Sign: why does a cat sleep at night at the feet of a person, a master? Why does a cat or cat sleep in the legs?

Sign: why does a cat sleep at night at the feet of a person, a master? Why does a cat or cat sleep in the legs?

Signs on which cats sleep at the feet of the owner.

Cats demonstrate trust and affection. Cats do not like when they are touched or picked up without their consent. If the cat itself approaches a person and rubs about him, it means that she trusts him and wants to exchange smells. The smell is an important factor for cats, it helps them determine their territory and his friends. 

Why is the cat sleeping at the owner's feet? 

Kitty are cute animals, which are simultaneously independent and tied to their owners. They love to spend time with people, but also value their freedom and space. One of the ways of manifesting his love and trust in a person is that the cat sleeps at the feet of the owner. Why are they doing this? 

There are several possible reasons why the cat sleeps at the feet of the owner. Here are some of them: 

  • Cats love warmth. The human body emits heat, especially in the legs, where there are large blood vessels. Cats can look for a warm and cozy place for sleeping, and the owner’s legs under the blanket can be the perfect option. In addition, cats can smell the owner, which also soothes them and creates a sense of safety. 
  • Cats can sleep at the feet of the owner and because human legs are a relatively stable surface, which they prefer before moving and unreliable places. 
  • Cats can be energy vampires. In accordance with this theory, all cats are able to transform the negative energy of other living beings into a positive one. 
  • Cats can be territorial. Cats have their own character and can be quite jealous of other animals or people who are trying to take their place. When the cat sleeps at the owner’s feet, he tries to protect his person from attacks and demonstrate his superiority over others. 

Why is the cat sleeping at a woman's feet? 

Cats ask for attention and care. Cats can meow, lick, massage with paws or pushing a person’s nose to attract his attention. These are methods of communication that cats learn from an early age from their mothers. Cats want a person to devote time to them, play with them, stroked them and give them food. 

  1. Warm and cozy. A woman is considered a source of heat, and cats, as a rule, prefer warm and cozy places for sleeping. Legs are often one of the warm body zones. 
  2. Safety and comfort. Cats can feel more protected, sleeping near their master. This is due to the instinct of survival and the need for safety. 
  3. Personal space. Cats can consider legs as part of the owner’s body, which creates for them a feeling of proximity and belonging. 
  4. Attention and affection. If the cat is used to getting attention and affection from his owner, sleeping at her feet is a way to emphasize its presence and attract attention. 
  5. Individual preferences. Each cat is unique, and its preferences can depend on character, experience and education. 

The cat is sleeping at the feet: sign 

Cats are amazing creatures that amaze with their wisdom, beauty and character. They can be affectionate and tender, but adore independence and freedom. They have a special instinct and intuition, which help them feel the mood and condition of their owners. It is no accident that since ancient times, cats have been surrounded by many signs, legends and superstitions. 

One of these will accept that if the cat sleeps at the legs of a person, then this is of particular importance. On the one hand, this is an indicator of love and trust from the pet who wants to be near the owner and protect him from evil forces. On the other hand, this is a sign that the pet treats the owner from various ailments associated with the legs, such as varicose veins, arthritis, myositis and others. Kitty have the ability to suck a disease from the human body and transmit it to the Earth. 

However, not all signs of pets are so favorable. Some people believe that this portends trouble, misfortune or treason. In their opinion, the pet sleeps in his feet to weaken the owner, take away energy and strength from him. They also say that this means that the owner will be poor, unsuccessful or devoted to his second half. 

A cat who sleeps at the feet of a pregnant woman does this not by chance. She feels that the hostess has joint problems due to wearing a child-and tries to cure them and improve the health of the future mother. 

There are also folk signs explaining why the cat is sleeping with the owner. They say that the pet wants to protect the owner from poor energy and save him from accumulated in the legs where the lower chakras are located. Thus, the animal cleans not only a person, but also his bedroom. 


The cat goes to bed on the legs, reasons 

Experts drew attention to one feature - only adult cats and cats sleep at the feet of their owners. Kids choose the breast and stomach of a person - there they hear the beating of the heart, which reminds them of their mother. 

You can distinguish several reasons why cats prefer to sleep at the feet of their owners: 

  • First of all, this can serve as an expression of love, confidence and affection on the part of the pet, who seeks to be close to a person and protect him from external threats. 
  • Secondly, this behavior is due to the need for warmth, since the temperature of the body of the cats is higher than that of people, and they prefer to be in the warmest corner of the bed. 
  • Thirdly, the physiological and behavioral characteristics of cats can also affect their preference to sleep in the legs, where they feel safe and protected from possible anxiety. 

Nevertheless, not all owners share the joy of the fact that their cats prefer to sleep in their feet. Some express fears regarding the possible effect on health, since cats can transmit diseases, parasites or allergens. There are also various beliefs associated with this behavior. Some consider it positively, believing that the cat treats the owner from diseases of the lower extremities, such as varicose veins, arthritis or myositis. However, other versions portend misfortune, poverty or treason 

Why is the cat always sleeping in the legs? 

Often fluffy pets prefer to fall asleep in bed of their owners, especially at night or early in the morning. Why do cats choose a place at the feet? This is their way to recognize the owner as the leader of his “pack” and leader. In addition to this, such a place provides them with convenience and safety: there is no risk of being crushed if the owner changes the situation in a dream, and you can always jump quickly if there is a need. If the cat falls asleep at the head, this is due to the attractiveness for him of your hair or smell of skin, which explains why cats prefer to sleep even on the pillows of their owners. 

Why is the cat sleeping between the legs? 

Experts believe that cats sleep at the feet of their owners because of the hierarchy in their relationship. Cats do not seek to be the main in the family, so they are arranged in place at the feet. This means that your cat respects you as a leader and leader if she often sleeps at your feet. 

And if the cat prefers to lie on your chest, then this happens for several reasons: 

  • She is not afraid of you and feels sympathy for you. 
  • She wants to note you with her smell as her territory and property. 
  • She shows you her trust, since in a dream she is very vulnerable. 
  • Looking for contact with you through the heat and rhythm of your heart. 

The cat sleeps between the legs of the housewife 

Cats sleep between human legs for various reasons, but the most common of them is warm. Cats love warm places, and human legs secrete heat and create a cozy atmosphere. In addition, cats can sleep between the legs to feel intimacy and trust in their master, as well as exchange smells. 

We offer to look into our other articles about kittens and adult cats:

Video: signs on which cats sleep at the feet of the owner

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