Suspended chair cocoon: how to do it with your own hands?

Suspended chair cocoon: how to do it with your own hands?

It is easier to make a cocoon than an ordinary stationary chair. The only thing to make it from acrylic will not come out, but you can weave it from a rattan, sew it from dense fabric, or boil a metal structure. Next, it will be described how to make a suspended Coconut chair with various methods.

Comfortable rest in a cozy atmosphere is loved by all people. Therefore, they try to design their home so that harmony reigned in the house or on their site. A convenient suspension chair of the cocoon is precisely such a part of the interior that not only decorates the home, but also contributes to a pleasant pastime, both alone and in a good company. It is very convenient to accommodate in it, because you can relax in it. And for a while to hide from everyone. The cocoon is made in the form of an egg, closes a person 75 percent, thanks to the side walls.

Suspended cocoon - varieties

Modern production companies make such furniture in different performance. Of course, you can buy the finished suspended chair cocoon, but its price will differ from what you do with your own hands. And you can create your own individual design. To cope with this task, consider what models of the seats are:

  • Wicker chair cocoon- It looks organically and respectable, thanks to the rigidity of the frame, it holds its shape perfectly. Most often, such products are made of rattan, vines, plastic or aluminum foundations and acrylic.
The chair is suspended
The chair is suspended
  • Coconut chair from fabric -this cocoon model is similar to hammocks. The difference between products is only in a dimensional grid and shape. See the photo below. The cocoon of fabric has one mount, below, for convenience, a pillow is placed on the bottom of this hammock.
Fabric chair cocoon
Fabric chair cocoon
  • Deaf version of the suspended chair-A rather convenient model, most of the space of this product is closed from prying eyes. The chair will be an excellent alternative to those who appreciate a comfortable rest alone.
Pictures on request a chair cocoon
The chair is suspended
  • Coconut chair with a stand- It looks stylish, convenient. The product will look great both in the summer cottage and in the house. You can easily transport the chair, move it to any place. It is important to pay attention to the mounts.
A chair with a stand
A chair with a stand
  • The chair is suspended- allows you to gain harmony, meditate, rest, both in nature and indoors. You can make it from any of the above materials, and you can swing on it due to the suspension mechanism.
Coconut chair - rocking
Coconut chair - rocking
  • Double cocoon- It will also allow you to relax perfectly, and there will be more space on such an armchair, you can sit together or conveniently accommodate one. It will perfectly decorate your site, it will look harmonious in any interior.
Double chair cocoon
Double chair cocoon

Suspended chair cocoon - drawing

When the residents equip their house, they will definitely create a corner where they will be quiet, calm. To do this, sometimes it is enough to just make a suspended chair the cocoon according to the drawing, which is provided below. In this case, you will need the ability to weld iron tubes and create original weaves to get a finished type of product.

To make the chair perfect, first make a drawing, take all the necessary materials, tools. You may need: accessories, a welding machine, special gloves and overalls, slings, mounts, pillows, scissors, etc.

Drawing of a Kokon chair
Drawing of a Kokon chair

The finished product will be an excellent "tool" for relaxation. In addition, the cocoon can be made according to individual sketches, so you get a designer model. It can have a different shape, be more or less rounded, you can also change the dimensions. Those who love solitude can create a model of 3/4 of the ball so that only 1/4 is open. You can braid a hard frame by any weaves both openwork and dense.

For the manufacture of the product, only high -quality materials should be used perfectly except for metal tubes and bamboo, rattan, and willow rods. The cocoon made of natural raw materials looks great, and will serve a long time.

Swing the cocoon with his own hands - a suspended chair

The suspended chair the cocoon differs from other chairs in the form of a swing closed space. As can be seen in the image below, it has high lateral surfaces, closed at the top at one point. The shape of the cocoon chair is in the form of a ball or eggs. Sometimes there are drop -shaped chairs, they are most closed from an outsider. It is not so easy to make an item at home, but this task will also be within the power to the masters.

DIY Coconut chair
DIY Coconut chair

You can create a cocoon with metal hoops yourself. That is why its shape will resemble the shape of the sphere. Look at the image above. Sewing a mattress for a cachely chair will not be difficult, the main thing is to stock up in advance with material, threads and synthetic winterizer.

