Signs and superstitions about the bird Pigeon on the street: Description. Sign, if you hear the pigeons on the roof of the house, on the tree, under the window, see a couple of pigeons, how pigeons kiss on the street, mate, like a dove crosses the road, crashed into a person: Description

Signs and superstitions about the bird Pigeon on the street: Description. Sign, if you hear the pigeons on the roof of the house, on the tree, under the window, see a couple of pigeons, how pigeons kiss on the street, mate, like a dove crosses the road, crashed into a person: Description

Signs about pigeons.


Dove is a bird of the world. Featins are considered a symbol of marital life, fidelity and love. Now practically traditions are that at weddings they launch pigeons into the sky. It is necessary that the bride and groom pick up the pigeons and let them out in a clear sky. This is a symbol of marital fidelity, as well as a long joint family life.

Signing if you hear pigeons on the roof of the house, on a tree, under the window: description

A lot of diverse signs are connected with pigeons. Pigeons clearly feel the weather changes and subtly feel the approach of trouble. Therefore, if you saw that on a sunny day the pigeons are hiding under the roof and do not fly out anywhere, expect rain, bad weather or storm. He will take a lot around the fact that the pigeons are cooked on the roof of the house and under the windows. If you notice pigeons who slowly walk near the house, pay attention, perhaps one of your neighbors and feeds birds.

To see a couple of pigeons, how do pigeons kiss on the street, mate: is this a good or bad omen?

Our grandmothers believed that coasting pigeons on the roof promise prosperity, luck, peace and happy family life for spouses, as well as people who live in this house.

Why does the pigeon crosses, crosses, flying to the road in front of the car: is it a good or bad sign?

Please note that motorists do not really complain of pigeons. Since the birds spoil the machine paint with their paws, the formation of scratches cause. In addition, they leave bird litter on the roof and hood of the car. This also causes indignation and discontent of motorists. Maybe that’s why, if the dove flies near the car, when you are driving, is not a very good sign. Perhaps some unexpected events await you. They will not necessarily be bad, but still what will happen was not entirely part of your plans.


Why see a couple of pigeons, 3 pigeons: sign

If you saw 2-3 pigeons on your window, this indicates good events. If the birds are painted white, then this promises romantic events. Perhaps you will meet your soul mate, or tie yourself in bonds.

Why does the dove fly on a person or crashed into a person: is it a good or bad sign?

If you focus on Feng Shui, it is worth noting that pigeons fly along certain lines. They are called the lines of the world. If you decipher, then the bird chooses the most subtle path that he will overcome to get from point A to point B. Accordingly, if you are faced with a dove, this suggests that your paths coincided. That is, your routes are identical, so you should treat this event well, since luck awaits you. On this day you will find success and the accomplishment of all your plans. In addition, we can assume that after a collision with a dove, your dreams will come true. Perhaps you will receive some long-awaited news or answer.

But there are negative aspects. Some people think that a collision with a dove warns you about possible problems. If you are going to fly somewhere on this day on an airplane, you should refuse to travel. Because an accident is expected.

The dove is in flight
The dove is in flight

Why did the dove fly into the yard, near the yard, fluttered in front of the window or sat on the roof of the house?

Most often, pigeons promise something pleasant. Therefore, if you noticed a bird that flew near your yard, then landed and decided to look for food, expect a pleasant news. The same means if the dove sat on the roof or window.

What does white, gray, black, brown, white with brown wings mean in folk signs?

Regarding the color of the pigeons, then it is worth being especially careful. The rarest is white color. In nature, such pigeons are small. Therefore, the white dove is a symbol of romance, happiness and a possible marriage. Therefore, if you saw a white pigeon, perhaps you will find your soul mate. Regarding gray and black dove, they carry not so optimistic news. Perhaps if the dove is black, brown or gray, sitting on the window on you, wait for not the most pleasant news. But do not be upset, since this does not bode bad. Perhaps everything does not work out as you want, but ultimately success awaits you.

Why did one pigeon or two doves get on a car: is it a good or bad sign?

Motorists simply hate pigeons, because the feathered often scratches the hood, the roof and gets the car with its excrement. If one or several pigeons have sat on your car, you should be attentive to today. Perhaps some news awaits you. In addition, try to keep your tongue on this day for your teeth and not quarrel with anyone.

Pigeons by car
Pigeons by car

Why did the pigeons settled or live under the roof: is it a good or bad sign?

