Is sorrel useful during pregnancy, breastfeeding? From what age can sorel give a child?

Is sorrel useful during pregnancy, breastfeeding? From what age can sorel give a child?

Is sorchad useful to children, as well as women during pregnancy and breastfeeding? When can you start giving sorrel for little children?

Skarevel has long been considered very healthy and tasty herbs. Its balanced and rich composition allows you to enrich the body with many important elements and substances. But is it possible to use it to pregnant and nursing women, as well as young children? We will try to figure it out.

Is sorrel useful during pregnancy?

What is the benefits of sorrel for pregnant women?
What is the benefits of sorrel for pregnant women?

Before answering this question, it is necessary to find out how it is so useful for all other people.
So, sorrel contains a number of nutrients and trace elements necessary for the human body, such as:

  • Vitamins A, B, C, E, H, K, PP
  • Iodine, fluorine, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, molybdenum
  • Sorrel, citric and apple acids
  • Tannins
  • Essential oils
  • Bioflavonoids
  • Squirrels
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fiber

The presence of all these substances allows sorrel to heal the body of pregnant women from diseases such as:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • Angina
  • Diseases of the bladder
  • Liver diseases
  • Bleeding of various nature
  • Stomatitis
  • Scurvy
  • Dermatological diseases
  • Joint diseases and musculoskeletal system
  • Anemia

In addition, the substances contained in sorrel are excellent immunomodeling and antioxidant agents.

What is dangerous for pregnant women dangerous?
What is dangerous for pregnant women dangerous?

However, eats some disadvantages in this grass. Acids contained in it prevent the absorption of calcium, and having entered into reaction with it, form insoluble salts (oxlavli). This kind of action can lead to disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the destruction of bone tissue. Also, oxalate provoke the appearance of stones in the urinary system.

Sharp and other acids, falling into the stomach, are able to increase the level of acidity in it. This phenomenon is extremely contraindicated for those who, already, already observed an increased level of acid in the stomach.

Similar consequences indicate that you should not use sorrel only to those pregnant women who suffer from the following diseases:

  1. Gout
  2. Gastritis
  3. Stomach or duodenal ulcer
  4. Diseases of the urinary system
  5. Arthritis
  6. Arthrosis
  7. Individual intolerance to oxalic acid

Is it possible for pregnant women to sorrel, borsch or soup with sorrel?

Borsch with sorrel for bermenous
Borsch with sorrel for pregnant women

For those women who have no contraindications for the use of sorrel, you can eat this grass, observing some conditions:

  • There is sorrel only in reasonable quantities.
  • Rinse the grass thoroughly before use.
  • Try to use sorrel in fresh dishes.
  • Consume it in tandem with fermented milk products.

It is preferable to use fresh sorrel already because oxalic acid under the influence of high temperatures very quickly passes from an organic state with inorganic. In other words, it becomes Oxalat, which cannot be absorbed by the body of a pregnant woman.

If, nevertheless, the future mommy wants to taste green borsch or soup with sorrel, then it is recommended to simply add sour cream to the dish.

It is also better to season fresh salad with sorrel with any sour -milk product - yogurt or sour cream.

Is it possible to sparkle with breastfeeding?

Is it allowed to eat sorrel for nursing mothers?
Is it allowed to eat sorrel for nursing mothers?

There is no definite answer to this question. Some doctors believe that sorrel is extremely useful, others are confident that he can only harm the nursing mother and her baby.

Those women who do not think of their life without this useful grass can only be given a series of tips that they will have to follow when using sorrel during breastfeeding:

  • Before eating sorrel, it must be thoroughly washed into food.
  • Choose a better proven product from a proven seller or use grass grown personally.
  • It is advisable to use sorrel no more than 2 times a week.
  • At the first signs of allergic reactions, a mother or baby must immediately abandon this grass.

Signs of allergies to sorrel in infants can become:

  • The presence of dryness, itching and rashes
  • Nasal congestion and hour
  • Redness of the eye
  • Swelling, redness and tearfulness of the eyes.

Can green borsch with sorrel nursing women during breastfeeding?

Green borscht with nursing mothers
Green borsch with sorrel nursing mothers
  • Here the opinions of experts differ.
  • Some experts argue that there is nothing wrong with the green borsch with sorrel, and it can be consumed almost from the first days of lactation.
  • Others are sure that introducing this dish in the diet of a nursing mommy no earlier than six months.
  • In any case, starting to eat borsch with sorrel during breastfeeding is necessary gradually, in small doses - then it will be possible to observe the baby's reaction to the components of this dish.
  • Both for pregnant women and for nursing mothers are the same rule - it is necessary to season such borscht with sour cream or yogurt.

At what age can you give a child sorrel?

When can I start giving a child sorrel?
When can I start giving a child sorrel?
  • As in the case of pregnant women, as well as nursing women, the opinion of pediatricians about how age to give children sorrel can delily vary.
  • Some consider this grass a storehouse of useful trace elements and vitamins, while others - a dangerous product contraindicated in children.
  • In any case, parents are better to refrain from early feeding children sorrel.
  • It is not known how this product will affect the still not completely formed food system of the baby.
  • In addition, at an early age, it is very important for children to enter the body with a sufficient amount of calcium and its assimilation, and oxalic acid can become a serious obstacle to this.
  • It is best to start introducing sorrel crumbs into the diet from 3 years, and then in the absence of problems with the digestive tract, the development of the skeleton, the urinary system and allergies.

Is it possible sorrel and soup with sorrel of a one -year -old child?

Is it allowed to feed a one -year -old baby sorrel or green borsch with sorrel?
Is it allowed to feed a one -year -old baby sorrel or green borsch with sorrel?
  • If parents are ready to take responsibility for the health of their baby and are confident in his power to digest this product without harming themselves, then no one, of course, has the right to prohibit them.
  • In this case, it is necessary to add any sour -milk product (yogurt, sour cream) to the soup or other dish with sorrel.
  • But still it is better to refrain from feeding crumbs with sorrel up to 3 years.

We hope that, given in the article, the information will become useful for our readers and will dispel all their doubts about such a useful but such controversial product as sorrel.

The benefits and harm of sorrel: video

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