barn and the barn: they dug a hole, and then again fell asleep with the same earth. The hill came out - the place is successful, you can start construction.

Video: Chickens and roosters - a good breed

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