How to sharpen the scissors on your own at home with a donkey, bar, sharpener, sandpaper, metal sponge, foil, glass jar, needle: instructions. How to care for scissors to extend their service life?

How to sharpen the scissors on your own at home with a donkey, bar, sharpener, sandpaper, metal sponge, foil, glass jar, needle: instructions. How to care for scissors to extend their service life?

In this article, we will consider how to sharpen or quickly reanimate scissors at home.

Despite a wide variety of scissors selection, you still need to find a good tool. And many Chinese fakes will not be able to replace a quality analogue. But over time, the sharpness of the blade is dull, and sharpening in the workshop costs a lot of money. Moreover, we will share with you certain advice and complete recommendations on how to sharpen the blade of scissors at home on our own.

Why scissors are poorly cut: reasons

Before the direct sharpening of the tool, it is worthwhile to understand what exactly the problem is. Most often, the reason for the poor operation of the tool is not at all because of the stupid blades of scissors.

  • Over time, a special screw that fastens the blades is weakening. Because of this, the blades of the blades do not fit as much as it should be, and therefore they can crumple or even light the cutting material. This problem can be solved very simply - just thoroughly twist the bolt.
  • After that, it is necessary to make sure that there are no distances between the ends of the blades. If you nevertheless noticed a minimum gap between the scabbard, then it is worthwhile to file a restraint with a file, which are located next to the same screw. Just keep in mind that you do not need to overdo it. After all, no backlash should also appear. Therefore, make neat and incoming movements.
  • If this procedure did not bring the desired result and the scissors are also poorly cut, then the problem is already in a blunt blade.
You need to check if the bolt is well tightened
You need to check if the bolt is well tightened

How to sharpen scissors at home: Basic rules

Technically, it is possible to fix the scissors only with the help of special tools. It is not very simple to do this at home, but it is quite possible if you adhere to some tips from professionals.

  • The blades of the scissors must be sharpened at the same angle at which they were sharpened initially. Otherwise, you can only ruin the tool and make it even more stupid.
  • Do not grind the blades of the scissors with the movement “back and forth”. This can hide them even more. The scissors should be sharpened exclusively in the direction of "to yourself."
  • After you sweat the blades of the scissors, you can walk along them with fine sandpaper to protect yourself from burrs. To check them, walk your finger along the blade itself, but not on the very sharp edge. Otherwise, you can even cut. If you feel some tubercles or roughness, then they still need to be polished.
  • Firmly fix the scissors at a certain angle and do not leave it. Ideally, it is better to provide this difficult matter for a man with a “firm” hand. Otherwise, the scissors will cut the material with plots or even chew it.
  • It is best to sharpen the blades of scissors on a special machine with fine -grained or medium -ry spraying. A correctly selected sharpening tool will make it possible to maintain the operability of the cutting tool for the longest possible time.
Take the scissors only at the factory angle
Take the scissors only at the factory angle

How to flood the blades of scissors with a donkey?

You can choose a stone anyone that you will find in a household. But it is advisable to choose a bilateral item where there will be a rude and soft side. When working, you need to start from the first option, and polish sharpening with small grains.

Important: before sharpening, the scissors need to be disassembled. This will greatly simplify the problem of sharpening. Moreover, you will not damage another blade, you will not be able to get hurt and make all the work better.

  • The stone itself needs to be placed on the fabric and moisten a little with water. This will help to do work easier and better, and also protect from unnecessary dust when stuck.
  • You can also use oil. A special oil for sharpening cutting tools is sold in hardware stores, however, you can use ordinary sunflower or linseed oil.
  • Please note that it is necessary to hide the scissors, starting from the original factory sharpening. It is not recommended to change the angle of sharpening, since it can only be covered with the tool and make it unsuitable.
  • The blade should be applied to the stone strictly in parallel, that is, the scissors should completely lie on the surface of the stone. You need to drive the blade slowly, from the base of the tool to the tip. In this case, the scissors should not be tilted.
  • And remember - you need to work only in one direction. If you have already begun to work on the left on the right, then continue only in this.
  • First of all, pull the inner blade flat ends. That is, this is so a side that is associated with the material during cutting, but does not go at an angle. After its sharpening, you need to catch the factory corner and walk on this side of the blade with each side. It is this line between the two data of the corners and is responsible for the severity of the scissors.
  • On average, for sharpening, 10-20 movements are required with each side. After sharpening the first blade, do similar procedures with another blade.
  • Be careful and follow your hands so as not to get hurt. Hands should be protected with special leather gloves.
  • To remove burrs, you need to collect and disassemble the scissors themselves several times, twisting the average bolt. Then you need to cut the desired material (paper or fabric).
  • If the blade goes smoothly, then you managed to reanimate old scissors. If there are torn areas or blade cuts with difficulty, then you should once again do such a procedure with a bolt.
  • In conclusion, do not forget to wipe the blades themselves with a damp cloth to remove the crumbs from the stone. But do not try to wash them or then wipe them dry to avoid the appearance of rust.
The donkey will help to sharply and quickly sharpen the scissors at home
The donkey will help to sharply and quickly sharpen the scissors at home

How to work with a grind stone to sharpen scissors: tips

This method is the most difficult, but also the most virgin. After all, it is guaranteed to extend the service life of the scissors, ensuring proper severity. But you need to strictly adhere to the right angle, the above rules and safety instructions.

Important: only those who have already encountered such a sharpener themselves can work with such a tool. This method of sharpening is very dangerous, especially in inept hands.

