The norm of leukocytes during pregnancy in a smear, urine and blood. Causes and treatment of increased and low white blood cells in the blood, urine, smear during pregnancy

The norm of leukocytes during pregnancy in a smear, urine and blood. Causes and treatment of increased and low white blood cells in the blood, urine, smear during pregnancy

From this article you will learn what leukocytes are, which they play the role in the body of a person and a pregnant woman. And also what is their norm in the blood, urine, smear during pregnancy and what the increased level of their content indicates.

It is very important for the body, especially a pregnant woman, so that the leukocytes are normal. These white blood cells protect the body from viruses, various bacteria and other foreign substances. Therefore, pregnant women need to regularly take various tests in which the number of leukocytes is determined. They can be found in the urine, and in the smear, and in the blood.

Urine analysis during pregnancy: Analysis

Urine analysis is required during pregnancy and you need to hand over it before every visit to the gynecologist, i.e. In the first trimester, the woman passes the analysis every 3-4 weeks, in the second-once every 2 weeks, then until the end of pregnancy the woman passes it once a week.

Analysis of urine pregnant
Analysis of urine pregnant

In order for urine analysis to give reliable results, it must be correctly assembled:

  • before the analysis fence, hygiene of the external genitalia needs to be carried out
  • the entrance to the vagina must be closed with a wool or a swab so that the discharge does not spoil the analysis
  • the fence is made in a sterile container that can be bought in a pharmacy
  • the first urine is passed, the average portion is collected
  • no later than 1.5 hours after gathering urine, it must be delivered to the laboratory

If the urine analysis is bad, the doctor will ask to retake it in case it was collected incorrectly, and this influenced the results.

The number of leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy: norm

By doing urine, the laboratory assistant, in addition to other indicators, determines the concentration of leukocytes. Their number in the urine of the future mother is slightly increased in comparison with other people, because The body needs to increase protective functions during the gestation of the child. However, the norms for pregnant women still exist and should not exceed certain indicators.

The norm of leukocytes in the urine for pregnant women is from 0 to 3 units.

If the level of leukocytes has grown sharply, additional examinations need to be carried out to identify the cause of this growth and start the necessary treatment in time.

Conducting an analysis of urine to pregnant women on leukocytes
Conducting an analysis of urine to pregnant women on leukocytes

It should be noted that the analysis fence cannot also lead to the detection of excess leukocytes, so the doctor will first prescribe the analysis and remind you how to properly collect the urine for analysis.

Increased leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy: Causes

Already by the color of urine, it is possible to determine whether leukocytes can be increased or not: if they are increased, urine becomes dark and muddy, and also has a loose precipitate.

  • An increased amount of leukocytes in the body of a pregnant woman is very dangerous for the development of such a disease as leukocytosis. It develops quite rapidly, sometimes in a matter of hours. To prevent this from happening, the leukocytes have to be found because of which, and begin treatment. To determine the problem, the doctor prescribes additional research and tests
  • Most often, increased leukocytes indicate the presence of any inflammatory process in the genitourinary system, for example, cystitis or candidiasis. In the first case, the treatment will take place for about 10 days and correctly selected drugs will not harm the fetus, as well as the heated disease. But the second disease, simply thrush, is quite common in pregnant women, especially in the late stages
  • Pyelonephritis It also causes an increase in leukocytes in the urine, this is a very dangerous kidney disease. Treatment should start as early as possible and approach it with all seriousness

After the problem is discovered, an individual treatment is prescribed for the future mother, which depends on both the gestational age and the pathogen and its sensitivity to drugs.

Muddy and dark urine with an increased level of white blood cells during pregnancy
Muddy and dark urine with an increased level of white blood cells during pregnancy

If you determine the cause of increased leukocytes, or in the case when the prescribed treatment does not help, the pregnant woman is prescribed a scheme for taking antibiotics.

However, some women refuse to take the prescribed treatment, which worsens the course of the disease and harm themselves and the baby than prescribed drugs. Such an irresponsible solution can lead to sad consequences, up to the termination of pregnancy.

The number of leukocytes in the smear during pregnancy: norm

A smear for analysis is taken in a pregnant woman at least 2 times:

  • when registering
  • at 30 weeks

If any of the indicators was not normal, the strokes are taken several more times additionally.

White blood cells in a smear during pregnancy under a microscope
White blood cells in a smear during pregnancy under a microscope

In a pregnant woman, the normal number of leukocytes in a smear is 10-20 units. If it is increased, the woman will be prescribed additional tests to determine the cause of their increase and the focus of the disease.

Increased leukocytes in the smear during pregnancy: Causes

The smear for analysis is given at least twice in the entire pregnancy. In addition to other substances, the laboratory assistant under the microscope determines the number of leukocytes. If the number of leukocytes is greater than the established norm, this indicates the presence of inflammation or any infection.

