Signs about trifles, coins: interpretation. Signs of little things: what coins are considered amulets for good luck?

Signs about trifles, coins: interpretation. Signs of little things: what coins are considered amulets for good luck?

Like any folk signs and beliefs, coins also carry many happy and not very omen. And he will accept them, probably, the largest amount is connected, because money is accompanied by a person has long been accompanied, and they bring both joy and grief.

In this article, we will consider all the popular signs of trifles. We hope that you will find those that will protect you or bring a good omen.

Signs find a trifle

  • Do I need to raise the found coin? The answer to this question is as ambiguous. Some believe that the found coin promises wealth, but at the same time, if you find it in the morning, and even on an empty stomach, then this will surely lead to deterioration in financial situation.
  • There is a sign about the little things that if you have not reached the stage when there is nothing to buy bread, then you should not take a coin found on the ground, since it is more necessary for someone. Or, considering the money found too insignificant, just whisper to her that you will pick up when she “grows up”.
  • Other interpretations repeat, on the contrary, that any penny found should be given a low bow, certainly raising her. Moreover, the Lord should thank for such a blessing with a coin.
  • Another variation: if a coin lies with you "Eagle", then she will bring good luck and it can and should be raised if "Road" - Better to pass by. Many beliefs recommend even a raised coin to put in a pocket in order to avoid troubles, but to give along the road the first beggar met - then luck and wealth will turn to you face.
  • And if the coin came across to you in the ground during garden work, then, raising, spit on it on both sides, thereby neutralizing the negative, which could be laid down in it initially or accumulate during the lying in the ground.
  • And only one of the interpretations of the signs converge in one - you can not raise coins (like paper bills) lying on the crossroads of roads.

Signs about a trifle: denomination

  • If you have a coin under your feet, remember what thoughts were in your head at that moment. Perhaps the coin will help answer the question that takes you?

Signs about a trifle:

  • Penny -He speaks of something new that will happen in your life and will bring success. It can promise profit in the near future.
  • Two kopecks - You need to pay attention to achieving harmony, sociability, and the need for friendly support, since it is difficult to solve the problem yourself.
  • Pyatak according to signs with a trifle - portends the stage of spiritual development and improvement.
  • Ten kopecks - You should listen to your sensations and forebodings, and then you will succeed.
  • Twenty -five cents - More attention should be paid to your own health.
  • Fifty kopecks - You will take possession of passions and sensual thoughts.

The coin gives a hint in different sensations: if you found it at the moment when you felt lonely, she recalls that there is always a soul close to you. Found a money when somewhere rushed - So, it is worth reducing the speed at which you live and pay more attention to your relatives. The coin caught your eye when you were overcome by thoughts about where to get money - Everything will turn out well, the Higher Forces have already taken care of this.

Signs of little things: what coins are considered amulets for good luck?

  • As a rule, people think such coins with a purebinIn which the edges are damaged. If you find such a coin, hide it in a wallet and do not waste it, it, according to belief, will help you increase your income.
  • It has long been happy coins that have hole. These include yuani who walk in China, some pesets of Spain, and in principle, any coin with a hole.
  • Need to tie together three coins with help ribbons or ropes red And store them in your wallet, or hang them on a flower that we habitually call a money tree.
  • Exists following signs of little things also a concept non -resident heel. Moreover, it does not have to be exactly five kopecks - a coin of any denomination can be called this, the main thing is that it is of particular importance and be memorable for you. Such a “nickel” sometimes becomes a family relic, transmitted from generation to generation.

Scattered a trifle: sign

  • If you are inadvertently they scattered a trifle, especially if its fall was accompanied by a ringing knock, this is not a very good sign that promises grief, and perhaps and tears. Thus, you get a warning that you can lose a much more significant amount.
  • To prevent this from happening, you need to perform the following actions - the fallen coins are needed collect (But not with your left hand!) So that the money is not offended by you and return as often as possible. Next, you should try to get rid of the little things as quickly as possible, changing it in the nearest store for a banknote, or distribute in the form of alms to those in need.
  • Another possible option, according to signs of trifles, collecting coins, not to specifically raise one of them, while mentally wishing yourself speedy money. And if you see that someone has raised your coin, then everything will happen.