  • Keep in mind that you need to choose only a fine -grained stone. Rough grains can injure you and spoil the tool.
  • In principle, the basis of the work is not too different from the previous method. Also, for convenience, disassemble the scissors. Attach them to the right angle to the stone itself to catch the corner. And make sure that the blade itself is tightly pressed against the stone.
  • Process both sides of the blade, strictly observing the slope. Also work with another blade.
  • And do not forget that the speed of rotation is very large, so put on the gloves of special leather to protect your hands. Also note that a small tool will be extremely uncomfortable and even dangerous to sharpen it. This is the most optimal method for garden scissors.
Current stone is good to drag more, for example, garden scissors
Current stone is good to drag more, for example, garden scissors

How to sharpen scissors at home with a bar?

Such a piece of fine -grained stone is found in every housewife in the kitchen. If it is not at hand, then you need to purchase, because the thing is really necessary. This tool will sharpen both manicure and even household scissors.

  • Place the bar on the fabric and fix it with one hand so that it does not go. Open the scissors as widely and apply at an angle of sharpening.
  • Moving from the bolt to the tip of the blade, tightly pressing the scissors. Without removing your hand, you return to the starting position, but without pressure.
  • Do about 15-30 movements. Do not forget to moisten the stone periodically. All manipulations are carried out with each blade and with each angle. After all, the edge of the sharpening itself will talk about sharpness.
  • In conclusion, wipe the scissors from the dust with a damp cloth and check for the presence of burrs.
You can thread large and small scissors with a throw
You can thread large and small scissors with a throw

How foil will help to sharpen the scissors for a long time: description, instruction

The foil, which all housewives are used to using exclusively for baking in the oven can serve as an excellent method of emergency sharpening of blades, but not for a long time. Moreover, for these purposes, even wraps from candy wrappers or sweets can be used.

  • To return the former severity of the blades, you need to take a foil sheet and fold it several times. It is desirable, at least 3-5 times, so that there is sufficient thickness, because then the sharpening will pass faster.
  • As soon as the foil is folded, start cutting it with scissors. Just cut the material into strips of 1 cm. On average, you need to make 10-30 cuts. Do not forget that the material of the scissors also affects the speed of sharpening and dulling.
  • Periodically check the severity of the blade. When you are satisfied with the final result, you can start working with a sharp tool.
Foil can be quickly and simply sharpen the scissors
Foil can be quickly and simply sharpen the scissors

How to quickly sharpen the scissors with a kitchen metal sponge?

Everyone is familiar with situations when sharpened scissors are necessary here and now, and there are no sharp instruments at hand. The blades of the scissors can always be sharpened in a glance with improvised means. True, the sharpness of the blade will be enough for literally a few applications, after which it will be necessary to flood them normally.

  • Everyone knows that with the help of a metal kitchen sponge you can clean even the most powerful contaminants. The principle of work is the same as with foil. The kitchen hard sponge must simply be cut with scissors as smaller as possible.
    • The only negative of this method is a huge number of iron villi from a sponge that will be hard to collect. Therefore, do not forget to pre -launch a plastic bag or unnecessary fabric so that it is easier to collect garbage.

Sharpening of scissors with sandpaper

  • Also, fine -grained sandpaper is also suitable for emergency sharpening. Scissors should make a couple of cutting movements on it. For the best effect, it will be possible to fold it in half, so the blade on both sides will immediately be hidden. As a result, the blades will noticeably become sharper.
  • By the way, an additional plus of these methods is that the scissors are cleaned from garbage or some pollution.
Even a metal kitchen sponge will help to focus on the scissors
Even a metal kitchen sponge will help to focus on the scissors

How to sharpen the scissors quickly if there are no tools at hand: a glass jar, a gypsy needle

Sometimes you need to quickly reanimate the blade to carry out some kind of work with scissors. And such simple life lifes will help out in many situations. But keep in mind that they will need to be good well.

  • Many housewives use the most ordinary glass jar or bottle for emergency and quick sharpening of scissors blades. It should be chosen with a rather thick glass and the one that you will not use in the future.
    • Again, the principle of operation is the same as with foil or metal sponge. With scissors, it is worthwhile to “cut” the jar until the blades become sharper.
  • In the second method, take a regular gypsy needle or even a screwdriver. By the way, this method is perfect for manicure small scissors.
  • The needle should be fixed as close to the base of the scissors and close them. Closing, slowly move the needle from the base to the ends. Such an action should be repeated several times.
Glass containers rapidly reanimes the sharpness of scissors
Glass containers rapidly reanimes the sharpness of scissors

How to preserve the severity of the scissors for the longest possible time: tips

Adhering to the rather simple rules for the operation of scissors, you can maintain their performance for many years, dispensing with the repair or sharpening of blades.

  • Always pay attention to what exactly you do with scissors. Exclude the ability to cut with tailor scissors a sheet of paper or cardboard, because for this there are special stationery scissors.
    • Also take care of scissors from households. Children, like no one else, love to cut with tailor scissors a dense cardboard or plasticine, and sometimes there’s nothing to cut fins in the fish. All of this should be carefully monitored and such cases should be excluded.
  • The best option would be to take a special place for scissors, which only you will know about. And do not forget to choose a suitable cover for them.
  • If you worked with culinary products or plants, then do not forget to disinfect the material. But send for storage only in a dry state.
  • Also, do not forget, if you often have to cut lightning or metal threads, then in this case it is also better to purchase individual scissors for these manipulations.
  • And always make sure that the metal is less likely to state with moisture. After all, the scissors will not only start faster from her, but also rim.

If you often work with scissors, then purchase a special sharpener for them. Simple movement with such an object will quickly and simply imprison the scissors, helping to constantly hold their sharpness.

Video: How to sharpen the scissors yourself?

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Comments K. article

  1. Is there a mistake here? In the paragraph:
    How to work with a grind stone to sharpen scissors: tips
    This method is the most difficult, but also the most virgin.
    Is it so intended? (... the most virgin way)

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