The smell in the microwave: causes, preventive measures. How to get rid of the smell of burning and products in the microwave?

The smell in the microwave: causes, preventive measures. How to get rid of the smell of burning and products in the microwave?

The reasons for the appearance and methods of eliminating the smell in the microwave.

Supporting cleanliness in the microwave oven is very simple. It is necessary to clean the surfaces in time from pollution, as well as sometimes use household chemistry. In this article we will tell you how to get rid of the unpleasant odor in the microwave.

The smell in the microwave: Reasons

The reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the microwave:

  • Remains of burned food on the walls of the microwave
  • Cooking, warming products with garlic or fish
  • If something is buried in the microwave
The smell in the microwave
The smell in the microwave

The smell of burning in the microwave: how to get rid?

Ways to get rid of the stench in the microwave:

  • For this, it is best to use lemon. Cut the whole fetus into 4 parts put in a microwave. In the center between the slices, put a glass of water.
  • Turn on the device for 3 minutes. As a result of such manipulation, lemon juice will evaporate and smell good.
  • Accordingly, you will get a pleasant aroma, and the citric acid that evaporates will clean the walls. After that, it is necessary to rinse the household device with soap water
  • You can get rid of the smell of burning with the help of table vinegar. It is necessary to prepare the solution. To do this, 50 g of vinegar dissolves in 500 milliliters of water. This mixture is poured into a jar and is placed for several minutes in a microwave. Please note that during such a manipulation it is best to ventilate the room. Because the smell of vinegar will be felt. After that it is necessary to carefully rinse the walls of the device with soap water.
  • If such methods have not helped, you can use fragrant herbs. To do this, a decoction or a solution with a few drops of essential oils of lemon balm, lavender or oregano warm for several minutes in the device. Thanks to the smell of fragrant herbs, the smell of Gary will disappear.
  • Remember that first of all you need to remove the Gary source from the walls, remove the burnt dishes and products.
  • You can also try Get rid of the smell of burnt food with a toothpaste with mint or menthol. It is necessary to apply on a toothbrush or old sponge and wipe the walls of microwave oven. Leave for several hours, then wash off with warm water.
The smell of burning in the microwave
The smell of burning in the microwave

How to remove the smell from the microwave?

Ways to combat an unpleasant odor:

  • Activated carbon It is an excellent sorbent that absorbs smells. It is necessary to leave a dish with salt and activated coal at night at night. Press it into powder. There is no need to turn on the device. Do not forget to close the door. In this case, activated carbon will absorb all smells.
  • We remove the unpleasant odor with tea. Take a bag of tea, immerse it in cold water and turn it on for 20 minutes, in maximum power. As a result of constant boiling of tea, an unpleasant odor will disappear. It is necessary not to open the door until the tea in a glass cools. After that, just carry out processing with soap water.
  • If something is buried in the microwave oven, you can use the onion. You need to clean 2 medium -sized bulbs in the microwave, close, leave the root crops for the whole night. In the morning, remove the onion from the furnace and rinse the walls with soap solution.
  • You can use everyday products that are sold in the chemistry store. Usually they are sold in the form of a sprayer or ordinary means that are diluted with water.
  • The best option for microwave ovens is a remedy in a spray gun. Because it is easily applied, penetrates into hard -to -reach places. It is recommended to carry out microwave processing at least once a month.
The smell in the microwave
The smell in the microwave

How to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the microwave?

Preventive measures that prevent the appearance of odor in the microwave:

  • After heating the food, be sure to open the door for two to three minutes so that the smell is released
  • For heating, use special covers so that there are no food leftovers on the walls of the microwave
  • About once a week, wipe the walls of the microwave with ordinary soap solution
  • Try not to cook food in the microwave, which has a very persistent, unpleasant odor
  • This applies to fish products, as well as garlic
The smell in the microwave
The smell in the microwave

Observing the cleanliness of the microwave is quite simple, the main thing is to regularly clean it of food residues and prevent their accumulations on the walls of the household appliance.

Video: Remove the smell in the microwave

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Comments K. article

  1. I got rid of the smell of Gary with the help of Odorgon prof.

  2. Overheated in the fish in the microwave. The entire microwave was saturated with the smell of Gary from food. Even after warming up other dishes, the smell of fish was felt. Then the merlloff was processed inside. All smells have disappeared.

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