The more white blood cells are found in the smear, the more serious the disease, and the more dangerous for pregnant and fetus. An increased amount of leukocytes works as a beacon - shows the presence of a disease, but to determine the focus, a woman will need to undergo additional examinations and take tests, for example, PCR, bacteriological sowing, etc.

A smear on the flora during pregnancy. The norm of leukocytes in the smear
A smear on the flora during pregnancy. The norm of leukocytes in the smear

They follow the fact that it is not necessary for a woman who was ill with a detected disease during pregnancy, it often happens that the disease has long been in the body, but it was in a hidden form, and during the period of bearing a child, when the load increased on the body, it was activated and It was determined by increased leukocytes found in the smear.

An increase in the number of leukocytes more than the norm may indicate such diseases:

  • candidiasis
  • vaginosis
  • kolpit
  • sexually transmitted diseases (and this is more than 20 infections)
  • and other diseases

Treatment of the causes of an increased level of leukocytes in the smear is prescribed by a doctor individually by each pregnant woman, depending on the gestational age, stage of the disease and the sensitivity of the pathogen to one or another drug.

If the source of the disease is not found or local treatment does not give positive results, perhaps the expectant mother will be prescribed a course of antibiotics, the use of which should not be neglected, because Infected genital tracts are very dangerous for the child and can provoke premature birth. In addition, during childbirth, the child will need to go through them, so it is necessary to cure the cause of an increased number of leukocytes as soon as possible.

The number of leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy: norm

  • Blood for analysis is donated, like many other tests, in the morning on an empty stomach. Expectant mothers need to regularly take this analysis
  • The level of leukocytes in human blood throughout his life changes for many reasons. In women who bear the child, the number of leukocytes in the blood is slightly increased compared to other people
  • For example, in a healthy person, in the norm of leukocytes, it should be in the range of 4-8.8 x 10 in 9/hu pregnant. The norm is from 4 to 15 x 10 in 9/l

This is explained:

  • activation of all the protective forces of the body
  • concentration of leukocytes in the uterus
  • blood seal
  • this is needed to reduce the uterus
  • a decrease in the number of lymphocytes

You can also make a more detailed analysis and compose a leukocyte formula, because There are 5 types of leukocytes with functions that are excellent from each other:

  • neutrophils - detect a bacterial infection and fight it
  • lymphocytes are responsible for the immunity and immune memory of cells
  • monocytes - find foreign substances in the blood and absorb them
  • eosinophils - fight allergens
  • basophils - help in the detection of foreign substances
Types of leukocytes in blood during pregnancy
Types of leukocytes in blood during pregnancy

According to the leukocyte formula, the doctor will be able to:

  • evaluate the general condition and immunity of the pregnant woman
  • determine how seriously the disease is and at what stage it is
  • determine a viral disease or bacterial
  • establish the presence of parasites in the body or allergens

Why are bloody blood cells in blood during pregnancy?

The level of leukocytes in the blood indicates the following possible deviations:

  • the presence of an inflammatory process
  • the presence of infections, both bacterial and viral
  • if there is an intoxication of the body
  • there was bleeding, including in the internal organs
  • the pregnant woman has allergies
  • with viral pneumonia
  • the future mother has anemia
  • there are liver diseases
  • with winds
Increased level of leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy
Increased level of leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy

Doctors also identified the physiological reasons for increasing the number of leukocytes:

  • in the last weeks of pregnancy
  • during childbirth
  • during bleeding
  • if the muscles are tense
  • with burns and other injuries
  • if a pregnant woman experiences pain
  • during stress or strong emotional surge
  • 2 hours after eating
  • after the bath, both cold and hot

Why is reduced leukocytes during pregnancy?

If the number of leukocytes is reduced, this may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • viral hepatitis
  • malaria
  • renal failure
  • measles
  • rubella
  • flu
  • colitis and gastritis
  • tuberculosis
  • with endocrine disorders

Treatment of leukocytes during pregnancy

Most diseases that are listed above are dangerous for both mother and fetus, therefore it is very important to find the problem in time and begin treatment as early as possible.

The treatment of pregnant women is somewhat more complicated due to their position, because not every drug can be taken during pregnancy due to their negative effects on the development of the fetus.

Treatment of leukocytes during pregnancy
Treatment of leukocytes during pregnancy

But not to be treated at all, not a way out, because Most of the diseases can provoke a miscarriage, premature birth, defects in the development of the fetus, the presence of chronic diseases in it. Therefore, the expectant mother should undergo treatment under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Timely and qualified treatment, as well as constant observation by a doctor, will allow the pregnant woman to enjoy the happiest time in her life.

VIDEO: Leukocytes. White blood formula

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