Market and heart proposal - how they do and where: the best ideas, video

Market and heart proposal - how they do and where: the best ideas, video

An offer of marriage - This is not just a question, this is one of the most exciting moments. In the end, it is here that you decide whether you want to spend the rest of your life together. And since this moment is very important, you naturally want to make it as special as possible.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How beautifully and original to respond with the consent and refusal to the sentence of a guy?".

From this article you will learn how to make an offer beautifully and to be remembered for a long time. You will find several ideas, and for both men and women. Read further.

Man or woman: who should make a marriage proposal and heart?

An offer of marriage
An offer of marriage

Of course, there are many couples in which a man or woman spontaneously decides to ask their partner the main question and offer a hand and heart. And it can be very romantic. But most of them want to come up with something special and therefore plan their marriage proposal in advance. After all, with a spontaneous act, you will have to do without engagement rings. But who should do this according to the rules - a man or a woman?

  • Do you want to get married, but a man should ask for anyway? No, this was a long time ago. More and more women prefer to take business in their own hands and come up with creative offers of their hands and hearts.
  • And even if there are many women for whom this would never have been an option, you can say for sure: women, dare! You can also put on a wedding ring on it.

So, if you are a man or woman, and you made a decision - do you want to make an ideal wedding proposal to your soulmate? First you should think in advance: do you want to ask your hands in private or your lover or lover like a really big romantic show before the public? Remember that not everyone likes it when other people watch them at this intimate moment.

Video: The most unexpected and touching offer of marks and heart !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do marry and heart proposal make: the best ideas

The marriage proposal is not only a significant, but also a very emotional moment. Tears of joy often flow - that is why many men and women prefer to ask all questions alone. How to do this correctly if you want to offer your hand and heart with my soulmate romantic and solitude?

Below are the best ideas that will help make an offer especially romantic. Read further.

On vacation: a classic hand and heart of your beloved

A classic that never goes out of fashion is the proposal of a hand and heart to your beloved on vacation. Because on vacation, the atmosphere is usually relaxed, and you travel in idyllic places, possibly with a beautiful beach or waterfall. It is clear that there is a great opportunity to kneel during a walk. But be careful: the ring should not fall into the water. Be careful and romantic.

On the picnic: a great place for the offer of the hand and heart

On a picnic - a marriage proposal - superficial. This is a great place to recognize and such an important issue. And if you choose a quiet place in a beautiful garden, an engagement proposal may take place without prying eyes. A white tablecloth spread out in the garden instead of a thick woolen blanket, and a surprise will be perfect.

How to talk about a proposal of hand and heart between cheese snacks and a glass of wine? Here's the advice: turn on your favorite music and remember together about some good moments in your life, before pulling the ring.

On the boat: an unusual marriage proposal to the girl

Do you and your great love live near the reservoir? Then take the boat and surprise your partner with a spontaneous walk. This will be the most elegant and unusual offer of marks and heart, especially for a girl.

Do you have a boat right? There is no problem - an ordinary catamaran will help, and if you doubt it, it will be even more romantic than on an ordinary wooden boat.

At the meeting place: the best hand and heart proposal

An offer of marriage
An offer of marriage

There is something very romantic in the offer of the hand and heart at the site of your first meeting. Because where it all started, everything should be sealed forever. This will be the best hand and heart proposal for you, when compared with similar events of friends or acquaintances.

How to lure your partner there? Just say that you want to remember the past a little with him. Or you can bring him with tied eyes to the venue of the event, where you may have already prepared a bottle of sparkling wine and several candles for a special atmosphere.

With a song: a marriage proposal to a man

Naturally, we are not talking about singing an ordinary song of some performer. So that everything does not work out too banal, you can make the composition funny and fill it, for example, with ordinary jokes and your own verses. Such an offer is perfect for a girl for a man, as it is often women who sing well.

Don't you know how to sing or play a musical instrument? Just try to write a poem - your words will definitely hit it. You can either read all this in a romantic place, or your partner will read it yourself, and then you will put on him or her ring.

After a parachute jump: original marriage proposal

Adrenaline is a great sensation. As soon as you return to Earth, you already feel like the king of the world. If a marriage proposal also sounds, your partner will stun the unforgettable ejection of endorphins and others with a hormone of joy. Guys and girls often ask this important question to their second halves after a parachute jump. This is original and unforgettable.

