When you can not wash the floors at home signs? Why can't you wash the floors with a towel, in the evening, at night, after the departure of the guests, before the road? Than you can’t wash the floors: signs

When you can not wash the floors at home signs? Why can't you wash the floors with a towel, in the evening, at night, after the departure of the guests, before the road? Than you can’t wash the floors: signs

Signs related to the washing of the floor.

Our ancestors believed in signs. However, now the situation has changed, many young hostesses have no idea about possible troubles,which They are expected if they perform several simple manipulations. In this article we will tell you when and what you should not wash the floor. 

Is it possible to wash the floor in the evening: a sign

Almost everyone heard that it is impossible to wash the floor at night and in the evening. Why is this happening, what is this sign connected with? Esotericists suggest that if you do cleaning, laundry washing in the evening, you can wash well -being, success from it.

Is it possible to wash the floor in the evening, the sign:

  • Cleaning in the house after sunset can cause a quarrel, small disagreements, as well as a deterioration in the state of health of one of the households. That is why it is necessary to carry out all the manipulations to put in order at home in the morning or day.
  • In addition, it is believed that at night and evening time there is a ramp of evil spirits. After sunset, the house is filled with dead energy, so you must be careful.
  • Cleaning in the house is associated with a cleanliness, and order. Immediately after cleaning, it is necessary that the house is filled with positive energy. In the evening and night, this does not happen, since there are no sunlight.
Wash the floors
Wash the floors

Is it possible to wash the floors at night: signs

It is the day and rays of the sun that are associated with purity, kindness, as well as positive energy.

Is it possible to wash the floors at night, signs:

  • Accordingly, all cases of landscaping are carried out in the daytime and morning time.
  • It is believed that washing the floors- this is The final manipulation that helps remove all the garbage and dust from the house.
  • In the evening, this cannot be done, since an unclean force may be present in the house.
Washing the sexes
Washing the sexes

Is it possible to wash the floors after the departure of one of the family members: a sign

In no case should you wash the floors immediately after the departure of one of the family members from the house. When is it necessary to wash the floor? The ideal option is after the arrival of a person to the destination.

Wash the sign:

  • It is believed that if you wash the floor immediately after the person’s departure, then ruin and block the path back to him.
  • If you don’t know exactly when a person arrives in the indicated place, he will have a long road, then the cleaning in the house cannot be carried out another 3 days after leaving.
  • The sign is also connected with this not to wash half 9 days after the death of a person. It is believed that for 9 days a person is on the road to the next world, his soul finally leaves this world.
  • Therefore, it is best not to touch anything in the house and carry out the floors was only 9 days after death. 
Cleaning the house
Cleaning the house

When you can not wash the floors at home?

You should also not clean the house and wash the floor immediately after the guests leave. The fact is that in this way you forget the way back, soon quarrel, or the guests simply will not want to visit your house.

When you can not wash the floors at home:

  • If you are interested in maintaining friendly relations, postpone cleaning until the next day, or until the guests come home. If you want visitors who were in your house today, never come to it again, wash the floor. Thus, you will block the road back. 
  • It is worth being attentive, because you can’t wash the floor before the road, departure, since you can wash the path, make it unsuccessful, glue trouble. Please note that it is forbidden to wash the floor during church holidays. Particular attention should be paid to the Annunciation, Fedorin Day. 
  • It is advisable to wash the floor immediately after the deceased was taken out of the house, and this is not in the whole house, but along the path of the coffin, that is, in the direction of the funeral procession. Remember that close relatives in no case should be washed in the house of the deceased. More about the funeral you can find here. 
Cleaning the house
Cleaning the house

Why you can’t wash the floors with a towel: signs

Initially, the sign regarding the ban on washing the floor with towels arose in relation to unmarried girls. It was believed that in this way the beauty would not marry another 9 years. However, later it spread not only to towels, but also all the things that are in contact with the body. These are underwear, T -shirts, T -shirts, panties, as well as thermal underwear.

Why you can’t wash the floors with a towel, signs:

  • There is also a sign regarding the fact that you can not use a floor washing towel. After the towel fails, economical housewives cut it on rags, use it as a rag to clean the house.
  • This is very practical and convenient, since terry towels are made of dense and textured fabric, which absorbs moisture well, and allows you to cope with stains and pollution. However, our ancestors have never used this kind of cleaning at home.
  • The fact is that the towel absorbs the energy of its master and all the households who wiped them. Therefore, after washing the floor or garbage harvesting with such a towel, a person may begin to get sick.
  • In no case should the energy be spoiled, so such towels are recommended to be burned, thrown or stored. In addition, our ancestors were very reverent to towels due to the fact that they became part of magic rites.

Signs wash the floor with a wedding rushnya

You can even take an ordinary wedding towel, on which the newlyweds become during the wedding. This towel was considered a symbol of family and happiness.

Signs wash the gender wedding with a rushnyk:

  • It was stored in a separate place, used if one of the household was ill. Therefore, the use of towels for household purposes, to wash floors, was never done.
  • If you do not want to attract trouble, illness, or misfortune, do not use old towels to clean the house in any case. 
  • In no case should you use the towel of your partner to wash the floor. It is believed that a man can leave the family, or this will cause treason. 
Wash the floors
Wash the floors

Than you can’t wash the floors: signs

There are several more signs associated with the washing of the floors. In addition to towels, t -shirts and underwear cannot be used to wash the floor.

Than you can’t wash the floors, signs:

  • It is believed that with the help of such things you can wash material wealth from the house, and this will bring poverty to the family. Therefore, any underwear in no case can be used as a rag for washing the floor or to guide cleanliness in the house. 
  • How can you wash the floor? And it is best to use a fabric that is empty. That is, it does not contain any energy. A special rag, which is sold in the store, copes with this.
  • In addition, it is made of non -woven material, which absorbs moisture well, prevents the appearance of divorces, and carefully removes dust even from hard -to -reach places.
  • Now there is a special removable microfiber lining, which is put on a mop and fixed on it. It is hypoallergenic, prevents the development of mold and pathogenic microorganisms in it. It is such a fabric that will be a great option for washing the floor. 
Wash the floors
Wash the floors

What days to wash the floors: signs

There are some more signs associated with the washing of the floors. It is important not only the time of the day in which the cleaning is carried out, but also the day of the week.

On what days to wash the floors, signs:

  • There are days in which it is forbidden to engage in cleaning, in particular the washing of the floors. Such days include Monday and Friday. It is believed that these are days that can fill the house with negative energy.
  • Therefore, on such days, it is allowed to carry out only light assembly, with washing dishes, and cleaning on the tables. On such days you can sweep, but in no case should you wash the floor. An ideal day for cleaning the house is Thursday, and the first half of the day on Saturday.
  • The fact is that these days after the cleaning of the house, the house is saturated with positive energy that can attract wealth to the house, also wealth. 

The lack of faith in signs is associated with financial well -being, the development of culture and science. After all, earlier signs explained what science could not explain.

Video: wash the floors, signs

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