Is it possible to save a trifle at home: signs

  • Many experts say - can. The main thing is to do it right. For example, a long -known and favorite subject piggy bank, into which we habitually drop a trifle, it turns out, also plays a big role in increasing money. It has long been endowed the ability to attract money, we need knowledge of individual secrets.
  • What animal did you choose for your piggy bank? Pig? It is she who will contribute to the accumulation of an impressive amount. Dog? Your capital will be reliably protected from possible theft. If your piggy bank is in the form of a cat, then your condition will be increased, and the wise piggy bank will tell you how to dispose of the money most correctly and advisable.
  • It is best to buy a piggy bank in a period when the moon is increased, this will help grow your finances.
  • Following signs of little things, it’s good to throw not only coins into the piggy bank, but also some spice: It can be a leaf of a laurel, a cinnamon stick, a pea peel, a mint leaves, etc.
In a piggy bank
In a piggy bank
  • Do not allow the piggy bank emptyleave one or two coins in it when you devastate it-these pennies will be pulled energy of cash flows. And yet, you should not put the coin in the piggy bank if you brown, nervous or angry. And lowering the penny in the storage, imagine what you copy them for.
  • No need to store in the piggy bank those coins that were found - they go very quickly (just as they come), and leaving, they “take away” other money with them. It is better to immediately spent such easily inherited money or distribute it to those who ask for alms, if possible, without bringing them home.
  • Do not use coins for storing coins boxes, in such a "safe" their energy is blocked. If you do not want to buy a standard piggy bank, sew a bag for money from red or green fabric and bandage it with a red rustle that will be favorable The speedy growth of your savings.
  • Coins lying in the corners of the house are also considered a good sign, which are designed to attract other, larger money. It is better to put silver money under the rug in the corridor. You can also hide bags filled with coins in secluded corners. And do not touch them as long as possible.

Signs: Why can't you keep a trifle at home?

  • There are such signs about trifles that small coins "break" large money. For example, you have a hundred rubles in your house with a penny - they may prevent you from drinking more than a hundred rubles, as soon as you have them, you either spend them or give you a bid.
  • There is also a belief that coins of 10 kopecks provoke quarrels, especially if they are scattered.
  • Lying just like that, idle and not intended for any specific purpose, the coin contribute to the fact that their the owner turns into a petty miser.

Coin in the boot: omen

  • Many signs about trifles They are due to the fact that the coin is put in shoes. Why is this done? Each has their own goal. Schoolchildren and students do this before exams (usually a patch is placed under the heel) to get their “five”.
  • There is also a wedding sign when the groom has a coin in one of the boots. If the young spouse removes the first one from her husband, it is this boot - it means that their life together will become successful financially.
  • Players in cards laid a penny in their boots when they went to the temple for worship. They believed that it was this coin that will contribute good luck in the game And a large meal.

A trifle on the table: sign

  • Our grandmothers were sure of such accept the little things - A trifle poured onto the table portends tears. And the coins left on the table until the morning threaten the loss of all other funds. At the same time, it is equally popular belief that under the kitchen tablecloth it is simply necessary to store one or two coins, especially if they gave someone money on debt-so it will be faster and income will increase.
  • It is also believed that Coin on the kitchen table, especially if they are not in the wallet, they quickly eat. Well, of course, they do not recommend this to do hygiene rules.
On the table
On the table

Small coins: Other signs

  • A coin following the signs of little things It is customary to throw it into any pond or a fountain in the place where you want to return at least once at least once.
  • Sellers often scatter coins around their outlet to lure fortune.
  • There are gifts for which it is necessary to symbolically “pay off” a coin. These include handkerchiefs, sharp and cutting objects, and even animals - at least a penny must be given for a puppy or kitten.
  • On Sunday, you must certainly spend the whole trifle available in your wallet, so that it has larger money.
  • Alms are served only with coinsnot paper bills. In this case, it is necessary to wish good a beggar, and do not look into his eyes.
  • The coin must be shown to the young month - then throughout the next month you will have money.
  • And when the moon is in the growth phase - carry out the calculation of the capital, allowing the lunar light to fall on them, so they will be faster "grow".
  • No need to deliberately get rid of the little things in the wallet - her ringing, in mind, is able to attract capital.

If you believe in signs, then it will also be useful for you to read the following information:

Video: Why can't you keep coins at home?

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