Middle sentence: conquer her heart

A great surprise that will definitely conquer. It doesn’t matter if it will be a home quiz or game of the executioner - there are many ways to put a marriage proposal into a puzzle. You can, for example, create an individual crossword puzzle: a gift puzzle with a mystery or a question. And when she folds it, she will immediately understand what it is about and she will only have to answer.

You can order such puzzles in any companies that are engaged in printing on different things - T -shirts, pillowcases, circles, etc.

Beautiful marriage proposal to a large audience

Attention described below four beautiful ideas are great for extroverts. Those who do not like to be in the spotlight will probably feel awkward with this option of the offer of their hands and heart. For everyone else, such promotions with a large audience will be exceptional and will never be forgotten. Read further.

In the cinema: Simple Organization of Hand and Heart proposals

When on the screen in the cinema suddenly appears not a new film about love, but your second half, you are at first scared. If he then makes a marriage proposal, it will be touched. This is a simple organization of such an evening: you just need to give a flash drive with a film to the operator. The main thing is to find professionals who will come up with the plot and implement the idea.

You can either make an offer about engagement in the film, or (even more romantic), ask a question live in the cinema. In the video you can explain, for example, why you love your beloved so much, or remember beautiful experiences. This moment is guaranteed to cause goosebumps and unforgettable impressions.

Video: The most romantic hand and heart proposal! Flashmob in the cinema Kinomax

The marriage proposal on the advertising shield: what words to write?

Christina, will you marry me? - It looks pretty interesting in a huge advertising space. To make it clearer, on the banner you can print a joint photo. Of course, you must pass this ad with your soulmate. This will be an original marriage proposal. Here are what words can be written on an advertising shield:

CART ORTION OF THE BEAUTION on an advertising shield
CART ORTION OF THE BEAUTION on an advertising shield
CART ORTION OF THE BEAUTION on an advertising shield
CART ORTION OF THE BEAUTION on an advertising shield
CART ORTION OF THE BEAUTION on an advertising shield
CART ORTION OF THE BEAUTION on an advertising shield
CART ORTION OF THE BEAUTION on an advertising shield
CART ORTION OF THE BEAUTION on an advertising shield
CART ORTION OF THE BEAUTION on an advertising shield
CART ORTION OF THE BEAUTION on an advertising shield
CART ORTION OF THE BEAUTION on an advertising shield
CART ORTION OF THE BEAUTION on an advertising shield
CART ORTION OF THE BEAUTION on an advertising shield
CART ORTION OF THE BEAUTION on an advertising shield
CART ORTION OF THE BEAUTION on an advertising shield
CART ORTION OF THE BEAUTION on an advertising shield

At the football stadium: an unexpected marriage proposal

A similar action, as in the cinema, is only much more spectators. It works like this: you say your beloved that you just go to the toilet - and suddenly you appear with a microphone in the middle of the field and on the large screen of the football stadium. Of course, you must talk in advance with the personnel responsible for holding football or other event in this place.

Such a marriage proposal will be unexpected for your second half. It is worth noting that the same can be done at the concert.

With flash mob: if you do not know where to make a marriage proposal, video

You probably saw in YouTube videos when there is a flash mob with a proposal of hand and heart:

  • People suddenly line up and perform choreography, for example, in order to present the hero of the occasion in the best light for the offer of the hand and heart.
  • Here you can also use her best girlfriend or some friends.

Watch a video with such a sentence 1 is very touching and beautiful.

Video: Flashmob Offer of Market and Heart / TRK "Family" / G Perm

For some, this is the most romantic thing that could be. For others, perhaps this is too much. But to make a choice and think how to surprise your soul mate, only to you personally.

The perfect marriage proposal is to come up with something that binds you of two. A special place, special speech, love gesture, etc. We offered you several options. But maybe you can come up with some of your unique most romantic idea, which will help the proposal not to be too banal. If not, then select from the above, your second half will certainly be in admiration. After all, not only a surprise itself will work, but also the effect of surprise. We are sure: you will succeed!

Video: The girl was in shock. The best hand and heart proposal. Unusual offer in the technique store

Video: a marriage proposal at the wedding

Video: touching marriage proposal and heart

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