  1. The basis should be boiled from the tubes, you can still use steel hoops. You will need to use about three such hoops. The product is enhanced by arches. So it turns out the cocoon itself. Place for a pleasant pastime.
  2. When the base is ready, then it should be painted, the color can be chosen independently, such as it is suitable for the overall interior of the room or garden.
  3. For decoration, hoops are wrapped with steel ropes. A turn to the turn. After they need to be lubricated with special glue so that the form is preserved.
  4. In order to get a finished product, use a rope, a decorative cord, etc. You can weave different options for plexuses - both nets and flowers that you like.
  5. It remains to attach the cocoon to the stand with a special mount with a chain.
  6. To sit in this chair, install a wooden board or sew a small mattress of pretty fabric and synthetic winterizer.

As you can see, if you have a desire and the necessary material, you can make a wonderful item for the interior and a good pastime yourself. To do this, you do not need to allocate huge funds for the purchase of an industrial sector. The product will delight all your guests with its beauty, and you can be proud of your “work”.

The handwritten -suspended chair is cocoon

The most remarkable option for the manufacture of suspended swings in the form of an egg is a coon from a rattan. For this product, natural material is used and the chair looks beautiful and natural. In the same way, you can make a chair from the vine, bird cherry, willow branches.

Coconut chair with a stand
Coconut chair with a stand

Tools and materials:

  • Willow rods with a diameter of 15-20 millimeters
  • Metal hoops, hollow tubes
  • Ruler, knife, roundbings, glue, awl
  • Twine, cord from synthetics for the back
  • Ropes or slings to hang a swing chair.
You can weave the product with different techniques. Depending on the pattern, your suspended chair is a cocoon and will look different. Experienced masters can weave beautiful and complex patterns.

Next, we consider how to make a Rotan chair:

  1. First, you will have to make the basis of the product, this is exactly what metal rods will be needed.
  2. It is better to wrap the cross -skinned rods, so the product will look more accurate. Round towers can come in handy in such cases.
  3. It is advisable to tie a hard base with a rod with another layer of rods, then the chair will look aesthetically pleasing.
  4. The last layer should be braided with a special twine with glue, so wicker rods will not spread and will lie evenly.
  5. The whole back of the product and sides will weave your favorite patterns, you can use the “chess”. The remaining end is removed at the top, so that then tie the slings for this lace.
  6. The base for the cocoon chair is made from a hoop, to which metal tubes are welded with a welding machine.
  7. A special carbine is used to attach the cocoon chair.

IMPORTANT: You can put this model in the living room, children's or in the hall. Much depends on your desire and planning at home.

How to make a suspended chair a cocoon of fabric with your own hands?

If you want to please your child with an original gift, then you can sew on your own suspended armchair cocoon from dense fabric. It will be perfectly combined with the interior of the room. And completely safe for use.

To sew a chair the rocking chair will be needed:

  • Dense colored fabric - 2 meters of length, 1.5 width
  • Soft pillow
  • Inflatable pillow to give shape and comfort
  • Tools for sewing.
Armchair from fabric
Armchair from fabric

Step-by-step master class on the manufacture of the product:

  1. First make a pattern of chair. To do this, you need to make two circles the diameter can be different, for the children's chair 60 centimeters are enough.
  2. Then build four isosceles triangles, the height of which will be 121 centimeters, and the width of 47 centimeters. The bottom of the figure is a little round. Even for the beauty and processing of the sides, cut a straight tape, the length of which is 2 meters, and the width is 25 centimeters.
  3. Now fold the ribbon in half. It will be a tape for the design of the products of the product.
  4. Of the four triangles, make a cone by sewing the side parts of the products among themselves, do not sew one part.
  5. Now arrange the base of the cocoon swing. To do this, sew a double bottom to the cone. Make the seams so that they are inside.
  6. Turn out the product so that there are no lines, and make an even neckline in the cocoon chair according to the ellipse pattern.
  7. Speak this cut with a tape. It remains to sew the mount to the chair and put the pillow inside.

In order for the child to be comfortable to be in the cocoon armchair, you can sew a hoop inside the bottom instead of an inflatable pillow.

IMPORTANT: If the apartment has stretch ceilings, then it will be impossible to install a mount for the rocking chair, then for such a product you will have to either make a rack or buy it.

In any case, for the manufacture of a wonderful, comfortable interior item, you will need to make efforts. But, with their own hands, the cocoon chair has many advantages - this is both originality and a unique design. The chair will be appropriate anywhere, attract the attention of all guests, thanks to not only its species, but also the possibilities of effective relaxation and relaxation in it.

You can find interesting information here on our portal here:

  1. To aK make street swings?
  2. How to choose electronic swing for children?
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  4. How to make glass tiles?
  5. DIY decorative plaster.

Video: Coconut chair with your own hands

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