Why women after childbirth, cesarean section cannot lift severity: causes. What weight, how many kilograms can be raised by women after childbirth, cesarean section? When can you lift weights to women after childbirth, cesarean section?

Why women after childbirth, cesarean section cannot lift severity: causes. What weight, how many kilograms can be raised by women after childbirth, cesarean section? When can you lift weights to women after childbirth, cesarean section?

In the article you will find recommendations about what severity can and which cannot be worn after childbirth.

Why do women should not lift severity after childbirth: causes

Childbirth is always stress for the body and body. After the birth of a child, a woman needs some time to restore. Someone is easy to give birth to someone and after 2-3 weeks a young mother feels great, others have been experiencing many months into inconvenience, pain and restrictions.

The lifting of weights is not allowed at all, to any women, regardless of age or state of health. However, in the postpartum period, this issue becomes especially sharp, because childbirth is, in fact, surgical intervention, which means there are seams and wounds.

Wearing weights will contribute to the work of the uterine muscles, which means it will increase blood circulation and will be able to provoke bleeding. Abundant bleeding will lead to a loss of a large amount of blood and even, in the worst cases, death. In addition, the seams can be dispersed, which means that repeated operation cannot be avoided.

Poor well -being after wearing weights
Poor well -being after wearing weights

What weight, how many kilograms can be raised by women after childbirth?

What weight a woman can wear after childbirth depends on how long she gave birth, how the birth passed and how difficult they were. Only the attending physician will be able to tell you for sure, but these restrictions exist the same for everyone.

  • If the birth was easily passed, then in the first and second week you can already raise a load weighing up to 5-6 kg.
  • After light birth, a month later it is allowed to raise weight to 9-10 kg.

Is it possible for women to lift weights after cesarean section?

After the operation of Caesarean, it is best not to raise anything at all, even a light cargo. If the well-being is good and the seams heal well, the first 3-4 months can be lifted by a weight of not more than 5 kg.

Recommendations after childbirth
Recommendations after childbirth

What weight, how many kilograms can be raised by women after cesarean section?

If cesarean was with complications, raising something (even weighing no more than 5 kg) is not recommended for about 5-6 months.

Important: you must adhere to these recommendations, even if you do not feel bad. Do not commit physical exertion, ask loved ones to do your hard work.

When can you lift weights to women after childbirth, cesarean section?


  • Childbirth without complications -2 weeks (you can lift about 5 kg).
  • Childbirth with complications - 1 month (about 5-8 kg)
  • C-section - 3-4 weeks (about 4-5 kg)
  • Complex operation of cesarean section - 4-5 months (5-7 kg).

Important: whatever the birth is, to raise something that can be heavier than the child, women should not.

Video: "What happens after childbirth?"

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