Preparations for stopping lactation: bromocaphore, bromocript, and dinex. Lactation termination: reviews, doctors' advice

Preparations for stopping lactation: bromocaphore, bromocript, and dinex. Lactation termination: reviews, doctors' advice

How to stop lactation with the help of medicines and folk methods?

The benefits of breast milk for the baby are not in doubt. It is pleasant that breastfeeding again becomes “fashionable” and young mothers do not refuse to feed the baby with full -fledged mother's milk. But the time comes when lactation must be stopped. How to suppress breast milk production? What is better: modern tablets or "grandmother" recipes to use to solve the problem? Let's try to figure it out.

At what age to feed the baby with breast milk?

Currently, it is believed that the baby should be breastfeed for up to a year or a year and a half, or even more. Gradually, other foods are added to the baby’s diet, and the amount of breast milk is reduced. Modern pediatricians believe what to excommunicate the baby from the chest It is possible in the presence of almost all the milk teeth and when the crumbs fade away the sucking reflex.

This process can be delayed even up to 2-3 years. At this time, the child usually refuses the mother’s breast. Such a scenario of the cessation of breastfeeding occurs naturally and physiologically, without injuring her mother and her baby.

BabyWhy do mothers stop lactation?

Other life situations happen when a woman has to abandon breastfeeding and stop lactation. Premature refusal of breastfeeding may be associated with the causes:

  • anomalous structure of the mother nipples and undeveloped chest glands;
  • repeated pregnancy;
  • for medical reasons;
  • when a woman goes to work and the inability to maintain breastfeeding;
  • a matured child and the transition to full baby food.

When you can not excommunicate a baby from your chest?

Refusing breastfeeding is a stressful situation, both for the mother and the baby. Milk cannot abruptly disappear from the chest glands. Milk production causes pain and chest stress, causing a certain discomfort in a woman.

The child even more heavily tolerates “parting” with maternal breasts. Emotions, tears, whims - accompany excommunication from breastfeeding. As a rule, the child begins to get sick more often, diseases are heavier and longer than before.

The baby cannot be excommunicated from the chest in the following circumstances:

  • the summer period when the opportunity is great to catch intestinal infection;
  • during the teething period in the baby;
  • during illness and elevated body temperature of the child;
  • at the stage of the change of life situations: moving, the appearance of a nanny, a journey, a kindergarten.

In any case, to decide the mother: whether it is so necessary to deprive mother’s milk with a crumb at this stage. Before you decide on such a step, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons, remembering the saying: "Measure seven times - cut one."

Crying a childCessation of lactation using drugs

You should understand: resort to the termination of lactation with the help of medicines, you can only according to a strict medical recommendation, and not on the advice of a girlfriend. The modern pharmaceutical industry produces a number of drugs that depress the lactation process.

Preparations for suppressing lactation can be purchased at a pharmacy according to a doctor's prescription. An independent choice of medicine is unacceptable due to numerous side manifestations of pills.

PharmacyLactation tablets

Currently, doctors use the following drugs to suppress lactation: bromochaper, bromocript, dilanx and their analogues with the same active substance from different manufacturers.

Bromkamfor 250 mg, tablets

Inexpensive synthetic drug that has a sedative effect due to the presence of bromine. Acts on the central nervous system, improves heart activity, eliminates increased nervous excitability and anxiety.

The instructions for use do not indicate the use of tablets to reduce lactation, but doctors prescribe this drug for this purpose. The usual dose for adults: 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day after meals.

BROMOMOKRIPTIN 2.5 mg, tablets

A synthetic drug acting on central dopamine receptors. Reduces the secretion of prolactin - the hormone of the anterior pituitary gland. It suppresses physiological lactation and is used in the treatment of many female diseases: violation of the menstrual cycle, female infertility, mastopathy, etc.

The dosage of the tablets is installed and adjusted to the doctor individually for each patient, depending on the tolerance of the drug. The medicine has many side effects and contraindications, is prescribed strictly according to medical indications.

There are analogues of bromocriptine that produce different manufacturers under other names that have different prices. This is: parlot, bromocriptine richeter, Abergin.

TabletsRedinex: Instructions for use

Apnex is a pharmaceutical brand of the famous American company Pfizer with the active substance - Cabergoline. It is produced in tablets with a dosage of 0.5 mg of 2 or 8 tablets in the package. The drug is prescribed by doctors for many diseases associated with an increased content of prolactin - the lactor hormone of the pituitary gland.

The mechanism of action of the drug lies in the direct effects of carbergoline on the receptors of the lactropic cells of the pituitary gland. There is an effective and prolonged decrease in prolactin in blood plasma.