Pigeons settle under the roof of a happy married couple, which will live together for many years. Therefore, when choosing housing, it is worth choosing at home, under the roofs of which, birds live. Perhaps you will be able to live with the chosen one all your life.

Why did the dove fly on the street and pecked at the leg: is it a good or bad omen?

Usually pigeons are very rarely attacked by people. Most often, this indicates a possible death of one of the relatives. Moreover, how many times the dove bite the victim, there will be so many deaths.

Why do the pigeons bring pebbles to the yard, and the mouse brought the pigeon to the windowsill?

If the bird brought you a blade of grass, stone, threads, this is about a possible improvement in the financial situation. Do not be afraid of gifts like a mouse. This is for money.

The pigeon is near the house
The pigeon is near the house

Why did the wounded, blind pigeon, chick chubby: is this a good or bad sign?

If a sick dove with a broken leg flew to the window or into the house, in no case should you drive a bird. Be sure to cure the bird and let it go. This will help you atone for some sins. If you brought a bird home, who fell ill or an attacked cat attacked him, this suggests that you are a good -natured person. This does not bode bad for you. In any case, if you cure and release the bird, expect happiness and improvement of the financial situation.

Why choose and bring home a wounded, blind pigeon, a dove's chick: a sign

In some religions, pigeons are considered the guardians of dead souls. If not so long ago, one of the loved ones died, then most likely a flying pigeon is the soul of a deceased person who wants to see you. Cure a dove - to success and money.

Why did the pigeon hit the street front door: is it a good or bad sign?

If the dove knocks on the glass or the front door, this suggests that you need to wait for the news. Or some unexpected events in life. If you met a dove on the street, this does not mean anything. Since there is a fairly large number in the city of pigeons. Moreover, both wild and those who live in a dovecote. Therefore, do not be surprised or somehow try to explain your meeting with a dove.

Pigeons kiss
Pigeons kiss

Why meet a dove on the street: is it a good or bad omen?

It all depends on whether the dove interferes with or not, and what it does. Basically, pigeons are rarely annoying and annoying and, as a rule, such a meeting carries positive energy. Most often, they try to stay away from people and simply look for food. Therefore, do not drive the pigeons. It is better to feed them with something. Perhaps you have a cracker, cookies or a piece of bread in your bag.

Why drive a dove: is it a good or bad sign?

People aged believe that driving a dove is a bad sign. It may talk about death, so try not to glue trouble on yourself on your loved ones. Be polite with feathers, try to appease them.

Why did the pigeon kill the cat: is this a good or bad sign?

Cats themselves are predators, so they like to hunt birds, such as pigeons and sparrows. But, in general, the murder of a dove is considered a rather bad sign. If you are not lucky enough to see how the cat was torn to pieces, bad news awaits you. Perhaps a disease of close people or relatives.

Many believe that the dead dove that the cat brings home is considered a bad sign. In fact, this is not so. Cats are hunters in nature and predators, so the murdered dove is a trophy and does not bode bad.

Why did the pigeon fly into the car: is it a good or bad sign?

This is unfortunately and quarrels with a loved one. It promises possible collisions on the roads and not quite a successful road.

A lot of pigeons
A lot of pigeons

Why did the pigeon go to the kiosk to work: is it a good or bad sign?

If the pigeon flew into the kiosk, then this indicates a possible disease of you or your loved ones. In addition, if the pigeon flew to your work, you expect financial difficulties that may be associated with the disease or a deterioration in health.

What is the dead pigeon under the window, on the road: omen

A dead dove is not a bad sign if you saw a peep of a bird on the road or on the street. The fact is that there can be a lot of causes of bird death. A truly bad sign is if the dove on your eyes crashed against a window, a pillar or a wall. In this case, expect the death of someone from loved ones or illness.

Other signs related to pigeons on the street: Description

There are many signs associated with pigeons:

  • If the bird climbed into your house, on the roof or ventilation and died there, this may indicate the beginning of a dark strip in your life.
  • Expect illness, material troubles and deterioration of financial well -being.
  • If the bird died on the balcony or in the garage, maybe you will face troubles or one of your friends will get sick.
  • A very bad sign is to bring down a dove by car. In this case, an accident or trouble on the road awaits you.
Pigeons on the street
Pigeons on the street

Dove is a peaceful bird that is a harbinger of good news. Do not offend and feed birds.

Video: Signs about pigeons

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