The scheme for taking the tablets and the course and duration of the course is set by a doctor. Usually, the following treatment is prescribed to stop lactation: half a tablet, which is 0.25 mg, is taken every 12 hours. The course of treatment is 2 days.


Analogs of the dinenex

Apnex is a visiting brand card of the company Pfizer. The original drug has a high cost, so not every woman can afford to be treated with this drug.

There are similar drugs that differ in a democratic price that includes the same active component - Cabergoline, which suppresses lactation.

Drugs - analogues of the bestialx:

  • Agalates 0.5 mg, tablets No. 2 and No. 8 (Czech Republic);
  • Agalates 0.5 mg, tablets No. 8 (Israel);
  • Bergolak 0.5 mg, tablets No. 2 and No. 8 (Russia)

Side effects of drugs to suppress lactation

Taking tablets causing lactation, one should not forget about the side effects of drugs:

  • allergic manifestations;
  • dizziness;
  • depression and depressive conditions;
  • pressure drops;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • hormonal disbalance.

TabletsFolk methods of reducing lactation

There are many ways to reduce lactation that our mothers and grandmothers also used. Many of them have lost their relevance and can even harm female health, such as tight tug of the chest glands. Some tips should be paid attention to and use them without health fears.

It has long been known the property of sage and mint to cause fading lactation.

Shalle herbal recipe:

1 tablespoon of sage (without a slide) pour a glass of boiling water. Insist. Daily reception-1-2 cups of tea.

Mint tea recipe:

Mint leaves (5 g - a teaspoon with top) steam a glass of boiling water and insist. Drink during the day.

Herbal teas act softly and gradually reduce milk production.

Herbal teaWhich method of stopping lactation to choose?

What way to choose to stop lactation, every woman chooses herself. On the Internet, many forums discuss different methods of stopping lactation, understanding errors and tips are given on how to avoid them and correctly stop the production of milk.

Tips and reviews for the cessation of lactation

Reviews about tablets and methods that suppress lactation are different. Some mothers prefer folk recipes, time -tested, others resort to pharmaceutical drugs. Here are some reviews.

Maria Sawed up to suppress lactation. There were no side effects of the drug. The chest immediately softened. Satisfied with the result.

Elena The first two sons were excommunicated from the chest in the old way. There was both temperature and pain, practically reached mastitis. I was terribly tormented. To suppress lactation when breastfeeding, the third son was used by Rush. I did not expect such a quick effect. Among the minuses, she noted the headache and nausea that passed after taking the pills.

Yana I had to stop lactation due to work. I was afraid to drink pills due to side effects. At first, she reduced the number of feedings with breasts, drank tea with sage and mint. Then I put it to the child’s chest only at night. Gradually, the milk "burned out".

At the receptionDoct's tips to stop lactation

  • We need good reasons to deprive the baby of breastfeeding. Maternal milk cannot replace even the best nutritious mixtures for babies.
  • In forced situations, when the mother is in the hospital separately from the baby, if it is not possible to breastfeed the baby, it is advisable to express mother’s milk. Mother's milk can be stored at - 18 degrees in the freezer up to a month - provided that it is collected in a sterile bottle. Even with boiling, the beneficial properties of breast milk are not lost. It will be much more useful than nutritious mixtures.
  • It is reasonable to express milk for the time of mother's illness if she is prescribed potent medicines. After the cancellation of medicines, breastfeeding can be resumed.
  • When choosing a decision to stop lactation, you should consult a doctor to consult the correct method.
  • The use of medicines is not the best way to eliminate lactation. In addition to many side effects, such tablets can cause a prolonged effect of action, which can negatively affect lactation during subsequent pregnancy.
  • The best way to eliminate lactation is a natural path. The sudden excommunication of the baby from the chest is not recommended. The process should take place smoothly and sequentially.
  • First you should carry out incomplete combustion of the chest - until the voltage removal. Gradually, lactation fades within 2-3 weeks.
  • Rubbing states of the chest and discomfort can be removed by cold compresses with softened cabbage leaves or milk serum.
  • Herbal teas with sage and mint will help reduce lactation.
  • And the most important advice: if you have, at least the slightest chance to preserve breastfeeding - use it!

BabyDr. Komarovsky about the excommunication of the baby from the chest and the cessation of lactation: Video

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Comments K. article

  1. I had an epileptic seizure in 2010 from taking 2 bromaforian tablets. I wanted to stop lactation, but in the end I felt all the charms of loss of consciousness with convulsions, my husband saved me. I still remember with horror. People do not take this medicine, many have such a side effect, read the Internet!

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